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For anyone, what are your views on the afterlife?


Jun 17, 2024
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I personally think that when we die our souls get freed, and we can basically do whatever we want, be a good spirit, or a bad spirit, but im curious to see others opinions


Jun 13, 2024
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As a practitioner of vampirism, I personally believe I will either be reborn or put into an astral body
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And if I fail at that then I'll go to hell as a last resort lol
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Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Ditto. Seems pretty nihilistic but feels right to me (and 'feeling' is the only realistic yardstick here, albeit a pisspoor one, as there are is no reliable scientific evidence in this matter):

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Also, see my view on Castaneda's Eagle:

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Apr 19, 2021
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Although clearly shaped by various factors, as including the mind or pre-life decisions, I think there's plenty enough material in NDEs to make a study. Someone meeting Jesus just wouldn't indicate the universal truth of the Bible or whatever, anymore than the various occultists encountering their own cosmologies indicates the universal truth of theres. But I have been some measure of occultist, and I cannot reconcile it with simple oblivion even if I wished to.
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All such questions of death are assuming you don't make arrangements to leave beforehand. Might appear a heart failure to the paramedics.
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Aug 17, 2023
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Although clearly shaped by various factors, as including the mind or pre-life decisions, I think there's plenty enough material in NDEs to make a study. Someone meeting Jesus just wouldn't indicate the universal truth of the Bible or whatever, anymore than the various occultists encountering their own cosmologies indicates the universal truth of theres. But I have been some measure of occultist, and I cannot reconcile it with simple oblivion even if I wished to.
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All such questions of death are assuming you don't make arrangements to leave beforehand. Might appear a heart failure to the paramedics.
Good points. Seeing Jesus when one is almost dying is, at best, a hint. Could be a tease. Consider how often the real goods' performance departs from "the demo."


Apr 19, 2021
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Good points. Seeing Jesus when one is almost dying is, at best, a hint. Could be a tease. Consider how often the real goods' performance departs from "the demo."
It's the mind writ large - or something to that effect. Bare witness to Occultists interacting with section that might as well be cosmos as far as they are concerned.

If it is the mind writ large, it doesn't mean there isn't a larger reality. Even cursory experience and learning should demonstrate there is a larger reality. If death is oblivion, it must be by some cause other than a greater reality simply not existing as such.

The reality just happens to be willing to conform to some extent with the mind. Or something like that.


Feb 28, 2024
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"What are your views on the afterlife?"
When the physical body cease to function and die, the astral body will be freed from the flesh, yet to fully adapt to it's new form. It will be still on this Earth, but in a more subtle way, invisible to the physical eye. The astral body will still exist in the Earth's astral plane (which is an actual hellscape, full of newly deceased people and the tangible horrors they carried from their physical existence) for a brief period of time until specific entities, beings or some sort of spiritual calling meet the consciousness for the preparations for an actual departure.
The consciousness then will be transported to what the Tibetan Buddhists call the Bardo, an intermediate realm in the astral plane, where your own consciousness will be drawn by affinity to it's natural course, suffering the alchemic processes that are bound to that phase of the individual's soul. Gathering with other consciousness with a similar frequency, working in specific egregores in missions, traveling through cosmic realms, incarnating in a whole other plane (which may not be an "incarnation" at the flesh we're used to on Earth) or reincarnating here, if you're really lost and at that point still craves for material existence, as if an instinctive compulsion draws you to falling in here.


Jan 26, 2024
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Part of me hopes that theres nothing and everything just ceases to exist. Absolutely nothing. Not even knowing that there is nothing. This way at least I won't remember this humiliating existence.

But unfortunately there will be something. And I'm made to remember this life at least somehow. Or perhaps I get reincarnated into a nicer world. Like an Isekai. A world with more love and meaning. That would at least be a compensation for this one.

If possible When I will meet someone responsible for what happens or happened to me I will try to attack them. Even if this reincarnation was my idea.

