• Hi guest! As you can see, the new Wizard Forums has been revived, and we are glad to have you visiting our site! However, it would be really helpful, both to you and us, if you registered on our website! Registering allows you to see all posts, and make posts yourself, which would be great if you could share your knowledge and opinions with us! You could also make posts to ask questions!

A (very) brief history of WF


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
Hi all, since there has been some interest - over the course of this new version of WF - about the story of the old WF, I thought I'd make a post about it for your own info/entertainment/curiosity. Also note, it's actually pretty hard to remember all the details, since it's actually been quite a long time now, and I never thought I'd be the one chronicling WF's history. Also, I'm tired and have an elbow ache, so excuse typos, missed details etc. I may update the thread in the future with more details as and when they come to me. Feel free to ask questions too.

Also just saying, this is written as a story from my perspective - it's the only way I'm actually going to remember shit and have anything to say.


Before all this, there was a site. It's been mentioned a few times on WF before as 'HF' and I'll refer to it as such, because I don't really want the discussion to be about that site, or break my own rules on advertising. It's almost irrelevant to WF's story anyway. But, in short, it was a (I guess) counter-culture genre type site, which had user groups of various topics. One of these usergroups was more focused on general counter-culture topics, which sometimes included occult/esoteric discussions. This group was called Wraith, and also existed as a usergroup on WF 1.0 and 2.0. So anyway, on this site was Crow (the founder and original creator of WF). And me. And other people, obviously. Crow was in the Wraith usergroup, and so was I. Crow was also a moderator, and for a short period, and administrator of this site. During this time, I had somehow ended up adding Crow on MSN Messenger (woah, blast from the past, huh?) and around the time I was accepted into Wraith, I also started talking to Crow more on MSN. At this stage, I wouldn't really say we were super close friends or anything, but as we all did in those days, we talked a lot with online friends whenever we were online, probably because there were far less people on the internet, and instant messaging was still quite novel and exciting.

After some time, Crow and I became (what I would call) friends, and at some point, since we were both in Wraith, he asked me about my interest in counter-culture and/or esoteric topics and told me that he was creating a new esoteric forum. At the time, I was really only in Wraith because it was cool, and had to pose super hard combined with a few accolades on that site to eventually get accepted, so obviously, I didn't really express any interest in the occult. It was, however, an opportunity for me to be a part of a cool new community. Wraith used to have (in my mind) several cool and notable (in the early internet) people. Including several hackers, and even some members of the Cult of the Dead Cow. So, as a young, edgy teen who wanted to be cool, I professed my supreme and undying desire to be a part of this new forum Crow was working on, and even bothered him to give me the link to the site before anyone else.

WF 1.0​

One day, Crow messages me the link to WF. Of course, I drop everything and register. I'm UID=2 (as in, my user ID is 2 - the first person to register aside from Crow). Over the coming month, several people from the other site, HF, also joined WF, as Crow used to be quite popular there, and had a bit of a following. Ultimately, I guess this was the reason for the downfall of WF 1.0, as there were so many non and anti occult people there, who just came over because of Crow. Of course, by so many I mean like a few hundred. Which back then, was a huge following.

I don't remember too much from this era, as I wasn't really into any occult topics myself, same with almost everyone there at the time. This lead to the forum being overrun with off-topic and hyper sceptical, mostly anti-occult topics. Of course, there were a few people into it, but most of the people were just curious, and actually had no idea about the occult, and as such, there wasn't much actual occult contribution/content on the forum.

After a while, Crow messaged me and told me he was shutting the site down, and would relaunch it later without sharing it with as many people from the other site, and focusing more on building organic, genuine grown with more emphasis on people actually interested in the occult.

WF 2.0​

In 2011 (I think) Crow messaged me and a few other people who were genuinely interested in the occult from WF 1.0 + Wraith, and told us that he relaunched WF. I tried to register as fast as I could, but this time I was only UID=5 :ROFLMAO: (though, that didn't matter, as over time UID 2, 3, and 4 were inactive and eventually their accounts were deleted, leaving me once again the oldest registered account aside from Crow - I bring this up because I remember being ultra pissed about this at the time). This time, initial growth was much slower, and still, at the very beginning, there wasn't all that much occult discussion. However, all credit to him, Crow really put in a lot of effort into organic advertising and SEO (to the extent that it was a thing back then). Back then, SEO was much easier, with far fewer restrictions. There were people on WF who still respected Crow a lot, and offered some dodgy/grey-hat SEO services for free/cheap. This meant Crow was able to build 100s of 1000s of backlinks to WF on other sites, which at the time was a huge boon to ranking high on Google search. Eventually WF was #1 for "occult forum" and "magic forum" and "love spells" etc. Sadly, these methods were later detected by the Google search algorithm, and heavily penalized, and that is something I am having to face to this day. WF will probably never again rank highly on Google.

But, I digress, it worked at the time, and soon we had 1000s of members. At this time I still remember not being that interested in the occult. I would occasionally post some semantic or academic type reply (eg. pointing out the rules, reporting malicious links/spam, criticizing someone's sources, posting about psychology etc) but never really got properly involved. Whenever I would talk to Crow, I would remember WF, log in, make a few posts, and then disappear. I was in University at the time, so I had plenty of other things going on IRL.

Sometime around 2012/13, around about when @The God-King was admin (and Crow was no longer active), I found myself with a bit more time on my hands, and being at the computer a lot more (probably because I got hooked on gaming and being on Skype calls with people). I started talking to people a lot more, and posting a lot more. I remember a guy called Protestant Priest, who actually was a key reason for me to consider financial magick, which is actually the main thing that got me interested in occult topics. I started posting more, and talking to more people for a few months, but after a while, I got into an intimate relationship with someone on WF (lmao) and we switched to talking on Skype instead, so I once again stopped being active on WF.

About a year later, I come back and holy shit. TGK is no longer an admin, or even staff of any capacity. I won't go into to much detail about this drama, as TGK is a member of WF 4.0, and also someone I call a friend. I've always liked him, and I don't want to put him on the spot or tarnish his reputation even slighly by mischaracterizing anything, but to keep it factual, Crow told me it was because TGK's administration style was way too strict, and was not compatible with Crow's vision for an open and forgiving website. Crow didn't like the idea of banning people or deleting posts, and AFAIK, TGK has no patience for trolls and the like, and would instantly ban them along with the other staff at his wing. This lead to him being removed from the Admin role, and put back to Staff role, after which due to some irreconcilable differences and/or argument with Crow, TGK deleted several (of his own? I think, not sure - feel free to clarify if you want to TGK) posts. That, I think pissed Crow off, and he asked TGK to step down. There were new mods who basically ran the show, Crow was almost completely absent at this stage. At this point, I don't talk to Crow regularly, but I still have him on <insert some popular social media network here> so I message him, and ask him what's going on. He tells me about certain events that took place irl that lead to him not being able to focus on WF, for his privacy, I am not going to discuss that. However, we still had a long convo, and he told me about his plans and vision for WF, one of which included the idea of building his own forum software from scratch, completely. This will be important later. However, it wasn't even close to being ready, and he did not have much time to work on it due to aforementioned IRL commitments.

