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Achieving the Impossible Using Magick


Jul 12, 2023
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Magick can be used for many things in this life, and I have mentioned using it in my own world, and life - for several different life ideas, and different topics that can help us...elevate our minds, and lives into higher levels of awareness and conscious - life power.

I am now, merely curious what you all here have possibly, used magick to help you achieve - or what things or goals magick and ritual sorcery has guided you to reach, and generally achieve in your past, and current worlds in general.

For myself, I have used ritual sorcery for several topics.

Greek magick...used to gain business popularity when all odds were completely against me, including beginning and evolving my occult literature and book writing business years ago (this felt, nearly out of reach, but was successful through - Greek magick, among other similar paradigms of sorcery used)

Djinn magick...used to understand and gain heavy deep, life lasting advantage over my foes and enemies - in a way that was life evolving, and not remotely possible earlier on, in my magick life - when I had no idea what my enemies were up to. I used djinn magick greatly for this.

Demon magick...used to greatly increase my early on understanding of the occult, and black magick, and baneful sorcery - and all relevant ideas. At first this was beyond inconceivable, because the occult felt so confusing and immeasurably enormous to explore and - sift through. But I somehow made my way through, eventually.

Angel magick..used to enormously evolve my personal spiritual life, and to grow and evolve my businesses to full - daily profit, in general. This was a life changing - life discovery and mega breakthrough earlier on, and I could not believe how significant and useful, sorcery - and ritual angelic magick could be, for basically everything in my life. Using magick actively to develop and explode a business might take some effort, but it was done successfully - and that was a miraculous awakening for myself, years ago, and nearly...to this very day.

Sumerian magick...used to grow my intelligence, intuition - psychic awareness, and to help me plan and develop myself, and my money life - strictly for the future. This was an ongoing battle for ages, but I learned to properly read my intuition for daily uses, and to accommodate for - many life obstacles as well. This was a hard strung life, simply due to challenges making everything so much more, devastating and - causing my daily work to be almost never ending hardship in some ways. But deep intuition and developing my magick, and general life intelligence to - new breakthrough points, was simply impossible over the years. This is generally a challenge, and quite difficult to breakthrough fully with, for most people - in general. And that was the inherent life - achievement and, impossible development I had years ago.

Egyptian magick...used to alter reality, and destroy my foes and enemies - and other bad people, through horrific cursing sorcery, and very lasting - life powerful, baneful magick. It is very difficult to fully harness the forces of proper cursing, and I mean at near - conscious will, but strong baneful magick is not remotey easy to channel the forces, and powers of - and with Egyptian magick, and full force concentration...I was able to do the unthinkable, and overcome even my largest foes and enemies over time. Which is not, remotely anything - easy or simple, at all - considering how crazy some evil, and wicked people can be.

Viking magick...used to become a different, and highly encouraged - businesses person, and literature, and occult author - through some very curious, prosperity, and wealth magick, that guided my ideas and thoughts - very candidly over time. This was too unique, because I had to use...other magick paradigms as well, to help encourage everything together, but the viking magick paradigm, and current of god forms and spirits, very definitely - aided, and help guide me forward...in my wealth adventure, as I dove into the sorcery universe, and gained - higher wisdom and intelligence, to understand my businesses overall. My wealth was a transition over time, from smaller - minor thinking, to grand leaps and bounds in my personal - financial and money lives. Understanding wealth, and having my curious - life continuous breakthroughs, was very deeply...beyond inconceivable, and too impossible to undertake and - fathom, years ago. And yet that, also happened as well.

My major magick - manifestations are...

Taking down my larger enemies, through larger surges and sequences of baneful cursing magick.

Growing and evolving my literature and other businesses, through deep qliphoth - and general ritual sorcery.

Understanding my business and spiritual path, and securing life long term growth, for all of my business and literature goals.

Developing deeper and higher forms of, effective magick that - align with higher elevations and enhancements to my intuition and gaining greater intelligence over time - to help create deeper life, and magick breakthroughs and developments.

Developing and understanding the ideas, and topics of reality change, and time magick - in a way that I could also use magick, in creative ways, to boost my imagination and deeply elevate my magick force, and power in general.

In some cases these might feel, and appear to be regular topics, but I assure you - that it was all very, deep sorcery ritual power - that was required to push these results and life creations...into full power, and life living - fruition. These are the more miraculous, and life altering - and changing, life impossible situations and achievements I have come up with, over the last several - months, and years of very deep...magick practice, and deep spiritual magick evolution and work.