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DnD? Whitewolf? Shadowrun?


Oct 29, 2023
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Through a series of events, completely of my own fault
i kind of sorta said i would build a DnD campaign from scratch using magick philosophy and logic

After all it's just pathworking with dice, right? i don't hold out much hope but i thought it wouldn't hurt to ask
Anyone here into Roleplaying games? any fantasy/scifi writers maybe?


Jun 30, 2021
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i once asked why dnd couldnt be a step up to magick especially in the vampire lane. im still getting hit....
so yes it hurts to ask wise questions, so therefor only wiseass questions when you have the shoulders to carry that shit.

and my roleplaying department is 18+, little bit of gore, little bit of wyrd monsters ala goetia and of course a mumbot to rule them all. her name is not meta (thankfully), but ive asked several lorenzo's and they all say its the devil i will tell Yah. and then they run of like real robbers in the night, while cutting off pyramid heads. its a strange thing....

if you want to you can totally rape the system and make it a dnd game, im not in it for the money. its just some asked for cake so i gave them cake...

but anyways, the answer i got is: No you can not do that. there is a huge difference between seeing things and seeing things dnd style. so i figured some shit and it seems that shadow people are just other humans and dnd realms have more collor and strange creatures. in essence its the same shit, but it seems that when people are willing to play along you get collorful creatures and when they dont you get shadow people. and then you have pokemon go for the pc nerds, but they forgot wifisurfers and egregores and now Pokémon go is forbidden lore.

so good luck on your endeavors, i had fun and learned a lot.



Nov 1, 2023
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Into roleplaying games, variety of systems and settings. Have been known to write fantasy and horror.

You could just play D&D Planescape if you want to emphasise belief and philosophy.
If you want heavy Manicheanism-horror with some dose of Qabbalah you could play Kult.

There's quite a lot out there... Maybe you could be a tad more specific regarding what you want to achieve?


Oct 29, 2023
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There's quite a lot out there... Maybe you could be a tad more specific regarding what you want to achieve?
Yes, my bad. I didn't really expect anyone to follow up or be into DnD
It all concerns a rather bland and empty verse from the Gothic series (2000's pc rpg)
What i would hope to achieve is make a single campaign run, i have given it some thought and off your mentions
I see that i was thinking pretty out of the box. It was not my intention to copy paste the goetia into a world as such
but rather i was hoping to build archetypes, for example instead of flat out making characters you would have a select choice
of premades they would all then be fleshed out according to pathworking and occult lore(what would a warrior pathwork look like, hunter? rogue? in a jedi/sith type of way),
so then the party might pick and choose what they want or even do a personality quizz type to be set into the class they would play as.
the idea is that you are not
just 5-6 man team going straight forward untill you beat the BBEG (big bad evil guy) but everyone operates around
the setting doing the best they can however they can - then they would be recruited into a secret society while maintaing public lives in
lets say 3 camps/societies that exist, again those would be built up to match - like one might be oppresive capitalism another might be anarchic etc, these 3 main "normie" camps go through a chapter 1-4 progression and the way it ends is decided by player actions, one might win- none might win-hell, the world might be destroyed. This semi political aspect i really enjoy too, because its like 5 of us
are in cahoots while the camps are trying to figure out wtf is going on blaming fighting eachother.
the reason i mention pathworking is because i see it as a much more emotionally invested journey, think of it like
everyone has their own main quest going on and then they handle the "group" main quest? complete with a day/night cycle
hoarding items,valuables, secrets - im giddy as fck about it would have loved if something like this already exists
You do vamps? What im trying to do is basically a Tremere chantry type of thing (camarilla included)
I see we have experienced folks here, give me any thoughts good or bad i would love to hear as this is all in my brain begging to get out.
Post automatically merged:

i once asked why dnd couldnt be a step up to magick especially in the vampire lane. im still getting hit....
so yes it hurts to ask wise questions, so therefor only wiseass questions when you have the shoulders to carry that shit.
The same thing happened to me. Still, a part of me holds on thinking that i may have on accident imagined a pretty good Rpg
im not super confident i will ever do it, but the spark makes me want to discuss it at least, even if i end up being laughed at, i cant help it


Nov 1, 2023
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I think I get what you mean. If I'm off correct me.

So what you want is a political game of intrigue where pathworking is either part of character creation (?) and/or of the game to engage characters with their personal development while still having a main quest.

If you like political intrigue and WoD Tremere why not just use either V:tM - or Mage: the Ascension (or is it Awakening? I get the version titles mixed up). Particularly the latter might work well as it already incorporates magickal concepts and the Technocracy as one of the BBEGs. If you throw Pentex into the mix as well you're set in regards to enemies to manipulate.

You could also look into some of the PtbA games - Blades in the Dark works great for this kind of thing, particularly if you're also willing to do the occasional 1-on-1. I've been running a Blades campaign which I made into a cosmic horror game, and have my players spellbound* with the possibilities they have to explore their chars. There's also Comrades, which is explicitly about politics and revolution. Both Blades and Comrades offer the players the chance to be much more engaged in the creation of the game (like all PtbA stuff), which makes the experience more collaborative and for the players more awesome. The systems are also rules light, which would leave plenty of room for you as the GM to insert occult stuff or help develop the story via pathworkings. You might want to cobble together some mechanics from other games, but with PtbA that's much easier than in D&D 5e, let alone in something crunchier like Pathfinder or - gods beware - Shadowrun. Although the latter might be a cool setting for the kind of story you describe.
*I am convinced that good storytelling is magick and will die on that hill.


Oct 29, 2023
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Im just sitting here thinking "This guy is exactly what i needed all along"
It's obvious to me you are far far above my level, weather or not i stick with the idea
i would like to play a few of the games you suggested, so if you happen to be on a lookout for players keep me in mind

I would love for a chance to learn from you, and i do completely agree, good storytelling is magick!


Nov 1, 2023
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I might be re-starting my Blades cosmic horror campaign soon-ish (had to put it on hiatus for a while), I'll message you when I know more about possible dates. If you're interested, that is :)

As for learning, my inbox is always open!


Oct 29, 2023
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Whatever you run im very probably all for it.

i will def. hit you up about it sometime THANK YOU