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A Satanic Self-Help Ritual for Trying Times - with notes!

Inspired by @Yazata bravely sharing a personal spell, my own attentions were turned towards things which have worked for me. I was also semi-inspired by a recently departed, very prolific member of the forum who seemed invested in the idea that Left Hand Path magic could be used ad hoc to satisfy the ends which his own Right Hand Path beliefs disavowed. This is bad, contradictory energy to bring to magic and the truth is that, rather than using LHP techniques to curse others, he (and all of us) are usually better off using LHP magic to give ourselves strength, clarity and energy. That is the purpose of the ritual I share below.

The ritual structure is almost entirely derived from LaVey's Satanic Bible, but I have modified a few things, streamlined the working for ease of use by a solo magician and shared some tips from my own practice. LaVey and I are at odds on many, many very important issues but, in keeping with the law he expressed, I am grateful for what has come to me by magic, including magical techniques themselves. I have drawn energy, I have refined it and, now, I send it out in the hope it will help worthy others.


Success in this working depends on two preliminary steps. The first is to read and understand LaVey's instructions in the Satanic Bible's 'Book of Belial' (I have uploaded The Satanic Bible to the library here). These instructions cover the rules of the "intellectual decompression chamber" and are well-known to most magicians; ensure that the elements of the working are sympathetic to the objective. Ensure that, as hyper-rational as you may be before the ritual begins and once it's over, in the chamber you act and think as a true believer. Don't think about the ritual once it is done, don't look for signs; let it percolate in its own time, when signals come you will know. Do it once and do it well; repeating rituals like this is not a good idea.

Connected with this, the second step is to be very discriminating about when you decide to use this ritual. It is designed to change fate by giving you an enormous influx of energy at a difficult time. By a "difficult time" I do not mean when your pizza delivery is 30 minutes late or you're in a situation that can be remedied by a bit of elbow grease and common sense. Times of serious illness (you can find the version for loved ones who are ill in The Satanic Bible), times when you're at a crossroads and cannot think which way to turn, times when you're at rock bottom, times when you genuinely cannot face yet another Groundhog Day, these times are all appropriate.

Self-Help Ritual: Outline and Notes

I. Prepare the ritual chamber and prepare yourself.

This is a working that calls upon the Powers of Darkness to give you aid that is otherwise not going to come. Do your best to ensure that your space and your appearance are sympathetic to those Powers. Dressing in black (or fancy dress if it's sympathetic fancy dress), working at night in a space with a magical ambience, ensuring no one else is around, etc. are all necessary before beginning the work. I would say to avoid sex and heavy meals from sunrise to sunset before the night of the working. LaVey recommends setting up the altar/focus point in the West. My tradition uses the North. The altar need not be more than a table or large rock covered with a dark cloth. Have a neat inverted pentagram above the altar if you can. You will also need a black candle, a bell, a goblet with something pleasant to drink in it and a wand or dagger (the latter is not absolutely essential).

II. Ring the bell nine times in an anticlockwise direction.

I have used a bell in the past but I now use a metal Tibetan "singing bowl". If it is hit in the right place by the suede mallet, the sound is deep and magically resonant. Others use a gong but that can be unwieldy. The anticlockwise direction is essential; you are now leaving the space of the conventional, you are now reversing the energy flow of the universe. Nine is a significant number on the Left Hand Path. If your altar is North/12 o'clock try ringing the bell once at each "hour" of the clock but skipping nine, six and three o'clock. Sound the ninth and final ring in front of the altar.

III. Invocation and Infernal Names.

The invocation to Satan is in the summery below. Change sexes as required. The Infernal Names are to be chosen from the list in The Satanic Bible and can be read in any order except alphabetically. Again, you are leaving behind conventionality here. If there are gods which are especially relevant to you but which are not included in the Satanic Bible's list, I don't see any reason why you cannot include them, provided that they are resonant with the ambience of the working (this isn't the time to call on Jesus and Mother Mary). When you do choose names, remember that this is a self-help ritual; Kali or Abaddon are also probably going to be unhelpful names in that context. I would say to choose nine names that really resonate with you. LaVey is happy to just recite the names; that doesn't work for me, I like to have something of a description that emphasises an aspect of my personality reflected in that deity. I'm not doing a description for each name, there are too many and some of those names have a very personal connection which I don't want to share here. However, these are some descriptions taken from my own practice which you can use, though it's better to write your own. If writing that personalised description gives you a bit of energy/jolt of excitement, you're on the right track:

"Set-ha, the Ageless Intelligence of the Universe, who giveth the Gift of Consciousness!"

"Melek Taus, the angelic teacher of wise Rulership!"

"Lilith, the Dark Queen who beckons unto the eternal Mysteries!"

"Amun, who teachers Sorcerers that which is Hidden!"

"Ishtar, between whose thighs are the true Gates of Heaven and who bestows beauty on Her loved ones!"

"Asmodeus, who takes joy in my pleasure as he sends handsome men to sodomise me with their dripping cocks!"

"Pan, the Piper at the Gates of Dawn who looks after animals in trouble!"

