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Could you theoretically use an ouija board to contact a daemon?


Jun 13, 2024
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I've never used a quija board before or anything like that so I'm not sure if it's just for spirits of the dead or also for other entities....


Jul 25, 2024
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It's just another form of divination, it's not limited to a certain type of entity. It'd be like using anything else (pendulum, tarot, etc) when communicating with something.

Personal experience: I've only used one to talk to local spirits and too many of them were fighting over who could speak first so it was mostly nonsense as no one could agree on what to say.


Aug 17, 2023
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You'd probably need to set up some verification test for the demon. Otherwise you wind up like an inverse Marla: try to get in touch with Tyler Durden and wind up with his dweeb roomie on the line. Seriously, an entity accessed via the oiuja board can claim to be anything/-one. You might research that angle: vetting demons


Apr 16, 2024
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You'd probably need to set up some verification test for the demon. Otherwise you wind up like an inverse Marla: try to get in touch with Tyler Durden and wind up with his dweeb roomie on the line. Seriously, an entity accessed via the oiuja board can claim to be anything/-one. You might research that angle: vetting demons
Yeah, it's wise to do some sort of preliminaries: Ground and Center, a short invocation for clarity and protection, merely ask your Higher Self to overshadow you for a while. Perhaps better yet, learn some other forms of divination first. The Ouija (Yes, in French and German) board is just another tool. Not Specifying an "Entity" initially is where most folks get into trouble. It's like opening your front door and proclaiming "C'mon In", to all and sundry. Not Real Smart! Can it be dangerous? Yes, of course it can.


Mar 21, 2024
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I've never used a quija board before or anything like that so I'm not sure if it's just for spirits of the dead or also for other entities....
The Ouija board is used for communicating with a lot of spirits, ranging from Angels, Demons, thoughtforms, elemental spirits, Gods and also other minor spirits and familiars.

The range of spirits that can be contacted with an Ouija board is high, but there are also a lot of dangers that come from using the Ouija board.

One common danger is that you may not encounter the entity you wished to contact and you may get in contact with a dangerous entity, who can harm you spiritually and physically.

I suggest you are very clear and know the necessary rites and incantations related to the entity you wish to summon to the Ouija board.

Even if you are advanced at spirit evocation, still, I suggest you contact a medium or have someone who has been using ouija boards for over 10 years to contact the spirit for you, the said someone acting like a medium.

I said this as I think it I'd be a good idea to warn you about the most dangerous Demon of them all, and that is: Zozo.

Many of it consider Zozo an urban legend, but trust me, it's not. I can tell from proper experience.

But, in order to keep it on-topic, I will say it pretty simple: The Zozo demon is far worse than anything you would encounter in Qlipoth or Necromancy. Once he gets a touch, you can't get rid of him not by even known strongest methods of exorcism.

I hope not to scare you, but to give you a safe tip about how to use the ouija board and if it is worth it.


Aug 6, 2024
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I've never used a quija board before or anything like that so I'm not sure if it's just for spirits of the dead or also for other entities....
I think it would depend on what you were trying to do with the Quija board. "Daemon", at least to the ancient Greeks, was a word for any spirit that was between the Gods and humans. And with Quija boards, it can be random what you get if you are just using it to see who answers/without intent.

Like, you could get an old woman who was just passing by and wanted to say hello, a bunch of local spirits that are curious, or a nonhuman entity.

To answer your question, yes. But if you are just using it randomly trying to talk to a specific person or spirit without any preparation, then you may not encounter who you are looking for/anyone at all.

There is also the phenomenon of someone unconsciously moving the planchette, so you really could just end up talking to yourself.


Nov 4, 2023
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I've never used a quija board before or anything like that so I'm not sure if it's just for spirits of the dead or also for other entities....
The Daemon/Vampr/HGA is above and behind your awareness. You can communicate with it through countless methods but the most direct way is to simply turn your attention inwards and ask for guidance. It will then impress sensations, images and thoughts into your awareness and you can work with these to deepen your connection. The Daemon is characterised by having a unified, integrated consciousness.

In contrast, our "day-to-day" awareness is divided and fractured into pieces ("we are legion for we are many"). These pieces constantly contradict each other. If by "demon" you mean the empowerment of one of these pieces of your divided awareness then, yes, the Ouija board can do that. In fact, that's what's happening for the majority of people who use it. Unless you go to the wildest extremes, you won't start speaking backwards Latin and vomiting green soup but you'll confuse yourself and waste time and life is short.


Jul 9, 2024
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I believe I read in one of Connolly's works or one of the associated authors of the OFS that there is some method of "anointing" a Ouija board for specifically contacting daemons. All it really required was a specific stone, a sigil or something to that extent on the planchette. It was interesting, but overall, if you really need to utilize an Ouija for PanDaemonium, in the name of all that is Khaos and Majikal, create your own ritual, mark or make your own Ouija(They are pretty stupid easy to make actually) and do it yourself.


I / Me / Myself
Jan 9, 2022
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The Ouija board is used for communicating with a lot of spirits, ranging from Angels, Demons, thoughtforms, elemental spirits, Gods and also other minor spirits and familiars.