Life sucks so much arse like you wouldn't believe. I hate it so much. I would have already killed myself if it wasn't for my Daimon and my constant urge to realise something greater. (But what? Another Roman Empire? A 4th Reich? A way to reach extraterrestrials?) I can not for the life of me be a worker or in this hamster wheel of go to work, consume and buy, pay taxes then die. It makes me sick and mad.

The Absolute or whatever could have at least given me some instructions on what to do or achieve, strive for. But no, nothing. Spending 25 years of my life running around like a headless chicken before even knowing a vaguely blurry path to take. With a lot of ideas that don't even make sense in this age.

No spirituality in this age whatsoever too. Just retarded consumerism and egregores everywhere. No great Kingdom or Empire to live in. No great leader to idiolise. Just a demon king somewhere in the background and the fineprint of JP Morgan.

"Kali Yuga" my arse. The age without the gods. Why did I come here? Could I not at least remember something to give me hope?

If we would at least explore space then it would be interesting. Or even better, be in contact with extra terrestrials. But no, we are stuck here, slaving our lives away for world jewry and the banking elites. Chasing money and needless things. While there's asteroids containing 100 times the gold of earth ready to be mined just off of Jupiter.

Imagine paying money just for existing. And then get thrown in jail when you can't pay for basic necessities. If I were King food and housing would be provided by the state. Yeah we don't even have proper rulers anymore. Just dumb democracy that doesn't get anything done except rile people up.

It will probably be a short recap, "yeah this suck arse" and then the soul recycle samsara starts. Either here or somewhere else. Or perhaps you can choose. Yeah and I don't need anyone to tell me "You didn't realise yourself" I will try to kill that entity, no matter the cost. The f.ing audacity of a supposed guide and being knowing I didn't realise myself but doing shit about giving me hints. "Oh you needed to discover this yourself" no, f you. Why do you exist in the first place. Just end me already or I will end you.

I'm so angry at this existence. It could be so much better but it isn't and everyone knows it.


Feb 28, 2024
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Life sucks so much arse like you wouldn't believe. I hate it so much.
That's right. Being a human, a tiny, partial manifestation of the soul and it's memory, in this cesspool that has became this once beautiful world...it is cruel. And we feel it, we know that this was once a great world, that the golden ages has long passed. The greatness of the Earth is long gone, along with our disappointed Gods. Our lore was given to this complex you're mentioning. Humanity applauded for a brief period of time (part are still applauding), until the bloodshed and utter soul misery came to haunt our history, and it stuck to civilization. And it's here to stay. A parasite found the perfect host. But life in this place became a big DIY project, with yourself, for yourself. Try to see opportunity amidst the darkness. Noble interests has no place in here. Much less noble leaders. Those are backed off before they can start. But hey, indulgence is for free now. You are not directly responsible for the wellness of others, since your actions can't be relevant in the immensity of feces that engulfs this world. Your actions are irrelevant for what's outside. They only count for what it does to your own self. You are here temporarily, observing, experiencing this bizarre phenomenon. It is already lost. Maybe take time to look at yourself only, to develop and grow in an "isolated environment". Maybe even find something good out there.
If you don't want to come back here, don't bother wanting revenge. If you want to confront these forces, you should at least consider binding to better ones, far away from what humanity has to offer now. Get rid of the immense amalgam of hatred you gathered through a lifetime in this godforsaken place, or you will be considered a top earthling candidate for a LONG time. If you could experience, at least for a little bit, what is like existing in other worlds, in other levels of subtlety or density, away from any type of content that populates this place, you would probably get to the same conclusion as I once had: this world is saturated and I couldn't want less from it. This reality is 90% useless bloat. I don't want it's luggage. I don't want to relate to this. I want to move on, kill the stupid problem today so I don't have to bother with it again. Even thinking about mundane stuff is pointless and costly. I don't even want to ask the responsible for this, "what the hell was that all about?". All I have for this whole Earth lore is cynicism. Leave this shit be while in this shit, and you'll probably have a good surprise afterwards. You'll commune with your kind, instead of communing with what you hate.
I felt related to your text and I just wanted to present you my own truth. Salutations.


