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[Help] Energy types experienced when card of the day is a Court Card/Ace.

Someone's asking for help!
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Not a dire situation calling for help, but need clarification.

For each Ace or Court Card, that is the energy pattern associated that you contain, emit or use?

As if this particular card was personally associated with you for the Card of the Day.

Most Tarot cards, as Ive posted about before, have astrological associations, and a Tree of Life association.
With Court Cards and Aces, Enochian comes into play.

Both DuQuette and the Ciceros have this information in their books Understanding the Thoth Deck and Self Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition. Was hoping not to read each book for a simple Q-A. If not that simple, I will dog through them and respond on my findings.