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Book – PDF Diabolic Gnosticism - Mythos & Philosophy * by Christophe Kafyrfos (Frater Kafyrfos)

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Dec 5, 2023
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Strangely i´m having trouble with the cover of the book, its not working on Mega nor Gdrive, will try again later to share the cover. I apologize for that, but it´s beyond my knowledge and infinite tries. The description is as follows:

"Walking a curious line between the Septenary current of ONA and the Anti-cosmic current of the misanthropic TOTBL, Diabolic Gnosticism: Mythos & Philosophy is an explosive push past both expanding and elaborating on a definitive and non-semitic oriented explanation of Black Flame in all its signature forms. Kafyrfos weaves together an intricate framework of philosophy blazing with Runes, Chants, Diabolic Worship and under the unmistakable influence of Friedrich Nietzsche."

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