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Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine


Sep 19, 2021
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I'm not entirely sure why, but it seems like right now, for me, all roads lead here. It keeps coming up in everything I do. The cards I pull, the books I'm reading, threads here, etc. So I want to delve into this deeper. Anyone got suggestions where to start?


Aug 31, 2021
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From some glimpses it seems that the Entity/Logos that uses this universe as a body of manifestation shows His male face to this universe. He also has another universe for manifestation and to that universe the Logos shows the female face.

There seems to be a "student exchange" between the universes with some of our avatars coming from our paired universe.

In this context I am reminded that my ex told me: Women have never left the Grail castle.

No doubt universal matters are much more complex but that is all I have seen so far


Feb 10, 2022
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Hi Jaide,

I would love to give you an answer, yet I don't know you at all and your question remains rather vague to me. I'm kind of in a state of limbo, where I feel light and playful like a hummingbird, who cannot find the nectarrich blossom she is longing for ...

Yes, this little hummingbird is a She. Not because I am a woman and I compared myself to the hummingbird, but because in this small dream, which unfolds its sweet, enchanting scents, the hummingbird feels like a She to me. When I ask myself what she is longing for, I can see a wonderful exotic tiny red flower in the sun. When I listen carefully to this blossom, I can hear it giggle and then sing an enticing little song for the hummingbird.

But what if ... yeah IF the hummingbird is a He? What is he longing for? There is another blossom, it is bigger, almost a third the size of my palm. It is not as exotic as the red flower, seems rather simple on the first glimpse. Yet it is exuding a deep, mysterious tranquility, by which the hummingbird feels irresistibly attracted.

Is the red flower male or female? And the blue flower? ;)

I don't quite understand, what you mean by the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. I don't use these terms in my magical world, yet I very often have a clear feeling about gender within myself and of the spirits and entities I am dealing with. - Do you mean the Divine within you? The Divine out there in heaven and on earth? Gods and Godesses? Spirits? Which cards did show up to tell you about the roads to the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine? Which sentences in the books and threads gave you the feeling, that they lead you here?

Would you like to tell me a little bit about what you mean, think and feel about all this? Maybe the right door to this magick will show up by itself, when you write about it. :)


Aug 31, 2021
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Nichola Roerich did a nice image of the World Mother surrounded by lots of possible Buddhas. She is seated on temples from a variety of traditions

Notice that her eyes are veiled to protect humans from seeing them. She floats above a sacred ocean on a structure made of shapes that may be alchemical flasks or uterus

Her cloak shows the kingdoms of nature and perhaps a Tree of Life

There is an analogous entity for the galaxy and another for the universe



Feb 8, 2022
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You could say that the masculine trinity is upward, and the feminine trinity is downward like a Hexagon. The other is the Ankh and the Cross. Where Ankh is the feminine version while the Cross is the male version. There are alot of these available in pictures. So try googling some.


Feb 22, 2022
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The divine feminine masculine is the balance between the masculine and feminine energies. This energy is the balance between the yin and yang. Yin and Yang are two opposing forces that create everything around us. They are not only present in nature but they are also present in our bodies. Our bodies have both yin and yang energies. When these energies are balanced, we feel healthy and happy. If one side dominates over the other, imbalance occurs. Balance is achieved through the divine feminine masculine.
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Jun 8, 2021
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The Universe is genderless, but The Female aspect, is The Energy, The Light, and The Black Void. The Male aspect, is the physical structure of things, not just here on Earth but elsewhere in other Galaxies. In other words, The Female Energy is the Inner, and the Masculine is the Outer. Is what I been told by my Divine Mother, who is also The Divine Father.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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The traits of human males and females are the center of the stories of the gods and goddesses.
So the man thinking himself a good guy will favour the traits of Jupiter while one who believes in combat will look to Mars.
A femme fatale might love Lilith and a nurturing mother could look toward (D)Anu.
In Kabalah the Tree of Life is these different aspects as part of one Divinity.
It's possible and maybe an idea to make a similar structure with only female entities to group their traits and one with only males.
Could maybe be fun and useful to you.


