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Success Story Demon Corocon For Healing: Success Story (Lucifer and the Hidden Demons Book)

A post about how a spell, ritual, or other type of magick worked.
Jan 14, 2024
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This is a thank you post and a post to tell you about the Demon Corocon. My back was hurting really bad for days. I do a lot of work on my computer while sitting at a love seat given to me as a gift recently. The pain was off on. Before going to a doctor, I decided to ask Corocon to stop the pain. And, while doing my petition, I said to the Demon Corocon: " If you stop this back pain for one whole day, I will talk about you over at WFS ". Not only did Corocon stop the pain... but he told me in a meditation to him that I needed to STOP sitting in the love seat. The way the couch is made it is pushing your lower back area downwards in un-natural ways. "

The following days, I sat at my desk chair instead of the love seat. The love seat was small enough that I could sit back in it with my back against it. So, I somehow didn't see it as a problem. BUT as Corocon showed me, the couch was the root of my back pain problem.

I no longer use the couch. I will be disposing of it. And the pain in my lower back is gone ,and has not returned. It's been a week. Corocon is also mentioned in The Book of Abramelin. Corocon, according to the book: " Lucifer and the Hidden Demons " (by Theodore Rose), can lesson or remove pain. He can also lesson emotional pain like grief . Demons have many other purposes besides being baneful. I will write more on what they can do soon. Anyway, thank You, Corocon for giving me complete relief from back pain, and thank you for telling me what caused it.