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[Opinion] Egyptian Deities & Vampirism

Everyone's got one.


Jun 13, 2024
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As an initiated practitioner of Aset Ka, my personal belief is that vampirism also goes hand in hand with Egyptian deities and working with them. The point of vampirism is to build up a part of yourself that will essentially survive past death. And how we do that? By taking energy or "Ka", "Chi", etc. At the end of the day they are all the same. But Egyptian deities (specifically Aset) have huge rolls in the development in your vampiric practice. Not working with them and then saying you are a vampire is, in my opinion, NOT vampirism.


Jun 30, 2021
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Im not saying tru or false, or good or bad practice, but especially with asetianists i find it annoying how they revere old rulers like gods. Might be due to nagging about todays rulers.
Imho thats strange.

Its like researching old oppressors and people telling me trump is holy.

I also think that the opening of certain sarcasofusses and thereby the breaking of seals/spells in the 1920' brought about this thing. 'fake love unbound, roaming the earth'.

Enticing other vampire groups, mmm. Sounds to me like we just got out of that mess. One can still read online how belanger must be fake and stole stuff or how father sebestian
Is evil, cause he creates parties and does dress up for willful feeding.

I for myself, when i study aset ka, get kiddy porn, illigal sex trafickers, etc. Popping up in my view and life. So i dont plunge in further.


Jun 13, 2024
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Im not saying tru or false, or good or bad practice, but especially with asetianists i find it annoying how they revere old rulers like gods. Might be due to nagging about todays rulers.
Imho thats strange.

Its like researching old oppressors and people telling me trump is holy.

I also think that the opening of certain sarcasofusses and thereby the breaking of seals/spells in the 1920' brought about this thing. 'fake love unbound, roaming the earth'.

Enticing other vampire groups, mmm. Sounds to me like we just got out of that mess. One can still read online how belanger must be fake and stole stuff or how father sebestian
Is evil, cause he creates parties and does dress up for willful feeding.

I for myself, when i study aset ka, get kiddy porn, illigal sex trafickers, etc. Popping up in my view and life. So i dont plunge in further.
Where did you find all of that illegal stuff?? Whoever is doing that is definitely not a vampire by the way


Nov 4, 2023
Reaction score
As an initiated practitioner of Aset Ka, my personal belief is that vampirism also goes hand in hand with Egyptian deities and working with them. The point of vampirism is to build up a part of yourself that will essentially survive past death. And how we do that? By taking energy or "Ka", "Chi", etc. At the end of the day they are all the same. But Egyptian deities (specifically Aset) have huge rolls in the development in your vampiric practice. Not working with them and then saying you are a vampire is, in my opinion, NOT vampirism.
Most elements of the vampire-mythos are post-Enlightenment and Romantic, especially the affinity with animals, concept of MetaMind (ie; ESP, telepathy, etc.), aristocratic trappings and the idea that the vampire has connections with the ancient world. These themes hinge upon the folkloric idea of the Undead in Eastern and Southern Europe which was, in turn, heavily influenced by the Romani idea of the 'mullo'. There has been enormous (truly staggering) amounts of academic research supporting this, especially since the turn of the millennium. Because it's a mostly modern form (apart from those Romani elements), we can trace the evolution of the vampire with exceptional accuracy.

In my view, its being modern doesn't diminish the power of the archetype. On the contrary, there are many illuminating questions around why the archetype came into being as it did, when it did, rather than in the ancient world. There are faint ancient precursors to elements of the vampire, especially blood-drinking, but there is no ancient being which corresponds to what we today would classify as a vampire. Interestingly, many of those which come closest are not Egyptian but are found in the pre-Aryan, Indus Valley cult of Kali, whose worshippers may be the ancestors of the Romani.

I think Egypt (especially the idea of Egypt) can be used to cause changes in modern consciousness but there's no connection with vampires. If there was, it would centre on Nephthys, the "Lady of the House" associated with death and the magic of the night, rather than her sister Isis. "Aset" is a title of Isis and, interestingly, some in Egypt and Africa have used it as a title for the Virgin Mary.

