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Hey guys please does anyone have a pdf copy of Chaos and Sorcery by Nicholas hall which contains bibliography? The copy I got have no bibliography on it and I really need it. Thank you guys. One Love
All I could find was the same version of the book that's already in the Library which ends on (numbered) page 125 while the Selected Bibliography is supposed to be on p. 128 according to the index. I doubt anybody will do a new scan, the book is from 1998, after all. I'll leave the request open for the time being though, you never know.
All I could find was the same version of the book that's already in the Library which ends on (numbered) page 125 while the Selected Bibliography is supposed to be on p. 128 according to the index. I doubt anybody will do a new scan, the book is from 1998, after all. I'll leave the request open for the time being though, you never know.