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Chi / Ki / Qi / Prana / Pneuma


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Chi / Ki / Qi / Prana / Pneuma

Chi or the variant spelling “Qi” (Chinese) Ki (Japanese) “Prana” Sanskrit or even the word “Pneuma” in Greek is a lesser known variant that means “That which is Breathed or Blown” but In Stoic Greek Philosophy it refers to the spirit, life force or soul of a person.

Chi/Qi/Ki/Prana and Pneuma all follow the same path as being an important life force energy.

All of these have one thing in common, it is material as well as immaterial .

I’ll be referring to it as “Qi” when health related or has a more medicinal materialistic usage and “Chi” as more of an immaterial energy form from now on for the sake of simplicity.

In this thread I’ll be going over.

  1. What is Qi really?…
  2. How do you go about unblocking your Qi/Chi
  3. How do you raise your Qi/Chi
  4. An amazing find of old medicinal texts they still use for Qi.
  5. Vampyres, Succubi and Incubbi 🧛‍♀️
  6. The myths of Chi
  7. Real applications of Chi

  • Qi in Chinese medicine provides energy to the 5 Zang-Fu organs.
(Basically the important ones)

Heart, Lungs, Liver, Spleen and Kidneys.

these are vital organs to keep you alive, they, like your heart promote blood flow, the lungs contain your breath, your spleen holds extra blood vessels, your liver helps distribute nutrients and kidneys filter out the bad toxins to lessen qi/chi stagnation.

Qi/Chi is the life force within the body, in the heavens and on the earth, it is what links the flow of energy around your body, it is what gives life to your body and it is what spreads energy through your body.
  • How do you go about unblocking Chi?
Moxibustion is a process in which Meridians (aka the pathways in which Chi flows) has a burning herb placed on them. The herb is from the “Moxa” plant. You would think this would be painful but the process consists of them drying the leaves and then crushing them, they form them into cones and place them on you and light them, it burns with a slow steady heat OR, the use what is called “Moxa Sticks” in which they light and put close to the body and slowly move over the meridian points to deliver a warmth.
(Note I said warmth this should not burn)

-“Cupping” is also used sometimes along with acupuncture. Cupping is the process in which the acupuncture therapist will place special suction cups on you, glass cups are accompanied by burning herbs or a flame to take the oxygen out of the cups before they are placed on you. This process aids in muscle relaxation, pain disorders, Qi/blood flow, reduce stress and anxiety.

Cupping is done in a few different ways. there is-

“Stationary cupping” which the cups are placed along the meridian points for 5-10 minutes.

“Flash Cupping” where suction is applied and pulled off quickly and

“Glide Cupping” for this you need to reach in your drawer and grab some lube as they put lube on your back and glide the suction cups across the meridian lines back and forth.

However it may sound more uncomfortable but “Stationary” cupping they can help diagnose certain issues depending on the color of the bruises left. (Light pink = good blood flow, good Qi, if they are dark purple, bad blood flow = Qi stagnation. As well as different meanings to different colors in between)

by unblocking the pathways in which Chi flows they can effectively help your lungs by knowing and utilizing the meridian points in your hands that lead to your lungs by putting little needles that puncture your skin. (This is actually painless, or at the very most, extremely minimal as you will likely only feel them press down with their fingers rather than the needle) sometimes different needles are used, stainless steel is the most common but some more traditional acupuncturists will use the metal that is best suited for your condition) if you think they will just stick you with a needle and then be done, you may be mistaken, sometimes a needle will be pulled out halfway to be put back in, sometimes they will twist and pull on the needle and then stick it in back to the extent it needs to go in order to help clear any blockage and stimulate the meridian.
  • I’d like to give a special mention to Cheng Xinnong who helped improve upon the acupuncture process with the “3 needle process” that in daoism summarizes the relationship of Qi/Chi with Heaven, Earth and Man.
Tui na -
Tui na is a massage used to open the “8 gates” of the body, its to help open the bodies defensive Qi also known as “Wei Qi”
Unlike acupuncture, it is a process of acupressure and not the process of puncturing as Tui means “push” and Na means “lift / squeeze” you don’t have to worry about getting jabbed with needles.

* Fun pop culture fact… Michael Phelps Won 5 gold medals in the 2016 Olympics. I bring this up because those big purple bruises he had on him during his swimming competitions were likely from the process of “Cupping”

  • How do you Raise your Chi?
Meditation is a good start, there are special chakra meditations, meditation helps with a balanced mind. (side note, your chakras for the most part run across your Zang-Fu organs - fun tidbit imo)

Yoga, get your balance aligned, get stretching practice balance. A balanced body.

-Tai Chi
Tai Chi, get your blood flowing, it is the quintessence of a balanced body and a balanced mind it uses gyroscopic like movements to focus and be in the present. It’s meditative, it helps balance, coordination and helps get your body in the flow of nature.

In a society that wears nothing but rubber soles on their shoes and some don’t want to be embarrassed by walking around bare foot, grounding is more important than ever, this actually helps reduce inflammation and helps with blood flow. You can use leather shoes (without rubber soles) with a sea salt on the inside to help conduct even more of that good earth energy if you refuse to be seen barefoot.

The most intense way is Yijin Jing, it contains practices for those who are more serious in their pursuit, although it’s thought of as a form of Qigong, the history of it is highly contested.

