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Jun 8, 2021
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Hello everyone, I would like to share with you all, something that some of us are not aware about. This is coming from God, The Universe, The Divine Light. Therefore, let us begin......

The Universe is a Divine Consciousness, and It is Eternal. This amazing Divine Light, has no forms, shapes, or sizes, and most of all, It has no gender. However, The Universe can appear as anything, but that is another story. Now, God, The Universe, created us all, or should I say The Universe managed to multiply Him/Herself into a variety of Souls, and infused those Souls, with vessels we call physical bodies. In other words, God is here, and not here at the same time. Meaning, that we are The Universe having a human experience. Our Souls, are all God, and that makes us Eternal Beings. If The Universe do not cease to exist, than so do we. And, that my friends, is remarkable. Now, if you all can, go within instead of without, and built a relationship with your Soul, and Love your Soul. Don't discern, your Soul, because The Universe is closer to you than you think. The Universe is more than just Human, but for now we will stick with the fact that we come from Stardust. Please, do not think that you are not worth of anything, because you are so much more than robots. That's ok, if you do not accept or believe in what I have just shared, but this is not for you to believe me, this is for you to dive deep within yourself, and find your own answers. May God bless you, and best wishes. The true Magick lies within. One Love, we are Eternals.