Around this time, I started noticing some lack in moderator effectiveness. There were quite a lot of spam posts getting through, and while I must say the moderators at that time were respectable in terms of their occult knowledge, some of them were technologically illiterate, while others were barely active. I reported back to Crow about this, and he asked me if I was willing to take up a moderator role, as at this point I had also run several large forums, and was completely familiar with the forum software WF was using at the time. After some thought, I accepted. Also, I think one of the other moderators (Anthony Arcanum - we'll hear that name again soon) had already suggested that I become a moderator, as I was helping him understand some of the technical working of moderating a forum using the software that WF ran at the time.

So I became a moderator, and quickly curbed most of the spam issues. There isn't too much to say, really... as far as I remember the only thing I really contributed here was enforcing the rules. Crow had very lax rules, however, and was very adamant that WF be as open, welcoming and forgiving as much as possible. A philosophy that I still (albeit more reservedly) stick to to this day. This is important, because it is the prequel to some drama that comes up soon, as WF 2.0 drew to a close.

As someone close to Crow, who was there mainly to do his bidding, and someone who was not really well known on WF or for any occult contributions, I did my part in ensuring spam was eradicated, but also that the rules were enforced justly and to the tune of Crow's vision of the forum. As such, there was perhaps some friction between me and other staff, as I would often internally ostracize them for handing out lengthy bans for minor rule violations, deleting posts when a merge would have done the job, and using moderator powers to settle personal vendettas.

After a while, I had more ideas and suggestions for WF that could not be accomplished via the Staff/Moderator role, so I brought it up to Crow. Initially, he would just implement my suggestions, but after a while, he just promoted me to Administrator, and asked me to implement them myself. At this point, I had access to everything except the files and the databases. I could make new Staff members, etc etc. So of course, I went about implementing some new features. One of these was a new usergroup for Anthony Arcanum and Wylandriah91. I can't remember for the life of me what the original incarnation was called, but it would eventually evolve into the Court of the Ibis.

Either around this time, or shortly before, there had been some major drama between staff members and some very prominent and active WF members. Sadly, I can't really remember most of their names, except for one. @Mider2009. So yeah, Mider, some other ex-Staff, and other prominent members were getting very frustrated with the newbie posts, and troll posts, they more or less supported TGK's stance on strict moderation, and since he was no longer staff/active, they decided to make one or 2 spinoff forums of their own. A couple hundred WF members ended up joining those forums, but ultimately, due to hardline stance on only accepting/encouraging seasoned occultists, combined with the fact that they were new forums with no renown, they ultimately lost momentum and fizzled out with around 100 members, 1000 posts or something along those lines. I bring it up, though, as there was heavy drama surrounding them trying to advertise their site on WF, being banned by me because it broke the rules, and ultimately causing friction between me and them when I had otherwise had no quarrel with them. I do remember @Fork Nan Pwen and a few others sticking up for me, and saying I was just following Crow's guidelines for running the forum, but a few people still ended up hating me for banning them after they advertised the competing forums and/or for not being more strict on newbies/trolls. Some even threatened me and WF with curses etc.

Nearing the end of WF 2.0's story now. I can't remember exactly what was happening, but I think, at one point, it was just me and Anthony Arcanum as Staff members on WF. AA was starting to go a bit crazy with the banning. It started getting worse after I promoted Wylandriah to Staff, and she and I ended up running WF more closely to Crow's vision than AA did. Some friction built up within the CotI group, and between us and AA (who btw was also selling his services on WF). I think it came to a head when I found out that someone claimed AA had scammed them, I.E. took payment for a service, and failed to provide the service. AA at first denied it, then later admitted to it, but said he was homeless and couldn't do the work due to IRL situation etc, which I guess was supported by his Youtube videos.

Note: Doge's library from WF 2.0 is the basis of WF's Grand Library. Massive shout out to that legendary pirate. Also, shout out to PP, Melanie, TGK, @QueenJazz @8Lou1.

The Hackening​

I can't remember EXACTLY how this all happened - I may be wrong on some of these details - anyone who was involved here is free to correct me, but I think due to AA's scamming drama + the crazy bans by AA and going off the rails a bit, Crow asked me to demote him from Staff. And so I did that. To say that he didn't take this kindly would be an understatement. He ended up joining one of those other spinoff forums (that would soon fizzle out) - or actually was it his own forum, can't remember - and started advertising them on WF, while making some deranged posts about the situation as well. Same activities for which he and I banned people together just a few months prior. This lead to me banning him as well. After which, he made a video claiming to curse/hex WF, and that it would be gone soon.

Here are some of his videos from the time:
<removed> On second thought, I'm not going to post those videos, as they would break the advertising rules - AA repeatedly advertises his own website selling services in this videos. I don't know if the sites still exist, but I don't wanna bring that much attention to it. I may later summarize the videos here.

Oh shit, yeah, that's what the CotI group was called before Court of the Ibis, it was called 'Sanctum Regnum' - AA's idea. Also these video's reminded me, shortly after or before I was made admin, there was another guy who was made admin The Glass Wizard. Also a member of Wraith originally, and a friend of Crow's and later a member of CotI. Just remembered this and too lazy to go up and edit. TGW (not TGK) was also very anti TGK and AA, and perhaps even more aligned with Crow's vision than even I was. Maybe because he had no vision of his own for WF, preferred the status quo, and didn't want any changes whatsoever.

