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Banishment of entities


Jul 4, 2024
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Whats your opinion on occultists that claim that banishment of entities could be of such a outdrawn process that it could extent itself to many weeks or even months as opposed to the process being instantaneous. Are they fake ?
I dont dabble with magic or sorcery so i know next to nothing about this topic , but shouldnt knowing an entities true name be sufficient to expell it ?

Can a potent occultist evict entities in a matter of minutes like keanu reeves did to the girl in the movie Constantine or are such potrayals of practice absent in the real world ?


Apr 19, 2021
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You assuredly are schizophrenic.

If I was hallucinating right now, I would be regurgitating lower quantities of abstracted structures.

It's either that or you are coming out of high school.
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Alot of hippies and airy fairy warriors of light that spread the true notion that we are all one and love but sadely trough their own ignorance to understand and experience love and truth in its full capacity they spread that very same notion of oneness and love with the tainted ignorance inherit in them - thus they spread disease in the world thinking they are doing the opposite - they lead people to worship the sun and the serpent trough new age practices or trough esoteric forms of spirituality and religion and in so doing they are spreading the programming that berefts man of his own true powers and the real kny thyself which is that hes the real allknowing force .
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Aug 17, 2023
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Thank you for your detailed account , i appreciate it mate.
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Thank you for input mate . Honestly i feel that it could be done in a matter of minutes ( just like the scene in Constantine when keanu exercise a demon out of the little girl)
I feel that many rites that are taught in exoteric and exoteric circles are deliberately complex and exhuasting as a mean to give praise and energy to the god/gods which are represented trough the good cop and positive entities and authorities whilst engaging with the bad cop which are represented trough demons and the like , in reality they all represent the same force that parasites upon humanity - they need us to constantly praise them and give our energy to them in order to control the collective mind of the human race . I truly feel that implementing complex hypnosis techniques are more effective in the long run and im not talking about the academic kind , im talking about multidimensionell hypnosis techniques, obviously to do that we have to operate on the same level or higher as the entities that have taken hold of its subjects .

Mankind have been entranced since time began.
We need to collectively break the multidimensionell spell we are under .
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Hello again Mate , what would define as 6-10 level of possession?
Would you consider a case of semi possesion to fall under that criteria ?
A full possesion is where the the entity has full control
Im semi possessed and have been for close to a decade , im almost at the end of my rope , but i wont ever consider suicide due to 2 factors , my mom would absolutely shatter to pecies , i dont think she would be able to recover, she's very sensitive and attached, the other reason is that i believe i have a journey to uphold , and i cant leave until i see it trough or i believe i would have to reincarnate into this ceasepit of a realm again and that is just simply not an option.

And the most sad thing is that i might have been a contributer to my own possesion trough my own free will

It all started when i contacted a witch a long time ago when i was under severe stress and turmoil and told her to perform some requests and being the dumbfuck i was i told her that the entities she'd contacted on my behalf - that they were allowed to siphon out my life force from my throat for twelve consequent weeks to the point it would lead to a site throat ( how fucking weak and pathetic i was )

To make matters more convulated one of the requests that i petioned to her was that a force that i thought was my Allie at the time - could control my free will any way they see fit -

She told me the ritual would take 100 days to complete , after roughly 30 days or so i had a very nasty dream that made the hairs in my neck rise , i appeared to be in a tunnel ( perhaps in the underworld ) which was connected to a larger eddifice, whilst standing there i could hear from afar screams of absolute horror , i got the impression that a snake or a monster was devouring individuals , man those screams were felt in the marrow of my bones , i awoke with a jolt covered in cold sweat , i understood the meaning of that symbolic dream , if i continued with the ritual it would have soon have been me that was devoured and my spiritual aspirations ( to break free from the matrix would be that which would be devoured ) and i would have been left with a desire to fully embrace the matrix

So i told the the witch to bugger off , but even after i still believed that the the certain force i have given free will was my Allie - so in the past i must have uttered that this force could control my free will thousands of times if not more than 10.000 times.

The only other option i can think of is that when you break the outermost layers of the serpents inner venous system ( cells of the matrix ) that s force wants to stop you from progressing and breaking more layers of the multidimensionell hypnosis , but frankly and being absolutely honest on the matter whilst i believe that this scenario could apply to some very special individuals i dont think it applies to my , as im way to Daft to be targeted in the first place.

I was a Muslim up till i was 17 or 18 ..
Now i cant recall if i adequately specified the identify of the force that could control my free will or not , but being that i was very afraid to use certain wordings trough complex matters i might have been very vauge in describing that force...at the time
My intent was not to mean the Muslim god but another force ..but i told the witch that the relevant force had helped me intermittently whilst i lived with my mother , i might have elucidated further by saying that this force is not the sun nor the serpent ( not part of the order out of chaos cosmologies that the mass collective subconsiousness have accepted )

So now i suspect the Muslim god or those who sent Matthew Delooze to spread truth on his behalf

Ive been following Matthew Delooze's work prior to contacting the witch and he said that invincible help would be offered on rare occasions on a intermittent basis sort of a thing ..