Jan 26, 2024
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That's right. Being a human, a tiny, partial manifestation of the soul and it's memory, in this cesspool that has became this once beautiful world...it is cruel. And we feel it, we know that this was once a great world, that the golden ages has long passed. The greatness of the Earth is long gone, along with our disappointed Gods. Our lore was given to this complex you're mentioning. Humanity applauded for a brief period of time (part are still applauding), until the bloodshed and utter soul misery came to haunt our history, and it stuck to civilization. And it's here to stay. A parasite found the perfect host. But life in this place became a big DIY project, with yourself, for yourself. Try to see opportunity amidst the darkness. Noble interests has no place in here. Much less noble leaders. Those are backed off before they can start. But hey, indulgence is for free now. You are not directly responsible for the wellness of others, since your actions can't be relevant in the immensity of feces that engulfs this world. Your actions are irrelevant for what's outside. They only count for what it does to your own self. You are here temporarily, observing, experiencing this bizarre phenomenon. It is already lost. Maybe take time to look at yourself only, to develop and grow in an "isolated environment". Maybe even find something good out there.
If you don't want to come back here, don't bother wanting revenge. If you want to confront these forces, you should at least consider binding to better ones, far away from what humanity has to offer now. Get rid of the immense amalgam of hatred you gathered through a lifetime in this godforsaken place, or you will be considered a top earthling candidate for a LONG time. If you could experience, at least for a little bit, what is like existing in other worlds, in other levels of subtlety or density, away from any type of content that populates this place, you would probably get to the same conclusion as I once had: this world is saturated and I couldn't want less from it. This reality is 90% useless bloat. I don't want it's luggage. I don't want to relate to this. I want to move on, kill the stupid problem today so I don't have to bother with it again. Even thinking about mundane stuff is pointless and costly. I don't even want to ask the responsible for this, "what the hell was that all about?". All I have for this whole Earth lore is cynicism. Leave this shit be while in this shit, and you'll probably have a good surprise afterwards. You'll commune with your kind, instead of communing with what you hate.
I felt related to your text and I just wanted to present you my own truth. Salutations.

Likewise!!! I appreciate you saw the actual meaning of my post. Not just giving me shit for referencing history and what Humans were once capable of. Regardless of what contemporary opinion is of that now.

Perhaps the last exciting time was the 60s. Soviets landed on Venus out of all places (we can't even imagine this now) americans even a man on the Moon (And yes it was real).

People must have thought a new age breaks loose! But nothing... except more war and killing.
No dashing engineers mad enough wanting to build a base on that moon. No more unhinged expeditions to other planets.

Now 70 years later it slowly picks up again. Musk originally wanted to send someone to Mars by 2020. Nothing came of this. At least we got another brothers war in Ukraine going on instead. People dying for absolutely nothing except the war industry.

No aliens too. "Science" says they are not real and any evidence is of course fabricated and bogus. As if it was on purpose. With all project blue beam aside, if there were actual known aliens there would be something to hold on to. Something interesting and beyond our understanding. Someone we could ask and compare ourselves to "I wonder if they on Aldebaran IV also have to deal with corrupt politicians" and it would make people less docile and indifferent to all whats going on now. Life could be so much more than worrying about how to get food for the next 6 days until your paycheck arrives again. I would sign up immediately to a mission to mars. I dont care if the rocket explodes at lift off or on Mars the base breaks down killing all. It would be so much better than dying from a heart attack because of the modern day stress of work and poisoned air by factories. At least I had a glimpse of something greater than me.

At least the Romans had Aurelius to look up to or Caesar, The Macedonians had Alexander that conquered the entire known world. Minoans had a culture were women proudly displayed their unique beauty. Nothing perverted about this back then.
Now some Men think they can be women and some women think they can be men. Men act like idiots and savages and women become increasingly agitated. Family is dead.