Shortly after he posted those videos, WF was hacked. Someone messaged me about it, I check the site, and sure enough, it's been defaced, and the site was replaced with a "hacked by some random dipshit hacker group" message, along with a ransom demand of something like $500 in bitcoin. I told Crow about this, and he soon informed me that he would not be paying the ransom, and will restore the site from backup. I go to sleep, and the next day, my inbox is blasted with messages from Crow asking me why I did it, and how I did it. At first, I think he's joking, but soon I realize he's 100% serious. I couldn't fucking believe it. Even all those years ago it was still 10 years of friendship between us, and I did nothing but follow his guidelines and make improvements to WF, always with his permission. I had dedicated so much to WF, but here's my friend accusing me of hacking the site. He claimed that the hacker had "used my account and IP" to hack WF. That was probably just a bluff to get me to admit that I did it, as my password was secure, and my computer had not been compromised at all. I tried for several days to convince him it wasn't me, but he wasn't having any of it. I asked him for the BTC address of the hackers, and said I would even pay the ransom and get it back. He assumed that was me trying to play dumb and act like it wasn't me who hacked the site, so he didn't even give me that. Eventually I gave up, made up my mind that I had lost a friend and a community.

Note: there is some infinitesimally small minutiae of truth to some of the things AA is saying in his videos. Mainly some of the events and chronology. However, almost all the context, backstory, details, and reasons for people's actions have been purposely erased and replaced with a narcissistic, warped version of events, so watch those videos while munching on some salt. I don't think he was a bad person, really. I actually liked him, and he didn't really know Crow and I were friends and talking so it was somewhat fair of him to assume that he was the reason I was made a Staff member. And whatever went wrong with him in the end where he ended up thinking the whole forum was run by him/succeeded because of him, which is nonsense - at the end of the day, he was actually one of the most adept occult practitioners on the site, certainly on the mod team. Despite the egomaniacal and somewhat hurtful words in his videos, he deserves that much credit, I think.

Maybe WF was taken down due to AA's curse, maybe he paid a hacker to hack WF (unlikely considering his homelessness), or maybe it was just really, really coincidental timing, as the actual hacker group did make demands from Crow to pay them in exchange for returning WF and her data. $500 if I remember correctly. Since WF's security was so bad at the time, I personally am more inclined to believe this was a random, for-profit attack by a fledgeling blackhat hacker group to make a quick buck. But you make up your own mind.

Some other things to note, at the time, WF was running an EXTREMELY outdated version of the forum software. Essentially, it was not updated since around 2013, so it was extremely unsecured. Also (the only time I'll ever speak poorly of Crow) he made the dipshit move of keeping the site backups in the same server/folder that the forum was on. So obviously the hackers wiped those out. That's the other reason why I don't believe WF was cursed or anything like that. The site was just so completely unsecured that anyone with a college degree in computer security could have hacked it. Not AA of course because he was tech illiterate, but I could have if I wanted to. I asked Crow many times to update to the latest version of the software, or at least the next major version, but he declined every time saying that the plugins would be a pain in the ass to update etc. I offered to do it, but it required access to the server which he didn't trust anyone with, not me, not even TGW. Funny thing is by leaving it so unsecured he actually trusted the general public to not simply hack the site, which turned out to be a fatal mistake for WF 2.0.

Court of the Ibis​

Around the time WF 2.0. was hacked, CotI was going pretty strong, so we made our own website. Wylandriah (now called Grace) was the High Priestess of the Coven, and @Alfher was the High Priest. Many members you know and love currently on WF are CotI alumni. Shout out to @Scottish_Pride @Anziel_Merkaba @Mart @Eeveepony @MotherHen @madcarbon and many more.

The forum was small, and not so public. It was more like a private coven, but it still got a few members due to WF being down and people looking for a place to go. Certainly more active than all those other spinoff WF forums.

Huge thanks to everyone who was active on CotI, as it was a great community, and it kept me interested in the occult space for long enough that I got the opportunity to acquire and revamp WF.

Couple years before I bought WF, though, Grace went completely MIA, and so the actual occult practice of CotI died off, and it ended up being just a social community. Grace has basically completely quit.

WF 3.0​

A few months after WF 2.0 went down, Crow decided to make his previous dream of creating a custom forum software a reality now that WF 2.0 was dead anyway, and he would be starting from scratch. So he restarted WF, as WF 3.0, with his own (extremely rudimentary) forum software. It lacked all features except the ability to register, log in, make threads and reply to threads.

Several thousand members joined this site again, but sadly, due to the fact it was so primitive, and especially because it had no anti-spam featured, it ended up being completely overrun with spambots, way more than any staff team could cope with. I think it was only Crow and TGW staffing it. Within 6 months it was completely swamped with spam, and utterly unusable.

Once again, Crow gave up on it. It died.

WF 4.0​

After a while, I was able to buy the domain. I took some time, remade the site from scratch using a much newer, more polished, more secure forum software. Added all the features from the old WF and then some - except user groups. Added the library and marketplace sections, but otherwise the sections are almost the same.

And that's it. WF 4.0 is the site you're on right now while reading this.

Jesus fuck, this took forever to write. It's like 7AM here. I've been writing for hours. Sorry that the last few sections after 'The Hackening' are quite sparse. Maybe there isn't much to say about those periods, maybe I'm just tired and I can't remember.

Don't ask me questions about before WF, or about me purchasing WF 4.0, but aside from that, if you have any questions, or things to add (if you were around at the time - @The God-King @8Lou1 anyone else) feel free to post below. Hope you enjoy this history lesson.

Huge shoutout to Crow, TGK, Anthony Arcanum, PP, Doge and others. WF would not be where it is today without you guys. Heck, I'll even shout out The Artis Magistra and that stupid dominatrix lady IYKYK.

Once again, apologies if I forgot to mention you, or missed an important detail, or portrayed you poorly. I sincerely have no ill will against anyone from the old WF, I don't hold grudges, I have no hatred in me. I hope we can all come together peacefully on WF 4.0 and have a friendly, open, useful community. All new members are welcome, all old members are welcome, regardless of any past drama. I think most people who were on the old WF will agree I have a more centrist, balanced approach to moderation and the vision of WF. WF 4.0 is also more modern, secure, agile, open to suggestions. I strive to keep the WF flame lit for... well... forever, I guess.
Last edited:


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Crow didn't like the idea of banning people or deleting posts, and AFAIK, TGK has no patience for trolls and the like, and would instantly ban them along with the other staff at his wing.
On a practical view, I can understand doing that."Snipping the issue in the bud" without space for "and, if or but".
Just one click and it's over as easily.

On the other hand, too much strict rules and actions are what make dictatorships, and while a forum can be a place for sharing knowledge, it also is a place for socialization.And no one likes the stress of thinking if the next thing they'll say will be the reason why they suddenly got banned.I mean, trolls should know better, but sometimes what someone says might sound like they're trolling or joking when they aren't.

due to hardline stance on only accepting/encouraging seasoned occultists
I get wanting a space made only of those "that know and have walked the path for long", but this sounds a bit too elitist to me.
And also a waste of the knowledge of veterans, so many people starting there occult paths that have to make do with what they can find(and it can be fake or dangerous knowledge) when the more seasoned ones could be teaching some stuff to help guide them...

