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Affirmations using Sexual Energy


Apr 14, 2024
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For a few years now instead of directing my organization energy to sigil,, I've mostly directed it toward affirmations.

I haven't seen this, so in case it's a new idea, thought I'd share. Curious though how many have tried it, if any.

I find it's easier to remember an affirmation than a sigil. I can tell it definitely adds power to the affirmations for me.

All the best,
Post automatically merged:

Oops, that was supposed to say "orgasm energy"


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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I changed your thread title to better match your post. So, instead of using an orgasm to power a sigil, you're using it to power an affirmation. Maybe you could provide a sample affirmation and how you go about using it? Do you write it down and do something to the paper? Do you chant the words? Or something different?


Apr 14, 2024
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Thank you for the edit.

A recent example: I've been working to increase the amount of my intelligence that I access, so I created the affirmation "I'm a totally brilliant ultra genius." Partially inspired by Wiley Coyote for those who know that reference.

When I initially created that affirmation it was at a seminar during a belief change exercise.

So. I then affirmed it easily hundreds of times at odd times. Maybe driving around, etc.

So, once it was tip of the to tongue familiar, during orgasm I would chant it silently to myself over and over, maybe 20, 30, 40 times, until the orgasm sensations subsided.

For 5-6 weeks I would repeat this every time I had an orgasm, on average 1-2 times per day.

After every "session", I noticed the affirmation feels strengthened beyond if I did the number of repetitions without organizing.

I've done this with several affirmations now. I like this more than firing sigils during orgasm.
If I sufficiently randomize sigil, I feel a little resistance to not knowing what I'm "firing".

Essentially just chanting a predetermined affirmation during organizing.


Oct 29, 2023
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Carefree Explorer
Jan 14, 2024
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Charging affirmations would seem to work. There's a long history of mantras, new age/new thought switchwords, etc used to affect change.

i see sigils as a kind of external control separate from the operator. Should things go wildly sideways the sigil can be destroyed or carefully modified / intuitively added to. It also is an abstraction for an idea that bye passes the critical faculty of the mind to engage the subconscious. By powering up an affirmation that's within the operator's conscious mind might inflate the ego state without making it to the subconscious.

You could power an affirmation and create a symbol for it if you want to cover all the bases.


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Jul 3, 2023
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I think this is actually a great idea. I've found that sigils work best for isolated events, material goals or narrowly circumscribed aims when you can specify the protagonists involved e.g. with a definite end result in mind but that they are as good as useless when it comes to long-term processes, long drawn-out developments or a slow transformation of personal qualities. To secure a promotion, for example, the sigil method would be great but would not work so well when your desire is a better relationship with your co-workers; an affirmation (or a ritual or spirit approach, e.g. involving angels) would be much more suitable here.

Affirmations have never worked for me at all, maybe because I'm much to jaded and cynical (affirmations have always felt to me like trying to convince myself that the weather is fine when it's actually raining) but your post made me think again… maybe I need to be in a state of heightened awareness for them to work when my normal everyday consciousness is replaced by the euphoria of sexual arousal, so I'll definitely give them a try.

One caveat though: I'd be careful about the use of sexual energy for magical purposes. I'm in the process of preparing a long article (I'm currently on my fifth draft *lol) on why the term 'energy' as used in magical theory is grossly misleading but will stay with it for the purposes of this comment. It is my contention that sexual energy is not neutral, cannot be easily transformed at will (no matter what Tantrics say) and cannot be used for anything at all as the word 'energy' suggests (which most people unconsciously equate with the way an electrical current behaves that is used to power all kinds of appliances). It's 100% appropriate for your own positive affirmation but it could be extremely harmful if you used it for destructive ends. This claim mostly applies to sigils because "I hope my boss will drop dead!" e.g. would be a turn-off anyway. An orgasm as a propellant for a curse? Bad idea unless you get your jollies that way :):D:ROFLMAO:

On a technical note, you're not supposed to remember the purpose of a sigil anyway, at least not according to orthodox chaos magic methodology; on the contrary, you should avoid thinking about it at all costs, and in the past chaos magicians tied themselves into knots in order to avoid the dreaded 'lust for results'. Nowaddays the general attitude seems to be more relaxed, several contemporary authors opine that it's ok to think about the desired result, just not about the ritual or the sigil used to achieve it.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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On a technical note, you're not supposed to remember the purpose of a sigil anyway, at least not according to orthodox chaos magic methodology; on the contrary, you should avoid thinking about it at all costs, and in the past chaos magicians tied themselves into knots in order to avoid the dreaded 'lust for results'. Nowaddays the general attitude seems to be more relaxed, several contemporary authors opine that it's ok to think about the desired result, just not about the ritual or the sigil used to achieve it.
I always say to people that it's like the old joke cure for hiccups: You need to be able to run round the house three times without thinking of the word 'wolf' :)

