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Banishment of entities


On Probation
Jul 4, 2024
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Whats your opinion on occultists that claim that banishment of entities could be of such a outdrawn process that it could extent itself to many weeks or even months as opposed to the process being instantaneous. Are they fake ?
I dont dabble with magic or sorcery so i know next to nothing about this topic , but shouldnt knowing an entities true name be sufficient to expell it ?

Can a potent occultist evict entities in a matter of minutes like keanu reeves did to the girl in the movie Constantine or are such potrayals of practice absent in the real world ?


Oct 29, 2023
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Hello, good question

this def isn't my strongest area

as with apparently anything in magick it's more about intensity.
like with a banish, there are many other operations that can take a long ass time just to perform

firstly it is divided into each specific practice and the way in which they conduct the banish
secondly, it is the type or nature of the entity (it might not be from the same culture/magick path)
and finally the intensity of the "haunting" vs that of the banishment and the one conducting it.

if it's 1-5 on a 1/10 scale, we can probably handle it (God willing- for anything over 3)
6-10 i ain't messing with that you can keep the money.

most all "formal" magi start off around the usual GD/oto - style banish and practice it before nearly anything they do
so it's easy to note they would be good at it/fairly potent
but this is not a true exorcism as it merely cleanses the space and/or makes it uncomfortable for anything else uninvited
more of a preventive + defensive measure to keep the novices safe rather than go saving people from ghosts.
an entity that was already present for a while, and succeeded attaching or projecting it's influence is in theory a different beast
the vanilla banish might still do something but it likely won't be over in one cast, the entity has already made the surrounding/object
according to it's liking/vibration making the conditions more favorable for it.

so- an occultist should (at the very least) be able to do a low/mid tier cleanse according to their og path
It could in theory take from minutes to years, if possible at all.
for the ones who master this sort of thing they probably have an inventory of all the possible solutions and then pick from those according to the

A good ninja never skips the banish.


On Probation
Jul 4, 2024
Reaction score
Hello, good question

this def isn't my strongest area

as with apparently anything in magick it's more about intensity.
like with a banish, there are many other operations that can take a long ass time just to perform

firstly it is divided into each specific practice and the way in which they conduct the banish
secondly, it is the type or nature of the entity (it might not be from the same culture/magick path)
and finally the intensity of the "haunting" vs that of the banishment and the one conducting it.

if it's 1-5 on a 1/10 scale, we can probably handle it (God willing- for anything over 3)
6-10 i ain't messing with that you can keep the money.

most all "formal" magi start off around the usual GD/oto - style banish and practice it before nearly anything they do
so it's easy to note they would be good at it/fairly potent
but this is not a true exorcism as it merely cleanses the space and/or makes it uncomfortable for anything else uninvited
more of a preventive + defensive measure to keep the novices safe rather than go saving people from ghosts.
an entity that was already present for a while, and succeeded attaching or projecting it's influence is in theory a different beast
the vanilla banish might still do something but it likely won't be over in one cast, the entity has already made the surrounding/object
according to it's liking/vibration making the conditions more favorable for it.

so- an occultist should (at the very least) be able to do a low/mid tier cleanse according to their og path
It could in theory take from minutes to years, if possible at all.
for the ones who master this sort of thing they probably have an inventory of all the possible solutions and then pick from those according to the

A good ninja never skips the banish.
Thank you for your input mate , very informative 🙂


Oct 29, 2023
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i suggest looking up and sticking to the Christian exorcisms for further reference.
they are still trained by the Holy See which makes them the highest institution on the topic.

also Russel Crowe starred in a movie about the real life of Gabriel Amorth, Vatican's top exorcist
he was the Keanu Reeves of exorcists, authored a few books, international recognition with Demonology too.

i haven't read any of his books yet but i hear they're pretty good.


On Probation
Jul 4, 2024
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i suggest looking up and sticking to the Christian exorcisms for further reference.
they are still trained by the Holy See which makes them the highest institution on the topic.

also Russel Crowe starred in a movie about the real life of Gabriel Amorth, Vatican's top exorcist
he was the Keanu Reeves of exorcists, authored a few books, international recognition with Demonology too.

i haven't read any of his books yet but i hear they're pretty good.
Thank you , i knew about Gabriel amorth , due to the movie with Russel, havent seen it yet , but i didnt know that he authored books on the subject matter , will check them out


Mar 25, 2022
Reaction score
Whats your opinion on occultists that claim that banishment of entities could be of such a outdrawn process that it could extent itself to many weeks or even months as opposed to the process being instantaneous. Are they fake ?
I dont dabble with magic or sorcery so i know next to nothing about this topic , but shouldnt knowing an entities true name be sufficient to expell it ?

Can a potent occultist evict entities in a matter of minutes like keanu reeves did to the girl in the movie Constantine or are such potrayals of practice absent in the real world ?

I'm in general agreement with pyrokar on this but to break it down more:

First and foremost an exorcism is a type of banishment, and iirc, the length of the exorcism in directly proportional to both the strength of the demon and the hold the demon has on the person. If you also know the name of the demon, this process can be decreased significantly.

Secondly, there are varying levels of banishment, starting from "I am just clearing the air after/before a spell" all the way to a proper voodoun uncrossing. Like with exorcisms, this can vary from simply ringing a bell and going "This Space Is Cleansed of All Ill Intent", doing a full LBRP after a ritual, or months of casting a banishment spell. Ultimately it does vary on your own experience, the level of energy/demon/spirit you wish to banish, amongst various other things.

