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Journal Art & Science & Crafts

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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The past few months while working on a few projects a couple of funny synchronicities happened that I joked about in some threads without going into detail.

@pixel_fortune 's post on the Lion's Gate made me decide I “had to” start something on that day, and as I usually do 1 year projects that go from birthday to birthday I had already planned this year is going to be based on ye system of Angel Magick that was delivered to John Dee and Edward Kelley.
But with my typical modifications / simplifications / introspeculations.
Leading up to this I have rewritten the core of the 24 Triangles in a way that links them to the 24 Seniors for those who can put one and one together.

Donald Tyson in his book Enochian Magic for Beginners gives a 19 day initiation / ritual to start your path in this type of Magick, but there are more than 1 or 2 things in it that I don't really agree with although I really like the idea of set period of days to work towards a finale. The archived post from Harry (Creating the Enochian Shield) sort of works that way (and it was one of the funny synchronicities that show me I'm doing something. Right?)

In my opinion Enochian is a system that has a lot of potential for tweaking as it's a complete structure while at the same time a very detailed skeleton that you can build on and add to. Please note that I said “in my opinion”. An example of what I mean by this is my version of the Sigilum Dei Aemeth in which I used only the basic design but none of the traditional letters.

Let's call it ShiKL MDO ChThaMeTh

The outer circle is divided into 72 parts which contain the 3 lettered Names of the Angels of the Shemhamephorash
Then (corrected from) Heptameron
the names of the Kings of the days:
Sol – Varcan
It seems unlikely that the Name really starts with a Vav
Maybe ZRCh + VN
ZRCh (to shine, to sparkle, to rise)
the Name then is ZRChVN Zarkan
Luna – Arcan
ARCh (to take lodge, to pass through)
ARChVN Arkan
Mars – Samax
Maybe SMQ (to be red / to redden) + VN?
Mercury – Mediat / Modiat
MDOTh (acquaintance , friend) + VN?
Jupiter – Suth
SVT (to shake, become wild) + VN
Venus – Sarabot(r)es
ShRBT (swollen, stiff, stretched..) + VN
Saturn – Maymon
MMVN (money)
Then the 7 Olympian Spirits:
Saturn – Aratron as ORVThRVN
ORVTh (precept / law of God)
Jupiter – Bethor as BITh (house) + AVR (light)
Mars – Phaleg as PLG (to cleave, to divide, a waterstream)
Sol – Och as ACh (brother, ally, howling, a great pot in which a fire was kept burning)
Venus – Hagith as ChGYTh (festive)
Mercury – Ophiel as OPL (to swell up, be arrogant)
Luna – Phul as PVL (guardsman)
In the triangular spaces of the Heptagram are the planetary symbols and underneath these the Angels of the planets are numerically corrected
they are
ZphQIEL for Satun
ShThQIEL for Jupiter
ChMAVEL for Mars
ShMShIEL for Sol
HNAIEL for Venus
KVKBIEL for Mercury
Beneath these the Names of the Angelic Choirs
Around the central Pentagram the Angels of the 4 quarters
written in such a way that 5 groups of 4 letters are formed
(ran out of space else I would have included the Angels of the Lunar Mansions)

This design was made into a wooden table, and this then is my Universal Table of Praxis or the altar for the work through which I hope to be worthy of becoming wise enough to understand those things that are sealed up.

As I have said (more times than some people wash their neck) I don't read that many books, and so there have been (and will be..) times when I get super excited about a discovery only to hear that everyone and their mom already knows. Not going to change my way though, I'll just crawl from one word or Name to the next like an amazed and ignorant child full of enthusiasm and wonder and do my best to figure things out along the way.

When I started a journal with all the little details of my life it honestly almost made me depressed, and apparently it cam through in the letters. The 31 days of the initial Ritual in which all Kings, Seniors, Kerubs and the Angels of the Shemhamephorash were called, was completed last Saurday, and though I did write down everything I'm going to keep that away from your eyes. There was some communication with some of the Seniors (those of the Western Table were by far the most expressive) but that really wasn't the purpose of this part as I only wanted to formally begin.

