I am glad that most people aren't able to use astrology. It would be bad to have it in the wrong hands. People will believe what they want to believe. You should find out for yourself by educating yourself. It is 40 years ago this Spring when my life changed with my beginning to study it. Once you see it around you, as well as compare the events in your life from the past to what was happening with the stars at the time, you will be at a higher level of understanding than most of the people around you. Astrology is about different types of energy, and their timing in the different areas of our lives, among other things. A good site to study from and make charts is astro.com You can make free charts there, and making your natal chart gives you a good base to study from. Alabe.com is a site that you can make a free Astro-Weather chart from. This is a current (or otherwise) chart for your location, that shows what is going on at that moment in your area, as well as give a brief description of the certain aspects that are current, should you wish to use that to learn from. A handy and very useful tool is the 2025 Llewellyn Astrology Calendar, available on Amazon. It shows the lunar and planetary aspects for each day of the year, and is great for making plans. Getting an understanding of the energies that the planets are symbolic of is a good starting point. Currently, the Moon is heading for a trine to Saturn. It won't be exact for almost one day (7:39 PM Central Time on Wednesday), but it's effects are building up and noticeable all the way until it is exact. That is the next major lunar aspect, anyway. It deal with work and responsibility. But there is a minor lunar aspect before that, exact at 9:44 AM Wednesday. This is a fortunate and expansive type of energy, in the hours before that time. You could check out the sources of astrology learning material before that time, with the Moon heading for 150 degrees (quincunx) from Jupiter that is exact then.