They were novices one day too, they certainly learned some stuff from the veterans too.

it was called 'Sanctum Regnum'
Apparently there is a YT channel with this name too.

Man...what a saga that was to read it all.
It certainly seems interesting to think how those events panned out throught the eyes of others(both those "in the know" and those "outside it"), I'm sure the story would be a bit different in places, or not at all.

I took some time, remade the site from scratch using a much newer, more polished, more secure forum software.
I can't even imagine how much work that was, I'm assuming you did everything by yourself even.

Classic Film Respect GIF by Warner Archive


Jan 19, 2022
Reaction score
Wow @SkullTraill I think you pretty much covered it all.

I knew some of it but of course not all the behind-the-scenes stuff.

As far as AA goes I agree with you that he knew his stuff but I found it surprising how ego-maniacal he got near the end.

I always liked him before and was shocked how he acted on his youtube page when the 'Hackening' went down.

I have the same 3 guesses about it that you listed but lean more towards it being a Hex/Curse or that he paid a Dark Web Hacker to do it or both.

But it was just TOO coincidental with the timing to be a coincidence.

I think AA was absolutely behind it one way or another.

Oh and LOL to the Artis Magistra shoutout...

That person was something else and stirred up so much stuff and anytime we briefly get some schrizophrenic/trollish ranting here I instantly think of that dude and his Will Ferrell Avatar!!

What trip through memory lane and thanks for such a thorough recounting of events.
Nov 29, 2023
Reaction score
That is heck of a story :)
Thank you for sharing it, it was really interesting to understand how this site was started and how it grew through all the crises. Not to mention your own way, from not being interested yet being around to diving into the occult and end up running the site.
You don't mention it, but... Crow still didn't come to believe you wasn't the one behind the attack after all, did he? It's a shame to see such a long friendship turn to ashes.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
that stupid dominatrix slut IYKYK.
Omg, I remembered her name. It was 'Sorceress' I believe. Anyone remember that chaos? She sent a bunch of Staff members titty pics and then accused everyone of being sexual predators exploiting the power dynamic, and then sent more pictures, and started posting publicly about exposing us and reporting us to the police, and other troll posts. It was so hard to resist the urge to just ban her.

On a practical view, I can understand doing that."Snipping the issue in the bud" without space for "and, if or but".
Just one click and it's over as easily.

On the other hand, too much strict rules and actions are what make dictatorships, and while a forum can be a place for sharing knowledge, it also is a place for socialization.And no one likes the stress of thinking if the next thing they'll say will be the reason why they suddenly got banned.I mean, trolls should know better, but sometimes what someone says might sound like they're trolling or joking when they aren't.
Yeah, there has to be a balance. Especially if you want your website to grow, and be a first-stop type deal for new occultists. Having a coven or a private group is one thing, but running the largest occult forum is another.

I get wanting a space made only of those "that know and have walked the path for long",
That's the thing, it simply was not the aim or vision of the founder. And that has to be respected by the staff. To this day, I see myself not as a founder or creator of WF, but simply a torch-bearer to carry along the initial vision - which I deeply respected and admired. Obviously, I have made some changes, just because it's not possible to grow when there are cancerous trolls infesting the site, however, I still want to remain as close as possible to the original vision of a open, welcoming, public forum for occult discussion, and as such, I restrain myself from performing actions that I normally would take, in the spirit of the original vision.

Man...what a saga that was to read it all.
It certainly seems interesting to think how those events panned out throught the eyes of others(both those "in the know" and those "outside it"), I'm sure the story would be a bit different in places, or not at all.
I know... yes, definitely. I am happy for anyone to come and share their side of the story, as this was certainly centred on my experience, even though I tried my best to remain unbiased, there was plenty I simply didn't get to see, so surely, others who were involved may have their own story to tell.

I can't even imagine how much work that was, I'm assuming you did everything by yourself even
Yeah, I mean it wasn't so hard. I do have experience in this area, and it was time consuming, and some would say expensive but imho it's so worth everything I've put into it to see this this sacred bastion reborn and come alive again. There's just something about this site that I feel it deserves to exist.

Wow @SkullTraill I think you pretty much covered it all.

I knew some of it but of course not all the behind-the-scenes stuff.

As far as AA goes I agree with you that he knew his stuff but I found it surprising how ego-maniacal he got near the end.

I always liked him before and was shocked how he acted on his youtube page when the 'Hackening' went down.
Nice, I'm glad I could cover most of the key details. And yeah, I was so sad to see what happened to him as well.

I have the same 3 guesses about it that you listed but lean more towards it being a Hex/Curse or that he paid a Dark Web Hacker to do it or both.

But it was just TOO coincidental with the timing to be a coincidence.

I think AA was absolutely behind it one way or another.
Maybe, but if he was behind it, I guess it was more something to do with him using some NYC bowery connections who owed him, as I can't see him spending his last bit of money on revenge... but who knows, maybe it really cut deep for him, enough to make him want to do that. He also has basically disappeared from the internet at this point, so perhaps that's what he did and it backfired on him. Only thing I know for sure is he didn't do it himself, he simply could not. Maybe the curse just caused a likely event (someone hacking an unsecured site) to be inevitable.

Oh and LOL to the Artis Magistra shoutout...

That person was something else and stirred up so much stuff and anytime we briefly get some schrizophrenic/trollish ranting here I instantly think of that dude and his Will Ferrell Avatar!!
I know right? Crazy guy. Definitely struggled with mental health, and honestly, when I spoke to him privately on Discord, seemed like a relatively kind individual, however had an insatiable compulsion to troll and play pretend.

Fun fact: I was totally surprised to find out that this guy legitimately was some sort of cult leader. Despite his mental illness and compulsive trolling/lying/delusions of grandeur, he actually managed to be charismatic enough to have a dedicated following of about 12 chicks and 5 guys, some of whom actually paid him monthly stipends, and some of those females were what I can only describe as deeply in love with him, even though he was married and had a wife etc.

One of the weirdest, jarring, depressing-but-impressive in a cognitively dissonant way type experiences I ever had was venturing into TAM's inner circle fantasy world.

What trip through memory lane and thanks for such a thorough recounting of events.
Glad you enjoyed it man!

