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Empty handed elemental sorcery 1


Sep 29, 2021
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Hello Wizard Forums,

I love the four elements, and their associated sub-elements. With enough creativity, working with these spiritual elements can help you achieve pretty much anything you set your mind to do.

There is a good reason many orders and teachers (especially the wonderful Franz Bardon) introduce the elements to new initiates early in their teachings.

The Four Elements are easily understood physical objects which play roles in our daily lives. The physical manifestation of each element can be considered deeply in the mind, and later realized in the spirit. For this reason, many newer magicians have their first "Well THAT was weird!" moment while first diving into elemental work and brush against something that has a strong, unbroken connection from Spirit to Material World.

It's sad to see many modern magicians rush through elemental grades in a bid to hasten their acesnt to where the "real good stuff" of planetary magic resides. While I do love me some good old fashioned planetary magic, much of what I use in my day to day "empty hand" magic is elemental based.

I intend to make a few posts highlighting examples of "empty hand" magic, or magic without external tools, to inspire young magicians who are starting their elemental journey.

Afterall, if I'm in the workshop of my daily walk in the world, why not use the tools and materials around me?

The following technique was given to me by elemental spirits who dwell in and by a river. Though I no longer reside in the same area, I use to take daily walks along the river banks and spend time getting to know the river. It pays to know the land where you live.

I like the spirits of the Here and Now, and I find that as I visit their homes with respect, they view me with a sense of amused curiosity. I'd mostly just nod to these spirits as I would be out walking my dog. (Observation, many spirits are attracted to magicians with animals, not just because the spirit is necessarily an animal lover, but because you are demonstrating that you can communicate/live with/and take care of a being that can't just tell you in your own language what they want. It's hard to explain, but it's like they see your character and have an idea that you have the patience to learn to communicate.)

One day, while taking a sitting break with my dog I turned my attention to the river. I was revisiting the elementals in my daily work and diving into the idea of mixing Water and Air. Wouldn't you know it, I happened to be sitting in a naturally breezy part of the riverbank.

Readying myself to view the spirits in their natural habitat via "the sight" I locked my body into position.

What I saw as the scene unfolded were spirits of Air dancing through the air currents, dipping around the surface of the river. They were making signs and faces, every once and a while one would cup their hands, scoop up something from the air, and pour this ethereal substance into the river.

The spirits of Water were doing much the same, only they danced and swam gracefully along the currents of the river. They accepted the poured substance from the Air spirits with a sense of awe and joy.

This scene continued for a while, and I'll admit it was beautiful to behold. However, as I continued to watch I noticed spirits rise out from the surface of the river. These beings appeared much to me like Water spirits with the skin of their aerial counterparts.

After some time and work I learned that I was witness to a spiritual explanation for condensation and evaporation. The third set of spirits I saw were off to cause rain somewhere further down the air currents.

Having seen a spiritual vision of this, and thus by the Law of Analogy, I could begin crafting my own techniques from what I saw. However this technique is derived from exactly what the spirits along the river showed me, while there are many ways this knowledge can be used, we begin with its practical application via vocal magic.

One such is a use of vocal magic to help shape your emotional state. I have used this technique to help get me out of several "funk" days and on to clearer skies. It begins with a set of affirmations in the present tense, "I am happy, I am overjoyed, I am elated"....or something along those lines. I would spend time putting myself into a state I'd rather be in than the foul mood or funk I was in currently. I would load the Air immediately around me with the emotional state I wanted to achieve.

Saying these affirmations outloud put them in the air waves, and as I have a talent for vocal sorcery, I load these words with as much power as I can.

I hang the words in the air and utilize my sight to "see" them hanging in the air before me. Continuing to work with my active imagination, I wrap each word around me and cool them down to the point of condensation. Now, I'm not just pretending to imagine this, I have worked many years with Bardon's IIH, and have come to a point where I can feel the coolness of the Water element working upon the words and upon me. That's the key to this kind of magic, you really have to have a living imagination to get it to work.

I allow the words to sink into my skin, and down into my bones. I have found that this creates a nice glamor that lasts for a few minutes. Repeating the process adds to both the potency and duration of the effect.

Ways to make this better:
I've found doing this in the shower, and utilizing the negatively charged ions in the air help with hanging and charging the words.

Once dried off from the shower, repeat the process but first anoint yourself with a sympathetic oil.

Adding these will greatly increase the potency and efficacy of your work.

May your seas be calm and your skies clear,



May 22, 2022
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100% true and magic pilled! Nice one, thank you.