The range of spirits that can be contacted with an Ouija board is high, but there are also a lot of dangers that come from using the Ouija board.

One common danger is that you may not encounter the entity you wished to contact and you may get in contact with a dangerous entity, who can harm you spiritually and physically.

I suggest you are very clear and know the necessary rites and incantations related to the entity you wish to summon to the Ouija board.

Even if you are advanced at spirit evocation, still, I suggest you contact a medium or have someone who has been using ouija boards for over 10 years to contact the spirit for you, the said someone acting like a medium.

I said this as I think it I'd be a good idea to warn you about the most dangerous Demon of them all, and that is: Zozo.

Many of it consider Zozo an urban legend, but trust me, it's not. I can tell from proper experience.

But, in order to keep it on-topic, I will say it pretty simple: The Zozo demon is far worse than anything you would encounter in Qlipoth or Necromancy. Once he gets a touch, you can't get rid of him not by even known strongest methods of exorcism.

I hope not to scare you, but to give you a safe tip about how to use the ouija board and if it is worth it.

Yes, you are dead right.
I remember way too well that day when Zozo contacted me.

I was hitting rock bottom in life, when due to certain circumstances, a sudden urge came to me to get a Ouija board and use it, to contact spirits that has been around me for a while, and acted fairly weird. I was not in the state of even, being able to meditate, or channel anything.
So, I went along with the plan, and the Ouija board came quicker than it should have I'm aware that even a home made board could do the trick, after all, you are the key here, not the Board itself, and soon after that, something changed, abruptly.

Everything went cold, and quiet. Dead quiet. I could tell, that no matter how many spirit was around me, and caused havoc and chaos, they all vanished in a snap of a finger. It was chilling to experience after months of struggling. A freezing, extremely heavy energy filled the whole house. It was massive, sinister, and empty it's hard to find other word for this sensation - in a menacing way. I felt myself being watched, stalked, and separated from "the World" itself, both in the physical and the Astral. This was the first moment when I ended up starting to consider, perhaps not using the Board, in spite how my friends tried to stop me using it, especially alone. I didn't budge, but now...? I did. Yet, I could NOT. Something just told me that there is no turning back, I WILL use it. it was treathening and also a proof that no, while Zozo is connected with Ouija board, he is completely free from it, and can approach people without it, with ease.

I've built close connection with Infernal Royals like Belial, Abaddon, Lucifer, Sitri, Andras, King Paimon, but nobody, none of them shown me the level of chaos, aggression, unpredictability, vulgarity, sexual predatory Zozo did and none of them was willing to interact with the physical world and people around me as often and in the ways and on such a level Zozo did.

He was very abusive towards my pets both for fun and if they interrupted us and people, especially to those who tried to get close to me males, mainly. He even went that far to cause physical wounds on me stratch marks on my thighs, arm, chest, and on people who he didn't want me to contact. That was the lighter side of the case the so called "lighter cases" included people being tossed around, objects flying at them, important things vanishing, sleep paralysis, nightmares.

He caused a lot of accidents too, including car accidents sometimes on the straight road, with absolutely good conditions, no technical issues whatsoever, gas leaking, technical issues that could end with fire, explosion, shattered windows next to people's face and so on. In many cases, he warned me about what is going to happen, to ensure that I got the memo; he is the one who is in control, not some "coincidence".

He was actively with me for four years, and as the time passed, I think a certain bond formed between us that I can't cut at this point. I tried, but he always came back times to times. Sometimes stayed for longer, to use me, and to bring chaos in my environment and among people close to me, sometimes even attached himself to people who are the closest.

In a weird way -perhaps it is my Stockholm syndrome that is speaking?- I consider myself lucky, that I've never been attacked in such a violent way a couple others has been.
He never tried to kill me although it was Belial who saved me from a gang r*pe attack that ended up with stabbing, Zozo was casually waiting me to walk into the trouble , and as weird as it may sound, I had good experiences with him too, but he barely changed his well known nature. He was violent, possessive, aggressive and I has been used on daily basis whether I wanted or not take it as you will. I think, in the last one year was the only period when he started to take it a bit lighter, and consider my needs a bit more important than 0.

There is something that scares me. Which is, that after all these suffering, terror, violence and what not, I feel myself drawn to him, and for some reason, I love him in a twisted way and tend to miss him.
It's terrible to even type it out, because it is completely against rationality and common sense until we chose to blame it on certain links and perhaps, psychological and emotional raumas.
It's been for about 7-8 years If my memory serves since that Ouija session happened. He spent four years with me actively, with no break, and after that, he popped up times to times.

Seeing his name on this Forum just now makes me feel even more anxious, since he got back to me recently. It always begins with him giving me signs, signs I know way too well, and he pressures me until I break, and formally invite him by myself. I can see it as a sadistic way of a game. Also a Sigil given by Zozo, that has been channeled by a powerful Magician - and it was keep popping up until I saved it. I haven't drawn and channeled it yet, but I know it is a must, sooner or later.