So i assumed that they might have helped me even though i had no way of knowing if that was indeed the case or not ..

Matthew Delooze is conspiracy theorist that claim that their is a another force from a parralell dimension that both cons mankind into enslaving itself aswell as feed upon the the energies that mankind create . This force uses sun worship as proxy to to gain both the submission of mankind aswell as feed upon mankind . Basically it cons mankind to participate in rituals in honour of the sun om dates that correspondwith certain important sun and moon cycles - the equinoxes and the summer and winterdolstice being the biggest but others to...

My subconsiousness is very open at times and to keep the entities at bay the best i can i sometimes mumble random words very frequently trough my tounge in order to prevent them using my tounge to utter words ...they try to reinforce themselves by using my tounge....

I have the ability to cause minor ( but direct and i mean direct without delay) changes using mind over matter , but i no longer dare to use that approach anymore , i dont dare to enter that zoom put of fear that the entities would hijack my thoughts or emotions trough my mind or toinged they have tried on many occasions in the part and i can only hope they havent had luck in hijacking my further , but they might have done it in the past 😭😭😭

I really really believe that if i was left to my own privacy that i would have gotten rid of them in less than two months using my mind over matter approach, but since they bully me trough the threats of hijacking ...im conered , there so much power that i have at my disposal but my hands feel tied behind my back, it goes against my core beliefs to contact occultists but since i have no choice im left with the only weapon i can utilise fight poidon with poison or fight fire with fire .

Im very poor and i suspect hiring a merited occultist would be very costly but if you have any cheap recommendations please dont hesitate to breif me in , put please consulte me before any of you guys decide to help my becuse i have very strict terms and conditions for the one i want to hire .
"Honestly i feel that it could be done in a matter of minutes ( just like the scene in Constantine when keanu exercise a demon out of the little girl)" Read Fr. Garbiele Amorth: sometimes an exorcism takes months. Do not judge anything by the movies.


Jul 4, 2024
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"Honestly i feel that it could be done in a matter of minutes ( just like the scene in Constantine when keanu exercise a demon out of the little girl)" Read Fr. Garbiele Amorth: sometimes an exorcism takes months. Do not judge anything by the movies.
Hello mate, i stand by my statement , imo my intuition tells me it can be done instantly , but obviously in very severe cases of possession one have to personally operate on a level of intelligence that very few can access , only top rankers , perhaps elite ranking royalty members or those who rule the top ranking elite members of royalty from the unseen in other dimensions. And ofcourse imo very few special individuals that has breaken enough layers of the multidimensionell hypnosis that engulfs the mass collective of mankind.
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"Honestly i feel that it could be done in a matter of minutes ( just like the scene in Constantine when keanu exercise a demon out of the little girl)" Read Fr. Garbiele Amorth: sometimes an exorcism takes months. Do not judge anything by the movies.
And lets not forget that that in the mass collective the name John had been imbued with alot of spiritual authority e.g John the baptist but in my opinion John is a derivate of Janus which is equal to amen in power and scope also a big figure in freemasonic initiation as opener and closer of gates and roads . John can also allude to Jan whom are the fathers of the djinn.
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"Honestly i feel that it could be done in a matter of minutes ( just like the scene in Constantine when keanu exercise a demon out of the little girl)" Read Fr. Garbiele Amorth: sometimes an exorcism takes months. Do not judge anything by the movies.
I realise that theres some whom havent seen the movie Constantine , so i want to clarify that i mentioned the name John in my prior post becuse that was the name of the character keanu reeves played in Constantine
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Apr 19, 2021
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Hello mate, i stand by my statement , imo my intuition tells me it can be done instantly
It can "be done instantly" if the entity isn't particularly resistant. For that matter, entities may simple leave on request if they wish to.

In fact, I knew a couple entities that left on request.


Aug 17, 2023
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Hello mate, i stand by my statement , imo my intuition tells me it can be done instantly , but obviously in very severe cases of possession one have to personally operate on a level of intelligence that very few can access , only top rankers , perhaps elite ranking royalty members or those who rule the top ranking elite members of royalty from the unseen in other dimensions. And ofcourse imo very few special individuals that has breaken enough layers of the multidimensionell hypnosis that engulfs the mass collective of mankind.
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And lets not forget that that in the mass collective the name John had been imbued with alot of spiritual authority e.g John the baptist but in my opinion John is a derivate of Janus which is equal to amen in power and scope also a big figure in freemasonic initiation as opener and closer of gates and roads . John can also allude to Jan whom are the fathers of the djinn.
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I realise that theres some whom havent seen the movie Constantine , so i want to clarify that i mentioned the name John in my prior post becuse that was the name of the character keanu reeves played in Constantine