It has nothing to do with František, though, who was a notorious liar, idiot and thief. He was so dumb that he wasn't even able to correct the many mistakes in the notes he stole from his teacher Quintscher.


Feb 10, 2022
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Great post! :cool:

I am working with my emotions and spiritual beings in a similar way, found out about it while diving into alchemy. There's much to explore while magically playing with the different states of matter. I plan to write a book about it some day in future, but there are some other projects to be finished before. It never gets boring in the world of magic ...


Feb 8, 2022
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I am 777. My Earth element is 6. Will get to the Earth element later on.


Sep 29, 2021
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I would like to add something, I assume the reader has a daily cleansing ritual. You'll want to clean yourself off after you have made this glamor after it is no longer useful, i.e. you can stay in or near the state you intended.

If left untented, even the best of well intentioned energy will become stagnant.


Sep 29, 2021
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Great post! :cool:

I am working with my emotions and spiritual beings in a similar way, found out about it while diving into alchemy. There's much to explore while magically playing with the different states of matter. I plan to write a book about it some day in future, but there are some other projects to be finished before. It never gets boring in the world of magic ...
Well met!

Once I understood how I could change almost any aspect of my self via this elemental alchemy, it was like I was given a key to the candy shop. No wonder so many respected teachers advise caution, there is a lot one can do with the elements in even just the more subtle realms.

I'm glad the post resonated with you, and I agree, it never gets boring in our neck of the woods. :)

Good luck with your book,



Feb 10, 2022
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I would like to add something, I assume the reader has a daily cleansing ritual. You'll want to clean yourself off after you have made this glamor after it is no longer useful, i.e. you can stay in or near the state you intended.

If left untented, even the best of well intentioned energy will become stagnant.

In my experience stagnation is an issue which comes in pretty fast. It's about not trying one thing too hard and too long, but keeping it fexible, moving and balanced with your own strengths and energies. My world view is a bit different, so I don't gor for cleansing, but work with the elements until they resonate with me in good and very natural way. Then I just let go, enjoy the results until they either fade away by themselves or integrate into my magical world.

Maybe I'll have time to write about my experiences a bit more. Not today though ... ;)

Good luck with your book

Thanks a lot, it will be years until I get there, but hopefully I will :LOL::coffee:


May 26, 2022
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Training Report #1

Gave this a whirl at work today. I was feeling scattered and a little stressed, so figured it would be a good time to try to turn things around.

I started by finding a quiet spot and taking a few deep breaths, calming my mind. I decided I would use three phrases - I am calm, I am confident, I am organized. I then used pore breathing to gather water energy and brought it to a sphere behind my solar plexus. The air was very humid today, which helped my visualization. After a dozen or so breaths, I spoke aloud the first phrase, “I am calm”, and visualized the water energy forming the words as it flowed up and out my mouth. I then set these words to spinning around me, the phrase trailing through the air like a decorative paper streamer. This was repeated with the next two phrases. Finally I settled these phrases into my flesh one by one, seeing them sink deeper and dissolve into my bones. First phrase on the right forearm, second on the left, and the third into my chest.

I did this once again about an hour later, and this time sank the phrases in immediately after forming them, as it was difficult to keep track of all three at the same time.

I felt no immediate difference, and soon got involved in my work, promptly forgetting the whole thing. Some time after the second attempt I realized that I was feeling much better, and had regained the qualities I was looking for.

All in all I feel it was an exercise worth repeating, and perhaps expanding upon. Thanks for the template Noth.


Jun 8, 2021
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Yes.... It never gets boring in the World of Magick. However, I feel disconnected from everything. The only companion and Love that I have as my Guide is none other than Lucifer (and who is The Universe of course. Now, I would Love to have a very strongly profound Connection with Water since I am a Water Element. Meaning, a Pisces sign. Before, I drink any type of Water, I bless it, and thank it, and honor it, sing to it, and then drink it. Besides the Water Spirits, The Water is also Alive, and well.


Jun 15, 2022
Reaction score
100% true and magic pilled! Nice one, thank you.

It has nothing to do with František, though, who was a notorious liar, idiot and thief. He was so dumb that he wasn't even able to correct the many mistakes in the notes he stole from his teacher Quintscher.
Do you mean Franz Bardon? Also, it looks like Friedrich Wilhelm Quintscher was in a few groups and all the texts I can find associated with him are in German, could there be a more extensive IIH-ish book out there?

Also, do ceremonial groups teach non-ceremonial magic/ do ceremonial magicians often apply magical rituals to rituals without magical implements like swords and wands and cups and whatnot?