I remember when Aset Ka was founded, c. 2006. At the time, Luis Marques used to lurk in ONA Yahoo! Groups, attempting to convince Traditional Satanists to abandon their practices and follow him. A tough crowd to try that on. I'm fairly sure I banned him from one of them for spamming. I'm rather surprised that he's still around. His books (what I've read of them before my masochism was sated) follow the usual occult marketing ploy of talking about things in a way that a very young person might find mysterious/impressive but which utterly fall apart when they're analysed with even basic critical scrutiny. It's all hot air. Still, if you've found it all helps you to consolidate parts of yourself, maybe it has served a purpose for you. There are much higher horizons though.
Where did you find all of that illegal stuff?? Whoever is doing that is definitely not a vampire by the way
Yes, the Immortal Nobility, Born in Blood and Darkness, are well-known for respecting law-enforcement agencies.


Jun 13, 2024
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Most elements of the vampire-mythos are post-Enlightenment and Romantic, especially the affinity with animals, concept of MetaMind (ie; ESP, telepathy, etc.), aristocratic trappings and the idea that the vampire has connections with the ancient world. These themes hinge upon the folkloric idea of the Undead in Eastern and Southern Europe which was, in turn, heavily influenced by the Romani idea of the 'mullo'. There has been enormous (truly staggering) amounts of academic research supporting this, especially since the turn of the millennium. Because it's a mostly modern form (apart from those Romani elements), we can trace the evolution of the vampire with exceptional accuracy.

In my view, its being modern doesn't diminish the power of the archetype. On the contrary, there are many illuminating questions around why the archetype came into being as it did, when it did, rather than in the ancient world. There are faint ancient precursors to elements of the vampire, especially blood-drinking, but there is no ancient being which corresponds to what we today would classify as a vampire. Interestingly, many of those which come closest are not Egyptian but are found in the pre-Aryan, Indus Valley cult of Kali, whose worshippers may be the ancestors of the Romani.

I think Egypt (especially the idea of Egypt) can be used to cause changes in modern consciousness but there's no connection with vampires. If there was, it would centre on Nephthys, the "Lady of the House" associated with death and the magic of the night, rather than her sister Isis. "Aset" is a title of Isis and, interestingly, some in Egypt and Africa have used it as a title for the Virgin Mary.

I remember when Aset Ka was founded, c. 2006. At the time, Luis Marques used to lurk in ONA Yahoo! Groups, attempting to convince Traditional Satanists to abandon their practices and follow him. A tough crowd to try that on. I'm fairly sure I banned him from one of them for spamming. I'm rather surprised that he's still around. His books (what I've read of them before my masochism was sated) follow the usual occult marketing ploy of talking about things in a way that a very young person might find mysterious/impressive but which utterly fall apart when they're analysed with even basic critical scrutiny. It's all hot air. Still, if you've found it all helps you to consolidate parts of yourself, maybe it has served a purpose for you. There are much higher horizons though.

Yes, the Immortal Nobility, Born in Blood and Darkness, are well-known for respecting law-enforcement agencies.
When I look at Aset Ka, I see no cult. I see a movement of people all interconnected trying their best to make it past death.
Apr 28, 2024
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I would have hoped to read more about your insights and how you arrived at your conclusions.

Why does vampirism go hand in hand with Egyptian gods for you?
Do you just "take energy," or do you also cultivate and refine it?
How do you ensure that this energy survives death?
Why do you think Egyptian gods play such a central role in vampirism for you?
And what criteria must be met to be considered a real vampire, especially given your previous statements about who is not a vampire?


Jun 13, 2024
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I would have hoped to read more about your insights and how you arrived at your conclusions.

Why does vampirism go hand in hand with Egyptian gods for you?
Do you just "take energy," or do you also cultivate and refine it?
How do you ensure that this energy survives death?
Why do you think Egyptian gods play such a central role in vampirism for you?
And what criteria must be met to be considered a real vampire, especially given your previous statements about who is not a vampire?
Well, Aset ka was created by Aset (Isis) in Kemet. Asetian practices are based around the metaphysical. We take energy from others and then yes, we cultivate and refine it to do our will. As the centuries progressed The Order of Aset Ka cultivated their practices and became more and more advanced. The Asetian empire even ruled ancient egypt for a time after being created by Aset. You see, the reason our practices revolve around Egyptian deities is because Aset herself made the order. In order to live past death one must evolve spiritually by taking and refining energy from others. Ensuring that the energy survives death entails spiritually evolving to the point you essentially become a deity when it comes to being outside of the flesh. (Aka the astral plane) In order to do so we take energy from others to evolve quicker.