To provide some personal experience, I once spent an entire college semester banishing a "Lord of Hell" from a friend, which culminated in focusing sex magic energy and casting the spirit out using a touch of glossolalia. But then again, at the end of my regular spells/rituals, I simply ring a bell I acquired specifically for banishment and call "I cast out all spirits malignant from this space" which is typically enough if I didn't evoke a malignant entity


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Whats your opinion on occultists that claim that banishment of entities could be of such a outdrawn process that it could extent itself to many weeks or even months as opposed to the process being instantaneous. Are they fake ?
I dont dabble with magic or sorcery so i know next to nothing about this topic , but shouldnt knowing an entities true name be sufficient to expell it ?

Can a potent occultist evict entities in a matter of minutes like keanu reeves did to the girl in the movie Constantine or are such potrayals of practice absent in the real world
I think getting the demon's name is just a preliminary. The Roman Rite of Exorcism itself runs for pages and pages of prayer for what to do after that. Plus it can only be performed by an ordained priest deputed by a bishop.

I know we're not Catholics here (mostly), but the rite hints at some considerable preparation on the part of the exorciser and a great deal of focus. You might look at Steve Savedow who addresses his experiences here in casting out Goetic entities he summoned up. I recall that he spent a couple weeks on at least one occasion till he felt the space was safe again. See his Goetic Evocation.(ISBN 9781914166068.)


On Probation
Jul 4, 2024
Reaction score
I'm in general agreement with pyrokar on this but to break it down more:

First and foremost an exorcism is a type of banishment, and iirc, the length of the exorcism in directly proportional to both the strength of the demon and the hold the demon has on the person. If you also know the name of the demon, this process can be decreased significantly.

Secondly, there are varying levels of banishment, starting from "I am just clearing the air after/before a spell" all the way to a proper voodoun uncrossing. Like with exorcisms, this can vary from simply ringing a bell and going "This Space Is Cleansed of All Ill Intent", doing a full LBRP after a ritual, or months of casting a banishment spell. Ultimately it does vary on your own experience, the level of energy/demon/spirit you wish to banish, amongst various other things.

To provide some personal experience, I once spent an entire college semester banishing a "Lord of Hell" from a friend, which culminated in focusing sex magic energy and casting the spirit out using a touch of glossolalia. But then again, at the end of my regular spells/rituals, I simply ring a bell I acquired specifically for banishment and call "I cast out all spirits malignant from this space" which is typically enough if I didn't evoke a malignant entity
Thank you for your detailed account , i appreciate it mate.
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I think getting the demon's name is just a preliminary. The Roman Rite of Exorcism itself runs for pages and pages of prayer for what to do after that. Plus it can only be performed by an ordained priest deputed by a bishop.

I know we're not Catholics here (mostly), but the rite hints at some considerable preparation on the part of the exorciser and a great deal of focus. You might look at Steve Savedow who addresses his experiences here in casting out Goetic entities he summoned up. I recall that he spent a couple weeks on at least one occasion till he felt the space was safe again. See his Goetic Evocation.(ISBN 9781914166068.)
Thank you for input mate . Honestly i feel that it could be done in a matter of minutes ( just like the scene in Constantine when keanu exercise a demon out of the little girl)
I feel that many rites that are taught in exoteric and exoteric circles are deliberately complex and exhuasting as a mean to give praise and energy to the god/gods which are represented trough the good cop and positive entities and authorities whilst engaging with the bad cop which are represented trough demons and the like , in reality they all represent the same force that parasites upon humanity - they need us to constantly praise them and give our energy to them in order to control the collective mind of the human race . I truly feel that implementing complex hypnosis techniques are more effective in the long run and im not talking about the academic kind , im talking about multidimensionell hypnosis techniques, obviously to do that we have to operate on the same level or higher as the entities that have taken hold of its subjects .

Mankind have been entranced since time began.
We need to collectively break the multidimensionell spell we are under .
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Hello, good question

this def isn't my strongest area

as with apparently anything in magick it's more about intensity.
like with a banish, there are many other operations that can take a long ass time just to perform

firstly it is divided into each specific practice and the way in which they conduct the banish
secondly, it is the type or nature of the entity (it might not be from the same culture/magick path)
and finally the intensity of the "haunting" vs that of the banishment and the one conducting it.

if it's 1-5 on a 1/10 scale, we can probably handle it (God willing- for anything over 3)
6-10 i ain't messing with that you can keep the money.

most all "formal" magi start off around the usual GD/oto - style banish and practice it before nearly anything they do
so it's easy to note they would be good at it/fairly potent
but this is not a true exorcism as it merely cleanses the space and/or makes it uncomfortable for anything else uninvited
more of a preventive + defensive measure to keep the novices safe rather than go saving people from ghosts.
an entity that was already present for a while, and succeeded attaching or projecting it's influence is in theory a different beast
the vanilla banish might still do something but it likely won't be over in one cast, the entity has already made the surrounding/object
according to it's liking/vibration making the conditions more favorable for it.

so- an occultist should (at the very least) be able to do a low/mid tier cleanse according to their og path
It could in theory take from minutes to years, if possible at all.
for the ones who master this sort of thing they probably have an inventory of all the possible solutions and then pick from those according to the

A good ninja never skips the banish.
Hello again Mate , what would define as 6-10 level of possession?
Would you consider a case of semi possesion to fall under that criteria ?
A full possesion is where the the entity has full control
Im semi possessed and have been for close to a decade , im almost at the end of my rope , but i wont ever consider suicide due to 2 factors , my mom would absolutely shatter to pecies , i dont think she would be able to recover, she's very sensitive and attached, the other reason is that i believe i have a journey to uphold , and i cant leave until i see it trough or i believe i would have to reincarnate into this ceasepit of a realm again and that is just simply not an option.

