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Connecting with the forest in a profound way


Aug 12, 2022
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I came in total harmony with nature

I had entire conversations with the forest

And my purpose became clear

As I came back home yesterday something amazing happened and I was in total flow with life, every move was effortless and I keep having conversations with my soulamates friends in my mind

I keep getting some super useful downloads and they are there to guide me. If I start getting into negative thought loops my brain freezes like an electric shock to wake me up so I have no choice but to wake up.

The key to things happening by itself, and getting those super useful downloads is to try and come to the moment as much as possible by not thinking anything and trying simultaneously to appreciate as much things as you can at once by having your attention somewhere in the middle but not looking at anything directly.

Telepathy is through the roof and my empath nature makes me very sensitive to what is keep happening around me

I was on another festival where I was mistreaded due to my introvert anxious nature from people where they thought I dont like.

I said fk them all and went alone in the forest.

I couldnt stop getting images of them in my mind judging me all the time. Most of that was confirmed later. Telepathy was through the roof there. I couldnt rest a moment.

They were keep telling shit about me and I never felt that much rage in my life.

I gave them many chances, I showed them love even when they did shit about me, but It came to a point where I said you gonna regret what you did to me and you gonna get a hard lesson.

Rage made me accomplish some amazing things that I knew were possible but It all happened there.

I manifested rain, thunders, mosquito bites, dogs coming down from mountains, woods falling over trees to people and other stuff.

All confirmed.

Forest was there with me every moment I needed guidance, birds were chirping when I felt down to my self to empower me, little bugs placements of flying were there to confirm some good ideas I had but wasn't sure about them.

Not here to brag about my abilities.

But literally, birds were talking to me, Leafs falling from trees were there as guides to guide my thought positions on my mind.

Flies were acting as negative energies from other people coming from the exact area they were sitting.

Forest insisted I should trust the forest, whoever will try to hurt me will suffer.

And it happened.

If you guys are interested to discuss this further Im in.

I know some of you know what Im talking about.


Apr 28, 2021
Reaction score
Sounds very interesting and exciting, have you always had a natural inclination towards this type of thing or did you have to work for it? Or perhaps some of both?


Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
I came in total harmony with nature

I had entire conversations with the forest

And my purpose became clear

As I came back home yesterday something amazing happened and I was in total flow with life, every move was effortless and I keep having conversations with my soulamates friends in my mind

I keep getting some super useful downloads and they are there to guide me. If I start getting into negative thought loops my brain freezes like an electric shock to wake me up so I have no choice but to wake up.

The key to things happening by itself, and getting those super useful downloads is to try and come to the moment as much as possible by not thinking anything and trying simultaneously to appreciate as much things as you can at once by having your attention somewhere in the middle but not looking at anything directly.

Telepathy is through the roof and my empath nature makes me very sensitive to what is keep happening around me

I was on another festival where I was mistreaded due to my introvert anxious nature from people where they thought I dont like.

I said fk them all and went alone in the forest.

I couldnt stop getting images of them in my mind judging me all the time. Most of that was confirmed later. Telepathy was through the roof there. I couldnt rest a moment.

They were keep telling shit about me and I never felt that much rage in my life.

I gave them many chances, I showed them love even when they did shit about me, but It came to a point where I said you gonna regret what you did to me and you gonna get a hard lesson.

Rage made me accomplish some amazing things that I knew were possible but It all happened there.

I manifested rain, thunders, mosquito bites, dogs coming down from mountains, woods falling over trees to people and other stuff.

All confirmed.

Forest was there with me every moment I needed guidance, birds were chirping when I felt down to my self to empower me, little bugs placements of flying were there to confirm some good ideas I had but wasn't sure about them.

Not here to brag about my abilities.

But literally, birds were talking to me, Leafs falling from trees were there as guides to guide my thought positions on my mind.

Flies were acting as negative energies from other people coming from the exact area they were sitting.

Forest insisted I should trust the forest, whoever will try to hurt me will suffer.

And it happened.

If you guys are interested to discuss this further Im in.

I know some of you know what Im talking about.
Wonderful 👍 It sounds amazing!!


