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Emptying the mind


Aug 17, 2023
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Personally I hardly ever trust energies or entities. I put them and myself through various tests before acceptance.

And every couple of months I am triggered to chuck them all out of my light body and test each before allowing re-entry. Usually more than half no longer make the grade and I send them on their way with thanks
It's kind of like NFL training came with me too. There's a cut-date for the roster.
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It's kind of like NFL training came with me too. There's a cut-date for the roster.
"Training camp," not "came." I'll never make it as a keyboard QB. I got a quick-release when it comes to similes and metaphors; can't crack the QWERTY code when it's 2 minutes and long verbiage to go.
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Jul 18, 2023
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Mental practice is practice. It always helps, no matter your specialisation.

I know it had benefitted me. No, Damon Brand did not suggest a specific Mental imagery. He said to imagine sharing magic and to not overcomplicate it. After a lot of practice I found one that works for me and also sends the same virtuos signals, that you would like to share magic. I detailed it above; a pulse (of magic) leaving my body. Not absolutely everything will be detailed for you, some things you need to put the work in and find what works best for you. You asked what practices I did and I explained I had practiced during another authors exercise.

That's the danger in blind processes like this.

The early Damon Brand exercises call on the angels of the tablet of nalvage and then the god names of the 4 continents. They are not random.
This comes from the angels themselves and has a long history related to these names. You even use the secret names of God, e.g. pdoce/gaiol.

TBH I don't see "winging it" as "practicing magic
I'm not sure how we got here considering I asked for mentalisation exercises. I simply gave my anecdote (after you asked) of how I grew my concentration, and it happened to come from practicing an excercise from damon brand. If you dont like it, fine. But you asked me.

Additionally, this is enochian language. Please do not say it is winging it. It is a cery sacred language.
But sure, using the sacred god names and tablet of nalvage is rolling chemical dice.

no mental training whatsoever, no groundwork, no nothing, hop right in
Half asked work yields half asked response. He actually asks specific mentalisation for 5 minutes. I couldn't do it at the start. Now I can. Because I read it and re read it and understood the text. I then practiced the exercises. Now I can skip other beginner in the IIH because they were simply doable exercises and move on.

In response to those helping, thank you. Last night during meditation I had strong sensations that I haven't experienced before. I used the "no head excercise". Everything went. That was a new feeling. Held it for about 10-20 seconds. Brain went fuzzy and started making white noise. Went to sleep after as white noise was annoying me.

To summarise; practice is practice. In the same way that working with the magical systems brings magic into your life, meditating begets meditation.
Sep 9, 2021
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You might try Active Meditation, such as silent mantras, or meditating on a point, line, or cube. If you are a more accomplished magician, these may have little use for you.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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I have searched, but have struggled to find something to focus on.
One method I have used is to carry a watch with a second hand. By visually focusing on the tick, I can forcefully cut thoughts like chopping them with an axe. This sort of method is portable and direct, but the habit of silencing the mind that grows out of it can be transferred to meditation and concentration exercises. Ideally, the action of killing the internal dialogue should be instantaneous and ruthless, but I feel there needs to be a sense of purpose for it because thinking is as much a tool as not thinking.
Sep 9, 2021
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Grandfather clocks are nice, smaller versions or clocks with a ticking hand like you mentioned with a watch are useful to me to concentrate on the fourfold breath and in meditation.


Nov 24, 2023
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I achieved "emptying my mind" two times yesterday. It was the first time of my life and set me off through a journey through the occult, which is why I ended up in this forum, but anyways...

What I can tell you that worked for me was: meditate with your heart full of love. It's a bit hard to explain, but if you meditate with curiosity, acceptance, and with the intention to "pour" yourself over your point of focus, it sets you in the right path to emptying your mind.


Jul 18, 2023
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Thank you for your responses. After 3 or so weeks I have managed to try these out.

Walking meditation: I felt like I was on drugs walking down the street and everybody knew it. I won't lie, I didn't plan this one, but I did have meditation on the mind. Thanks to @Xenophon for pointing this out to me. I was overcome for love for entire populace (and I live on a kinda grim area!). This was a really potent meditation. Like having love goggles on. The bearded homeless dude with yellow teeth was just as rich with it as the girl boss passing us.
I cannot always do it as I am stressed when travelling (being late, destinations like doctors not fun, etc). Will be more accessible in warmer months. Definitely a must do for anyone enjoying meditation. I think this is a good starting point for breaking down physical definitions to help you leave the physical and find other planes.

Meditating with love: enjoyable, warm, consuming. A very good sensation to be drawn into. Had external distractions and had to cut it short (thanks @Nereus ). I need to be careful with this however, as I do not want my heart to start heart palpitations (personal problem). Once more experienced I will find this again and use metaphysical love as a pose to physical heart (again, separating physical from me).

Ticking clock is cool as well. Its great for removing thoughts because they're replaced by something just as perpetual. However, I overthought it the few times I tried it and suddenly my heart and breathing rate are trying to match 60bpm. More practice requited to let go. Seems useful but maybe not for me. Not a complete write off however as I am aware my mood/alertness changes so I'll try again when things change for me.

I tried active meditation and fell asleep. Usually I do something like this but the shapes are spheres and are chakras, or light, etc. Thanks @Diluculo_DelFuego for your continued input.