And the most sad thing is that i might have been a contributer to my own possesion trough my own free will

It all started when i contacted a witch a long time ago when i was under severe stress and turmoil and told her to perform some requests and being the dumbfuck i was i told her that the entities she'd contacted on my behalf - that they were allowed to siphon out my life force from my throat for twelve consequent weeks to the point it would lead to a site throat ( how fucking weak and pathetic i was )

To make matters more convulated one of the requests that i petioned to her was that a force that i thought was my Allie at the time - could control my free will any way they see fit -

She told me the ritual would take 100 days to complete , after roughly 30 days or so i had a very nasty dream that made the hairs in my neck rise , i appeared to be in a tunnel ( perhaps in the underworld ) which was connected to a larger eddifice, whilst standing there i could hear from afar screams of absolute horror , i got the impression that a snake or a monster was devouring individuals , man those screams were felt in the marrow of my bones , i awoke with a jolt covered in cold sweat , i understood the meaning of that symbolic dream , if i continued with the ritual it would have soon have been me that was devoured and my spiritual aspirations ( to break free from the matrix would be that which would be devoured ) and i would have been left with a desire to fully embrace the matrix

So i told the the witch to bugger off , but even after i still believed that the the certain force i have given free will was my Allie - so in the past i must have uttered that this force could control my free will thousands of times if not more than 10.000 times.

The only other option i can think of is that when you break the outermost layers of the serpents inner venous system ( cells of the matrix ) that s force wants to stop you from progressing and breaking more layers of the multidimensionell hypnosis , but frankly and being absolutely honest on the matter whilst i believe that this scenario could apply to some very special individuals i dont think it applies to my , as im way to Daft to be targeted in the first place.

I was a Muslim up till i was 17 or 18 ..
Now i cant recall if i adequately specified the identify of the force that could control my free will or not , but being that i was very afraid to use certain wordings trough complex matters i might have been very vauge in describing that force...at the time
My intent was not to mean the Muslim god but another force ..but i told the witch that the relevant force had helped me intermittently whilst i lived with my mother , i might have elucidated further by saying that this force is not the sun nor the serpent ( not part of the order out of chaos cosmologies that the mass collective subconsiousness have accepted )

So now i suspect the Muslim god or those who sent Matthew Delooze to spread truth on his behalf

Ive been following Matthew Delooze's work prior to contacting the witch and he said that invincible help would be offered on rare occasions on a intermittent basis sort of a thing ..

So i assumed that they might have helped me even though i had no way of knowing if that was indeed the case or not ..

Matthew Delooze is conspiracy theorist that claim that their is a another force from a parralell dimension that both cons mankind into enslaving itself aswell as feed upon the the energies that mankind create . This force uses sun worship as proxy to to gain both the submission of mankind aswell as feed upon mankind . Basically it cons mankind to participate in rituals in honour of the sun om dates that correspondwith certain important sun and moon cycles - the equinoxes and the summer and winterdolstice being the biggest but others to...

My subconsiousness is very open at times and to keep the entities at bay the best i can i sometimes mumble random words very frequently trough my tounge in order to prevent them using my tounge to utter words ...they try to reinforce themselves by using my tounge....

I have the ability to cause minor ( but direct and i mean direct without delay) changes using mind over matter , but i no longer dare to use that approach anymore , i dont dare to enter that zoom put of fear that the entities would hijack my thoughts or emotions trough my mind or toinged they have tried on many occasions in the part and i can only hope they havent had luck in hijacking my further , but they might have done it in the past 😭😭😭

I really really believe that if i was left to my own privacy that i would have gotten rid of them in less than two months using my mind over matter approach, but since they bully me trough the threats of hijacking ...im conered , there so much power that i have at my disposal but my hands feel tied behind my back, it goes against my core beliefs to contact occultists but since i have no choice im left with the only weapon i can utilise fight poidon with poison or fight fire with fire .

Im very poor and i suspect hiring a merited occultist would be very costly but if you have any cheap recommendations please dont hesitate to breif me in , put please consulte me before any of you guys decide to help my becuse i have very strict terms and conditions for the one i want to hire .
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Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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First I think we need to get our terminology straight. If you wish to remove a ghost from a specific location, for example, this would be banishing. If you feel that a parasitic entity is feeding on you, this would be called possession and require an exorcism. Then there's the question of diagnosis - how do you know that a place is really haunted or that you are actually posssed (which is far more difficult to ascertain)? Not to gainsay such phenomena but an important exclusionary criterion would be schizo-affective disorders which is why the Catholic Church first will send you to a psychiatrist first before they let one of their exorcists loose on you, as far as I know - the occult internet scene is littered with crazed testimonies of self-diagnosed possessed persons clearly in need of psychotropic drugs and/or therapy.

Everyday language loves to use 'demon' for anything frightening and malevolent that seems to take over allegedly innocent people like separate evil entities, e.g. 'the demon drink', but these days, the consensus among occultists is that demons are powerful otherworldly entities that are not in the least interested in stealing your soul or inhabititing our frail squishy bodies; Pazuzu in "The Exorcist" was actually an admittedly gruesome protector deity and a king of wind demons, so why would such a formidable being bother with possessing mere puny humans?

I confess that I'm very sceptical about the reality of parasitic entities. Much of what has been written about them smacks of plain paranoia. When I do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, I do it to clear my mind and not cleanse myself or the room of 'negative energies' - first, I would be lying whem I claimed I was able to sense them, what with me being just a beginner, and secondly, I'm kinda superstitious about self-fulfilling prophecies because any such paranoid cleansing would mean I'd have to 'create' those negative energies in the first place in order to subsequently remove them. I also have the nagging suspicion that purportedly possessed persons have simply split off parts of their personality they secretly disapprove of and then reify them as malicious beings. However, I don't completly discount the possible existence of those parasites either. I'm conviced that most of the stories in the memoirs of Catholic exorcists are real but that true possessions are exceedingly rare.

