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[Opinion] Black Magic is not restricted to one religion.

Everyone's got one.
Sep 9, 2021
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I've seen across various forums, one religious group that appears to feel attacked.
A simple YouTube search on Moroccan sex revealed to me the human trafficking situation continues and is blamed on all religions but one. Guess whom.
Black Magic is the art and practice of Magick aimed to heal or harm others.
This has taken various forms over the years, and religions say they don't do so while they practice it.
Let's take a look:
Speaking in tongues with no interpretation of tongues. (Possible incantations spoken)
Following blindly a prayer roster or prayer call. (A possible form of passive hypnotism)
Prayers in general, especially those done in secret.
Food potlucks - who is to say the food is not cursed?
Psalms or other scripture related magick, the goal is speaking it to accomplish a magical act.
And gossip - whose Jewish translation and gematria is 666.

I could post examples, but am not that familiar with world religion scripture to do so.

So how do I justify my opinion? Let's refute it, let's see.

Take for example within Judaism, Christianity and various occult offshoots, the subject of cursing and blessing. Psalms 109 is a go to for this.

Does it also mean human trafficking is restricted to one religion? No. But one is consistently on the radar while refuting it.

Summary: Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism all deal with black magic practitioners, some verses in themselves can create a hell out of heaven, a heaven out of hell.
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Jun 30, 2021
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i have been in a discussion and had to prove it. someone said satanism is not possible in islam. i have the satanic qoran at home and its possible.
i also wondered what is black. seems when you combine a lot of evil things. so black magick can be good, but when you keep combining evil things and evil triggers in it, then it becomes The Shivers and when you then still keep continuing and start enjoying it, then you really are evil. and that goes way beyond dutroux, but not beyond all of those.

so if you want to know for yourself where personal balance is and where one can help, take heed. find your turning point and ground just before it turns evil to you. take a deep breath and let go.

thats how we play online occult pinball machine for the greater good. and some think were black magicians.🖤
Sep 9, 2021
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Many religions have dark and light, the left and right hands.
Since ONA, Luciferianism, Satanism, etc have established practices and dogma, they can be considered viable world religions.
Wicca and witchcraft however, Kundalini Yoga, and some other religions have color coded content as their practices and dogma, leading to being an observed religion.
Pagans, ancient to modern seem to be left as sheep among the religious wolves.