My opinion is that however you act after the ritual, you need to make sure you don't end up replacing your intent with "I hope this works"


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Jul 3, 2023
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My opinion is that however you act after the ritual, you need to make sure you don't end up replacing your intent with "I hope this works"
That was bad spellcasting on my part, "I hope..." won't do anything. I've found that the best attitude to cultivate after activating a sigil is "It's in the works, it's being taken care of."

I wonder if sexual gnosis could be also used for financial purposes. Many people feel ambivalent about money ("The source of my problems as well as their solution", as someone once said), so maybe shooting for "abundance' instead of 'money' would be better. Mind you, using sexual gnosis to achieve abundance could also result in a glut of sexual partners (provided my theory that the type of magical energy employed will always colour the outcome of a given operation is correct). :D

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I've found that the best attitude to cultivate after activating a sigil is "It's in the works, it's being taken care of."
Sounds good.
I wonder if sexual gnosis could be also used for financial purposes. Many people feel ambivalent about money ("The source of my problems as well as their solution", as someone once said), so maybe shooting for "abundance' instead of 'money' would be better. Mind you, using sexual gnosis to achieve abundance could also result in a glut of sexual partners (provided my theory that the type of magical energy employed will always colour the outcome of a given operation is correct). :D
If that's what you truly believe, then that's what will affect your working :D

Sexual gnosis is just one of the easiest ways to 'programme' yourself. You can do it with meditation as well (and this teaches you useful methods of avoiding 'lust of result' by allowing you to distance yourself from the magical act) but I could never get on with it as a daily practice. As Crowley himself said:
“If we sit down quietly and investigate the contents of our minds, we shall find that even at the best of times the principal characteristics are wandering and distraction.”
Frenzied dancing like you see in all the Voodoo movies also works :)


Jun 30, 2021
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@Robert Ramsay: i get what you say, but if one would ask this in an lhp group the reaction would be: oww sexual fluids and blood are the most powerful tools and dangerous. it makes me wonder what is real. for me personally, i just think people are so uncomfortable with their body they wouldnt dare.

i like the fap method with affirmations and it does work. i found it works even better then a prayer from a holy man. (we had a bet.)

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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@Robert Ramsay: i get what you say, but if one would ask this in an lhp group the reaction would be: oww sexual fluids and blood are the most powerful tools and dangerous. it makes me wonder what is real. for me personally, i just think people are so uncomfortable with their body they wouldnt dare.
The strength of the fluids comes from the strength of the belief :)
i like the fap method with affirmations and it does work. i found it works even better then a prayer from a holy man. (we had a bet.)
Hats off (?!) to you for this excellent and worthwhile experiment :)


Jun 30, 2021
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Whose believe? The fapper just throws it out there and to be a bit corny the universe accepts the seeds. And in order for it to work the fapper needs to reeally let go of it all. Therefore there can not be a 'believe in it'.

And thanks for the conpliment. It is and was a pleasure. 🙂


Oct 29, 2023
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what i dont get here, is the point.
it's literally day one lesson one - birds on the branch know you can charge by fap
what am i not understanding?
that op is charging affirmations instead?

don't even get me started on yet another liberal take on functions of sigils

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Whose believe? The fapper just throws it out there and to be a bit corny the universe accepts the seeds. And in order for it to work the fapper needs to reeally let go of it all. Therefore there can not be a 'believe in it'.🙂
ok, this is a difference in erm, beliefs :)

My take is that all magic requires a belief system, but it is immaterial what the belief system is. The LHP insistence that bodily fluids are powerful and dangerous is part of their belief system, and thus, this informs the efficacy of their magic.

Your Mileage May Vary :)


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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what i dont get here, is the point.
it's literally day one lesson one - birds on the branch know you can charge by fap
what am i not understanding?
that op is charging affirmations instead?

don't even get me started on yet another liberal take on functions of sigils
What was new for me here was the use of sexual energy to power affirmations instead of sigils because normally I think that affirmations are pretty lame and useless. In combination with sexual gnosis, however... this post has made me think again. Authors of NewAge book championing affirmations usually think that you can just blab the universe into submission while doing the dishes, for example. In a state of heightened awareness though... sounds interesting.