From my perspective anybody even contemplating these things stated is already a vampire due to the fact that they will likely act on these basic ideologies. It is not hard to become a vampire but the journey of living after death is hard and full of twists and turns.
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So just because some initiated Asetians may be bad people or have bad intentions does not mean that the whole order is a cult. We are loosely connected so it is hard to regulate what people do. This is for the best to maintain secrecy.


Nov 26, 2023
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Most elements of the vampire-mythos are post-Enlightenment and Romantic, especially the affinity with animals, concept of MetaMind (ie; ESP, telepathy, etc.), aristocratic trappings and the idea that the vampire has connections with the ancient world. These themes hinge upon the folkloric idea of the Undead in Eastern and Southern Europe which was, in turn, heavily influenced by the Romani idea of the 'mullo'. There has been enormous (truly staggering) amounts of academic research supporting this, especially since the turn of the millennium. Because it's a mostly modern form (apart from those Romani elements), we can trace the evolution of the vampire with exceptional accuracy.

In my view, its being modern doesn't diminish the power of the archetype. On the contrary, there are many illuminating questions around why the archetype came into being as it did, when it did, rather than in the ancient world. There are faint ancient precursors to elements of the vampire, especially blood-drinking, but there is no ancient being which corresponds to what we today would classify as a vampire. Interestingly, many of those which come closest are not Egyptian but are found in the pre-Aryan, Indus Valley cult of Kali, whose worshippers may be the ancestors of the Romani.

I think Egypt (especially the idea of Egypt) can be used to cause changes in modern consciousness but there's no connection with vampires. If there was, it would centre on Nephthys, the "Lady of the House" associated with death and the magic of the night, rather than her sister Isis. "Aset" is a title of Isis and, interestingly, some in Egypt and Africa have used it as a title for the Virgin Mary.

I remember when Aset Ka was founded, c. 2006. At the time, Luis Marques used to lurk in ONA Yahoo! Groups, attempting to convince Traditional Satanists to abandon their practices and follow him. A tough crowd to try that on. I'm fairly sure I banned him from one of them for spamming. I'm rather surprised that he's still around. His books (what I've read of them before my masochism was sated) follow the usual occult marketing ploy of talking about things in a way that a very young person might find mysterious/impressive but which utterly fall apart when they're analysed with even basic critical scrutiny. It's all hot air. Still, if you've found it all helps you to consolidate parts of yourself, maybe it has served a purpose for you. There are much higher horizons though.

Yes, the Immortal Nobility, Born in Blood and Darkness, are well-known for respecting law-enforcement agencies.
The only vampire godess in Egypt is Sekhmeth thought


Jun 13, 2024
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The only vampire godess in Egypt is Sekhmeth thought
That's not true. Sekhmet is a warrior goddess and a goddess of medicine. A deity doesn't necessarily need to be vampiric to be associated with vampirism. Aset (Isis) created the order of aset ka and it's practices to pretty much ensure our life after death. Isis is known as a cosmic goddess. If our energy lives beyond death we will exist cosmically as a deity essentially.


Nov 26, 2023
Reaction score
As an initiated practitioner of Aset Ka, my personal belief is that vampirism also goes hand in hand with Egyptian deities and working with them. The point of vampirism is to build up a part of yourself that will essentially survive past death. And how we do that? By taking energy or "Ka", "Chi", etc. At the end of the day they are all the same. But Egyptian deities (specifically Aset) have huge rolls in the development in your vampiric practice. Not working with them and then saying you are a vampire is, in my opinion, NOT vampirism.
I have done quite a bit of reading of their material and judging from what I have read they are basically riffing on the whole “House Kheperu” thing with a different Egyptian deity. I can categorically state that their claim of Aset (Isis) having three vampire children appears nowhere else in Egyptian myth, papyrus or tomb inscription to which we have access (Horus is the only child she is known to have borne). There is a tradition of “Dark Isis” Magick that mainly stems from the fact that Isis is traditionally cunning in her Magick and can sometimes have a temper, but this has absolutely nothing to do with Vampirism at all.