Nevertheless, I'm very critical about those sensationalist media representations of spirit possessions a jaded public is hungry for, lapping up like real-life horror stories without any regard for the all-to-real suffering of the victims.

Those parasitic entities probably don't have names anyway (they're much too insubstantial for that, I think), and I even suspect the demon names used by demonologists are merely conventions. To be successful in their vocation, Catholic exorcists probably follow a similar path to gain power as many of us here. You can't really show long years of
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in a movie, all the viewers ever care about is the spectacular end result of such growth, a powerful operator (magus, witch, exorcist or what have you) plying his or her trade. So yes, such a professional exorcist would be able to get rid of a parasitic entities in hours while a mere amateur might despair, I guess. However, charlatans abound in that area, and convincing somebody he or she is possessed first and then offering a remedy for that posession is probably the oldest trick in the occult book (cynics including me would say that this was true for religions as well where salvation through devotion to a particular deity is typically offered as a cure for original sin, general unhappiness or whatever).


On Probation
Jul 4, 2024
Reaction score
First I think we need to get our terminology straight. If you wish to remove a ghost from a specific location, for example, this would be banishing. If you feel that a parasitic entity is feeding on you, this would be called possession and require an exorcism. Then there's the question of diagnosis - how do you know that a place is really haunted or that you are actually posssed (which is far more difficult to ascertain)? Not to gainsay such phenomena but an important exclusionary criterion would be schizo-affective disorders which is why the Catholic Church first will send you to a psychiatrist first before they let one of their exorcists loose on you, as far as I know - the occult internet scene is littered with crazed testimonies of self-diagnosed possessed persons clearly in need of psychotropic drugs and/or therapy.

Everyday language loves to use 'demon' for anything frightening and malevolent that seems to take over allegedly innocent people like separate evil entities, e.g. 'the demon drink', but these days, the consensus among occultists is that demons are powerful otherworldly entities that are not in the least interested in stealing your soul or inhabititing our frail squishy bodies; Pazuzu in "The Exorcist" was actually an admittedly gruesome protector deity and a king of wind demons, so why would such a formidable being bother with possessing mere puny humans?

I confess that I'm very sceptical about the reality of parasitic entities. Much of what has been written about them smacks of plain paranoia. When I do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, I do it to clear my mind and not cleanse myself or the room of 'negative energies' - first, I would be lying whem I claimed I was able to sense them, what with me being just a beginner, and secondly, I'm kinda superstitious about self-fulfilling prophecies because any such paranoid cleansing would mean I'd have to 'create' those negative energies in the first place in order to subsequently remove them. I also have the nagging suspicion that purportedly possessed persons have simply split off parts of their personality they secretly disapprove of and then reify them as malicious beings. However, I don't completly discount the possible existence of those parasites either. I'm conviced that most of the stories in the memoirs of Catholic exorcists are real but that true possessions are exceedingly rare.

Nevertheless, I'm very critical about those sensationalist media representations of spirit possessions a jaded public is hungry for, lapping up like real-life horror stories without any regard for the all-to-real suffering of the victims.

Those parasitic entities probably don't have names anyway (they're much too insubstantial for that, I think), and I even suspect the demon names used by demonologists are merely conventions. To be successful in their vocation, Catholic exorcists probably follow a similar path to gain power as many of us here. You can't really show long years of
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in a movie, all the viewers ever care about is the spectacular end result of such growth, a powerful operator (magus, witch, exorcist or what have you) plying his or her trade. So yes, such a professional exorcist would be able to get rid of a parasitic entities in hours while a mere amateur might despair, I guess. However, charlatans abound in that area, and convincing somebody he or she is possessed first and then offering a remedy for that posession is probably the oldest trick in the occult book (cynics including me would say that this was true for religions as well where salvation through devotion to a particular deity is typically offered as a cure for original sin, general unhappiness or whatever).
I thank you for your input, but from the moment i wrote the post you responded to was also the exact moment i stopped engaging in debate and petioned for help instead now i dont care a hoot if you think im suffering schizo states or not, i can honestly say Ive never ever had an entity talk trough me prior to the work i did with the witch back then .


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I thank you for your input, but from the moment i wrote the post you responded to was also the exact moment i stopped engaging in debate and petioned for help instead now i dont care a hoot if you think im suffering schizo states or not, i can honestly say Ive never ever had an entity talk trough me prior to the work i did with the witch back then .
Ok. You phrased your inquiry like a general question, I didn't know you were personally affected, my apologies.


On Probation
Jul 4, 2024
Reaction score
Ok. You phrased your inquiry like a general question, I didn't know you were personally affected, my apologies.
No problem mate ❤️🙂
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Ok. You phrased your inquiry like a general question, I didn't know you were personally affected, my apologies.
Say no more it was I that was mistaken , it somehow evaded me that you were responding to the questions i posed in the messages i posted prior to the one that i mistakenly thought you were responding to
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Apr 19, 2021
Reaction score
Whats your opinion on occultists that claim that banishment of entities could be of such a outdrawn process that it could extent itself to many weeks or even months as opposed to the process being instantaneous. Are they fake ?
I spent about a week at it before looking up a specialist who happened to have some innate talent. Sometimes you get lucky and can do it yourself, but I did this several times when I was dicking around to the tune of some several hundreds of dollars. I have notes in my files somewhere with varieties of exorcisitc incantations and implments, sage, magnets, salt, frequences, blah blah blah.

I am understating this; it was only healing, the assistance of an associate, and likely that the spirits themselves that put an end to the affair.

