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Book – PDF Dave Lee - Magick and Physics

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Jul 3, 2023
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This is just an excerpt from Dave Lee's "Chaotopia: Magick and Ecstasy in the PandaemonAeon" (also in the Library) that is relevant to the lively debate in the "Pseudo-Scientific Explanations in Magic" thread in General Discussion.

The Science-Magick Interface:
• The Physics of Consciousness
• Consciousness as a Bose-Einstein Condensate
• Consequences of the theory
• Conclusion: Sorcery, Metaphysics and Science

Chaos Magick emerged at the end of an era whose Grand Narrative was Science and Progress. However, the ‘weird science’ narrative of Quantum Mechanics has opened the door to phenomena that would previously have been rejected. Chaos Magick has, from its inception, been coloured by this micro-Aeon of postmodernist science. How much use to the sorcerer is this science?

Just to keep the ball rolling... and probably even get more mad at scientism in occult writings. ;)

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