Jan 27, 2022
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There is an interesting question I have been exposed to, and thus forced to consider.

I was discussing with a friend online about "being a mother" adjacent to another discussion about the right to choose: some idiot* said HE was pregnant alongside his wife.

It's not something I discuss often, but there's a pull in me. I am, for whatever reason, affected a deep, primal urge to become pregnant and give birth. There is a need in me not just to be a parent but specifically to become a mother.

I'm not exactly equipped to do that.

Nonetheless, I think this is at the very heart and soul of the divine feminine energy.

Instead, I have been forced to turn all that primal need towards creating something else, anything else, EVERYTHING ELSE.

I am pushed to this because I have known all my life that I cannot really have what I want.

Perhaps this indicates the reason why gender issues tend to revolve so much around "intelligent people".

In many ways this contrasts with my masculine elements: they seek to BE, and BE ME! And EXPERIENCE! To be reckless and disposable and live out there with all of my insanities fighting and gaming and fucking everything in the world I have the right and consent for to do it with!

And so this is the divine masculine, to me. The other part of the game: to burn brightly, and be the inspiration of others to do the same.

When someone feels both of these forces, something changes in them. Maybe that's the whole idea behind discussions of the Rebis, all of the force to burn brightly and accomplish notable things, melded with an unfulfillable need to be a mother... so it gets directed instead at creation of far bigger and perhaps more persistent, but in all honesty less satisfying, things.

It's strange that I would, if I had any real choice in the matter, be the mother to just a single person over being the father of entire universes and species and AI and of mathematically based ethics.

In some ways this explains that the "Lilith" is more along the lines of someone who is not so apparently cut off from the power to fulfill the needs of the divine feminine spirit but who additionally burns with the fire of the divine masculine.

Whereas the nurturing mother has less connection to that fire of the divine masculine while maintaining the rest.

The stalwart protector and adventurer, the soldier, the doctor, the dare-devil, the gambler... These burn more with the divine masculine but without the driving need to CREATE! Of the divine feminine.

In some, like the mercenary perhaps, the person has corrupted the divine feminine, or locked it away: they have become bitter over the frustration of the divine feminine and decided instead to hate it or even be in denial of it, and in some ways are inevitably hating and/or being in denial of themselves.

*he's actually also a friend and not an idiot but he was an idiot in the context


Aug 31, 2021
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affected a deep, primal urge to become pregnant and give birth

When meditating look for a spirit next to your left side. That is the entity generating the desire to give birth

Give it light from your heart and require it to show you its light.

It will probably move away


Jan 27, 2022
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When meditating look for a spirit next to your left side. That is the entity generating the desire to give birth

Give it light from your heart and require it to show you its light.

It will probably move away
Not so much. No, it's me, through and through.

I don't think I would quiet this part of me even if I could. Why would I give it up the need? Just because I can never have it*?

It is the need for creation, a force of will more powerful than the one that keeps the earth in tow around the sun.

When I push the sheer weight of this massive force through my masculine side, something glorious happens: it magnifies with the desire to be LOUD! And to do amazing things! To CREATE AMAZING THINGS!

And to do it loudly.

It is a frustration and a source of sadness, too, I know. It is a breaking of my heart I have known for... Well, since sixth grade, I think? But it is an effective goad to do what I can that is perhaps not that but close enough.

*admittedly "never" is a strong word. There's the provisional chance that I could potentially trade, or replace mine with a cloned organ within my natural lifetime, or get a whole body replacement. I may even end up in a good position to own/control/invent some of our all of the technology to do so, or cause it to be invented or participate in the invention of it.


Jan 27, 2022
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Can you test whether that is fake news?
It's unwise to be in denial about who we are, or to shut out some part of the whole song.