I don't consider such affairs profitable and generally recommend something more practical. Occult or otherwise.
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If you aren't schizophrenic, I am puzzled by anyone who is "semi-possesed" for a decade, which isn't to say I haven't heard of anyone spending that long exorcising their environment.

There is no extent I would not go to, to keep things out of my body. It's physically uncomfortable and causes insomnia. After getting rid of mine, I submitted myself to a hospital in hopes that pharmaceuticals would reduce strain if anything came back. Was unable to swallow food for a couple weeks.

If I had something on me, I would accept that I have a full time job getting rid of it.
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Oct 29, 2023
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It must have taken courage to open up like that so i won't try and be funny.

Hello again Mate , what would define as 6-10 level of possession?
Would you consider a case of semi possesion to fall under that criteria ?
A full possesion is where the the entity has full control
Im semi possessed and have been for close to a decade

in my opinion 1 to 5 is a hit on your mental, most of the time people wouldn't even recognize the influence and think it was their own decisions
like...i don't know, you become agitated or angry for insignificant things, stuff like that.
6 to 10 implies an actual presence, together with the mental/spiritual damage, the type of change that is visible to normal people you know
and others would just assume you are mad. I witnessed a woman in exorcism bark growl like a dog and more.
in this case you would probably be under strong influence, what i mean is, you would agree with it. there is no communication required
- you see a little puppy and suddenly you start thinking about kicking it as hard as you can even though you love animals (is 6/10 type of thing)

i am not an experienced authority and pretty sure there are ninjas here who are, but let's assume if i were wrong they would just tell us

Here is what i would do if i was in your situation.

1. The real banish.
put distance between yourself and all the theory guru's, "dark knowledge" , the "truth" and anything in between.
Delooze and anything occult related- no more. no videos no books no nothing.
Just take a healthy vacation from all those things don't even think about them.

2. the actual banish.
you may at your discretion perfrom low level banish probably the LBRP on a daily basis, nothing serious, couple of minutes.
or look around for one that you like best.

3. The only real help
Pick a place of faith, go there. You don't have to stick to the Muslims, go to a Buddhist temple, anything at all.
Simply go to such a place, find a priest and tell them you fear you are possessed -
they will be honor bound to listen to you and help how they can.
Just to be clear, i don't mean any random bs religion. One of the big three.
if they start insisting you have to convert just go to the next one and repeat.
Going to service, or mass, holidays, or every sunday in example of Christians
being there, even without talking to anyone will be good for you, it's sacred ground after all.

("I don't believe in organized religion, blah blah blah, i don't believe in God/Buddha/The Queen of England" - it's okay, just go.)

There is no better advice you will get. No secret wizard who is waiting to be discovered
There is also the matter of personal contribution, you can't expect to be healthy if you eat more poison
no more of whatever it is you are currently watching/reading
good thoughts, plenty of banish, an occasional prayer and a splash of holy water you will be fine.

like i said before, it's all about intensity and the comfort of the invading force. If it's real.
It's been decorating your aura with trash vibes
so obviously you attack with good vibes,
it's not rocket science.

hiring a witch got you into the mess i doubt repeating a 10 year level mistake is a good idea.
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I have notes in my files somewhere with varieties of exorcisitc incantations and implments
hey that might be worth a post or a thread if you ever feel like sharing
If I had something on me, I would accept that I have a full time job getting rid of it.
that's a magickian mentality if i ever heard one. full agree.

@HoldAll agreed 97%
Seen the work of a dozen or so Babushka witches,
there is not one mofoker who went in there and didn't come out learning he is cursed/possesed
not a single one
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Oct 20, 2023
Reaction score
Whats your opinion on occultists that claim that banishment of entities could be of such a outdrawn process that it could extent itself to many weeks or even months as opposed to the process being instantaneous. Are they fake ?

They could be fake. It depends on the reasons.

There are various methods for banishing. The one I would use involves binding then redirecting. The model that I would be using is the angelic/demonic processional. In order to accomplish the binding, the ritual needs to be executed at a specific time where the divinity is omnipresent here-and-now. Then, I trap it in a snare. A binding ritual. After that, I coerce it, force it into an legally binding pact which excludes its ... let's call it "mischief". Then I release it back into the processional.

Each of the divinities, excluding one and only one, are on a schedule, a processional. Each one is different. I cannot bind them all, but, I can bind the captains. Each of these captains correspond to one of the twelve months. That means that I know, for certain, even if I know nothing of the entity which is causing trouble, given 12 months, I can bind each of the 12 captains and do what needs to be done. The 12 months duration would be a maximum. It could be less. But, if I am methodical in my work, I can be confident that 12 months later, the job is complete.

However, it's rare to know nothing of the entity which needs to be banished. That helps to make choices on which captains ( higher order angels/demons ) to target. But that doesn't necessarily change how long it's going to take to banish the entity. I'm still limited by the angelic processional and its "schedule". However, if I can discern precisely who/what is involved, I may not need to work within the parameters of auspicious occasions.

So, it depends. It could be the individual is a charlatan, or, it could be they're methodical like me. It could be they're going to throw spaghetti at the wall. Trial and error. That takes time too, and, isn't such a bad idea either. Chaos is trendy these days.

It depends. It almost always depends...
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First and foremost an exorcism is a type of banishment,

I vote: they're distinct and different operations. Please note @loady, what I wrote above is for banishing, not exorcism. I distinguish between human souls and the rest. Exorcism is for a human soul or souls. Banishing is for the rest.
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It's warfare, not sex.

Same-difference, pushing-pulling, dominance-submission, role-reversal, compromise, feign-parry-seduction....

The last video in the below sequence is the best, imo.

