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Five thousand mantras report


Jul 2, 2022
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So, you guys, I just did 5000 reps of OM mantra from the book Concentration by Mouni Sadhu.

This is in the second set of excersises, in the first set you sit and watch a clock for minimum of five minutes, ten minutes is optimal but you may start practicing the second set when you reach five minutes.

Obviously you are required to reach a void of mind, no thoughts while watching the clock. Also you concentrate on Om mantra for 10 mins as well before starting the second set. Read the book for further detail.

Five thousand repeats may look intimidating, but if you think about it, there are 3600 seconds in an hour so you can do this in couple of hours, no problem.

The author says this is a every day excersise, so you are meant to do this while doing mundane stuff, not while meditating in isolation.

Do I recommend it? Well it definitely gets exhausting after the first two thousand. After that you kinda lose the track of your count (I was using bases on thousands), and in the last two thousand reps you can't stop daily thoughts much anymore.

So I recommend a slow 1000 reps, it does shut off the daily useless thoughts, while not draining you. Instead of mind running for no reason you build up a single pointed concentration with the mantra.

How did I feel while doing this? It felt both my thougts and nerves burning in a pleasant way, until I used a pore breathing method from Initiation Into Hermetics where you can pore breathe the elements out. So I breathed the heat out of me. You may get headaches after a certain while, I do not know.

I do recommend Concentration overall. Author wants you to fight off your thoughts day in and out.


Oct 29, 2023
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I took up the book by your recommendation yesterday as well as another one
that this would be it's main gimmick is a bit disappointing
but i do still want to give it a try once i catch up with the reading

the eastern way of the mind is often like this, pedantic and infuriating
but yeah ill refrain further judgement untill i catch up

-p.s pore breathing the effects out might be contrary to what was supposed to happen?
let us know if you do the drill without releasing the pressure valve


Jul 2, 2022
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that this would be it's main gimmick is a bit disappointing
Main gimmicks were void of mind in first set and visualisation in second, just like Initiation Into Hermetics. This was a side quest I got rid of ASAP. I have faith upcoming excersises will be harder. These are preliminary for his Samadhi book. I am aiming for it if the way he defines it isn't dissolving identity.

p.s pore breathing the effects out might be contrary to what was supposed to happen?
let us know if you do the drill without releasing the pressure valve
I think I would just overheat 😂


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Seems like a daunting program (ok. IIH is even worse)... I've just uploaded a copy of the book. It's always good to read about somebody's practical experiences with books, all too often their exercises get ignored in favour of wallowing in pure theory (I used to be one of these guys, too).