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[Help] Can entities contact you without prompting?

Someone's asking for help!

Butterfly Affect

Feb 15, 2024
Reaction score
Yes they can. But why haven't you done more to identify this spirit? Are we not magicians/occultists? If you asked and didn't really get an answer you don't just throw in the towel and go "ah well, might as well let this foreign energy that I have zero idea on what it is just stick around". I would be doing everything in my power to figure out who and what this spirit is. It very well could be an ally but if so they would usually make themselves known and simply say so. But it could also be something malevolent and seeing to feed and/or harm. And it could also be a big pile of nothing. Just an amalgamation of built up energy from your magical workings and random emotions (more so if you have others in the home) that has achieved semi-consciousness. However, you won't know which of these it is until you identify the spirit.

Do a divination or two. Ask any patrons/matrons, psychopomps, familiars, or otherwise guiding spirits if they know who this entity is, and go from there.
I tried this with tarot beforehand and got inconclusive results. But I haven't noticed it around anyway.


Mar 4, 2023
Reaction score
Can they? Sure.

1) For most of these posts, the answer is mundane psychological stuff.

2) If not then, in general it’s someone working magick that gets their attention and it makes you more sensitive to being able to hear/see/sense them. If you don’t want their attention then: continue to ignore them and they’ll eventually probably move along, stop practicing (and work on you in mundane ways) and soon you won’t be able to sense them and then they will probably move along, or like said above banish them.

Banish if they are causing you issues but if you have no skill in this stuff ignoring them and stop messing around with occult stuff may be your better bet. All that assuming they aren’t harming you or others around you. Protection amulets or items to drive aways spirits is another way to go (these were the bread & butter money making services of a lot of historic practitioners - along with love spells 🙄).

(I think JM is the one that mentions people who practice the occult then get freaked out when something actually shows up ;-) )