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On Probation
Jul 4, 2024
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It must have taken courage to open up like that so i won't try and be funny.

in my opinion 1 to 5 is a hit on your mental, most of the time people wouldn't even recognize the influence and think it was their own decisions
like...i don't know, you become agitated or angry for insignificant things, stuff like that.
6 to 10 implies an actual presence, together with the mental/spiritual damage, the type of change that is visible to normal people you know
and others would just assume you are mad. I witnessed a woman in exorcism bark growl like a dog and more.
in this case you would probably be under strong influence, what i mean is, you would agree with it. there is no communication required
- you see a little puppy and suddenly you start thinking about kicking it as hard as you can even though you love animals (is 6/10 type of thing)

i am not an experienced authority and pretty sure there are ninjas here who are, but let's assume if i were wrong they would just tell us

Here is what i would do if i was in your situation.

1. The real banish.
put distance between yourself and all the theory guru's, "dark knowledge" , the "truth" and anything in between.
Delooze and anything occult related- no more. no videos no books no nothing.
Just take a healthy vacation from all those things don't even think about them.

2. the actual banish.
you may at your discretion perfrom low level banish probably the LBRP on a daily basis, nothing serious, couple of minutes.
or look around for one that you like best.

3. The only real help
Pick a place of faith, go there. You don't have to stick to the Muslims, go to a Buddhist temple, anything at all.
Simply go to such a place, find a priest and tell them you fear you are possessed -
they will be honor bound to listen to you and help how they can.
Just to be clear, i don't mean any random bs religion. One of the big three.
if they start insisting you have to convert just go to the next one and repeat.
Going to service, or mass, holidays, or every sunday in example of Christians
being there, even without talking to anyone will be good for you, it's sacred ground after all.

("I don't believe in organized religion, blah blah blah, i don't believe in God/Buddha/The Queen of England" - it's okay, just go.)

There is no better advice you will get. No secret wizard who is waiting to be discovered
There is also the matter of personal contribution, you can't expect to be healthy if you eat more poison
no more of whatever it is you are currently watching/reading
good thoughts, plenty of banish, an occasional prayer and a splash of holy water you will be fine.

like i said before, it's all about intensity and the comfort of the invading force. If it's real.
It's been decorating your aura with trash vibes
so obviously you attack with good vibes,
it's not rocket science.

hiring a witch got you into the mess i doubt repeating a 10 year level mistake is a good idea.
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hey that might be worth a post or a thread if you ever feel like sharing

that's a magickian mentality if i ever heard one. full agree.

@HoldAll agreed 97%
Seen the work of a dozen or so Babushka witches,
there is not one mofoker who went in there and didn't come out learning he is cursed/possesed
It must have taken courage to open up like that so i won't try and be funny.

in my opinion 1 to 5 is a hit on your mental, most of the time people wouldn't even recognize the influence and think it was their own decisions
like...i don't know, you become agitated or angry for insignificant things, stuff like that.
6 to 10 implies an actual presence, together with the mental/spiritual damage, the type of change that is visible to normal people you know
and others would just assume you are mad. I witnessed a woman in exorcism bark growl like a dog and more.
in this case you would probably be under strong influence, what i mean is, you would agree with it. there is no communication required
- you see a little puppy and suddenly you start thinking about kicking it as hard as you can even though you love animals (is 6/10 type of thing)

i am not an experienced authority and pretty sure there are ninjas here who are, but let's assume if i were wrong they would just tell us

Here is what i would do if i was in your situation.

1. The real banish.
put distance between yourself and all the theory guru's, "dark knowledge" , the "truth" and anything in between.
Delooze and anything occult related- no more. no videos no books no nothing.
Just take a healthy vacation from all those things don't even think about them.

2. the actual banish.
you may at your discretion perfrom low level banish probably the LBRP on a daily basis, nothing serious, couple of minutes.
or look around for one that you like best.

3. The only real help
Pick a place of faith, go there. You don't have to stick to the Muslims, go to a Buddhist temple, anything at all.
Simply go to such a place, find a priest and tell them you fear you are possessed -
they will be honor bound to listen to you and help how they can.
Just to be clear, i don't mean any random bs religion. One of the big three.
if they start insisting you have to convert just go to the next one and repeat.
Going to service, or mass, holidays, or every sunday in example of Christians
being there, even without talking to anyone will be good for you, it's sacred ground after all.

("I don't believe in organized religion, blah blah blah, i don't believe in God/Buddha/The Queen of England" - it's okay, just go.)

There is no better advice you will get. No secret wizard who is waiting to be discovered
There is also the matter of personal contribution, you can't expect to be healthy if you eat more poison
no more of whatever it is you are currently watching/reading
good thoughts, plenty of banish, an occasional prayer and a splash of holy water you will be fine.

like i said before, it's all about intensity and the comfort of the invading force. If it's real.
It's been decorating your aura with trash vibes
so obviously you attack with good vibes,
it's not rocket science.

hiring a witch got you into the mess i doubt repeating a 10 year level mistake is a good idea.
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hey that might be worth a post or a thread if you ever feel like sharing

that's a magickian mentality if i ever heard one. full agree.

