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A Planetary approach to magic as a beginner

Sep 9, 2021
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A Mars altar is all set. Will do a ritual associated with Mars in a Mars hour. The Mars Hexagram is:
Vertical line from left shoulder across to right shoulder, then a water triangle formed by tracing down to groin and back up to left shoulder.
Vibrating all that time ELOHIM GIBOR
Then we draw the fire triangle from right hip to left hip vertical line, then up to neck, then back down to right hip.
Vibrating all that time ARARITA
Drawing a mars symbol in the center and vibrating "A".
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Today is Friday, and therefore Venus s the days ruler. Here we find the triplicity YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. The color Green.
Nogah, Hanael, Hagiel and Kedemel are the planetary name, angel, intelligence and spirit.
We may endeavor to find the fragrance/plant/stone for the Venusian day Friday and the relation of the name of the day.
We may endeavor to produce a suitable dressing oil for candles to aid in the work of this Venusian day.
We may concentrate on XI Justice and V The Hierophant as insight and meditations for this Venusian day, action-work and sound-hearing.
We may wear green and try to attract all that we can name it as green or has a quality of green, such as plant life, success, wealth and fertility.
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Want to pick back up on this, and make this a daily thing, even if it is as minimal as this:
Altar cover of appropriate color
Planetary kamea and AA sigil/seal
Candle of appropriate color
Corresponding stick of incense.
This is as minimal as I can think of.
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Tuesday. A day of Mars and 13 stars to rain the parade of corrupt charity CEOs.
Yet .. Let There Be Light. Days five and six doubled up tonight.
So, altar for Mars is set - three arrowheads and salt on the plate, dagger, red covering, two tea lights, dragons blood incense. Incantations private.
Yet .. Let There Be Light. Two white tea lights, dressed with sandalwood oil, frankincense or seven archangels incense; Ps 6 and 13. Perhaps seven archangels. White covering.
Planetary hours - Traditional - Midnight for Mars, 10 for Saturn.
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