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Eastern and west journey of structure order chaos overall


Jul 23, 2023
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2-Week Ban: I told you to keep your AI-generated gibberish ramblings in that journal thread.
by common philosophical terms the western and eastern philosophies here are flipped for heavens non occult trends at this time Generally

Girl from Zimbabwe is on vacation to Israel and is at the western wall reading a bible when sitting at a table there and she got intense feelings when she was just looking carrying or thinking of the book. Then there were intensities of awen (inspirational and intellectual frenzy) felt when she would move around the New Testament especially Matthew Mark Luke John, and when she realized it was the truly enchanted explanation of the cleansing of the temple she received a vision from Joseph the father. “I am Joseph son of David and I am Mary the daughter of the shadows here in the light of heaven, Jesus Christ son of David’s father and mother as I am here to ask and to tell you to go to the Victoria falls waterfall when you return home if you will and to further discern if you are willing to embark upon a challenging yet destiny quality adventure.”

When she returned home and already was excited to go but just had be full of effort to be metaphysical throughout the mission as this is the thing she cares about most, so when she gathered herself she knew she was ready for the mission and traveled not far to Victoria falls. The vision began and was told she must let the complex integration of intelligence fully ridden her own person and must always find enough glory in the journey. Then she was told that the four evangelists to in this mission represent structure order chaos overall, and it is a path of various miraculous systematic now esoteric formats of conservative wisdom which are in all things amongst the extra beauty extra truth of all of the infinitely glorious bank for new experiences called reality. She was told she must journey into Egypt which has the Giza plateau which was prepared by Jesus years ago.

She went to Giza and was amazed while on a camel ride getting closer to the artifacts. She knew there were more great things gods creation could put together when she looked at the big three pyramids and the sphinx plus the rest. She was immediately aware of a wise counseling intuition which she meditated upon on the camel and understood with clarity that illuminations of interest and qualia where for her embark investigate through in the condition the present time on earth has become. An Indian man and Chinese woman were there and said we have strong compulsion to remind you of the chakras and to enter the mystical body of the great pyramid. She noticed that there was a harmonic light of mind which was to be the mind of people in heaven when she looked at the side of the great pyramid.

She walked went into the pyramid and traveled through the grand gallery hall into the kings chamber which was what she felt she needed. She waited until she had enough time alone which was helping and she knew she was collecting knowledge saturating her body and around it while even strong imagination of the atmosphere aether becoming attuned while a whole new vision of the earth embarked. She heard a little crumble sequence from common noice and heard that she could now channel nature to assemble the energies to the focus of her mind to become educated and skillful for whatever is needed. She thought of the chakras and had a frenzy of what was identifiable by sense as wholistic healing while there was also a tuning for the adventure task coordinating her to it with passionate interest.

So then she was outside of the pyramid and walked around each pyramid three times while looking around the sun for the first, looking at the Kafre’s pyramid during the second and paying attention to the feeling of the body for the third furthest away from the great pyramid. Already she noticed that the first two were bigger and the sun was further than her body and things like that were not past her as the was already an intensely motivated mystical legend by nature.

When she was done she thought carefully about the whole city near the plateau and a little of the rest of the universe. Then she looked at the sphinx and thought of being careful as not to disturb it for what could be the greatness of many wise people enjoying sun and the time it gives us. She jogged back to the great pyramid and went back to the kings chamber where she teleported to a place called the room of structure where nobody was at in a mysterious very large open chamber room with 10 sides. There was an obelisk inside which she synchronized to thinking of 3x (body, inner aura, outer aura) 9y (structure, order, chaos groups of 27 within the environment). The obelisk had signs she would read which explained the power system of biology (81 scale miracle system) and there was another which explained the symbolic great sphinx (a sum of triangulations from the 81 scale miracle system).

Then she flew to another room which was the room of order mentioned on the obelisk. In this room there were 24 sides and she started to meditate and contemplate about it. She noticed that there were limits to her level of skill but that she was a living being which then must mean she has a destiny which can never be ruined. She was ready and motivated to train in the magic to then in a way full up her wisdom with things within each day for a 24 year span which was done in a quick meditation. She then mastered this room which was the point of the sphinx which had magical architecture ratios which permeated the setting with deep and exciting powerful assisting energies. Then she read the door which had writing on and around it which talked about a Wesekh (broad collar) called the breath of the sun which was a key to the western hemisphere as the 24 year summation ratio was to the sphinx.