Additionally, the fact that Aset Ka uses these imagined “offspring of Isis” to designate the same “Caste” system that Luis Marques and Michelle Belanger both took from the 1998 Vampyre Almanac that Aaron Todd Hoyt (AKA Father Sebastiaan van Houten) flooded every Hot Topic in the United States with, which I facetiously refer to as the Tank, Healer, and DPS classification of Vampyre “types,” smacks more of plagiarism and fantasy than any significant contribution to the path of the Predator.

It breaks down like this by system:
Strigoi Vii (Father Todd) Mradu, Ramkht, Kitra
Kheprian (Belanger) Warrior, Priest, Counselors
Asetian (Marques) Guardians, Viperines, Concubines
In each system there is grounded and defensive type (Mradu, Warrior, Guardian), a free flowing and relating/bonding type (Kitra, Counselors, Concubines), and a “MORE VAMPIRIC THAN YOU” close-to-death type (Ramkht, Priest, Viperines). They are clearly all pulling from the same source material.

The energy work in this system is no more advanced than that of the average Reiki practitioner. Selling books to people who want to become vampires is easy, there is always a market. Setting yourself up as some kind of Vampire lord is a bit more difficult but hey, if you set yourself up as a the lord of a Vampire cult and take other people’s money, time and energy they can’t really say they weren’t warned up front


Jun 13, 2024
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I have done quite a bit of reading of their material and judging from what I have read they are basically riffing on the whole “House Kheperu” thing with a different Egyptian deity. I can categorically state that their claim of Aset (Isis) having three vampire children appears nowhere else in Egyptian myth, papyrus or tomb inscription to which we have access (Horus is the only child she is known to have borne). There is a tradition of “Dark Isis” Magick that mainly stems from the fact that Isis is traditionally cunning in her Magick and can sometimes have a temper, but this has absolutely nothing to do with Vampirism at all.

Additionally, the fact that Aset Ka uses these imagined “offspring of Isis” to designate the same “Caste” system that Luis Marques and Michelle Belanger both took from the 1998 Vampyre Almanac that Aaron Todd Hoyt (AKA Father Sebastiaan van Houten) flooded every Hot Topic in the United States with, which I facetiously refer to as the Tank, Healer, and DPS classification of Vampyre “types,” smacks more of plagiarism and fantasy than any significant contribution to the path of the Predator.

It breaks down like this by system:
Strigoi Vii (Father Todd) Mradu, Ramkht, Kitra
Kheprian (Belanger) Warrior, Priest, Counselors
Asetian (Marques) Guardians, Viperines, Concubines
In each system there is grounded and defensive type (Mradu, Warrior, Guardian), a free flowing and relating/bonding type (Kitra, Counselors, Concubines), and a “MORE VAMPIRIC THAN YOU” close-to-death type (Ramkht, Priest, Viperines). They are clearly all pulling from the same source material.

The energy work in this system is no more advanced than that of the average Reiki practitioner. Selling books to people who want to become vampires is easy, there is always a market. Setting yourself up as some kind of Vampire lord is a bit more difficult but hey, if you set yourself up as a the lord of a Vampire cult and take other people’s money, time and energy they can’t really say they weren’t warned up front
First of all, Bellanger and Todd are both horrible examples. N.D. Blackwood would be a good example of a vampiric practitioner however I do believe he does capitalize on it a bit too much. (but hey, can I blame him for wanting money? At least his work is accurate) The reason there are no egyptian records of Aset Ka is because it was maintained in secrecy for the most part and it's practices passed down. In any case, the only vampiric cult I know of is Father Sebastians version of vampirism which he completely made up basically.