That is heck of a story :)
Thank you for sharing it, it was really interesting to understand how this site was started and how it grew through all the crises. Not to mention your own way, from not being interested yet being around to diving into the occult and end up running the site.
Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you found it interesting :D

You don't mention it, but... Crow still didn't come to believe you wasn't the one behind the attack after all, did he? It's a shame to see such a long friendship turn to ashes.
Tbf, if he knows about WF 4.0, he must understand that it wasn't me who hacked it, otherwise I would have used the hacked database to populate this site with the old posts, instead of tediously starting from scratch and having to copy valuable posts as archive threads from the WaybackMachine archive.

So I don't really know, when I asked to buy the site from him, he asked for $10k because he thought I hacked it and would have all the posts and would simply continue the site from where WF 2.0 left off, but after I started WF 4.0, I never contacted him again (didn't want to rub it in his face or make him feel bad that I now owned WF), so there is no way to know.


Mar 21, 2024
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Wow, that is a very huge history of WF.

Kudos both for you and Crow making the project active, and also for you using a lot of IT work to make the 4.0 version I am writing posts on @SkullTraill .

I hope this community will be surrounded by good people and that we will see posts that contain quality over quantity (y)
Apr 16, 2021
Reaction score
Heck, I'll even shout out The Artis Magistra
Lol that dude was hilarious. Complete schizo but he had some logic to it, even if it was some form of insane troll logic.

I joined during the 2.0 era under the username DoubtfulScholar when I was first getting into the esoteric arts. But then the hackening happened and I sort of moved on to other forums.


Nov 20, 2023
Reaction score
I only found WF recently - so that was an interesting history lesson for me.
The most interesting part for me was how similar it is to some other communities I've been a part of over the last 30 years - especially the mod-wars & blame-games after hacks or other disasters, and founder members storming off in a bad mood - all of which just seem to be 'features' of long running groups, unfortunately.


Jun 30, 2021
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i dont think i really have something to add. things happened like that, skull decided to take control and i decided to support him with that decision and make wf grow from good to better.


Jun 8, 2021
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SkullTraill, you probably don't know me as much, but in the old WF. I used the name GalacticWarrior at the time. I was not fully active, but I was around. It has been one heck of a journey.
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Hey SkullTraill, I want to know. What's your motivation for not shutting down WF? I'm asking because I'm curious to know if you ever get tired of this?
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Hi all, since there has been some interest - over the course of this new version of WF - about the story of the old WF, I thought I'd make a post about it for your own info/entertainment/curiosity. Also note, it's actually pretty hard to remember all the details, since it's actually been quite a long time now, and I never thought I'd be the one chronicling WF's history. Also, I'm tired and have an elbow ache, so excuse typos, missed details etc. I may update the thread in the future with more details as and when they come to me. Feel free to ask questions too.

Also just saying, this is written as a story from my perspective - it's the only way I'm actually going to remember shit and have anything to say.


Before all this, there was a site. It's been mentioned a few times on WF before as 'HF' and I'll refer to it as such, because I don't really want the discussion to be about that site, or break my own rules on advertising. It's almost irrelevant to WF's story anyway. But, in short, it was a (I guess) counter-culture genre type site, which had user groups of various topics. One of these usergroups was more focused on general counter-culture topics, which sometimes included occult/esoteric discussions. This group was called Wraith, and also existed as a usergroup on WF 1.0 and 2.0. So anyway, on this site was Crow (the founder and original creator of WF). And me. And other people, obviously. Crow was in the Wraith usergroup, and so was I. Crow was also a moderator, and for a short period, and administrator of this site. During this time, I had somehow ended up adding Crow on MSN Messenger (woah, blast from the past, huh?) and around the time I was accepted into Wraith, I also started talking to Crow more on MSN. At this stage, I wouldn't really say we were super close friends or anything, but as we all did in those days, we talked a lot with online friends whenever we were online, probably because there were far less people on the internet, and instant messaging was still quite novel and exciting.

After some time, Crow and I became (what I would call) friends, and at some point, since we were both in Wraith, he asked me about my interest in counter-culture and/or esoteric topics and told me that he was creating a new esoteric forum. At the time, I was really only in Wraith because it was cool, and had to pose super hard combined with a few accolades on that site to eventually get accepted, so obviously, I didn't really express any interest in the occult. It was, however, an opportunity for me to be a part of a cool new community. Wraith used to have (in my mind) several cool and notable (in the early internet) people. Including several hackers, and even some members of the Cult of the Dead Cow. So, as a young, edgy teen who wanted to be cool, I professed my supreme and undying desire to be a part of this new forum Crow was working on, and even bothered him to give me the link to the site before anyone else.

WF 1.0​

One day, Crow messages me the link to WF. Of course, I drop everything and register. I'm UID=2 (as in, my user ID is 2 - the first person to register aside from Crow). Over the coming month, several people from the other site, HF, also joined WF, as Crow used to be quite popular there, and had a bit of a following. Ultimately, I guess this was the reason for the downfall of WF 1.0, as there were so many non and anti occult people there, who just came over because of Crow. Of course, by so many I mean like a few hundred. Which back then, was a huge following.

I don't remember too much from this era, as I wasn't really into any occult topics myself, same with almost everyone there at the time. This lead to the forum being overrun with off-topic and hyper sceptical, mostly anti-occult topics. Of course, there were a few people into it, but most of the people were just curious, and actually had no idea about the occult, and as such, there wasn't much actual occult contribution/content on the forum.

After a while, Crow messaged me and told me he was shutting the site down, and would relaunch it later without sharing it with as many people from the other site, and focusing more on building organic, genuine grown with more emphasis on people actually interested in the occult.

WF 2.0​

In 2011 (I think) Crow messaged me and a few other people who were genuinely interested in the occult from WF 1.0 + Wraith, and told us that he relaunched WF. I tried to register as fast as I could, but this time I was only UID=5 :ROFLMAO: (though, that didn't matter, as over time UID 2, 3, and 4 were inactive and eventually their accounts were deleted, leaving me once again the oldest registered account aside from Crow - I bring this up because I remember being ultra pissed about this at the time). This time, initial growth was much slower, and still, at the very beginning, there wasn't all that much occult discussion. However, all credit to him, Crow really put in a lot of effort into organic advertising and SEO (to the extent that it was a thing back then). Back then, SEO was much easier, with far fewer restrictions. There were people on WF who still respected Crow a lot, and offered some dodgy/grey-hat SEO services for free/cheap. This meant Crow was able to build 100s of 1000s of backlinks to WF on other sites, which at the time was a huge boon to ranking high on Google search. Eventually WF was #1 for "occult forum" and "magic forum" and "love spells" etc. Sadly, these methods were later detected by the Google search algorithm, and heavily penalized, and that is something I am having to face to this day. WF will probably never again rank highly on Google.