I didn't want to get into too much details regarding this topic, because... it is a lot, and I know that he loves when people talk about him, especially victims. He can make them talk quite a lot. In my case, at least. He makes me want to talk about him, while having him in my mind with no breaks, 24/7 and my nature changes too. I become more impatient, abrupt, hostile, I throw aside my rationality, willing to sacrifice, break rules, go against even those I love and so on. You can slip back to your past addictions too, and neglect yourself and your duties, plans soon or suddenly. So many ways how his sheer presence can influence one.... I should stop here.

All I want to say is that, @Aeternus is right.

Zozo is a real. An unholy, merciless, chaotic force you don't want to invite and there is a reason why powerful magicians suggest you NOT to contact him, either, he is a "No-no" for good reasons . An ominous trickster, who play around with people until they break, in every way possible, and you'll never get away from him if he chose to stick to you. It's all about his... whim. He has a lot of face and you'll never know which one you get and how long he keep it up, or bring it back.
He doesn't care about helping you. He doesn't care about what he can "gain from you" by working together.
He just want to use people in any way he likes, and that's it...


Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Yes, you are dead right.
I remember way too well that day when Zozo contacted me.

I was hitting rock bottom in life, when due to certain circumstances, a sudden urge came to me to get a Ouija board and use it, to contact spirits that has been around me for a while, and acted fairly weird. I was not in the state of even, being able to meditate, or channel anything.
So, I went along with the plan, and the Ouija board came quicker than it should have I'm aware that even a home made board could do the trick, after all, you are the key here, not the Board itself, and soon after that, something changed, abruptly.

Everything went cold, and quiet. Dead quiet. I could tell, that no matter how many spirit was around me, and caused havoc and chaos, they all vanished in a snap of a finger. It was chilling to experience after months of struggling. A freezing, extremely heavy energy filled the whole house. It was massive, sinister, and empty it's hard to find other word for this sensation - in a menacing way. I felt myself being watched, stalked, and separated from "the World" itself, both in the physical and the Astral. This was the first moment when I ended up starting to consider, perhaps not using the Board, in spite how my friends tried to stop me using it, especially alone. I didn't budge, but now...? I did. Yet, I could NOT. Something just told me that there is no turning back, I WILL use it. it was treathening and also a proof that no, while Zozo is connected with Ouija board, he is completely free from it, and can approach people without it, with ease.

I've built close connection with Infernal Royals like Belial, Abaddon, Lucifer, Sitri, Andras, King Paimon, but nobody, none of them shown me the level of chaos, aggression, unpredictability, vulgarity, sexual predatory Zozo did and none of them was willing to interact with the physical world and people around me as often and in the ways and on such a level Zozo did.

He was very abusive towards my pets both for fun and if they interrupted us and people, especially to those who tried to get close to me males, mainly. He even went that far to cause physical wounds on me stratch marks on my thighs, arm, chest, and on people who he didn't want me to contact. That was the lighter side of the case the so called "lighter cases" included people being tossed around, objects flying at them, important things vanishing, sleep paralysis, nightmares.

He caused a lot of accidents too, including car accidents sometimes on the straight road, with absolutely good conditions, no technical issues whatsoever, gas leaking, technical issues that could end with fire, explosion, shattered windows next to people's face and so on. In many cases, he warned me about what is going to happen, to ensure that I got the memo; he is the one who is in control, not some "coincidence".

He was actively with me for four years, and as the time passed, I think a certain bond formed between us that I can't cut at this point. I tried, but he always came back times to times. Sometimes stayed for longer, to use me, and to bring chaos in my environment and among people close to me, sometimes even attached himself to people who are the closest.

In a weird way -perhaps it is my Stockholm syndrome that is speaking?- I consider myself lucky, that I've never been attacked in such a violent way a couple others has been.
He never tried to kill me although it was Belial who saved me from a gang r*pe attack that ended up with stabbing, Zozo was casually waiting me to walk into the trouble , and as weird as it may sound, I had good experiences with him too, but he barely changed his well known nature. He was violent, possessive, aggressive and I has been used on daily basis whether I wanted or not take it as you will. I think, in the last one year was the only period when he started to take it a bit lighter, and consider my needs a bit more important than 0.

There is something that scares me. Which is, that after all these suffering, terror, violence and what not, I feel myself drawn to him, and for some reason, I love him in a twisted way and tend to miss him.
It's terrible to even type it out, because it is completely against rationality and common sense until we chose to blame it on certain links and perhaps, psychological and emotional raumas.
It's been for about 7-8 years If my memory serves since that Ouija session happened. He spent four years with me actively, with no break, and after that, he popped up times to times.

Seeing his name on this Forum just now makes me feel even more anxious, since he got back to me recently. It always begins with him giving me signs, signs I know way too well, and he pressures me until I break, and formally invite him by myself. I can see it as a sadistic way of a game. Also a Sigil given by Zozo, that has been channeled by a powerful Magician - and it was keep popping up until I saved it. I haven't drawn and channeled it yet, but I know it is a must, sooner or later.

