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Dedicating Mead properly to invoke Kvasir


Jan 27, 2022
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This winter, we started a mead at my house. It is five gallons of damn-near-syrupy alcoholic bliss which will see two gallons or three casked and the rest bottled.

The issue is that I am unsure how to proceed: do I bottle it under the full moon on the 16th, or do I bottle it on the 20'th, on the equinox?

Do I need to dedicate it with an offering of blood (I'm guessing yeah, though probably just a drop or two will do)?

Do I need to have two "dwarves" for the ceremony or will one do?

Most importantly, will this attract a Norn to "the skald" that will seek his life* so as to consummate The Epic Cycle (giver of knowledge is born, suffers, dies, and his knowledge becomes a gift to the world)?

Or does sparing the life of the skald, getting his consent, and offering Odin his share, and doing whatever else may be suggested keep any pesky Norns out of it?

*The last thing I need is more Norns on my ass, and I'm the only true Skald I know, and I'm embarrassingly bad at it all the same. I don't want to get killed by some asshole Norn setting me up for just trying to make some mead that echoes quietly with the old power of the old stories.