The daily Ritual was as follows:
Star-Pillar (a variant Middle Pillar with the Name of my Birth-Angel according to the letters of the Shemhamephorash)
Blessing of Water (with 3 drops of colloidal gold and 3 drops of Lunar tincture to form a Hexagram in the chalice)
The Astrachios Prayer from Grimorium Verum
(initially I also included the invocation of Scirlin but dropped that after a week)
The Enochian Rose Cross Ritual
(made two small changes: the Enochian Kabalistic Cross is now done towards the West instead of the East and the three “hisses” are spread out – 1 at the very beginning before the E.K.C., one in the middle before assuming the X pose, and one at the very last after the Amen)
The Prayer (my translation / interpretation of PGM XIII)
side note: in this Spell – the way I rewrote it – you call upon the 7 lettered Name of your Angel / your God. Here, for me, this is the Enochian Name of 7 letters that you find via your Birth-Chart
And then we come to the Keys.

I have adopted (but of course slightly modified..) Tyson's way of assigning the keys to the parts of the Great Table, with for example the Eastern Table uses the 3rd, 7th, 11th and 15th in a clockwise motion. The only thing I changed then is the way Tyson placed the 11th and 15th because I (now) don't see the logic in what he did - I know it relates to the way the Names on the Tablet of Union are ordered, but it feels off to me.

The Opening is standard, although for me, instead of the first + second, the 1st Key alone is used for the Central Great Cross or the Tablet of Union.
It's not earth-shaking because you (I) use the second Key every time as well anyway, but the 2nd Key (to me) is used for the 4 Great Crosses of the Elemental tablets. So, with the second Key you address all 12 God Names, all 4 Kings and all 24 Seniors. The way to specify is to first name the God Names + King (+ Senior) of the Tablet you are working with, then read the second Key in English, then repeat all Names, then read the Key in Enochian and then call the Names one last (third) time before making an invoking Pentagram (two handed of courze) over the altar.

As Tablets I started out by using the court-cards of the Tarot of the Golden Serpent, and from the Enochian Skrying tarot the Tablet of Union + the cards with the God Names, and for the Kings + Seniors I use one of the 24 Triangles.
It's a nice looking set-up but I felt there's still some room for playing with it (and I also had to make it my own in one way or another) So, based on the image given in Tyson's book, I made a (simplified) Great Table encircled by the 12 God Names and the 4 Name of Spirit. Instead of filling in the 4 tablets with tiny letters, I placed the 4 Seals in there – and after first making an ugly version with the order as given, I arranged them according to the Elemental associations, with the letter cross in the South, the “Sun” in the West, and the cross in the North. It feels perfect.

Here's a pic of the Table with the “circular Tablet of Union”


That was the arts and crafts part.

Is there an arts and science part? Myeah.. the 31 days (31! EL!) ended on the 7th, and yesterday I started the next phase. This one will continue for the rest of the year, with a Zodiac portion on one main day per month. My birthday is the 8th which is the day when the Sun is right in the middle of the Sign, so that's when the contact with the Zodiac Angels is made. This was a last minute decision yesterday and it gave me some problems in determining the correct (Enochian) Angel. @stalkinghyena mentioned this quirk in the Golden Dawn system but I had not idea what he meant and why he said it at the time (now I do..)
For now I follow the system of Mathers, in which the tribe of Naphtali is assigned to Virgo.

This then means that Zarzilg is the Angel of Virgo. There's a (very) good chance that at some point during the next 85 years I'll change my mind about this though, but what's more important (for now at least) was the calling of the Hebrew Zodiac Angel, because that one at least definitely is supposed to go there. Where else would he go?!
ChML – to be gentle, to save, to have compassion. Chemeliel (Hamaliel).
Maybe the Name ZARZILG can be understood as
Ceph – Test / Gather together
Un – Rise
Don – Pure
Ceph – Test / Gather together
Gon – Gate
Ur – He / One
Ged – Cut / Break
Sounds like a great guy. Just that last bit about breaking or cutting. Although. September is the Harvest month.. Might be something to this.
