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love spell

  1. Gregorius

    Yet another lovespell thread

    Most of you are probably tired of people aksing for a lovespell and such But i need a targeted mid complexety lovespell with preferably hermetic origin Would really appreciate any help
  2. Yazata

    Book – PDF Liebeszauber - Magus

    This is another old German text I translated into English. It took me quite a while to complete this one. The old German font can be hard to read at times, there are a lot of words that are really archaic, and several pages are scanned in a way where letters or even complete words are cut off...
  3. T

    [Tutorial] Love Spell of Cyprian, Evora and Dantalion

    Background This spell was written as someone who has Dantalion bound within a Liber Spirituum, however if you have previously evoked Dantalion through traditional means and given the License to Depart this should theoretically work as well. Besides Dantalion we will be calling upon Saint...
  4. S

    Need more info on this Coptic love spell!

    I have come across this Coptic spell that was translated and not much info has been provided. I would like to know more about it so, if anyone has more info (regarding pronunciation, etc.) about this love spell, please do let me know! Thanks in advance! Coptic Spell
  5. Z

    Someone offered to use blackmagic to make a target obsessed with me

    So I met a guy on BALG and we started talking. He was really into love spells. Apparently the reason he started using magic was he was really into this girl and wanted her to love him so he did so much work. She became obsessed as wanted and he also told me that he wanted to breakup but then she...