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Book Recommendation Best material on astral defense/offense?

Seeking or giving recommendations for books.


Jun 17, 2024
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Looking for good stuff to read on psychic/astral defense (and offense to learn both sides). Have read a good amount of the vampiric material but it seems their techniques are centered around tendril feeding/aura manipulation. Is it all just this simple?

Would like to know your best read for actually developing strong astral defenses/offenses. Is dion fortune/robert bruce the best we have?


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Uhh actually the CIA has a book about astral traveling you can find on their website, it goes over how to protect yourself before astral traveling in the beginning part of the workbook section. But as for day to day I think Jason Miller has 2 books on it, one is protection and reversal magick and I for the life of me can’t think of the other one, there’s also some squarespace website that has different lesson plans but it’s all pretty basic but if you want to check it out it’s
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(It’s not a book just part of a lesson guide thing for beginners but it’s something 🤷‍♂️)

When it comes to protection I just use what I’ve learned over time so it’s not like a strict guide you’ll find in a book.
For instance here’s a thread I posted on how to make water for cleansing.

[Tutorial] - Updated Holy Water/Cleansing

When it comes down to it, I guess things on protection can be rather lacking because of the over saturation of junk you can find on magick, the gems get buried and not many people write whole books on strictly just defensive work. Or it could be that because what’s known works, and we all have our own defensive systems.
If you want any ideas,
You can use Sigils to create wards and recharge them after a set period of time, or you can choose a personal item crystal/pendent and lay your intentions into that while it’s laying on a sigil during a set moon/planetary phase that coincides with your own signs.

The overall theme with protection is, we all have different practices so what you choose for protection can depend on that. Some use the QC followed by the LBRP before each working. There’s also the reverse black mirror spell if you know someone is doing work against you.

I hope at least a bit of this info helped you in a direction that’s beneficial. Even if I didn’t name any books off top, the things mentioned may lead you to some lesser known idea’s or books that may have what you’re looking for.
When it comes to protection you can’t be too careful, but it’s not something I’ve ever obsessed over so I apologize for lack of better references. Defense is a pretty straight forward thing, be proactive about it and use what you find.
Hopefully someone will be able to give you a better book selection.

You can check out the WF library though and go through that to see if you find something that peaks your interest.
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Jun 17, 2024
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Uhh actually the CIA has a book about astral traveling you can find on their website, it goes over how to protect yourself before astral traveling in the beginning part of the workbook section. But as for day to day I think Jason Miller has 2 books on it, one is protection and reversal magick and I for the life of me can’t think of the other one, there’s also some squarespace website that has different lesson plans but it’s all pretty basic but if you want to check it out it’s
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(It’s not a book just part of a lesson guide thing for beginners but it’s something 🤷‍♂️)

When it comes to protection I just use what I’ve learned over time so it’s not like a strict guide you’ll find in a book.
For instance here’s a thread I posted on how to make water for cleansing.

[Tutorial] - Updated Holy Water/Cleansing

When it comes down to it, I guess things on protection can be rather lacking because of the over saturation of junk you can find on magick, the gems get buried and not many people write whole books on strictly just defensive work. Or it could be that because what’s known works, and we all have our own defensive systems.
If you want any ideas,
You can use Sigils to create wards and recharge them after a set period of time, or you can choose a personal item crystal/pendent and lay your intentions into that while it’s laying on a sigil during a set moon/planetary phase that coincides with your own signs.

The overall theme with protection is, we all have different practices so what you choose for protection can depend on that. Some use the QC followed by the LBRP before each working. There’s also the reverse black mirror spell if you know someone is doing work against you.

I hope at least a bit of this info helped you in a direction that’s beneficial. Even if I didn’t name any books off top, the things mentioned may lead you to some lesser known idea’s or books that may have what you’re looking for.
When it comes to protection you can’t be too careful, but it’s not something I’ve ever obsessed over so I apologize for lack of better references. Defense is a pretty straight forward thing, be proactive about it and use what you find.
Hopefully someone will be able to give you a better book selection.

You can check out the WF library though and go through that to see if you find something that peaks your interest.
Have you heard of John Kreiter and his work on servitors ? I've heard about them before but am only now exploring the idea of using them for offense/defense ...


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Have you heard of John Kreiter and his work on servitors ? I've heard about them before but am only now exploring the idea of using them for offense/defense ...
I’m aware of servitors and how to create them however I Haven’t heard of his books, I see has 2 of them, I’ll have to check them out 👍 and yeah servitors are really good companions for intuition based things and definitely can be used for protection. It takes more energy and time to create one than many other protection processes but that’s definitely an angle worth exploring.