Then she entered the room of chaos and put it on and played in all of the jewels which Jesus materialization teleportationed there for her to enjoy. She then went back to the first room and stood inside of a garden fence/trellis that grapes and other foods were growing on while the fallen turn into beautiful dirt and beautiful flora. The she knew she was leaving from very deep underneath the sphinx and was going to a place where she soon realized what it was. There was a storm in the room and a new synchronization for basic learning to it which was by 3x and 9y so that she could read and relate to the story it must have had. Through tracing of obvious relativity which was instant and then fully set as a network she knew she was teleporting to a property belonging to Atlantis which was near Hawaii. When she got into the next room which was underwater but under a water which had the thickness of a cloud in this room which was the room called the overall room. This room talked as if it was a second half to another room somewhere which was just like it while there were also then another room for each of the structure order chaos rooms. This room taught her about the general metaphysical composition earth and its solar system and galaxies and parables of other galaxies while it was merely half of the farther so things in the galaxy and outside of it. This room gave her the power to be a ward of righteousness further by the set in the mind which was for her clearly pronounced as a lesson there. She couldn’t believe it but even the people in heaven were living a more baby like version of existence than she was at this time as she was sure that she was at least somewhat more involved by what was steering the general most urgent while most problematic issues of the earth, and she also figured out that she was chosen largely because of an astronomical symbolic logic piece to the mind of God and all of the Godliness. She was impressed by the greatness of heaven and still the rest by what they did for her and everyone else. She sang an ancient song called Woman of Determination or called Mrs. Strong Woman. After enjoying the beautiful almost floating feeling the furniture and art had (while of course she was beyond just healthy now) and thinking about the place of the present in the glorious universe, she teleported in a pool which had a waterfall in it and went to Manaus Brazil.

She knew that there was a blockage in the populations Wu Wei wisdom and she would have to do much artistic athletic intelligent miraculous magic to repaint the earth with a thin electromagnetic cloud of enrichment ratios. When she he thought about every fight with the babies who all are heaven’s path but need to be assisted in strength of the mission to love, she knew she would need to do intelligent metaphysically surely conservative scale placed miracles in billions of families with powerful gift giving to them as well as astrogeoquantumological triangulations selecting basic elders as well to restore the buoyancy of survival of properness. She spent the night with a tour during this point in the two month long vacation adventure. Here and ancient shamans from the americas met her and told her that the eastern hemisphere was at this time correlated to the son and the earth while western hemisphere was correlated to the moon and the astrological. So she meditated about the supernatural intelligence which is accompanied by those attributes the shamans mentioned and then she contemplated how she should find the next four destinations which were decided based upon the astronomical astrology ratio selection and her status to the animals and insects, which both the ratios and status where dependent upon what she needed to use and what she needed to do. So she then set off in the morning into the Amazon jungle.

So she started immediately really doing metaphysical biological miracles for groups of people around the world who would all need to be at the fixed level by the time she was done with the mission for the continuation of a proper future itinerary of heaven for all sentient beings. She would see signs that needed to be blasted with magic projections so that the signs would be tuned with perfect power or ratios so that the people would be healed and enriched. Some times she would make geometrical shapes on the ground or in the sky which would do the same things as there are infinite ways to fix the world. When she left her home as a simple African from Zimbabwe she was just turned 24 years old recently and she would have 86.40 days until the end of the third full moon span which was an entire 27 days like the previous two spans which started the day she went to Israel.

(The overall temple of the west was the meditation temple dimensions in wizardforums sunwave post which has inverted stairs and a pool inside at the bottom going to different meditation levels and rooms on the levels while there are only two different dimension design levels from the outside though you can see all of the rooms from outside as well) (she decided that she would need to find temples with ratios that had impressive internal dimensions like the inverted stairs inside the overall one, and that she would need to enchant and condition them for the reason that the western hemisphere is small and in a way we could say about the less changing.)