I didn't want to get into too much details regarding this topic, because... it is a lot, and I know that he loves when people talk about him, especially victims. He can make them talk quite a lot. In my case, at least. He makes me want to talk about him, while having him in my mind with no breaks, 24/7 and my nature changes too. I become more impatient, abrupt, hostile, I throw aside my rationality, willing to sacrifice, break rules, go against even those I love and so on. You can slip back to your past addictions too, and neglect yourself and your duties, plans soon or suddenly. So many ways how his sheer presence can influence one.... I should stop here.

All I want to say is that, @Aeternus is right.

Zozo is a real. An unholy, merciless, chaotic force you don't want to invite and there is a reason why powerful magicians suggest you NOT to contact him, either, he is a "No-no" for good reasons . An ominous trickster, who play around with people until they break, in every way possible, and you'll never get away from him if he chose to stick to you. It's all about his... whim. He has a lot of face and you'll never know which one you get and how long he keep it up, or bring it back.
He doesn't care about helping you. He doesn't care about what he can "gain from you" by working together.
He just want to use people in any way he likes, and that's it...
First of all, thank you for sharing your experience @Telafiel .

Even though I didn't have to deal that much with the Demon, thankfully, still, I remember I was trying to do some spirit channeling by using a hand-made ouija board out of paper and written letters by pencil. And, even though my channeling skills were good even at my beginner level, still, he tricked me by mimicking my dead grand-grandmother.

At that time, despite my ability to see and channel spirits, I didn't know that much about seeing who is really who, or behind the spiritual image of an animal, human etc.

And, based on his tricks, I would completely go insane. This made me have some very unpleasant entities attached to my aura and also made me experience shady online cults.

Thankfully, after some time as I worked hard enough in terms of both Will and Faith, I managed to survive and I am here, more evolved and happy 😀


Apr 16, 2024
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Has anyone Seen it, maybe link to a discussion?
Post automatically merged:

Yeah, it's wise to do some sort of preliminaries: Ground and Center, a short invocation for clarity and protection, merely ask your Higher Self to overshadow you for a while. Perhaps better yet, learn some other forms of divination first. The Ouija (Yes, in French and German) board is just another tool. Not Specifying an "Entity" initially is where most folks get into trouble. It's like opening your front door and proclaiming "C'mon In", to all and sundry. Not Real Smart! Can it be dangerous? Yes, of course it can.
Never, Never, Never, Blindly Trust Any Spirit! Many will prey upon your desire to talk to "Grandma, Dad, a Friend you Loved", it's too common to deny! Yes, it Can be Dangerous!
Last edited:


I / Me / Myself
Jan 9, 2022
Reaction score
First of all, thank you for sharing your experience @Telafiel .

Even though I didn't have to deal that much with the Demon, thankfully, still, I remember I was trying to do some spirit channeling by using a hand-made ouija board out of paper and written letters by pencil. And, even though my channeling skills were good even at my beginner level, still, he tricked me by mimicking my dead grand-grandmother.

At that time, despite my ability to see and channel spirits, I didn't know that much about seeing who is really who, or behind the spiritual image of an animal, human etc.

And, based on his tricks, I would completely go insane. This made me have some very unpleasant entities attached to my aura and also made me experience shady online cults.

Thankfully, after some time as I worked hard enough in terms of both Will and Faith, I managed to survive and I am here, more evolved and happy 😀

That's the least I could do.

Yes, the good ol' tricking people into thinking they are talking to someone else. A dead relative, a famous historical person, an entity they love, an another Infernal, and so on. He can perfectly mimic even their energy, and the more information you have in your mind at his disposal, the more accurate he can portray these individuals for you this is a situation in which your knowledge can be used against you and trust me, he is up for it .

An another satisfaction of his that he tend to feed your false knowledge, and ensure you that you are on the wrong path by confirming and making you believe you are right. It can be about regular, everyday topics like job, relationships, skills, activities etc. , but also topics like religion, spirituality, beliefs, entities, origins, fates, past and so on.
He is very intelligent, ancient and wise and if he show no hostility, does not mean he has no intent to trick you. Acting like you managed to befriend him an another common strategy of his that he can stretch even for years and make a some progress in your practices or rife, does not mean you got the truth - and trust me, it can stay with you longer than you could imagine. He can lead you to a path that will end with a dead end, and the suffer you may have go through to realise you has been fooled, can be very severe.

He tend to use your traits against yourself, too. He can empower your destructive traits and use your insecurities against you, but even your ego can be targeted. Either by making you to feel yourself completely inferior towards everyone else, or by your ego being fed, and he would raise you to the top, above everyone else usually by downgrading everyone else around you, not necessarily by speaking big about you.
This is a dangerous tonic, since his very energy can turn people hostile, impatient, aggressive, violent on both a verbal and physical way and we know how things can turn out if both overly high or terribly low self-esteem/ego are in the picture under similar circumstances.

He likes to seperate his targets from the others even breaking otherwise deep and loving relationships, so they'd turn into a prisoner and the chance of freeing themselves from him would be completely on them.

