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Journal From Beyond

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
Reaction score
After long deliberation, or unconscious manipulation by impulsive forces I can only express but not define, I have decided that I am a "future disciple" of Charles Fort. Exposure to him has infected my writing anyways, so I figure that it is just that his localizations extend to my universality - or is it the other way around?

In considering his "data" I am on the lookout for my own. Here's a popular one, which comes packaged with the natural question: WTF is that thing?

A mysterious golden orb that the NOAA Ocean Exploration found on the Alskan seafloor

It was found at the bottom of the ocean, two miles down, in the vicinity of Alaska. It is defined a egg-like with a fleshy covering, very delicate. The discoverers did the wisest thing anyone in a science fiction horror movie would do - they scooped it up and brought it back to the lab.
A hand holds a melted-looking golden orb that NOAA researchers found on the Alskan seafloor

Here's article from Business Insider:
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YouTube also has samples:
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"I don't what to make of it."

I myself don't know what to make of it, though I can't help but wonder what is more interesting, the golden glob or the rationalizations of what it could be, or will be determined to be.

In seeing this new wonder, I turn to The Book of the Damned, to the words of Saint Fort for guidance, though I only know he recommends solving confusion with further confusions:

"But I accept that, in the past, before proprietorship was established, inhabitants of a host of other worlds have dropped here, hopped here, wafted, sailed, flown, motored, walked here, for all I know been pulled here, been pushed; have come singly, have come in enormous numbers; have visited occasionally, have visited periodically for hunting, trading, replenishing harems, mining: have been unable to stay here, have established colonies here, have been lost here; far-advanced peoples, or things, and primitive peoples or whatever they were: white ones, black ones, yellow ones-"

According to Business Insider:
Usually, researchers can at least guess how an unknown specimen fits in with other species just by looking at it, Sam Candio, the expedition's coordinator, told Insider via email.
But the orb completely puzzled them. "With this sample, we need that further lab analysis to even begin placing it into any kind of biological group," he said.

It is interesting to see the process of assimilation at work. On our "Island Earth", it is not really a sin to jump to conclusions.

Also, I become aware of the "golden egg" around the time of learning of this - orbs of steel that have fallen from the sky - and the tension of "opinion advocates":
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BTW, in the Fort quote above, by "proprietorship", he concluded, "I think we are property."


Aug 17, 2023
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The find is highly interesting. Whether it is aught more is a conclusion best not jumped to. Let the finders do their head-scratching first. The thing was found only about 3 weeks ago. A bit early to tell for sure whether it is the Grail, spawn of Chthulu, Atlantean fast-food , or a used condom from one of Lanz von Lebenfell's "sodomite ape-men."


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
Reaction score
Interestingly, this word seems to be following me around like a "shadow person" - if I stop to look at it, it is just a word, but if I turn to one side I and keep it semi conscious in the corner of my eye...

Whether it is aught more is a conclusion best not jumped to.
This is Fortean shadow that nevertheless compels the contrarian need to theorize. The apodictic quality that inevitably will come into play is that a conclusion will be drawn, somehow. These data must assimilate, so that future egoist priests of Science can say, "it was merely", or "nothing but" or "as it ought to be". Right now we have mystery, so far, maybe nothing, maybe just a constipated Fukushima dolphin took a dump that became an anomaly. So many possibilities.

But I wake up. Coffee flies across the room into my hand. A cigarette lights itself.

This image provided by Gianluca Masi shows the comet C/2023 P1 Nishimura and its tail seen from Manciano, Italy on Sept. 5, 2023. Comet Nishimura, which was only discovered last month, will be closest to earth on Tuesday, meaning it may be possible to view with the naked eye.

