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[Opinion] Energy-based Magick vs Spirit-based Magick : what is more efficient to you?

Everyone's got one.
Aug 14, 2024
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Even tho most of magick system contain element from those two perspective, they are clearly two main school in magick : energy centered vs spirit based.

The energy based way usually asks the magician to raise energy, direct it and programm it.
It can allow to create artificial spirits.

The pros : allow yourself to develop abitilies
The cons : can take "5 minutes to 5 years to be mastered" 😜

The spirit centered school usually ask to bring a spirit to you and state your intent to it. The spirit can be invoke, evoke or even controlled.

The pros : the spirit does the work if you manage to attract it.
The cons : you have no control of what the spirit does with your intent.

From your experience, which school is more effective to you and bring the better results.


I / Me / Myself
Jan 9, 2022
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In spite I'm pampering very intimate connections with certain Infernal and Angelic spirits - and it has a very significant impact on my life -, and always has been opened to communicate, spend time together or even let them introduce new experiences, it was not for the sake of success, progress or for any kind of achievements. I did not let them in or call them to give them missions, a temporary job, and ask them to do my "dirty laundry" for me.

I was more fixated on my own energy workings, growth, knowledge and abilities; because that is mine, and I have more control over it and myself than over any spirits or person.
Why? - Naturally, for the same reason why I try to not depend on people, and do my best to be able to reach my goals by my own hands, intelligence, abilties, talent, creativity and whatever life brings into my life, ready to use. I don't like to feel myself caged, stuck in a situation, having to wait for someone to solve it for me.
How could I describe this feeling that comes with all of this? Hm... Freedom.

I prefer to be in-control. I prefer to have power over my life, over the success of my works and goals - and over my failure. 'Cause as long as my actions comes from my mind and heart, those are mine, and whatever price I have to pay, I would pay that, wholeheartedly.
I think, we can achieve anything that a spirit can give to us, it's just a matter of effort, knowledge, practice and patience. Not every people have the willpower and mindset to build their own Temple by themselves, and instead, they chose to rely on other entities. It is not, by any means, a problem - but it goes against my principles in life.

As a "Spiritual Omnivore", I'm not bounding myself to paths either.
I stride on many paths, like a rover; grabbing pieces that seems to be useful and working for me, placing them into my collecton of arsenal, so that I always have something to reach out to, while moving on, to find more, and grow as long as I exist.

Of course, by communicating with entities or having energy exchange while doing so can influence me in both a negative and positive way, including my energy and vibration. These bonds can be profitable simply by existing, not out of "duties", "contracts" and "business" of any kind.
They gave me gifts and support too - as any friends and lovers would. One is even saved my life from a gang rape - however, it was not a "job" of any kind, it was the fruit of a good connection that we pampered, just like people do.
I can say, I'm walking on my own path, exploring my own forgotten strength, abilities and improving them - while surrounded by spirit friends and lovers, who can witness the process. Some can make it more pleasant, and some can cause trouble while doing so thanks to their very nature and low vibrational energy, but regardless, I carve my path, and I enjoy this Freedom.
Aug 14, 2024
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I was more fixated on my own energy workings, growth, knowledge and abilities; because that is mine,

I tend to think so too.

Energy work is time consuming and ask you quite of training (like charging everyday things, create basic thoughtforms, discover the elementals/planetary spheres....) But when you do you actually master them and as you say : your power doesnt depend on something external nor a tradition egregore.