Oct 29, 2023
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Im remembering the past times we spoke affirmations and your general mood about them now
you are right about the new age guru bs but you were also right about the fap + affirmation you spoke above, it can technically work
but there's no real sexual gnosis involved, the fappening + sigil work because it lets the sigil drop into the subconscious
it's not certified sex magick (in that, the sex part doesn't have a magickal function merely produces the state needed for planting)
you could produce the same effect with any similar states or other methods of charging

in terms of affirmations, being more of my playing field - i'd call this banal and unworthy of serious practice
but if it gets you or others in on the game i won't bitch about it (too much)

affirmations are basically hypnotic autosuggestions, the new age bs we hate provides
a state where we'd never "believe" them but fap and affirmation, just like i presented in my hillarious gif is kinda cringe
i'd feel like a such a loser trying to masturbate into improvements it's like American Psycho if you think about it,
the scene where he's checking himself out while doing the nasty, but i'll admit im remembering the many stories which use
seductive affirmations states like the villain encouraging the npc to betray the crown
that whole "you are amazing, you should be king/queen, steal the one Ring from Frodo" in the same beat as the climax type of thing

It could work. i just wish we'd be better than that.
in your particular case if the cringe has been overpowering maybe it was the use of affirmations rather than the method
try shaping them around into something you'd actually say as opposed to idk "i feel so pretty, oh so pretty, i feel so pretty and witty and gay"

either way, they are just autosuggestions, they require a ritualized set up to have a true magick element
we can achieve this much better through trance and repetition, or other methods entirely.


Apr 14, 2024
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One aspect of this that I really like is that I've noticed is that sometimes part of the blissful feeling of the sexual gnosis sometimes gets attached to the affirmation - at least temporarily, which makes it self reinforcing - think of the affirmation = pleasure, automatically think of the affirmation more.

I think there could be something to the notion that certain kinds of gnosis being better for different categories of results - protection vs wealth vs illumination / self transformation, etc.. That seems like it would be a fascinating topic to explore in much greater depth.

A variation of powering affirmations with sexual gnosis is immediately following the orgasm (or maybe during it if you can manage) is to adopt a mudra while continuing to chant the affirmation. I've done this a couple of times, and it felt like it added more "juju" to it.

In terms of the cringe factor -- I mean, any sex magick kind of has that inherently, whether sigils or whatever. So, distinguishing between sigils doesn't have any of that vs affirmations do -- I don't see them as being different enough so as to elevate one above the cringe factor and the other not. I suppose it's a matter of personal preference there. I'm willing to accept that there is a bit of that in the game of sex magick, it's just the nature of it, as I see it.

Another couple of variations which I've also done a couple of times:

  • Powering classic sigils - such as the 72 names of God, etc. with sexual gnosis.
  • Powering a classic mantra - such as "Om mani padme hum" with sexual gnosis.
The result feels different to "install" an affirmation with sexual gnosis vs trance. Why not apply both to get both aspects? Each method "powers" or "charges" or "plants" the affirmation in a way that I imagine uses different neurological circuits from the other. Thus, utilizing both methods combined seems like it could "deepen" / "strengthen" the affirmation in ways that using either singly doesn't. I don't have that deep of an understanding of neurology - so I could easily be inaccurate about that, yet, subjectively that's my experience of it.

All the best,


Oct 29, 2023
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Neurons that fire together, wire together.
but from that standpoint you would be limited to a single affirmation (which isn't a bad thing)
because everytime you take a different intent for the same process (or vice versa) the neural path is re-started
the mudra associated with the previous affirmation is now fixed to the new one
gnosis isn't just horny energy but unlike the other elements i don't actually know a lot about sex magick so i'll assume
you know what you're talking about.

in my experience people here like to mix everything, as usual i'd advise it's either one or the other.
that's just what the books say, but im not one to throw away free data.
if you try it let us know. I remain skeptical based on "evidence"


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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One aspect of this that I really like is that I've noticed is that sometimes part of the blissful feeling of the sexual gnosis sometimes gets attached to the affirmation - at least temporarily, which makes it self reinforcing - think of the affirmation = pleasure, automatically think of the affirmation more.

I think there could be something to the notion that certain kinds of gnosis being better for different categories of results - protection vs wealth vs illumination / self transformation, etc.. That seems like it would be a fascinating topic to explore in much greater depth.

A variation of powering affirmations with sexual gnosis is immediately following the orgasm (or maybe during it if you can manage) is to adopt a mudra while continuing to chant the affirmation. I've done this a couple of times, and it felt like it added more "juju" to it.