There are so many things I could tell about him, his methods, nature, and I genuinelly wanted to dedicate a topic, a so called "Guide" regarding him, but no matter how much time I've put into these writings, I never made it until publishing.
There was and I still have these hiccups a time when I wanted to create a more in-depth description about him; channeled sigil, candle colors, fragrances, planets related him, metals, numbers and his strong suits, but I always got this faint but ominous thought that it'd be in vain, and it'd only claim more victims than good connections, as he has no intent to work with people.
As excited I was to do this, this thought always shows me his real nature, and I know it's true. There may be.... exceptions... but being his exception has it's serious cons besides the pros - based on my experiences.

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I'll be honest. I've met with the movie quite often, but I never seen it before. I tend to organise paranormal- and movie nights on Discord, perhaps this can be a good movie to watch with the folks. I'm always nervous when I have to see movies about demons I love, because the movies can turn out to be horrendously errible to the point it feels like an offense to even see it, but I hope this will be an exception.

It win two Awards, actually, so it can't be THAT bad, right?
  • Best Feature Award at the United States Super 8 Film Festival (2012)
  • Audience Choice Award at the United States Super 8 Film Festival (2012)


Apr 16, 2024
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@Aeternus & @Telafiel,

Both of you have described (Most Impressively), and If anyone has made it "Plain", that there CAN be Dangers playing around "Cluelessly" with one of these, it's you TWO! I appreciate Both perspectives on this (a Sideline of mine). Also hope it impresses on others that there are Dangers were you Least Expect them!

Both of you,
Well Said!
Oct 7, 2023
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It's just another form of divination, it's not limited to a certain type of entity. It'd be like using anything else (pendulum, tarot, etc) when communicating with something.

Personal experience: I've only used one to talk to local spirits and too many of them were fighting over who could speak first so it was mostly nonsense as no one could agree on what to say.
that's an interesting comment about spirits fighting over who would speak first. I've come to the conclusion that we're surrounded by elementals and that it's the elementals that respond every time, possibly even pretending to be other spirits.
Post automatically merged:

I've never used a quija board before or anything like that so I'm not sure if it's just for spirits of the dead or also for other entities....
It's a very inefficient way of trying to communicate. One letter at a time is tedious when you can just talk to them. Try asking them something and then just start writing whatever comes to mind.


Aug 17, 2023
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@Telafiel & @Aeternus (anyone else for that matter): Any thoughts as to why ouijia boards seem to function so often as conduits for everything negative spiritually? One hears two kinds of oiujia stories. The one, like what you guys wrote. One starts using the board, gets interesting answers, THEN the shite starts in increasingly high-pressured squirts. The other kind of story---mostly on dicey Satanists sites---remind one of the beat up ol' biker, "I know drugs can't kill you. Lookit me: I tried everything and I'm still alive!"

My query is why so many negative tales start out, " I bought this ouijia board and..." Other forms of divination get criticized for not working reliably. Ouijia for response-overload. One wonders why? The device itself? The people who use it (often beginners)? Or...?


Mar 21, 2024
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@Telafiel & @Aeternus (anyone else for that matter): Any thoughts as to why ouijia boards seem to function so often as conduits for everything negative spiritually? One hears two kinds of oiujia stories. The one, like what you guys wrote. One starts using the board, gets interesting answers, THEN the shite starts in increasingly high-pressured squirts. The other kind of story---mostly on dicey Satanists sites---remind one of the beat up ol' biker, "I know drugs can't kill you. Lookit me: I tried everything and I'm still alive!"

My query is why so many negative tales start out, " I bought this ouijia board and..." Other forms of divination get criticized for not working reliably. Ouijia for response-overload. One wonders why? The device itself? The people who use it (often beginners)? Or...?
Well, I think the connection of all the dark stories behind the Ouija board is not necessarily the device itself, but rather the people using it.

You see, there are a lot of basic rules that can be respected for one's protection, like putting a silver coin aside or on a corner of the tablet in order to protect one's own spiritual space, and also to not be physically or even psychologically ill.

One mistake people make when using Ouija boards is that they often contact malevolent spirits because they wish to be edgy, or, in other bad case, they are consuming a lot of drugs and, due to the highly negative energy that drugs hold, they often are falling prey to imposter entities and other dangerous Demons.

As for other things that I may add, about why the Ouija board use ends with danger is because of the syndrome of superiority. One cannot become a very advanced medium in 2 years, let's say, and know all the things related to Divination, Ouija boards and other such things. Those individual who suffer from the superiority syndrome will often think like I am more advanced than a medium or all this precautions are only for dummies, I know how to protect myself.

And one final thing that may cause the dark ouija board incidents is Toxic Spiritual Attachment. People who don't know how to observe toxic / spiritual manipulation-based connections often fall prey to very manipulative spirits and imposter entities and that is what makes them attached to them for a long period of time, ranging from a few months, to a few years, or worse ... their whole life if they refuse spiritual treatment and cord cutting with the said spirit.