But, I digress, it worked at the time, and soon we had 1000s of members. At this time I still remember not being that interested in the occult. I would occasionally post some semantic or academic type reply (eg. pointing out the rules, reporting malicious links/spam, criticizing someone's sources, posting about psychology etc) but never really got properly involved. Whenever I would talk to Crow, I would remember WF, log in, make a few posts, and then disappear. I was in University at the time, so I had plenty of other things going on IRL.

Sometime around 2012/13, around about when @The God-King was admin (and Crow was no longer active), I found myself with a bit more time on my hands, and being at the computer a lot more (probably because I got hooked on gaming and being on Skype calls with people). I started talking to people a lot more, and posting a lot more. I remember a guy called Protestant Priest, who actually was a key reason for me to consider financial magick, which is actually the main thing that got me interested in occult topics. I started posting more, and talking to more people for a few months, but after a while, I got into an intimate relationship with someone on WF (lmao) and we switched to talking on Skype instead, so I once again stopped being active on WF.

About a year later, I come back and holy shit. TGK is no longer an admin, or even staff of any capacity. I won't go into to much detail about this drama, as TGK is a member of WF 4.0, and also someone I call a friend. I've always liked him, and I don't want to put him on the spot or tarnish his reputation even slighly by mischaracterizing anything, but to keep it factual, Crow told me it was because TGK's administration style was way too strict, and was not compatible with Crow's vision for an open and forgiving website. Crow didn't like the idea of banning people or deleting posts, and AFAIK, TGK has no patience for trolls and the like, and would instantly ban them along with the other staff at his wing. This lead to him being removed from the Admin role, and put back to Staff role, after which due to some irreconcilable differences and/or argument with Crow, TGK deleted several (of his own? I think, not sure - feel free to clarify if you want to TGK) posts. That, I think pissed Crow off, and he asked TGK to step down. There were new mods who basically ran the show, Crow was almost completely absent at this stage. At this point, I don't talk to Crow regularly, but I still have him on <insert some popular social media network here> so I message him, and ask him what's going on. He tells me about certain events that took place irl that lead to him not being able to focus on WF, for his privacy, I am not going to discuss that. However, we still had a long convo, and he told me about his plans and vision for WF, one of which included the idea of building his own forum software from scratch, completely. This will be important later. However, it wasn't even close to being ready, and he did not have much time to work on it due to aforementioned IRL commitments.

Around this time, I started noticing some lack in moderator effectiveness. There were quite a lot of spam posts getting through, and while I must say the moderators at that time were respectable in terms of their occult knowledge, some of them were technologically illiterate, while others were barely active. I reported back to Crow about this, and he asked me if I was willing to take up a moderator role, as at this point I had also run several large forums, and was completely familiar with the forum software WF was using at the time. After some thought, I accepted. Also, I think one of the other moderators (Anthony Arcanum - we'll hear that name again soon) had already suggested that I become a moderator, as I was helping him understand some of the technical working of moderating a forum using the software that WF ran at the time.

So I became a moderator, and quickly curbed most of the spam issues. There isn't too much to say, really... as far as I remember the only thing I really contributed here was enforcing the rules. Crow had very lax rules, however, and was very adamant that WF be as open, welcoming and forgiving as much as possible. A philosophy that I still (albeit more reservedly) stick to to this day. This is important, because it is the prequel to some drama that comes up soon, as WF 2.0 drew to a close.

As someone close to Crow, who was there mainly to do his bidding, and someone who was not really well known on WF or for any occult contributions, I did my part in ensuring spam was eradicated, but also that the rules were enforced justly and to the tune of Crow's vision of the forum. As such, there was perhaps some friction between me and other staff, as I would often internally ostracize them for handing out lengthy bans for minor rule violations, deleting posts when a merge would have done the job, and using moderator powers to settle personal vendettas.

After a while, I had more ideas and suggestions for WF that could not be accomplished via the Staff/Moderator role, so I brought it up to Crow. Initially, he would just implement my suggestions, but after a while, he just promoted me to Administrator, and asked me to implement them myself. At this point, I had access to everything except the files and the databases. I could make new Staff members, etc etc. So of course, I went about implementing some new features. One of these was a new usergroup for Anthony Arcanum and Wylandriah91. I can't remember for the life of me what the original incarnation was called, but it would eventually evolve into the Court of the Ibis.

Either around this time, or shortly before, there had been some major drama between staff members and some very prominent and active WF members. Sadly, I can't really remember most of their names, except for one. @Mider2009. So yeah, Mider, some other ex-Staff, and other prominent members were getting very frustrated with the newbie posts, and troll posts, they more or less supported TGK's stance on strict moderation, and since he was no longer staff/active, they decided to make one or 2 spinoff forums of their own. A couple hundred WF members ended up joining those forums, but ultimately, due to hardline stance on only accepting/encouraging seasoned occultists, combined with the fact that they were new forums with no renown, they ultimately lost momentum and fizzled out with around 100 members, 1000 posts or something along those lines. I bring it up, though, as there was heavy drama surrounding them trying to advertise their site on WF, being banned by me because it broke the rules, and ultimately causing friction between me and them when I had otherwise had no quarrel with them. I do remember @Fork Nan Pwen and a few others sticking up for me, and saying I was just following Crow's guidelines for running the forum, but a few people still ended up hating me for banning them after they advertised the competing forums and/or for not being more strict on newbies/trolls. Some even threatened me and WF with curses etc.

Nearing the end of WF 2.0's story now. I can't remember exactly what was happening, but I think, at one point, it was just me and Anthony Arcanum as Staff members on WF. AA was starting to go a bit crazy with the banning. It started getting worse after I promoted Wylandriah to Staff, and she and I ended up running WF more closely to Crow's vision than AA did. Some friction built up within the CotI group, and between us and AA (who btw was also selling his services on WF). I think it came to a head when I found out that someone claimed AA had scammed them, I.E. took payment for a service, and failed to provide the service. AA at first denied it, then later admitted to it, but said he was homeless and couldn't do the work due to IRL situation etc, which I guess was supported by his Youtube videos.

Note: Doge's library from WF 2.0 is the basis of WF's Grand Library. Massive shout out to that legendary pirate. Also, shout out to PP, Melanie, TGK, @QueenJazz @8Lou1.

