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Anyone else had spirit attunements?


Dec 15, 2024
Reaction score
Someone tell me why would an attunement have side effects as i read on etsy i will copy and paste it here what it says. "This is a permanent change to your energy system, and you will have a few physical side effects that will fade over a few days."
someone please explain is it taking something from you for this attunement to work.


Apr 21, 2024
Reaction score
Someone tell me why would an attunement have side effects as i read on etsy i will copy and paste it here what it says. "This is a permanent change to your energy system, and you will have a few physical side effects that will fade over a few days."
someone please explain is it taking something from you for this attunement to work.
From my understanding, its only altering your energy signature to enable you to make a connection when you focus on it.
Some people are sensitive to those changes. There's also different levels to the connections as well.
That warning is very general and i have never really experience any physical side effects.