Nov 26, 2023
Reaction score
As an initiated practitioner of Aset Ka, my personal belief is that vampirism also goes hand in hand with Egyptian deities and working with them. The point of vampirism is to build up a part of yourself that will essentially survive past death. And how we do that? By taking energy or "Ka", "Chi", etc. At the end of the day they are all the same. But Egyptian deities (specifically Aset) have huge rolls in the development in your vampiric practice. Not working with them and then saying you are a vampire is, in my opinion, NOT vampirism.
Also i read in some sites( don't remember to be honest) that Luis Marques is just a money making call, is very suspicious that he make this hole Asetian Bible without put practical methods inside the book and just saying that his book is a "powerful talisman", also i know that vampirismforum.com is literally invaded by asetianist and a lot of users are being banned when they have debates with this asetianist with no reason, also Sekhmeth is the only vampire godess of Egypt if is not and you say is Aset well i give me a source and you win


Jun 13, 2024
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Also i read in some sites( don't remember to be honest) that Luis Marques is just a money making call, is very suspicious that he make this hole Asetian Bible without put practical methods inside the book and just saying that his book is a "powerful talisman", also i know that vampirismforum.com is literally invaded by asetianist and a lot of users are being banned when they have debates with this asetianist with no reason, also Sekhmeth is the only vampire godess of Egypt if is not and you say is Aset well i give me a source and you win
A source and I win? What? You think I'm competing lol? Vampirism forum was made primarily for Asetians. That's why non asetians get into arguments there. They get banned because we just don't want to argue


Nov 26, 2023
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Warned: link to forum.
First of all, Bellanger and Todd are both horrible examples. N.D. Blackwood would be a good example of a vampiric practitioner however I do believe he does capitalize on it a bit too much. (but hey, can I blame him for wanting money? At least his work is accurate) The reason there are no egyptian records of Aset Ka is because it was maintained in secrecy for the most part and it's practices passed down. In any case, the only vampiric cult I know of is Father Sebastians version of vampirism which he completely made up basically.
I mention Belanger and Todd because is the two individuals that Asetianist attack the most also N.D Blackwood was lynched on this post <link removed by moderator>? by asetianist for no reason, also for Asetianist the only good and legit current for vampirism is Asetianism, they not mention others if not going to attack them to end always with "buy Asetian bible" suspicious very suspicious
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A source and I win? What? You think I'm competing lol? Vampirism forum was made primarily for Asetians. That's why non asetians get into arguments there. They get banned because we just don't want to argue
I don't care if you are competing or not but your not giving any facts or real proven arguments, also this is not vampirismforum, here are real and occult masters of knowledge who don't buy what you selling so if you are a some emisary from Aset Ka wrong place buddy
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Jun 13, 2024
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I mention Belanger and Todd because is the two individuals that Asetianist attack the most also N.D Blackwood was lynched on this post Thoughts on the vampire N.D. Blackwood? by asetianist for no reason, also for Asetianist the only good and legit current for vampirism is Asetianism, they not mention others if not going to attack them to end always with "buy Asetian bible" suspicious very suspicious
It frankly depends on the Asetian. Most of us are very hardcore about only sticking to Asetian practices on our journey and some do a little bit of everything while mainly practicing Asetianism. The reason most Asetians don't like N.D. Blackwood is because he capitalizes on his practices. However, I have to admit as an Asetian myself that some of his work is actually notable. Asetians are typically closed minded about how they practice due to how The Order of Aset Ka functions primarily. We tend to try to maintain secrecy around our practices while only letting those who truly want to learn be able to initiate. I mean, there is a good reason for the secrecy. Look what Christians did to the last temple of Isis a long time ago. They raided it and assaulted the practitioners there because they were worshipping a pagan god.
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It frankly depends on the Asetian. Most of us are very hardcore about only sticking to Asetian practices on our journey and some do a little bit of everything while mainly practicing Asetianism. The reason most Asetians don't like N.D. Blackwood is because he capitalizes on his practices. However, I have to admit as an Asetian myself that some of his work is actually notable. Asetians are typically closed minded about how they practice due to how The Order of Aset Ka functions primarily. We tend to try to maintain secrecy around our practices while only letting those who truly want to learn be able to initiate. I mean, there is a good reason for the secrecy. Look what Christians did to the last temple of Isis a long time ago. They raided it and assaulted the practitioners there because they were worshipping a pagan god.
Us Asetians are merely afraid of that which is foreign for those reasons. There are many malicious people out there and we are very cautious
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Nov 26, 2023
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A source and I win? What? You think I'm competing lol? Vampirism forum was made primarily for Asetians. That's why non asetians get into arguments there. They get banned because we just don't want to argue
Also is curious cause the forum faq says that they don't have any relation with Aset Ka this says on the forum "
by Elendor
Important Note

This forum is NOT connected with the Aset Ka.