Aug 5, 2022
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I also have a relationship with nature and it is the nature elements and elementals that I prefer to work with. I believe its about being respectful to nature rather than submit (i know its words play lol)...the nature can feel you and how you treat it...and it will give you the exact same in return.


May 10, 2022
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what I mean you have to grow old reincarnate you have to respect the rules of engagement

I don’t like that


Aug 5, 2022
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Fair enough. To an extent we are all here in this field of 'study' because we want to go against whats fed to us as normal and correct.

I choose to go with the flow/the rhythm of nature (the Earth), not the human nature to be clear. Because thats where I am rooted, that's where my strengts comes from.

But this is naturally very individual. And respect to that...


May 10, 2022
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Thanks I use the nature of recycling to fix myself but regular nature keeps attacking me

mental illness/cancer/ other diseases seem to be punishment for not falling in line.

they seem to come from the spirit of the majority of humanity the abrahamic religions especially.

regular nature has the slave mentality from the 1 hand but the evolution from the other


Aug 5, 2022
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Sorry to hear that...

As I have a spiritism (Kardec) entry angle I view these 'punishments' more as of human nature/origin. Humans like to send of their thoughts garbage into the universe, it nicely combines with other humans' thought garbage and forms egregores...and those land on the ones who stand out from the crowd.
I dont put this on Nature (Earth/Universe).

In addition, and thats another side, sometimes we get hit to get some understanding or information download (as one of the members said).

To use my example...I've always suffered from major migraines (like 15 days in single month)...no meds in the world would save me when the attack hit...until I got a message thought a different person telling me that the headaches were there to force me to figure out what was making me ultimately sick. Took me a long time but I did and after 25 years of migraines I almost never get one (and when I do, it's when I trigger it myself)...

What I am trying to say is that all that seems horrible may sometimes serve a good purpose. I know it never feels that way...

But who am I to say...I know that I know nothing...


May 10, 2022
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That’s why I’m not interested in perfection but rather in the lack of thereof: the Qlipot- decomp, death destruction release of energy

the more flaws you have the more power you have

now everything becomes corporea:
the angels, demons, lords & ladies are all coming here to fight
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
I came in total harmony with nature

I had entire conversations with the forest

And my purpose became clear

As I came back home yesterday something amazing happened and I was in total flow with life, every move was effortless and I keep having conversations with my soulamates friends in my mind

I keep getting some super useful downloads and they are there to guide me. If I start getting into negative thought loops my brain freezes like an electric shock to wake me up so I have no choice but to wake up.

The key to things happening by itself, and getting those super useful downloads is to try and come to the moment as much as possible by not thinking anything and trying simultaneously to appreciate as much things as you can at once by having your attention somewhere in the middle but not looking at anything directly.

Telepathy is through the roof and my empath nature makes me very sensitive to what is keep happening around me

I was on another festival where I was mistreaded due to my introvert anxious nature from people where they thought I dont like.

I said fk them all and went alone in the forest.

I couldnt stop getting images of them in my mind judging me all the time. Most of that was confirmed later. Telepathy was through the roof there. I couldnt rest a moment.

They were keep telling shit about me and I never felt that much rage in my life.

I gave them many chances, I showed them love even when they did shit about me, but It came to a point where I said you gonna regret what you did to me and you gonna get a hard lesson.

Rage made me accomplish some amazing things that I knew were possible but It all happened there.

I manifested rain, thunders, mosquito bites, dogs coming down from mountains, woods falling over trees to people and other stuff.

All confirmed.

Forest was there with me every moment I needed guidance, birds were chirping when I felt down to my self to empower me, little bugs placements of flying were there to confirm some good ideas I had but wasn't sure about them.

Not here to brag about my abilities.

But literally, birds were talking to me, Leafs falling from trees were there as guides to guide my thought positions on my mind.

Flies were acting as negative energies from other people coming from the exact area they were sitting.

Forest insisted I should trust the forest, whoever will try to hurt me will suffer.

And it happened.

If you guys are interested to discuss this further Im in.

I know some of you know what Im talking about.
Still digesting, but close to the experience at times.