Etc. I wouldn't be such a mean arsehole if there was at least something above me. No gods to ask either. Just another Banker wearing a freemason ring, another semitic last name when looking through CEO names. It's all so tiresome. Life is boring but also isn't idyllic and peaceful.


Jun 13, 2024
Reaction score
Likewise!!! I appreciate you saw the actual meaning of my post. Not just giving me shit for referencing history and what Humans were once capable of. Regardless of what contemporary opinion is of that now.

Perhaps the last exciting time was the 60s. Soviets landed on Venus out of all places (we can't even imagine this now) americans even a man on the Moon (And yes it was real).

People must have thought a new age breaks loose! But nothing... except more war and killing.
No dashing engineers mad enough wanting to build a base on that moon. No more unhinged expeditions to other planets.

Now 70 years later it slowly picks up again. Musk originally wanted to send someone to Mars by 2020. Nothing came of this. At least we got another brothers war in Ukraine going on instead. People dying for absolutely nothing except the war industry.

No aliens too. "Science" says they are not real and any evidence is of course fabricated and bogus. As if it was on purpose. With all project blue beam aside, if there were actual known aliens there would be something to hold on to. Something interesting and beyond our understanding. Someone we could ask and compare ourselves to "I wonder if they on Aldebaran IV also have to deal with corrupt politicians" and it would make people less docile and indifferent to all whats going on now. Life could be so much more than worrying about how to get food for the next 6 days until your paycheck arrives again. I would sign up immediately to a mission to mars. I dont care if the rocket explodes at lift off or on Mars the base breaks down killing all. It would be so much better than dying from a heart attack because of the modern day stress of work and poisoned air by factories. At least I had a glimpse of something greater than me.

At least the Romans had Aurelius to look up to or Caesar, The Macedonians had Alexander that conquered the entire known world. Minoans had a culture were women proudly displayed their unique beauty. Nothing perverted about this back then.
Now some Men think they can be women and some women think they can be men. Men act like idiots and savages and women become increasingly agitated. Family is dead.

Etc. I wouldn't be such a mean arsehole if there was at least something above me. No gods to ask either. Just another Banker wearing a freemason ring, another semitic last name when looking through CEO names. It's all so tiresome. Life is boring but also isn't idyllic and peaceful.
I always loved the idea of Nihilism even though I know there will be something else after life


Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
Part of me hopes that theres nothing and everything just ceases to exist. Absolutely nothing. Not even knowing that there is nothing. This way at least I won't remember this humiliating existence.

But unfortunately there will be something. And I'm made to remember this life at least somehow. Or perhaps I get reincarnated into a nicer world. Like an Isekai. A world with more love and meaning. That would at least be a compensation for this one.

If possible When I will meet someone responsible for what happens or happened to me I will try to attack them. Even if this reincarnation was my idea.

Life sucks so much arse like you wouldn't believe. I hate it so much. I would have already killed myself if it wasn't for my Daimon and my constant urge to realise something greater. (But what? Another Roman Empire? A 4th Reich? A way to reach extraterrestrials?) I can not for the life of me be a worker or in this hamster wheel of go to work, consume and buy, pay taxes then die. It makes me sick and mad.

The Absolute or whatever could have at least given me some instructions on what to do or achieve, strive for. But no, nothing. Spending 25 years of my life running around like a headless chicken before even knowing a vaguely blurry path to take. With a lot of ideas that don't even make sense in this age.

No spirituality in this age whatsoever too. Just retarded consumerism and egregores everywhere. No great Kingdom or Empire to live in. No great leader to idiolise. Just a demon king somewhere in the background and the fineprint of JP Morgan.

"Kali Yuga" my arse. The age without the gods. Why did I come here? Could I not at least remember something to give me hope?