• Tradition Since at least 200bc.
In a place called Mawangdui an ancient scroll was found, a few scrolls actually…. 7 of them just happened to be the earliest recorded medical documents found in China. There is a manuscript called “Daoyin tu” the original, although in shreds was still complete and a perfect rendition exists online. It dates to the 2nd century BC. (Between 200bc and 101bc, their best guess is about 180bc) it was found in a tomb that was never robbed, the tomb was of a high Ranking official’s son from the Han Dynasty. His Wife’s tomb was also never robbed but what they found in the son’s tomb was just astonishing.

It contained the earliest version of the Yijing (I Ching), 2 copies of the writings of the Philosopher Lau Tzu called “Classic of the way and Virtue” including previously unknown commentary, his tomb contained a plethora of other things such as drawings of celestial deities, astrological works in other manuscripts they also found acupuncture treatments and more manuscripts that still have yet to be deciphered. This finding cannot be understated.

I bring this up to point out even in 200bc they were practicing Qi acupuncture and Chi movements already, and it likely goes back much further.

All this was found in just one tomb that didn’t get raided.

The fact these things are still practiced to this day, I believe has to do with the effectiveness of them rather than it just being tradition.

  • So what’s this about Vampyres, Incubbi and Succubi?
Well the process is within a more obscure part of the external alchemy practice of of Neidan, you have to get a bit in the weeds but it’s said Blood for Men and Semen for Women is what’s used to replenish their chi. Likewise woman can drain men’s chi through intercourse or a man can drain a women’s chi without losing their own in the same manner. This goes into a more obscure part of Neidan, but I thought it was fun to mention as people hear about “Empathic Vampyres” or those who drain other people’s energy.

  • So you’re telling me I can do a no hand touch knock out right?
Well…. You’re not going to be going around yelling “Hadoken!” and throwing energy balls like in street fighter or throwing a “Kamehameha” Like Kakarot in DBZ (RiP Akira Toriyama)

- However there are rumors of a certain sect of monks that can use certain no touch skills, (IF True, big If - plus a heaping pile of salt)

The practice is said to be achieved with the highest skill level of Yinjing the actions/techniques are called “Ge Kong Jin Ren” / “Ge Shan Da Niu” / “Yin Zhang” / “Bai Bu Shan Quan”and “Tou Jin”

The closest truth I could find to these practices was “Ge Shan Da Niu” there is a YT video filmed about 10 years ago of a monk with an outstretched hand at an ox while the ox’s back is turned and after a few seconds the ox just straight falls on its side, doesn’t move. However My skeptical mind says the ox was grazing and had to be sedated and they were messing around waiting for the ox to fall asleep for a medical procedure or something of that sort. Or looks like dude merks it from behind the bush.

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  • However… Here are Real Applications of Chi.
If you have a balanced mind, balanced body, good flow of things and are in the present you exude confidence.
In martial arts confidence is important. Have you ever seen someone in TaeKwanDoe kick and break a board? Yeah when they are younger they make it easier and progress but this teaches a very important lesson… confidence, it gives them the confidence not to aim at the board but to kick through the board. Same thing when you see some martial arts guy punch through a legit cinderblock, he isn’t aiming for the top of the block he is aiming towards the bottom (side note though, cinderblocks really aren’t that strong, and some motivation helps, if you hit the brick and it doesn’t break it hurts your hand, if you break through, you feel it a LOT less, your hand may get a bit red and sore but it’s not throbbing and bruised from the reverberation)

This leads to concentration…

Having a healthy balance of chi flow and no stagnation helps you be in the moment and focus on what needs to be done.

-Will power/Discipline
A high level of Chi energy usually exists in those with high discipline and high will power, they have the ability to get things done whether they want to do them or not.

High levels of chi means your meridians are unblocked you have a balanced magnetic field and you are warded from metaphysical attacks as well as the ability to remain calm when physically threatened. This stems from a calm mind and not a cocky arrogance. It’s important to know the difference.

-Energy Manipulation
You may not be able to put down an ox or fight off physical attacks with an invisible force or go and Heika someone’s soul like Beerus in Dbz but what you can do is get past a persons personal wards if they decide to do harm to you.

You can pull in energy from different sources and expel negative energy through the practice of chakra meditations, practicing messing with feeling energy flow including making those infamous chi balls with your hands, using that along with breathing techniques you can extract and expel a lot of energy.

One of the most important aspects is
-Well Being
All the guides on how to increase Qi/Chi leads to a healthier lifestyle, you just feel better. You can use chi to heal your own body as well as techniques like those in reiki to help remove dis-ease from others.

All in all is it worth it? I 100% believe so but only if your goal is to live a better quality life.
But if you ever pull off a Hadoken! Or a Kamehameha pls don’t film it on a potato Use a quality camera.
Im not saying it’s impossible but I have yet to see it or pull it off myself.

I hope this was an enjoyable read. 👍
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Audiolog Edu

Aug 13, 2024
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Same thing when you see some martial arts guy punch through a legit cinderblock, he isn’t aiming for the top of the block he is aiming towards the bottom
Oh you reminded me of my Muay Thai teacher, he explains our kicks must be like axes cutting through trees.
You can pull in energy from different sources and expel negative energy through the practice of chakra meditations, practicing messing with feeling energy flow including making those infamous chi balls with your hands, using that along with breathing techniques you can extract and expel a lot of energy.
This is something I really practice, MP rituals alone the balancing of the elements plus my chi qong practice, good practices to have in common.
You can use chi to heal your own body as well as techniques like those in reiki to help remove dis-ease from others.
To me Chi has to be in constant renewal so a healty eatting habit is required for both healthy Qi and magickal practices.