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  1. theil

    Book Discussion Aaron Leitch - Ritual Offerings

    Started reading "Ritual Offerings" and it already offers a lot in the introduction. Reminds me a bit of Martin Coleman's, Communing With the Spirits: The Magical Practice of Necromancy. Read it years ago but set it aside. From what he wrote it seemed i didn't have the right kind of personality...
  2. S

    Any tips in imbuing dark or negative energy to an object

    wether it be literature on the subject or just a reply, im looking for a way to make a cursed object, wether it be putting a curse on said object, or binding a demon to said object, or imbuing the object with energy what would be the best way to do that
  3. ProfessorMoreRight

    Book – PDF Blood Sorcery Bible Volume 1 Rituals In Necromancy - Sorceress Cagliastro

    Blood Sorcery Bible Volume 1 Rituals in Necromancy
  4. bgshawn499

    Necromancy, the Undead, and Vampires.

    Despite being firmly in the category of undead, vampires exhibit several traits inconsistent with the other revenants; after a brief description of necromancy and the various types of undead, I'll leave a few questions I've been carrying. It's the commonly held belief, and I've heard nothing...