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[Help] Confidence in the Occult

Someone's asking for help!

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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The question I really have for people here is; what magick brought you to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that the occult was real? Are there any particular things you would recommend to someone who revels in the physical, or does magick simply not deal in the physical world enough to bring much to one with dull senses and no imagination?
One sign I have found is that the "happy coincidence" that represents your success is surrounded by other coincidences like ripples from a stone in a pond.

One successful magical act of mine coincided with the death of Osama bin Laden. This does not mean that I am responsible for the death of Osama bin Laden; it means that in making connections for successful magic, you may well connect with other things as well.


Oct 12, 2023
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That certainly seems interesting, I'll try it out once I get a chance.

There is a Greek method that is combined with modern day occult practices where you do a cleanse and a 24hr or 48hr fast, go into a completely silent room with absolutely no light except for a few natural candle flames behind/to the side of you with the room smelling of incense (I forget which kind) you stare facing a black polished surface/mirror, meditate with the deities sigil in your mind with your eyes closed, chanting “aum” (like ”om” only full spectrum of Ahhh-uuhhh-mmm) open your eyes be Silent and stare into the mirror while still holding onto the seal’s image in the back of your mind. The reflection you see back will eventually not be your own but could be a very distorted view of yourself you didn’t see previously or could be a completely different image/face.
This also seems like something pretty workable for myself, as I do 24 hour fasts every other day.

All of the help is very much appreciated, getting all of these suggestions certainly gives me more confidence in my future practicing the occult!


Dec 1, 2023
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there are a lot of really good answers and suggestions here . . . . .

as for myself . . i am 100% convinced magick is real Real. . . . i reached this conclusion gradually by establishing a relationship with those tiny inklings and whispers that emerge with Deep Listening . . . . i would have a notion . . listen to it . . . follow its instructions, directions, guidance . . . as in, hey, maybe turn here a block early on your drive . . . or . . call this person right now . . . . these are very very quiet voices . . . . and many many many times, i would choose to do what they instructed and have No reason why and Nothing of any note would happen . . . . . other times . . . i would listen, follow along and . . Kablam! . . . there it would be . . . the thing i'd been looking for . right there on the curb just waiting for me . . . . .

for me, it is a way of calibrating myself to the subtle energies . . . with no expectations, but rather, with Faith that it will all happen the way it's supposed to happen . . . it's like learning a language and a new logic system . . . and it can be really confusing and all consuming and you can really drive yourself nuts with it when youre listening for whispers everywhere and following butterflies around or whatever . . . . . so i dont necessarily recommend any of it!! :ROFLMAO: 🤪 :ROFLMAO:

i was a part of a visionary shamanic drumming circle for a few years . . there were no plant medicines involved, simply rhythm to enter mild altered states . . . . newcomers would ask all the time, how do i know what im experiencing is Spirit talking or just my imagination? . . . . . i would say, first of all, "Just your Imagination"?! You mean Just that superpowerful Visionary Force in your Head that creates stuff outta Nothing?! "Just" that? . . . . . next i would say something like . . it doesnt matter . . . maybe ask yourself if you feel different after the ritual than you did before . . even if it's super subtle . . . and if you feel different . . how do you feel different? . . . . and get used to noticing really subtle shifts . . . . . . that's where My Magick lives . . . . . . . .


Apr 16, 2024
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there are a lot of really good answers and suggestions here . . . . .

as for myself . . i am 100% convinced magick is real Real. . . . i reached this conclusion gradually by establishing a relationship with those tiny inklings and whispers that emerge with Deep Listening . . . . i would have a notion . . listen to it . . . follow its instructions, directions, guidance . . . as in, hey, maybe turn here a block early on your drive . . . or . . call this person right now . . . . these are very very quiet voices . . . . and many many many times, i would choose to do what they instructed and have No reason why and Nothing of any note would happen . . . . . other times . . . i would listen, follow along and . . Kablam! . . . there it would be . . . the thing i'd been looking for . right there on the curb just waiting for me . . . . .

for me, it is a way of calibrating myself to the subtle energies . . . with no expectations, but rather, with Faith that it will all happen the way it's supposed to happen . . . it's like learning a language and a new logic system . . . and it can be really confusing and all consuming and you can really drive yourself nuts with it when youre listening for whispers everywhere and following butterflies around or whatever . . . . . so i dont necessarily recommend any of it!! :ROFLMAO: 🤪 :ROFLMAO:

i was a part of a visionary shamanic drumming circle for a few years . . there were no plant medicines involved, simply rhythm to enter mild altered states . . . . newcomers would ask all the time, how do i know what im experiencing is Spirit talking or just my imagination? . . . . . i would say, first of all, "Just your Imagination"?! You mean Just that superpowerful Visionary Force in your Head that creates stuff outta Nothing?! "Just" that? . . . . . next i would say something like . . it doesnt matter . . . maybe ask yourself if you feel different after the ritual than you did before . . even if it's super subtle . . . and if you feel different . . how do you feel different? . . . . and get used to noticing really subtle shifts . . . . . . that's where My Magick lives . . . . . . . .
Ya know, Synchronicity is a Hallmark of magic, it's... Gratifying! ;)


Jul 26, 2023
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I agree with what someone said earlier about choosing an initial system you feel very drawn to. Have a basic practice that you do everyday. everyone is different but I would say after about a year on so, you will begin to feel the magic/energy. You can explore other styles and systems but keep your same basic daily practice. IMHO, this is how you will become the magick so to speak. You will see results but you have to be patient. Energy work like the middle pillar will also be helpful.