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[Tutorial] Basic Banishing Rite - Sphere Of Hekas (LBRP alternative)

Informative post.
For those of us allergic to Abrahamic influences :)

Part 1: Conjuring the Column
Begin by standing and facing east. Imagine that you are at the very center of the universe. I don't mean to imagine that you have left your room and are now somewhere out in space, but rather that the very place you're standing is the center of the entire universe. Just as from our perspective here on Earth it seems that the Sun revolves around us, but from a larger perspective it is revealed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, you should consider that from an even larger perspective, you are at the very center of the universe and the whole thing revolves around you.
Take a deep breath and imagine that above you, emanating from the highest heavens descends a column of pure white light. This light enters the crown of your head and passes through you, down into the ground. This white light has the qualities of purification and centering. Exhale and intonate the following:
(The descent of the dove)

Take another deep breath and imagine that a reddish-colored light from beneath you rises through the column and passes through you upwards. Whereas the white light was purifying, this light is vitalizing. Exhale and intonate the following:
(The ascent of the serpent)

Inhale again and feel the two energies entering into you from above and below.
Exhale and feel the two energies flow throughout your body, impregnating every cell of your being with their power. Feel your connection between earth and sky, underworld and heavens.

With your right hand point at your third eye and intone:
I (ee).
Move your right hand over your heart and open your hand so that palm faces your chest and intone:
A (ah).
Move your hand over your crotch and turn the palm upwards, connecting the thumb and forefinger. Intone:
O (oh).
This portion of the rite grounds, centers, purifies and empowers you so that you are in a proper position to exercise authority over the forces that you wish to banish.

Part 2: Delineating the Boundaries
Still standing within the column, pronounce to the powers that be:
(Away, all that is profane)

Make a fist with your left hand and place it against your chest over your heart, cover it with your right hand and apply about five pounds of pressure there and imagine that the force you summoned forth from the column begins to concentrate at the heart. Imagine that this power, drawn by the physical pressure and force of will, takes the shape of a gray sphere about the size of a baseball. Visualize this until you have it very clear in your mind.
Release the pressure and in one motion step forward with your left foot and throw your arms outward in what is called the Sign of the Enterer. As you make this sign, see the sphere at your heart grow. As it grows and spreads, it pushes back all malefic forces and harmful spirits. It grows past your body and continues, until it stops where you wish to make the boundary, forming a wall of grayish astral force. Intone:
(I seize the circle)

Take your wand or dagger in your hand and extend your arm straight out. The tip of the tool (or your finger, when working without tools) should touch the edge of the circle you want to make. If you have extended the circle past the walls of the room you are in, then you can simply point towards the edge. Pivot or walk the edge of your circle and intone the following:
(I consecrate and bless this circle
That it may be to me and all a shield
And protection in the name of the most powerful invincible goddess Hekate)

Consider that this sphere is an invincible and impenetrable fortress surrounding you, keeping out all harmful forces and spirits of ill-intent.

Part 3: Invoking the Guardians
The last section invokes four guardians to the four cardinal directions within the sphere.
They can be replaced with quarter guardians of your choice, such as Judeo-Christian archangels etc.
Face East and visualize Abaek standing at the eastern edge of the circle while facing the center. He has the body of a man and the head of a bull that is snorting and breathing wildly. In his hand he holds two scimitars, which he clashes together in a threatening manner. Make the gesture of conjuring and invoke:
Bull-headed guardian of the East
Remember your vow and fill the throne which has been set for you!

Consider that the throne (your visualization) has been filled by Abaek and see him now turn around to face the outside of the circle.
Face South and visualize Pyrhum standing at the southern edge of the circle while facing the center. He has the body of a man and the head of a horse that is breathing fire. His two hands hold a large ebony trident. Make the gesture of conjuring and invoke:
Horse-headed guardian of the South
Remember your vow and fill the throne which has been set for you!

Consider that the throne (your visualization) has been filled by Pyrhum and see him now turn around to face the outside of the circle.
Face West and visualize Ermiti standing at the western edge of the circle while facing the center. She has the torso of a woman and the head and lower body of a serpent. Her hands hold a net and a skull cup, which overflows with boiling blood. Make the gesture of conjuring and invoke:
Serpentine guardian of the West
Remember your vow and fill the throne which has been set for you!

Consider that the throne (your visualization) has been filled by Ermiti and see her now turn around to face the outside of the circle.
Face North and visualize Dimgali standing at the northern edge of the circle while facing the center. She has the torso of a woman and the head of a black dog. In her left hand she holds a whip and in her left she holds adamantine shackles. Make the gesture of conjuring and invoke:
Bitch-headed guardian of the North
Remember your vow and fill the throne which has been set for you!

Consider that the throne (your visualization) has been filled by Dimgali and see her now turn around to face the outside of the circle.

Part 4: Closing
You have grounded and centered yourself and connected with the Earth and the heavens. You have swept away obstructing energies from your area and created a psychic barrier around you. You have invoked guardian spirits in the four cardinal directions, all that remains is to close the rite.
Take a single deep breath and bring your hands together in front of your heart as if you are praying.
(Away, all that is profane
In the name of the most powerful IAO)

The wording of this rite is not all that important. If for one reason or another you're not comfortable with Latin, the general form of the rite can be followed using the English translation, or some other appropriate words of similar meaning.
The ritual instructions may seem long but once memorized, the whole rite takes about five minutes to perform. Whatever banishing you choose, it should be done every day - preferably twice a day as the effectiveness of rites such as this tends to last through either sunset or sunrise.

All credits go to Jason Miller, Protection & Reversal Magick - strongly recommended read for all beginners!
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