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Jul 3, 2023
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I did Damon Brands "Magickal Protection" for the prescribed 33 days myself and liked the way he uses Apollonius of Tiana's "Nuctomeron" (via Eliphas Levi) genies in a sort of protection prayer that goes beyond passive shielding and is rather designed to provide a calm and empowered state of mind. Additionally, it contains the popular Sword Banishing Ritual which I do first thing in the morning, last thing at night because I like the visualisation and angel names. I can't attest to its efficacy, I've never felt the need for occult protection before and mainly did the ritual for practising purposes.

I'd also recommend Jason Miller's "Protection & Reversal Magick" which I haven't read yet but I like Miller's commonsensical style. Apart from that, there are plenty books in the Library on that topic, just search for "Protection".


Aug 17, 2024
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Uhh actually the CIA has a book about astral traveling you can find on their website, it goes over how to protect yourself before astral traveling in the beginning part of the workbook section.
The CIA document, if I recall, is part of the Gateway Experience protocol that Robert Monroe put together.... and I was only replying initially because I get Robert Monroe and Robert Bruce mixed up in my head (OP mentioning Robert Bruce).

Do you need more than things that Dion Fortune has mentioned? While it's aged content, the intent and execution are identical no matter what your prefer. There are definite classics she mentions that others mostly either build off of or regurgitate. In the end, I'm reminded of this quote

"The first thing to do when dealing with an occult attack is to make a temporary clearance of the atmosphere and so gain breathing-space in which to re-form the shattered ranks. This is more readily achieved by an organised ritual than by unaided will-power. Any act performed with intention becomes a rite."

But more up and to the point of recent publications the following print which is stated early on

"Times have changed, but the underlying principles have not." And I feel it applies to the ritual or exercise just as much as to the type of attack, the psychology of attack, that the comment was directed.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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The CIA document, if I recall, is part of the Gateway Experience protocol that Robert Monroe put together.... and I was only replying initially because I get Robert Monroe and Robert Bruce mixed up in my head (OP mentioning Robert Bruce).

Do you need more than things that Dion Fortune has mentioned? While it's aged content, the intent and execution are identical no matter what your prefer. There are definite classics she mentions that others mostly either build off of or regurgitate. In the end, I'm reminded of this quote

"The first thing to do when dealing with an occult attack is to make a temporary clearance of the atmosphere and so gain breathing-space in which to re-form the shattered ranks. This is more readily achieved by an organised ritual than by unaided will-power. Any act performed with intention becomes a rite."

But more up and to the point of recent publications the following print which is stated early on

"Times have changed, but the underlying principles have not." And I feel it applies to the ritual or exercise just as much as to the type of attack, the psychology of attack, that the comment was directed.
That’s right “The gateway experience”
It has 2 parts, the science behind it and the workbook.
As for protection, I am pretty much in agreement with you, the only reason I think a person may want to go deeper into protection is because there are systems where you have a teacher attack the student in an initiation process. You can think of it as martial arts sparring, the teacher attacks the student not to do harm but to test the students defense. The reason for this being to test the students understanding of the practices and techniques, it’s not seen or meant to be malevolent nor is it used to cause lasting harm. All in all, learning defensive practices within your own system can be beneficial if you have the right person to guide you along just so you can gain a deeper understanding of the forces your system works with.
But for average protection and defense I agree that there really isn’t too much to get into, although the best offense is an impregnable defense so it can be beneficial to go above and beyond both for your own safety and to better understand the forces you’re being exposed to.
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Yeah from what I remember of it, it was practical and useful at the time, I’m even considered getting it in audiobook form ever since I was reminded of it by OP when thinking of protection books. Agatha Adler has one by the same title but it just didn’t sound interesting to me personally. It just came out in 2023 and apparently puts in online protection as well as metaphysical.
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Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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As for offense... there are some books on cursing in the Library but you could argue that any working that exerts some kind of influence on others would constitue an attack. For example, there is the seemingloy innocent example of performing a ritual in order to succeed in a job interview - an example for 'white magic', most would say, but you could also argue that by means of that ritual, you're putting a hex on the interviewer while impairing the performance of your competitors, so you could call this a sort of magical offense as well.


Jun 17, 2024
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I did Damon Brands "Magickal Protection" for the prescribed 33 days myself and liked the way he uses Apollonius of Tiana's "Nuctomeron" (via Eliphas Levi) genies in a sort of protection prayer that goes beyond passive shielding and is rather designed to provide a calm and empowered state of mind. Additionally, it contains the popular Sword Banishing Ritual which I do first thing in the morning, last thing at night because I like the visualisation and angel names. I can't attest to its efficacy, I've never felt the need for occult protection before and mainly did the ritual for practising purposes.

I'd also recommend Jason Miller's "Protection & Reversal Magick" which I haven't read yet but I like Miller's commonsensical style. Apart from that, there are plenty books in the Library on that topic, just search for "Protection".
Thanks , will check these …