In terms of the cringe factor -- I mean, any sex magick kind of has that inherently, whether sigils or whatever. So, distinguishing between sigils doesn't have any of that vs affirmations do -- I don't see them as being different enough so as to elevate one above the cringe factor and the other not. I suppose it's a matter of personal preference there. I'm willing to accept that there is a bit of that in the game of sex magick, it's just the nature of it, as I see it.

Another couple of variations which I've also done a couple of times:

  • Powering classic sigils - such as the 72 names of God, etc. with sexual gnosis.
  • Powering a classic mantra - such as "Om mani padme hum" with sexual gnosis.
The result feels different to "install" an affirmation with sexual gnosis vs trance. Why not apply both to get both aspects? Each method "powers" or "charges" or "plants" the affirmation in a way that I imagine uses different neurological circuits from the other. Thus, utilizing both methods combined seems like it could "deepen" / "strengthen" the affirmation in ways that using either singly doesn't. I don't have that deep of an understanding of neurology - so I could easily be inaccurate about that, yet, subjectively that's my experience of it.

All the best,

Skillful spellcrafting is another matter, and here I would really like to recommend Jason Miller's "The Elements of Spellcrafting" (it's in the Library, and the cartoons are simply hilarious!). There are all kinds of opinions regarding the use of future vs. present tense; some would say that as a Statement of Intent "I'm a totally brilliant ultra genius" is not so clever when calling upon a spirit because that being would be like "Yeah, whatever, dude" and conclude that you're happy with the way things are now, but firstly, it's debatable if powerful and intelligent beings are likely to act in such a diffident manner, and secondly, this claim only concerns operations enlisting the help of entities and not affirmations which are exclusively between you and the universe. Still, if I had to formulate my own affirmation, I would include the process leading up to the desired result and not simply merely the end result, along the lines of Émile Coué's "Every day in every way, I am getting better and better", so that would be "I'm becoming a totally brilliant ultra genius."

Btw, there is a sex magick collection in the Library of which Frater U.D.'s "Secrets of Western Sex Magic" is probably the only worthwhile book:

Oct 7, 2023
Reaction score
For a few years now instead of directing my organization energy to sigil,, I've mostly directed it toward affirmations.

I haven't seen this, so in case it's a new idea, thought I'd share. Curious though how many have tried it, if any.

I find it's easier to remember an affirmation than a sigil. I can tell it definitely adds power to the affirmations for me.

All the best,
Post automatically merged:

Oops, that was supposed to say "orgasm energy"
Yeah, I started using affirmations about thirty years ago and found them very powerful. I must confess I've got out of the habit for some years so thanks for the reminder. A long time ago I discovered the writings of Florence Scovell Shinn who has several small books on affirmations that helped me through a really bad time (divorce, loss of airplane - that sort of thin.) Strangely, Shinn was a Christian Scientist & apparently Mary Baker Eddy, who founded the organisation, wrote some amazing stuff we would recognise as magic. Shinn uses a lot of bible quotes but modifies them so that they work well with magicians. One of her examples: She writes "It says in the bible 'The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom' but if you reread that to 'The fear (respect for) the Law (Universal Law) is the beginning of wisdom' I think we can all relate and be inspired by that.
Post automatically merged:

Skillful spellcrafting is another matter, and here I would really like to recommend Jason Miller's "The Elements of Spellcrafting" (it's in the Library, and the cartoons are simply hilarious!). There are all kinds of opinions regarding the use of future vs. present tense; some would say that as a Statement of Intent "I'm a totally brilliant ultra genius" is not so clever when calling upon a spirit because that being would be like "Yeah, whatever, dude" and conclude that you're happy with the way things are now, but firstly, it's debatable if powerful and intelligent beings are likely to act in such a diffident manner, and secondly, this claim only concerns operations enlisting the help of entities and not affirmations which are exclusively between you and the universe. Still, if I had to formulate my own affirmation, I would include the process leading up to the desired result and not simply merely the end result, along the lines of Émile Coué's "Every day in every way, I am getting better and better", so that would be "I'm becoming a totally brilliant ultra genius."

Btw, there is a sex magick collection in the Library of which Frater U.D.'s "Secrets of Western Sex Magic" is probably the only worthwhile book:

The whole point of affirmations is the state the end result. If you're affirming the process you tend to stay stuck in the process. I have an issue with Spare over this. His magical statements all seem to start 'I desire' .... to me, the universe says, yes, you've got that (the desire) so that's where the magic stops.