If we would at least explore space then it would be interesting. Or even better, be in contact with extra terrestrials. But no, we are stuck here, slaving our lives away for world jewry and the banking elites. Chasing money and needless things. While there's asteroids containing 100 times the gold of earth ready to be mined just off of Jupiter.

Imagine paying money just for existing. And then get thrown in jail when you can't pay for basic necessities. If I were King food and housing would be provided by the state. Yeah we don't even have proper rulers anymore. Just dumb democracy that doesn't get anything done except rile people up.

It will probably be a short recap, "yeah this suck arse" and then the soul recycle samsara starts. Either here or somewhere else. Or perhaps you can choose. Yeah and I don't need anyone to tell me "You didn't realise yourself" I will try to kill that entity, no matter the cost. The f.ing audacity of a supposed guide and being knowing I didn't realise myself but doing shit about giving me hints. "Oh you needed to discover this yourself" no, f you. Why do you exist in the first place. Just end me already or I will end you.

I'm so angry at this existence. It could be so much better but it isn't and everyone knows it.
Unfortunately, The Source loves to play with itself. No matter, what it is. 😔


Mar 21, 2024
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Well, my views on the after life are the classic judgement based on action and good deeds and bad deeds. Maybe I will go to Heaven, maybe I need to have a short-stay in Hell or Purgatory in order to redempt, who knows?

But I certainly feel that Angels and God and let's say some Gods that I contacted and keep good relations with, are going to protect me from spiritual harm.

And I feel all of these Entities' blessings coming to me, which means I am keeping a good path as Unitarian Universalist.

If I get the chance to repair some wrong things I may have done in the past, then I would get reincarnated. Expect me to be majestuous as an Eagle, or slow as a snail 😆


Aug 17, 2023
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Afterlife based on good/bad deeds? I suppose this means "good intentions." Gods know that Kant rode this hobby-horse into the ethical (high-)ground. Still I cannot but be reminded of Jung's remark, "The self-loathing of some runs so deep that they must needs have recourse to 'loving everyone.'" Are y'all sure you want to spend eternity in such company?


Mar 21, 2024
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Afterlife based on good/bad deeds? I suppose this means "good intentions." Gods know that Kant rode this hobby-horse into the ethical (high-)ground. Still I cannot but be reminded of Jung's remark, "The self-loathing of some runs so deep that they must needs have recourse to 'loving everyone.'" Are y'all sure you want to spend eternity in such company?
Well, you may call it self-loathing, but in the end, it is not. It is called devotion.

Even if I don't like LHP, for example, some people like to consider themselves as devotees to Demons. On the same page on RHP I consider myself a devotee to God, the Angels and the Gods.

What are your views on the afterlife, @Xenophon ? Atheist, RHP, LHP, Buddhist? Whatever it is, why won't you tell your views on the afterlife



Aug 17, 2023
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Well, you may call it self-loathing, but in the end, it is not. It is called devotion.

Even if I don't like LHP, for example, some people like to consider themselves as devotees to Demons. On the same page on RHP I consider myself a devotee to God, the Angels and the Gods.

What are your views on the afterlife, @Xenophon ? Atheist, RHP, LHP, Buddhist? Whatever it is, why won't you tell your views on the afterlife

Those who develop or demonstrate exemplary abilities attain to afterlife. This may range from rebirth (with varying degrees of choice depending on abilities developed) up to actual apotheosis. Devotion to god, gods, God, Godhead does not much enter into it---no one likes fawning suck-ups, least of all the divinities.

The rest? They/we get, as it were, recycled. One sinks back to the state of spiritual larvae. Maybe he'll do better next time, but the odds are always against one. Shakyamuni's remark about a turtle randomly sticking his head through a wooden barrel-hoop floating in the ocean is appropos here.

This view is hardly original. Evola sketches it out in his writings and points to parallels in the old Roman religion. Likewise, David Eden Lane made a provoking remark that the Nordic notion of Valhalla might be interpreted as reincarnation into this realm.