That is why all the really wise people recommend to have a reliable and true medium to act as a proxy for the spiritual gateway, a medium with like 20+ years of experience. No one said you cannot do things by yourself though, but it implies more risks taken, some which are not that easy to bear and need a lot of acknowledgement, on both personal and spiritual level, before proceeding with the Ouija board session


I / Me / Myself
Jan 9, 2022
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@Telafiel & @Aeternus (anyone else for that matter): Any thoughts as to why ouijia boards seem to function so often as conduits for everything negative spiritually? One hears two kinds of oiujia stories. The one, like what you guys wrote. One starts using the board, gets interesting answers, THEN the shite starts in increasingly high-pressured squirts. The other kind of story---mostly on dicey Satanists sites---remind one of the beat up ol' biker, "I know drugs can't kill you. Lookit me: I tried everything and I'm still alive!"

My query is why so many negative tales start out, " I bought this ouijia board and..." Other forms of divination get criticized for not working reliably. Ouijia for response-overload. One wonders why? The device itself? The people who use it (often beginners)? Or...?

The Ouija board by itself is just as innocent as a gun or a knife with no person holding it. Put it in an individual's hand who is full with negative emotions, thoughts, intent and the story will unfold right in the way you would possibly imagine.

Let me point out a couple of things that can help you forming a proper answer to this question of yours.

・☽ Protecting, cleansing your Board is (NOT!) going to secure you
Thinking that protecting and cleansing your board is going to protect you is a common misbelief coming from thinking the Board is directly used by the entity or/and works as a portal and can get you in trouble, because when you use a Ouija board, it is you who directly interacting with the board and the entity. You are in between the two.
The entity will only interact with- and attach itself to your space, to your energetic system, to your physical, emotional or/and your vital body. You can protect your board as much as you want, but your board has nothing to do with your safety and the safety of your space.

It can happen that the entity is interacting with the physical world, including the board itself, like, moving the planchette when nobody's hand is on it, but this spectacular interaction is just a way of showing strength and influencing you by the experience itself. By protecting the board, at tops, you can only achieve that the board can not be touched in such a way.

Does this "board protection" include your bodies, your psyché, your space? No. Not at the slightest. Therefore, you are just as free of a prey as you has been whether with the protection or not.

・☽ Open Space and the nature of "The Field"
Here we are again. The issue is, that not only that securing the Board will do nothing, but neither your space and yourself are secured from low vibrational energies, intruders and uninvited guests.

When you use a Ouija board, you open up yourself to the Astral, and other dimensions, not only to those who exist in your space, and because of that, you can attract entities of any kind. Let's be honest, a malevolent, violent entity will always fight off those who are generally gentle, respectful and peaceful. I'll tell more about this in the upcoming paragraphs, and some solution later on. Zozo is a good example for this. He is well known for fighting off, harming the spirits who are around you, including even those who you possibly ended up communicating first, benevolent ones. It is not only dangerous for you, but for them as well. Which is an another reason why more gentle spirits may be more careful, and avoid the storm before it can strike.

Because of this, and because most of the people never protected their space and themselves properly, they have free access to you. Yes, the most important thing to protect yourself is to directly protect yourself, your bodies, chakras, energetic system AND the place you are using the board in. If you make sure it can not be approached by negative entities, it may be safer - but never risk-free -.

・☽ Low vibrational energies are attracting low vibrational entities and chase away high vibrational ones
This is a very, very simple fact, yet often, people forget about it. Making sure that our vibrational level is high, has a significant influence on our life, and even in our practices, including, when we communicate with entities.

Everything is energy, and everything has a nature, a vibrational level.
Thoughts, emotions, intent, urges, desires. The feeling of depression, anxiety, fear, sadness, despair, betrayal, loneliness, pain, humiliation, vulnerability, wrath, jealousy etc. Why is it that when we experience these emotions, we never feel ourselves "raised", soaring above the sky, touching the stars - but rather, we feel ourself suppressed, uncomfortable, bad. We automatically, instinctively describe this terrible sensation and use to say things like, "I'm so down", "hitting rock bottom", "feeling drowned", "can't take this pressure" so you are below something, "dragged down", "heavy-hearted", "low" etc.
It's because these are fueled by low vibrational energies that are exactly making us feel the way they supposed to; low, down!

These energies attracting entities who have equal vibrational level, so they can feast on it. Same way as the moth is attracted by the light lit in the darkness, so do the low vibrational entities are seeking for these energy sources, and trust me, they have a very good senses to recognise the opportunity, for this is a way of a "survival" or maintaining, increasing their strength.

And because the high vibrational energies are always above, and never descend to the depth of where the low vibrational energies usually exist, it is why you have hard time finding such a beings on those levels.
Working high vibrational entities, for instance, can be way more effective if you work on raising your vibration level, so the communication becomes easier, more effective, and the connection stronger. Of course, they can chose to descend to a certain level, but their natural space is above, not below.

We can safely say, that most people struggles with a lot of negative emotions, thoughts, therefore it is relatively easier to attract a negative, low vibrational entity next to a high vibrational one.