The Hackening​

I can't remember EXACTLY how this all happened - I may be wrong on some of these details - anyone who was involved here is free to correct me, but I think due to AA's scamming drama + the crazy bans by AA and going off the rails a bit, Crow asked me to demote him from Staff. And so I did that. To say that he didn't take this kindly would be an understatement. He ended up joining one of those other spinoff forums (that would soon fizzle out) - or actually was it his own forum, can't remember - and started advertising them on WF, while making some deranged posts about the situation as well. Same activities for which he and I banned people together just a few months prior. This lead to me banning him as well. After which, he made a video claiming to curse/hex WF, and that it would be gone soon.

Here are some of his videos from the time:
<removed> On second thought, I'm not going to post those videos, as they would break the advertising rules - AA repeatedly advertises his own website selling services in this videos. I don't know if the sites still exist, but I don't wanna bring that much attention to it. I may later summarize the videos here.

Oh shit, yeah, that's what the CotI group was called before Court of the Ibis, it was called 'Sanctum Regnum' - AA's idea. Also these video's reminded me, shortly after or before I was made admin, there was another guy who was made admin The Glass Wizard. Also a member of Wraith originally, and a friend of Crow's and later a member of CotI. Just remembered this and too lazy to go up and edit. TGW (not TGK) was also very anti TGK and AA, and perhaps even more aligned with Crow's vision than even I was. Maybe because he had no vision of his own for WF, preferred the status quo, and didn't want any changes whatsoever.

Shortly after he posted those videos, WF was hacked. Someone messaged me about it, I check the site, and sure enough, it's been defaced, and the site was replaced with a "hacked by some random dipshit hacker group" message, along with a ransom demand of something like $500 in bitcoin. I told Crow about this, and he soon informed me that he would not be paying the ransom, and will restore the site from backup. I go to sleep, and the next day, my inbox is blasted with messages from Crow asking me why I did it, and how I did it. At first, I think he's joking, but soon I realize he's 100% serious. I couldn't fucking believe it. Even all those years ago it was still 10 years of friendship between us, and I did nothing but follow his guidelines and make improvements to WF, always with his permission. I had dedicated so much to WF, but here's my friend accusing me of hacking the site. He claimed that the hacker had "used my account and IP" to hack WF. That was probably just a bluff to get me to admit that I did it, as my password was secure, and my computer had not been compromised at all. I tried for several days to convince him it wasn't me, but he wasn't having any of it. I asked him for the BTC address of the hackers, and said I would even pay the ransom and get it back. He assumed that was me trying to play dumb and act like it wasn't me who hacked the site, so he didn't even give me that. Eventually I gave up, made up my mind that I had lost a friend and a community.

Note: there is some infinitesimally small minutiae of truth to some of the things AA is saying in his videos. Mainly some of the events and chronology. However, almost all the context, backstory, details, and reasons for people's actions have been purposely erased and replaced with a narcissistic, warped version of events, so watch those videos while munching on some salt. I don't think he was a bad person, really. I actually liked him, and he didn't really know Crow and I were friends and talking so it was somewhat fair of him to assume that he was the reason I was made a Staff member. And whatever went wrong with him in the end where he ended up thinking the whole forum was run by him/succeeded because of him, which is nonsense - at the end of the day, he was actually one of the most adept occult practitioners on the site, certainly on the mod team. Despite the egomaniacal and somewhat hurtful words in his videos, he deserves that much credit, I think.

Maybe WF was taken down due to AA's curse, maybe he paid a hacker to hack WF (unlikely considering his homelessness), or maybe it was just really, really coincidental timing, as the actual hacker group did make demands from Crow to pay them in exchange for returning WF and her data. $500 if I remember correctly. Since WF's security was so bad at the time, I personally am more inclined to believe this was a random, for-profit attack by a fledgeling blackhat hacker group to make a quick buck. But you make up your own mind.

Some other things to note, at the time, WF was running an EXTREMELY outdated version of the forum software. Essentially, it was not updated since around 2013, so it was extremely unsecured. Also (the only time I'll ever speak poorly of Crow) he made the dipshit move of keeping the site backups in the same server/folder that the forum was on. So obviously the hackers wiped those out. That's the other reason why I don't believe WF was cursed or anything like that. The site was just so completely unsecured that anyone with a college degree in computer security could have hacked it. Not AA of course because he was tech illiterate, but I could have if I wanted to. I asked Crow many times to update to the latest version of the software, or at least the next major version, but he declined every time saying that the plugins would be a pain in the ass to update etc. I offered to do it, but it required access to the server which he didn't trust anyone with, not me, not even TGW. Funny thing is by leaving it so unsecured he actually trusted the general public to not simply hack the site, which turned out to be a fatal mistake for WF 2.0.

Court of the Ibis​

Around the time WF 2.0. was hacked, CotI was going pretty strong, so we made our own website. Wylandriah (now called Grace) was the High Priestess of the Coven, and @Alfher was the High Priest. Many members you know and love currently on WF are CotI alumni. Shout out to @Scottish_Pride @Anziel_Merkaba @Mart @Eeveepony @MotherHen @madcarbon and many more.

The forum was small, and not so public. It was more like a private coven, but it still got a few members due to WF being down and people looking for a place to go. Certainly more active than all those other spinoff WF forums.

Huge thanks to everyone who was active on CotI, as it was a great community, and it kept me interested in the occult space for long enough that I got the opportunity to acquire and revamp WF.

Couple years before I bought WF, though, Grace went completely MIA, and so the actual occult practice of CotI died off, and it ended up being just a social community. Grace has basically completely quit.

WF 3.0​

A few months after WF 2.0 went down, Crow decided to make his previous dream of creating a custom forum software a reality now that WF 2.0 was dead anyway, and he would be starting from scratch. So he restarted WF, as WF 3.0, with his own (extremely rudimentary) forum software. It lacked all features except the ability to register, log in, make threads and reply to threads.

Several thousand members joined this site again, but sadly, due to the fact it was so primitive, and especially because it had no anti-spam featured, it ended up being completely overrun with spambots, way more than any staff team could cope with. I think it was only Crow and TGW staffing it. Within 6 months it was completely swamped with spam, and utterly unusable.

Once again, Crow gave up on it. It died.

WF 4.0​

After a while, I was able to buy the domain. I took some time, remade the site from scratch using a much newer, more polished, more secure forum software. Added all the features from the old WF and then some - except user groups. Added the library and marketplace sections, but otherwise the sections are almost the same.

And that's it. WF 4.0 is the site you're on right now while reading this.