@HoldAll agreed 97%
Seen the work of a dozen or so Babushka witches,
there is not one mofoker who went in there and didn't come out learning he is cursed/possesed
not a single one
Hello mate thank you for investing your time giving all those pointers mate , if i were religious inclined i would opt for number 3 as i think thats the only option that would work on a case of such severe magnitude as mine . Imo The eating healthy and living healthy part holds no bearing on the weakening of the entities , if the entities strength was given trough the authority of a soul contract , you could live as healthy you want to no avail, i never said anything about hiring a witch once mate. One of the terms that a potential spellcaster/exorcist needs to honour shall i decide to hire one is that of a contractual agreement between me and all the parties that decides to help with exorcism - one that specifices that i wont worship anyone that decides to help me. Im very cautious about my energy aggregates from a spiritual point of view and wouldnt splatter any Holy waters on my head for all the money in the world , imo the more someone submits to god/gods the more their energy aggregates are accustomed to the frequencies and vibrations of time space at the expense of weakening the impulses from the deepest recesses of our being which is mainly the desire to escape space time and connect to our true being the allknowing and allbeing state and no im not talking about the fake superimposed allknowing state of the light in ein sof or ein nor am i talking about the negative veils of existence and nirvana the likes im refering to something way way beyond. Imo we either have the impulse and foresight to know that the universes we exist in is just a reflection or map that consists of the mental images of what another soul group complex ( frausters that like to play a game of pretender gods ) deem as reality or we dont.

Sorry if i sound pretensious but i have something in me that is not of this world ( as do we all )
But my desire to connect to my deepest recesses are not fully compromissed yet.
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They could be fake. It depends on the reasons.

There are various methods for banishing. The one I would use involves binding then redirecting. The model that I would be using is the angelic/demonic processional. In order to accomplish the binding, the ritual needs to be executed at a specific time where the divinity is omnipresent here-and-now. Then, I trap it in a snare. A binding ritual. After that, I coerce it, force it into an legally binding pact which excludes its ... let's call it "mischief". Then I release it back into the processional.

Each of the divinities, excluding one and only one, are on a schedule, a processional. Each one is different. I cannot bind them all, but, I can bind the captains. Each of these captains correspond to one of the twelve months. That means that I know, for certain, even if I know nothing of the entity which is causing trouble, given 12 months, I can bind each of the 12 captains and do what needs to be done. The 12 months duration would be a maximum. It could be less. But, if I am methodical in my work, I can be confident that 12 months later, the job is complete.

However, it's rare to know nothing of the entity which needs to be banished. That helps to make choices on which captains ( higher order angels/demons ) to target. But that doesn't necessarily change how long it's going to take to banish the entity. I'm still limited by the angelic processional and its "schedule". However, if I can discern precisely who/what is involved, I may not need to work within the parameters of auspicious occasions.

So, it depends. It could be the individual is a charlatan, or, it could be they're methodical like me. It could be they're going to throw spaghetti at the wall. Trial and error. That takes time too, and, isn't such a bad idea either. Chaos is trendy these days.

It depends. It almost always depends...
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I vote: they're distinct and different operations. Please note @loady, what I wrote above is for banishing, not exorcism. I distinguish between human souls and the rest. Exorcism is for a human soul or souls. Banishing is for the rest.
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Same-difference, pushing-pulling, dominance-submission, role-reversal, compromise, feign-parry-seduction....

The last video in the below sequence is the best, imo.

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Thank you friend, for that detailed description.
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Oct 29, 2023
Reaction score
do as thou wilt bro.

i just think its funny how many times this happens, and how all of ya'll always reject going to church or other simple fixes. Stay mad then.
guess it gives the feeling of being special (over and over and over again kek)

but if you know better then all power to you, good luck with the matrix or whatever


On Probation
Jul 4, 2024
Reaction score
do as thou wilt bro.

i just think its funny how many times this happens, and how all of ya'll always reject going to church or other simple fixes. Stay mad then.
guess it gives the feeling of being special (over and over and over again kek)

but if you know better then all power to you, good luck with the matrix or whatever

do as thou wilt bro.

i just think its funny how many times this happens, and how all of ya'll always reject going to church or other simple fixes. Stay mad then.
guess it gives the feeling of being special (over and over and over again kek)

but if you know better then all power to you, good luck with the matrix or whatever
I acknowledge that your advice as per number 3 works , but without proper caution you will not end up just freed from the entities there will be other energies installed in you that favours the hold the pretender gods have over you ..hence why i dont opt for it.

Here below is a post that i wrote on my fb log a while ago , some people might resonate with it..

It stands to reason that if the law of attraction works

Then what reality are you creating for yourself when you willingly give yourself wholeheartedly to someone you percieve as your creator ?

You give him your desire to rule over you

And the thing about worshipping god is that he will never ever allow for or give you a thought or insight that doesnt benefit his continuous rule over you.

Becuse how could he when you dont allow it?

Think about it

How can you ever ascend to a level ( or far beyond) of someone you percieve to be your creator in your role as a submitter to him, you simply cant , not becuse your supposed god forbids you but becuse you forbid yourself.

Understand that the idea of god was created to trap you to the construct of time.

Following the same line of logic..

What kind of reality will you attract per law of attraction if you follow that deeper instinct in yourself that knows something is amiss , you'd attract that which lies behind the domain of the matrix and that which enslaves you wouldnt you

Would you ask your child to bow down at your feet and worship you in order for extending your unconditional love to the child ?

So ask yourself why a god does?

Could it be that the worshippers empower him by doing so ?

Why does an supposed omnipotent god demand the worship of the human race

And why is free will required in the process of such an act ?

Could it be that he needs us more than we need him?

And could it be that he can only intervene in human lives as long as humans give their free will respect and admiration towards him

It would certainly explain the aforementioned questions wouldnt it

Think about it..