・☽ Vulnerability caused by ignorance, misbelief, false sensation of possessing enough knowledge or/and power, high ego etc.
These are all can be sensed by entities around you. They have a good insight into your very soul and nature, traits, qualities, weaknesses, strong suits, traumas, capabilities etc., therefore, they can easily measure whether you are an easy prey to play around with for some energetic gain, or not.

  • For instance, a person who have high capability of turning into an addict, have a higher chance to attract an entity who is willing to drag them into this state, and feast on the low vibrational energies given birth by the consequences, simply because they sense that these people are weak and vulnerable to addiction.
  • There may be entities, who are craving for more potent energies, and they will attach themselves to those who have exceptional energies compared to most, and feed on that.
  • Some may have trauma of physical or mental, emotional abuse, and they may attract entities who are going to fuel these fears of theirs, even going as far as becoming the abusers themselves.
  • Egoistic, impulsive, arrogant people can be turned against their own friends, partners, family easier than the others, and there are entities who enjoy separating their targets from beloved ones, making them even more vulnerable, lonely and slowly, but surely, destroying their life.

Let's just say, the Astral and other dimensions are full of spiritual predators who are seeking for the right opportunity to grab some extra, and when you open up your mind and bodies during an Ouija session, the race can begin. You may avoid harmful entitiest, but it is always a russian roulett.
It is not a secret that people in generally have a lot of issues deep inside, if not on the surface, poking our very eyes, so it's obvious that there will be always a high risk that we attract this type of entities easily.

・☽ The Hunger
Malevolent entities or low vibrational predatory entities are naturally seeking for more energy, while benevolent, high vibrational entities are growing from positive, high vibrational energies. Let's just say, that such a tool that has a bad reputation, and many would approach the interaction wiht entities with fear rather than love and happiness, is not something a benevolent entity would be out looking for. Unlike others...

Benevolent entities are usually using different methods to connect and communicate, which is less threatening and, possibly "shocking". Things that can interact with the physical, or seemingly control you are usually scare people, not fuel them with happiness, joy and what not.

・☽ Curiosity and Jackasses
Some people use the board out of curiosity, or to satisfy their hunger for paranormal experiences, something similar that they've seen or heard in others' stories. Those entities who are willing to answer to such a calls sensing the intent inside these people and perhaps, even show their strength, are powerful enough to do so, and trust me, they would not come to you to do all of this for free. It only means they have enough power already to make this advance, before they start to reap the fruit of what is coming next.

Some last words to end my message (that got a bit longer than expected) . . .

It was never risk-free to work with spirits and never will be. No matter what kind of tools and methods you use - the key is always you, and because of that, your emotional-, mental-, physical- state, your vibration level, knowledge, preparation and alertness is the most important things in self-preservation.

As long as you open up to interact with them, there is always a chance you'll attract one of the kind that is going to harm you, use you and may attach itself to you, making it very hard to get rid of them or until they lose interest .

And remember, there is always a bigger fish.
It's just a matter of time when you bump into one that overwrites your imagination about your position, your strength and knowledge.
The oceans of the Astral and Dimensions is endless.


Aug 17, 2023
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The Ouija board by itself is just as innocent as a gun or a knife with no person holding it. Put it in an individual's hand who is full with negative emotions, thoughts, intent and the story will unfold right in the way you would possibly imagine.

Let me point out a couple of things that can help you forming a proper answer to this question of yours.

・☽ Protecting, cleansing your Board is (NOT!) going to secure you
Thinking that protecting and cleansing your board is going to protect you is a common misbelief coming from thinking the Board is directly used by the entity or/and works as a portal and can get you in trouble, because when you use a Ouija board, it is you who directly interacting with the board and the entity. You are in between the two.
The entity will only interact with- and attach itself to your space, to your energetic system, to your physical, emotional or/and your vital body. You can protect your board as much as you want, but your board has nothing to do with your safety and the safety of your space.

It can happen that the entity is interacting with the physical world, including the board itself, like, moving the planchette when nobody's hand is on it, but this spectacular interaction is just a way of showing strength and influencing you by the experience itself. By protecting the board, at tops, you can only achieve that the board can not be touched in such a way.

Does this "board protection" include your bodies, your psyché, your space? No. Not at the slightest. Therefore, you are just as free of a prey as you has been whether with the protection or not.

・☽ Open Space and the nature of "The Field"
Here we are again. The issue is, that not only that securing the Board will do nothing, but neither your space and yourself are secured from low vibrational energies, intruders and uninvited guests.

When you use a Ouija board, you open up yourself to the Astral, and other dimensions, not only to those who exist in your space, and because of that, you can attract entities of any kind. Let's be honest, a malevolent, violent entity will always fight off those who are generally gentle, respectful and peaceful. I'll tell more about this in the upcoming paragraphs, and some solution later on. Zozo is a good example for this. He is well known for fighting off, harming the spirits who are around you, including even those who you possibly ended up communicating first, benevolent ones. It is not only dangerous for you, but for them as well. Which is an another reason why more gentle spirits may be more careful, and avoid the storm before it can strike.