Jesus fuck, this took forever to write. It's like 7AM here. I've been writing for hours. Sorry that the last few sections after 'The Hackening' are quite sparse. Maybe there isn't much to say about those periods, maybe I'm just tired and I can't remember.

Don't ask me questions about before WF, or about me purchasing WF 4.0, but aside from that, if you have any questions, or things to add (if you were around at the time - @The God-King @8Lou1 anyone else) feel free to post below. Hope you enjoy this history lesson.

Huge shoutout to Crow, TGK, Anthony Arcanum, PP, Doge and others. WF would not be where it is today without you guys. Heck, I'll even shout out The Artis Magistra and that stupid dominatrix lady IYKYK.

Once again, apologies if I forgot to mention you, or missed an important detail, or portrayed you poorly. I sincerely have no ill will against anyone from the old WF, I don't hold grudges, I have no hatred in me. I hope we can all come together peacefully on WF 4.0 and have a friendly, open, useful community. All new members are welcome, all old members are welcome, regardless of any past drama. I think most people who were on the old WF will agree I have a more centrist, balanced approach to moderation and the vision of WF. WF 4.0 is also more modern, secure, agile, open to suggestions. I strive to keep the WF flame lit for... well... forever, I guess.
Hey SkullTraill, I would like to know, what's keeping you from shutting down WF? Don't you get tired sometimes? Not that I want WF to vanish, but I'm just curious.
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Jan 29, 2024
Reaction score
Would you say this community is increasing or is decreasing? I am surprised it isn't as popular as before considering it had thousands of members...
May 18, 2021
Reaction score
Would you say this community is increasing or is decreasing? I am surprised it isn't as popular as before considering it had thousands of members...
It seems that over time reddit and social media apps have decreased the overall number of people using forums. It's a trend I feel will change as FB and reddit get exposed about their sharing of information about there users. Once that happens I feel forums will make a large ckbe back till the next big evolution in social media. But I agree with you Shaman with 1000s of members before where did they go and why haven't they returned.


Jun 30, 2021
Reaction score
As skull wrote, back in the days some things were done to get high in the google search engine. I dont know what wf did back then, but i do know that fake followers and members are used to create that. So lets talk wf 4.0 cause skull also writes hes facing that mess till this day.


Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
It seems that over time reddit and social media apps have decreased the overall number of people using forums. It's a trend I feel will change as FB and reddit get exposed about their sharing of information about there users. Once that happens I feel forums will make a large ckbe back till the next big evolution in social media. But I agree with you Shaman with 1000s of members before where did they go and why haven't they returned.
Yeah, FB and other social media networks collect a lot of information.

Another fact in my opinion that caused probably a decrease in members especially in occult forums was the pandemic as people's focus was more on surviving rather than gathering spiritual knowledge.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
Hey SkullTraill, I would like to know, what's keeping you from shutting down WF? Don't you get tired sometimes? Not that I want WF to vanish, but I'm just curious.
I do sometimes, but like I said before, I feel like WF used to be the best, biggest, most active, and most open occult forum. I always felt that was a good thing, and an overall positive impact on the world, so after it disappeared, and I had the opportunity to acquire and reboot WF, I thought it was the right thing to do, and did it.

Do I get tired of it? Sometimes, but that’s the case with any project. And I think it’s worth it ultimately to ensure that something good continues to exist. So I’ll keep it going for as long as I am alive, and physically and financially able to. I’m even thinking of ways to keep WF running after I die but that’s a very complicated thing and I am not sure it will be possible. But thats a problem for the future, I hope :ROFLMAO:

Would you say this community is increasing or is decreasing? I am surprised it isn't as popular as before considering it had thousands of members...
Like @league @8Lou1 @Aeternus say, there are a couple reasons:
  • IMO the total percentage of population that subscribes to occult philosophy is decreasing
  • The number of people that shifted from forums to social media or who never even knew about forums (young people) is increasing
  • WF was down/unusable for years. In that time a lot of people forgot about WF, found other communities, or downright left the occult
  • WF was significantly deranked on search engines due to issues I mentioned in OP, so it’s become increasingly difficult for “new people” to find WF. Especially if they don’t already know what a forum is. I’ve done a significant amount to counteract this by using social media and ads, but not being ranked well on Google is having a huuuuge impact on the growth potential. If we were top ranked on all major occult keywords like we used to be, we’d have 100s of signups a day easily
All that being said, I wouldn’t say the community is decreasing by any means. We still get 10-20 signups per day and daily usage is steadily growing.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
I do sometimes, but like I said before, I feel like WF used to be the best, biggest, most active, and most open occult forum. I always felt that was a good thing, and an overall positive impact on the world, so after it disappeared, and I had the opportunity to acquire and reboot WF, I thought it was the right thing to do, and did it.

Do I get tired of it? Sometimes, but that’s the case with any project. And I think it’s worth it ultimately to ensure that something good continues to exist. So I’ll keep it going for as long as I am alive, and physically and financially able to. I’m even thinking of ways to keep WF running after I die but that’s a very complicated thing and I am not sure it will be possible. But thats a problem for the future, I hope :ROFLMAO:

Like @league @8Lou1 @Aeternus say, there are a couple reasons:
  • IMO the total percentage of population that subscribes to occult philosophy is decreasing
  • The number of people that shifted from forums to social media or who never even knew about forums (young people) is increasing
  • WF was down/unusable for years. In that time a lot of people forgot about WF, found other communities, or downright left the occult
  • WF was significantly deranked on search engines due to issues I mentioned in OP, so it’s become increasingly difficult for “new people” to find WF. Especially if they don’t already know what a forum is. I’ve done a significant amount to counteract this by using social media and ads, but not being ranked well on Google is having a huuuuge impact on the growth potential. If we were top ranked on all major occult keywords like we used to be, we’d have 100s of signups a day easily
All that being said, I wouldn’t say the community is decreasing by any means. We still get 10-20 signups per day and daily usage is steadily growing.
Difficult to find? On Bing it was on the first page of hits when I googled "occult forums" some months back.


Apr 14, 2024
Reaction score
I remember looking briefly at WF in something like mid 2000's-ish, was more focused on other systems then, so mainly just spent an hour or two looking at a few posts. I may have m


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
Reaction score
I wouldn’t say the community is decreasing by any means. We still get 10-20 signups per day and daily usage is steadily growing.
There's indeed over 5.000 members.. Not all of them are dropping "banger" threads of course.. but the posts that get made are usually pretty good.

An appreciation for you btw Skull: 10.000 bucks just to get WF back on the net. That's funking awesome 🤘