"Sabazios-Dionysus, my brother and friend who loves music and knows purity through ecstasy!"

IV. Drain the chalice.

The liquid can be anything you like and if it's a comforting drink, all the better for a ritual of this kind. For me, cocktails, sangria (or just some fruit juice mixed with rioja or port) and even milkshake have been used. The only thing I would caution is absinthe; I speak from experience. You are drinking in the presence of the Powers of Darkness here and solidifying your connection with them.

V. Calling the quarters.

LaVey does not give instructions for this. I use Don Webb's which are included in the summery below.

VI. Compassion Conjuration.

Included below.

VII. Statement of Intent.

By this point, you have called the Powers of Darkness into your presence and connected with them. Now speak to them in your own words, openly and without stifling anything, of the troubles on your mind and what you desire for resolution. Their disposition towards you is as a friend. If possible, sit in front of the altar like you would with a friend and let it all out, fears, tears, but (this is crucial) end this part by stating your desired outcome, whether that's for clarity, health, money, etc.

VIII. Enochian Key

The only Enochian Key appropriate for this ritual is the sixteenth. It is given below and the English translation is in LaVey's book.

IX. Ring the bell nine times, clockwise, and say "So it is done" afterwards.

You are ringing clockwise because you are returning to the world of convention and rationality. When it's over, pack things away quietly, record the working in your diary and then either sleep or do something to put yourself into a completely different headspace. Watch a movie, eat, go for a walk, etc. Forget about the working and speak of it to no one.

Satanic Self-Compassion Ritual Summery/Sample

I. Dress the chamber, dress yourself

II. Ring the bell nine times, anticlockwise.

III. Recite the Invocation to Satan and the Infernal Names:

"In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi! In the name of Satan, the Ruler of the earth, the King of the world, I command the forces of Darkness to bestow their Infernal power upon me! Open wide the gates of Hell and come forth from the abyss to greet me as your brother and friend! Grant me the indulgences of which I speak! I have taken thy name as a part of myself! I live as the beasts of the field, rejoicing in the fleshly life! I favour the just and curse the rotten! By all the Gods of the Pit, I command that these things of which I speak shall come to pass! Come forth and answer to your names by manifesting my desires! Oh hear the Names:

Set-ha, the Ageless Intelligence of the Universe, who giveth the Gift of Consciousness! Melek Taus, the angelic teacher of wise Rulership! Lilith, the Dark Queen who beckons unto the eternal Mysteries! Amun, who teachers Sorcerers that which is Hidden!", etc.

IV. Drain the chalice.

V. Call the Quarters, point to the quarter with the wand/dagger when saying the name and then open your arms wide as in a greeting:

Facing South:
"Arise, O Satan, and fill me with Lust, Pride, Joy, and Anger when I need each. My emotion shall shape the world!"

Facing East:
"Arise, O Lucifer, quicken my mind with reason, bestow on me the best fast and slow thinking I need undistracted by the World of Horrors!"

Facing North:
"Arise, O Belial, and strengthen my body for long life and strengthen the bodies I choose for my pleasure when I have offered this one to the fire!"

Facing West:
"Arise, O Leviathan, serpent that circles the world, guide beyond this world into the black and starry realm where I shall remake the Cosmos into a thing of glory to my Infernal Will!"

VI. Conjuration of Compassion:

"With the anger of anguish and the wrath of the stifled, I pour forth my voices, wrapped in rolling thunder, that you may hear! Oh great lurkers in the darkness, oh guardians of the way, oh minions of the might of Thoth! Move and appear! Present yourselves to me in your benign power, on behalf of one who believes and is stricken with torment. Isolate me in the bulwark of your protection, for I am undeserving of anguish and desire it not. Let that which bears against me be rendered powerless and devoid of substance. Succour me through fire and water, earth and air, to regain what I have lost. Strengthen with fire the marrow of your friend and companion, your comrade on the Left Hand Path. Through the power of Satan let the earth and its pleasures re-enter my being. Allow my vital saltes to flow unhampered, that I may savour the carnal nectars of my future desires. Strike dumb my adversaries, formed or formless, that I may emerge joyful and strong
from that which afflicts me. Allow no misfortune to allay my path, for I aspire to your company and know therefore of your love for me. Restore me to power, to joy, to unending dominion over the reverses that have beset me. Build around and within me the exultant radiance that will herald my emergence from the stagnant morass which has engulfed me. This I command, in the name of Satan, whose mercies flourish on the deserving, the noble and whose sustenance will prevail! As Satan reigns so shall I rule the earth; life everlasting, world without end!"

VII. In your own words be honest and open about where you are and what you would like. Sit quietly for a minute or two after speaking.

VIII. Enochian Key:

"Ilasa viviala pereta! Salamanu balata, das acaro odazodi busada, od belioraxa balita: das inusi
caosaji lusadanu emoda: das ome od taliobe: darilapa iehe ilasa Mada Zodilodarepe. Zodacare od
Zodameranu. Odo cicale Qaa: zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe Saitan!

Shehamforash! Hail Satan!"

IX. Ring the bell nine times, clockwise, and say "So it is done" afterwards.