Because of this, and because most of the people never protected their space and themselves properly, they have free access to you. Yes, the most important thing to protect yourself is to directly protect yourself, your bodies, chakras, energetic system AND the place you are using the board in. If you make sure it can not be approached by negative entities, it may be safer - but never risk-free -.

・☽ Low vibrational energies are attracting low vibrational entities and chase away high vibrational ones
This is a very, very simple fact, yet often, people forget about it. Making sure that our vibrational level is high, has a significant influence on our life, and even in our practices, including, when we communicate with entities.

Everything is energy, and everything has a nature, a vibrational level.
Thoughts, emotions, intent, urges, desires. The feeling of depression, anxiety, fear, sadness, despair, betrayal, loneliness, pain, humiliation, vulnerability, wrath, jealousy etc. Why is it that when we experience these emotions, we never feel ourselves "raised", soaring above the sky, touching the stars - but rather, we feel ourself suppressed, uncomfortable, bad. We automatically, instinctively describe this terrible sensation and use to say things like, "I'm so down", "hitting rock bottom", "feeling drowned", "can't take this pressure" so you are below something, "dragged down", "heavy-hearted", "low" etc.
It's because these are fueled by low vibrational energies that are exactly making us feel the way they supposed to; low, down!

These energies attracting entities who have equal vibrational level, so they can feast on it. Same way as the moth is attracted by the light lit in the darkness, so do the low vibrational entities are seeking for these energy sources, and trust me, they have a very good senses to recognise the opportunity, for this is a way of a "survival" or maintaining, increasing their strength.

And because the high vibrational energies are always above, and never descend to the depth of where the low vibrational energies usually exist, it is why you have hard time finding such a beings on those levels.
Working high vibrational entities, for instance, can be way more effective if you work on raising your vibration level, so the communication becomes easier, more effective, and the connection stronger. Of course, they can chose to descend to a certain level, but their natural space is above, not below.

We can safely say, that most people struggles with a lot of negative emotions, thoughts, therefore it is relatively easier to attract a negative, low vibrational entity next to a high vibrational one.

・☽ Vulnerability caused by ignorance, misbelief, false sensation of possessing enough knowledge or/and power, high ego etc.
These are all can be sensed by entities around you. They have a good insight into your very soul and nature, traits, qualities, weaknesses, strong suits, traumas, capabilities etc., therefore, they can easily measure whether you are an easy prey to play around with for some energetic gain, or not.

  • For instance, a person who have high capability of turning into an addict, have a higher chance to attract an entity who is willing to drag them into this state, and feast on the low vibrational energies given birth by the consequences, simply because they sense that these people are weak and vulnerable to addiction.
  • There may be entities, who are craving for more potent energies, and they will attach themselves to those who have exceptional energies compared to most, and feed on that.
  • Some may have trauma of physical or mental, emotional abuse, and they may attract entities who are going to fuel these fears of theirs, even going as far as becoming the abusers themselves.
  • Egoistic, impulsive, arrogant people can be turned against their own friends, partners, family easier than the others, and there are entities who enjoy separating their targets from beloved ones, making them even more vulnerable, lonely and slowly, but surely, destroying their life.

Let's just say, the Astral and other dimensions are full of spiritual predators who are seeking for the right opportunity to grab some extra, and when you open up your mind and bodies during an Ouija session, the race can begin. You may avoid harmful entitiest, but it is always a russian roulett.
It is not a secret that people in generally have a lot of issues deep inside, if not on the surface, poking our very eyes, so it's obvious that there will be always a high risk that we attract this type of entities easily.

・☽ The Hunger
Malevolent entities or low vibrational predatory entities are naturally seeking for more energy, while benevolent, high vibrational entities are growing from positive, high vibrational energies. Let's just say, that such a tool that has a bad reputation, and many would approach the interaction wiht entities with fear rather than love and happiness, is not something a benevolent entity would be out looking for. Unlike others...

Benevolent entities are usually using different methods to connect and communicate, which is less threatening and, possibly "shocking". Things that can interact with the physical, or seemingly control you are usually scare people, not fuel them with happiness, joy and what not.

・☽ Curiosity and Jackasses
Some people use the board out of curiosity, or to satisfy their hunger for paranormal experiences, something similar that they've seen or heard in others' stories. Those entities who are willing to answer to such a calls sensing the intent inside these people and perhaps, even show their strength, are powerful enough to do so, and trust me, they would not come to you to do all of this for free. It only means they have enough power already to make this advance, before they start to reap the fruit of what is coming next.

Some last words to end my message (that got a bit longer than expected) . . .

It was never risk-free to work with spirits and never will be. No matter what kind of tools and methods you use - the key is always you, and because of that, your emotional-, mental-, physical- state, your vibration level, knowledge, preparation and alertness is the most important things in self-preservation.

As long as you open up to interact with them, there is always a chance you'll attract one of the kind that is going to harm you, use you and may attach itself to you, making it very hard to get rid of them or until they lose interest .

And remember, there is always a bigger fish.
It's just a matter of time when you bump into one that overwrites your imagination about your position, your strength and knowledge.
The oceans of the Astral and Dimensions is endless.
That's as complete and as perceptive an answer as could be delivered!