As I said, I am a materialist. If it is perceived, it is something in my head and it has been there since... Well, I remember the first moment I woke it up. It had been dormant until that point I think, waiting for the daydream to be dreamed, so that an idea would blossom: me acting as a stand-in for my own imagined future wife.

I was on a bus, and I was in elementary school.

It was that moment where I realized, for myself, that was who I more wished to be. I remember that daydream perhaps once or twice a decade.

It took a number of years to untangle all the knots of feelings around that and get a clear look at it.

And what's more, I do very much believe I consented to this cost.

It is, in some ways, part of a "deliverable" that could only have been delivered from before the dawn of time, written into the fabric of creation of it were an honest delivery.

I cannot assume, as a materialist, that any such thing happened of course, that I am getting what I want because it is "merely granted".

I know that to get what I want I can only get it by doing the work. I am just fortunate that, owing to this burning and frustrated need, that I am able to and driven towards doing the work.

In some ways that is the materialist answer to why "selling your soul" works: it is an unforgettable intent, and the first time you try to do it, the intent will never be truly forgotten.

I'm fortunate enough that intent was not frustrated with a lack of drive to do more than "be loud" as the divine masculine would have me do alone.


Aug 31, 2021
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It's unwise to be in denial about who we are, or to shut out some part of the whole song.

As I said, I am a materialist.

Where does identity come from in the view of a materialist?

How can materialistic identity be in place in such a young child?

Why would a materialist accept visions?


Jan 27, 2022
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Where does identity come from in the view of a materialist?

How can materialistic identity be in place in such a young child?

Why would a materialist accept visions?
Identity comes from a particular intersection of material configurations: DNA not the least of which, but accidental churnings, variations in cell migrations, a subtle lack of increase of a particular chemical here and there causing a vaguely different initial weight which in turn causes patterns in the finished brain to ripple differently.

It's all rate dependent chemistry at a particular level and sometimes the rates vary slightly.

As to whether the identity was materialist... When I was a child I did not believe I was material as such. I believed in "libertarian dualism" then.

"When I was a child, I thought as a child..."

My identity was still created by the material and the relationships it had with other changes and states in the material around me: the material around me carried moved in waves which had been concretely linked to certain shapes and ideas and relationships through repetition. Those ideas and shapes and relationships then get encoded in the shifting patterns that swirl and eddy though the neural graph structure, some finding fertile and ready ground (much of that in Wernicke's Area) for which empty links were greedily filled.

That is how my identity even as a young child was formed.

As to the acceptance of visions...

Well, that gets into understanding the rhythms of the human mind, and things we communicate outside of the effort to do so. In some ways it comes down to the way our stories lay tracks down in us, show us paths, and how we use metaphors and subtext to talk about those things in ways the conscious mind is generally blissfully ignorant of.

I have other thoughts on more, as to why it might seem and even be that the universe may have fates written into it, but again, I will put no weight on that until I know and prove the truth of it. I will come to the world with evidence in hand, if I were to make such claims.

When it comes to experiences of entities, I already laid out my positions in my contributions to this thread: Hallucinations or spiritual experiences?
And this post:

At any rate I do believe that taking the sum total of reports from all "outside of self" neural groups that are nonetheless "reportable to self" can give more comprehensive understanding than merely looking at direct rational observations. One can assemble a much more comprehensive idea of what is going on by looking at the whole of "the song of the mind". The issue is learning to read the "reports" that come from parts of the mind that can't direct their report through Wernicke's Area*, or which Wernicke's Area would hopelessly butcher, or which Wernicke's Area spews into strange poetry, or even the occasional single utterance.

One of those things is the result of when I do "pathwork" which for me comes layered with rich metaphors and sometimes with the aforementioned strange poetry.

All it means is that spirituality is material for me as well, created of stories and words and ideas that are exchanged by us, ultimately seeds of concept and thought that find fertile ground in the default structure of the human mind, evolved as it has been for so long specifically to hold and nurture such.

*Wernicke's Area: the part of the brain which translates emotions and concepts to and from word formats and raw visual, emotional, and auditory shapes