The opinions, ideas and all the information expressed in this website are not in any way validated or confirmed by the Aset Ka.

Do not take any information provided on this website as definitive knowledge about Asetianism. We do not hold an official position, nor are a recognizable authority into the Asetian tradition.

We are a group of people highly interested in the occult, vampirism and, of course, Asetianism. But that is what we can present in here, a result of a highly developed interest and personal view. Not an official standing or undeniable truth.

We leave here a transcript from the Aset Ka official website that may clear any misconceptions that anyone may have considering information taken as granted outside of their own sources"

So again buddy the jokes tells by itself


Jun 13, 2024
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Also is curious cause the forum faq says that they don't have any relation with Aset Ka this says on the forum "
by Elendor
Important Note

This forum is NOT connected with the Aset Ka.

The opinions, ideas and all the information expressed in this website are not in any way validated or confirmed by the Aset Ka.

Do not take any information provided on this website as definitive knowledge about Asetianism. We do not hold an official position, nor are a recognizable authority into the Asetian tradition.

We are a group of people highly interested in the occult, vampirism and, of course, Asetianism. But that is what we can present in here, a result of a highly developed interest and personal view. Not an official standing or undeniable truth.

We leave here a transcript from the Aset Ka official website that may clear any misconceptions that anyone may have considering information taken as granted outside of their own sources"

So again buddy the jokes tells by itself
Indeed yes, vampirism forum is NOT controlled by Aset Ka, but I am sure I am not the only member of Aset Ka who is on that forum. Aset Ka initiates go around a lot learning about various things due to the information related to Asetianism being so spread around
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Indeed yes, vampirism forum is NOT controlled by Aset Ka, but I am sure I am not the only member of Aset Ka who is on that forum. Aset Ka initiates go around a lot learning about various things due to the information related to Asetianism being so spread around
While that forum is not in any way, shape, or form owned or validated by Aset Ka. It is still quite the spot for a member of Aset Ka to research a little bit. Just gotta pick out the wrong from the right
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And even if Aset Ka were a cult, which it isn't. It provides a community for people who don't fit in and that is one of the most important aspects of it just like any other occult community


Nov 26, 2023
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It frankly depends on the Asetian. Most of us are very hardcore about only sticking to Asetian practices on our journey and some do a little bit of everything while mainly practicing Asetianism. The reason most Asetians don't like N.D. Blackwood is because he capitalizes on his practices. However, I have to admit as an Asetian myself that some of his work is actually notable. Asetians are typically closed minded about how they practice due to how The Order of Aset Ka functions primarily. We tend to try to maintain secrecy around our practices while only letting those who truly want to learn be able to initiate. I mean, there is a good reason for the secrecy. Look what Christians did to the last temple of Isis a long time ago. They raided it and assaulted the practitioners there because they were worshipping a pagan god.
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Us Asetians are merely afraid of that which is foreign for those reasons. There are many malicious people out there and we are very cautious
It frankly depends on the Asetian. Most of us are very hardcore about only sticking to Asetian practices on our journey and some do a little bit of everything while mainly practicing Asetianism. The reason most Asetians don't like N.D. Blackwood is because he capitalizes on his practices. However, I have to admit as an Asetian myself that some of his work is actually notable. Asetians are typically closed minded about how they practice due to how The Order of Aset Ka functions primarily. We tend to try to maintain secrecy around our practices while only letting those who truly want to learn be able to initiate. I mean, there is a good reason for the secrecy. Look what Christians did to the last temple of Isis a long time ago. They raided it and assaulted the practitioners there because they were worshipping a pagan god.
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Us Asetians are merely afraid of that which is foreign for those reasons. There are many malicious people out there and we are very cautious
Ok got it i don't want to make a pointless debate i have the Asetian Bible on PDF and N.D one of the Blackwood books too, so i don't judge without test i consider myself and adventurer of the occult, i will keep digging and test te Asetian practices with myself to reach a my own conclusion


Jun 13, 2024
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Ok but just one question

Ok got it i don't want to make a pointless debate i have the Asetian Bible on PDF and N.D one of the Blackwood books too, so i don't judge without test i consider myself and adventurer of the occult, i will keep digging and test te Asetian practices with myself to reach a my own conclusion
What was the question?