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Fighting in astral projection and lucid dreamingg

Feb 26, 2023
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Can you fight and train in lucid dreams? Does training in a dream make you any better at it, like if you practice boxing?

How would it feel to battle someone in Astral Projection? If you were actually punched, would you get the same sensation, or would you experience more of an extremely painful vibration?


May 26, 2022
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Yes, lucid dreams have been shown to improve your muscle memory during waking life. Athletes and musicians have been known to utilize this to take advantage of the extra time to train or create.

I cannot speak to astral combat, however I doubt a physical spar like you describe would even be possible in such a state.
Mar 13, 2023
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It can help you get your routine down and as stated even help with your muscle memory in so far as the aspects thereof that are handle by the brain. However, you won't be building or training muscle. So it isn't going to replace physical training but can be used to enhance your training.

As far as sensation your brain can produce sensations of pain even if the nerves in the region affected aren't stimulated so yes, it could be painful. However wether it will be depends on how your psyche is processing the stimulus of the dream.
Mar 29, 2023
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That depends on you and the person you are fighting. If you get punched by a five year old, will it hurt? If you punch a five year old, will it hurt?

A lot of people hold varying views on this, but you don't need to fight to go about the astral. Most of the time violence is completely unnecessary, and most fights are sought out by people who are trying to resolve feelings of inner turmoil. I know how that sounds, but you should seriously pick and choose whatever battles you are willing to fight. And people who generally resolve things exclusively with violence tend to have no other tools at their disposal.
Sep 9, 2021
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Kwan Yin may be an astral spirit to hit up on astral ma training.
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Can you fight and train in lucid dreams? Does training in a dream make you any better at it, like if you practice boxing?

How would it feel to battle someone in Astral Projection? If you were actually punched, would you get the same sensation, or would you experience more of an extremely painful vibration?
I would say from dreams I've had fights in recently, I would note that I was physically kicking my mattress as I awoke. It felt to me the after effects of having a seizure while asleep.

Bo Hanson

Apr 29, 2023
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Can you fight and train in lucid dreams? Does training in a dream make you any better at it, like if you practice boxing?

How would it feel to battle someone in Astral Projection? If you were actually punched, would you get the same sensation, or would you experience more of an extremely painful vibration?
Yes you can fight but it is not necessary. It is all about elevating your energy which means that you will use positive energy not to fight. Fighting ideas will come when you are afraid and will feel uncomfortable in a different kind of astral environment. The best way is to be positive, ensure yourself that nobody will hurt you, and not be afraid. You will learn to manipulate energy so to speak to help you in all conditions of astral realms.

Speaking on energy I will quote an intelligent and brave man of the Century:
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."~ Nikola Tesla
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Kwan Yin may be an astral spirit to hit up on astral ma training.
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I would say from dreams I've had fights in recently, I would note that I was physically kicking my mattress as I awoke. It felt to me the after effects of having a seizure while asleep.
Fights in dreams are about traumatic experiences in our lives. They signal us that there is a need to look for professional help.
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