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[Archive] [Ang3lH3x] Love Candle Spell

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.

1: white candle
2: bag of sugar
3: plate
4: pen or anythng sharp atheme or want could do.

First lick the candle from top to bottom (or you can use blood if your hard core)

Second write your name last name date of birth and the person whom you desire, there first and last name and date of birth (dont know it? thats what Facebook is for and Myspace :p) then write on it ST.VALENTINE.

Thirdly put the candle in the bag of sugar and shake it so the candle is covered in sugar.

Fourthly light the candle and drop some of the wax on the plate in the middle (careful its hot) then stick the candle in the middle that way it wont fall cuz its on the wax.

Fifth wish on the candle to have that person.

Sixth the candle should consume all the way for the spell to work, if the wax is dripping from the side than that means the person whom you desire has a strong will power and you will have to do this at least 3 more times or break there Will. Other signs on candle magic refer to an expert or online. Good Luck
P.S my aunt used this ritual and she and my uncle are married for 7 years :)

P.S (again LOL) Best doing it at night for better results but what every suits you better go right ahead. CANDLE MUST BE FULLY CONSUME CANT TURN IT OFF IN THE MIDDLE OF IT BUT YOU GUYS ALREADY KNOW THAT, ANYWAY BEST TIME WOULD BE 12:00 PM.