And please dont tell me that religion is not a powerful tool of control when the vast adherers of religion havent even read the book that controls their whole perception of themselves and existence itself

"If you percieve yourself to be awakened , the universe will leave you in your percieved awakened state "

Quote from Matthew Delooze above

Becuse your free will will never allow for something else , and youll never be able to attract help from those who love you and see you in equal terms as themselves becuse the law of free will will stand in their way

Love yourself and Dont give your power away and im sure in the end that those who truly loves you will help you see you .
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Ill post another one that i wrote from my fb log so you can see where im coming from there are no esoterics that are deeper than your innate intuition and inner being as a matter of fact 85-90 % of all esotericism save that of a few universal principles and laws are rendered docile without the power of the collective subconsiousness that upholds them as relevant and as such they can be considered to be nothing more than the content created by the effects of multidimensional hypnosis. The only difference between the subtle and the gross or the initiated or un-initiated man is how high or how low they are situated within the ritual ladder that constitutes the reptilian matrix universe. The initiated man has longer chains that allows for a broader navigation in the cells of matrix whereas the un- initiated man has somewhat shorter chains that allows for a more restricted insight of the prison ( but not always , becuse the uninitiate man has far more potential than the initiated man ) both are enslaved just the same though

Jed McKenna once said the only profound thing coming out of his mouth - its not about becoming true its about unbecoming false so all thats left is truth - applying that notion to the occult then one should learn about how the occult is used to effect Mankind and from thence on refute all occultism by reverse engineering the spells its put on its subject.

I only ever read about the occult so i can reverse engineer the spells that have me under their spells and indeed that is the only reason i ever read or study the occult from time to time.

Post inspired by Matthew Delooze

That which you cant see actually determines what you can see

- Many P Hall

Veriyfing matrix data by observing matrix data to draw any conclusions about the reality that is beyond the matrix you can percieve is akin to putting a spell of self hypnosis upon yourself.

"How can anything be true if you are not true"
- Matthew delooze

You dont even know who you are or where you came from yet you like to play a game of pretend and lecture others by having them endorse the matrix under the false preconception that your leading them to gnosis

The elites in academics such as science , philosophy and religion where always members of secret societies and they only served as a conduit that downloaded information about the matrix in order to enlighten" humanity about the matrix. They could never tell you anything about what lies beyond the matrix becuse they never really knew themselves they only knew how to act as a channel of servitude to the forces that run this world .

These illuminated ones knew that nature have a veil that conceils "divinity" that the gross has trapped the subtle . They know that divinity was entrapped under the confines of gross matter and that the subtle could be freed from its imprisoning ramifications and limitations trough alchemichal rites

Little did they know that when the creators of the matrix first designed the matrix they structured it in accordance to a blueprint that has many layers - the serpent knew that many people would break free from the uttermost layer of the matrix that is represented trough science,politics, classical philosophy and exoteric views of spirituality and religion so they created a matrix that consists of many layers - so they could both hijack the intent and will of those who desire to break free aswell as fool them into thinking that they have found truth so they end up stagnant and compliant in their falsely percieved notion of thinking that they belong to an enlightened click that is in "the know"

These people got trapped by the second layer of the scam which is unification with deity but is not them actually assimilating god but rather the force that likes to play pretender god that assimilates them- a distinction that is not without a difference and which hides different motives...

1. Allowing the creators of the matrix to occupy the vessel of an official member of the human race complex trough a humans free will -- thus it allows them entrance in humans world without breaking restrictions pertaining to laws of free will. This in part explains the passage concerning " let us make man in our image"

2. Because of "Gods" assimilation of the human trough a symbolic death of the human - the human had chosen to relinquish his existence and made his body empty so the gods could occupy it as vessel - thus shall anyone want to exchange energy with the human it wont go to the human ( becuse he has chosen to erase his identity which is now overwritten by the force that claims him and whom from thereafter and on steals all the energy that would otherwise go the human. This in part is an explanation to the passage in the Bible concerning " let us make man in our image after our likeness

3. The serpent knows that it doesnt deserve worship and respect from humans so instead of showing themselves in their true chosen cosmic image they present themselves trough the middlemans they initiated in the image of man . This was explained by Matthew Delooze trough diffrent wording note: i think That this also explains in part the passage of the Bible concerning " let us make man our image"

4. By having "gods "walking in mans shoes They learn to understand and accumulate data about the human race which they then can employ to fix any integral anamoly that hinders it from any efficient and long lasting control of humanity this also explains in part the the passage in the Bible concerning let us make man in our image

These people like to spread the light like the cancer it has become in an automated reflexive impulse at any chance they get - not because they want to but becuse they have been programmed to.

You can be told that your divinity and let the slick multidimensional hypnosis techniques

Lead you into the experiences of the serpent map of what they have crafted their universe to be - know thyself gnosis they call it in the mysteries- but they should really call it submission that leads to clining of the serpents map of creation. A fake universe which the intiate gets to experience as a whole in the culmination climax of his initiation - therefore being fooled to think that he has experienced the allknowing and allbeing state when in reality he only experienced the universe that was created in the likeness of the mental images of the reptilians - far far removed from the the real all knowing and allbeing state.

As i said earlier in my own quote that not many understood

Theres two ways to arrive to the same conclusion one in ignorance and the other trough knowing.

Alot of hippies and airy fairy warriors of light that spread the true notion that we are all one and love but sadely trough their own ignorance to understand and experience love and truth in its full capacity they spread that very same notion of oneness and love with the tainted ignorance inherit in them - thus they spread disease in the world thinking they are doing the opposite - they lead people to worship the sun and the serpent trough new age practices or trough esoteric forms of spirituality and religion and in so doing they are spreading the programming that berefts man of his own true powers and the real kny thyself which is that hes the real allknowing force .

In a interview Matthew Delooze said words to the effect of Mankind does not need to Excell to the truth , the truth is already in us and i believe if we really want to know the truth then we will go the truth on our own two feets, we only need to remember who we are .

Know thyself by having high priests instruct yourself into knowing thyself is not knowing thyself its only know what they want you to know trough multidimensional hypnosis.
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