Comet Nishimura. Interestingly, I have been watching the Netflix show called The Days, about the Fukushima nuclear disasters, in which one of the characters is also named Nishimura.
I have skimmed that Japan wants to dump reactor water into the ocean. Should be okay, unless you like fish, or everything else that depends on fish and ends up on the dinner table. Comet Nishimura is said to be colored "green", indicating a certain presence of gasses, whatever. It will not be seen for another 400 years, and with empirical regress it is stated that it was here 400 years ago.
In October 1623, Galileo, who helped dethrone the ancient dominant that this earth is stationary by squinting really really hard and scribbling smudges on paprt, was invited to meet with Pope Urban VIII. Not that has anything to do with anything, I am just looking for window dressing.
Comet Nishimura is the second green comet I have become aware of in the last year. The prior one was C/2022 E3 (ZTF), in around the start of 2023, was said to be leaving our solar system "for good" - or it will return in 50,000 years.
Another anecdote that doesn't have to do with anything - according to Graham Hancock - a civilization on earth was destroyed 50,000 years ago during the Younger Dryas period, or whatever, but sent emissaries across the earth in the form of white robed, bearded men. I could be off in accuracy as to Younger Dryas - I don't really care, perhaps I should have posted this in The Lounge, however -

I see this on the web simultaneously at it appears on cable news. Yes, I know, coincidence is coincidence, unless you're an occultist.

A screengrab from video live-streamed on Sept. 12, 2023 from a hearing in the Mexican Congress' Chamber of Deputies shows a small figure in a box that was described by journalist and UFO researcher Jamie Maussan as a

Here's the link which reports that tiny alien mummies a thousand years old have been brought forth from Peru.
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They have been presented to the Congress of Mexico.


The apparently desiccated bodies date back to 2017 and were found deep underground in the sandy Peruvian coastal desert of Nazca. The area is known for gigantic enigmatic figures scraped into the earth and seen only from a birds-eye-view. Most attribute the Nazca Lines to ancient indigenous communities, but the formations have captured the imaginations of many.

I guess the above begs the question of whether I hope to plant some kind of conspiracy jungle. The answer is, not intentionally, because I am actually in a more religious, esoteric mood - solemnly I light candles, make a circle, hum, open The Book of the Damned, Chapter 12, verse or paragraph whatever, and conjure again the soul of St. Fort to find correllation, because in his great wisdom, "anything is anything".

Quoth he:
"Fairy crosses."

Harper's Weekly, 50-715: That, near the point where the Blue Ridge and the Allegheny Mountains unite, north of Patrick County, Virginia, many little stone crosses have been found.
A race of tiny beings.
They crucified cockroaches.
Exquisite beings but the cruelty of the exquisite. In their diminutive way they were human beings. They crucified. The "fairy crosses," we are told in Harper's Weekly, range in weight from one-quarter of an ounce to an ounce: but it is said, in the Scientific American, 79-395, that some of them are no larger than the head of a pin. They have been found in two other states, but all in Virginia are strictly localized on and along Bull Mountain.
We are reminded of the Chinese seals in Ireland.
I suppose they fell there.

And further, St. Fort postulates the existence of a planet, or land not far from this earth, called Elvera, from which these "fairies" journeyed or fell:

But our coming inspiration fits in, if we think of the inhabitants of Elvera as having only visited here: having, in hordes as dense as clouds of bats, come here, upon hunting excursions for mice, I should say: for bees, very likely or most likely of all, or inevitably, to convert the heathen here, horrified with any one who would gorge himself with more than a bean at a time; fearful for the souls of beings who would guzzle more than a dew drop at a time, hordes of tiny missionaries, determined that right should prevail, determining right by their own minutenesses. They must have been missionaries.

My goal is not, BTW, to turn Fort into some kind of temple prostitute of my imagination anymore than I want to plant a conspiracy jungle. I am just simply running with a theme in balancing the Positive and Negative Absolutes so that I can post on the Karma thread later. But I am distracted by zoology, or anthrozoolgy:

Only to be is motion to convert or assimilate something else. The idea now is that tiny creatures coming here from their own little world, which may be Eros, though I call it Elvera, would flit from the exquisite to the enormous gulp of a fair-sized terrestrial animal, half a dozen of them gone and soon digested. One falls into a brook torn away in a mighty torrent. Or never anything but conventional, we adopt from Darwin: "The geological records are incomplete."
Their flints would survive, but, as to their fragile bodies one might as well search for prehistoric frost-traceries. A little whirl-wind Elverean carried away a hundred yards, body never found by his companions. They'd mourn for the departed. Conventional emotion to have: they'd mourn. There'd have to be a funeral: there's no getting away from funerals. So I adopt an explanation that I take from the anthropologists: burial in effigy. Perhaps the Elvereans would not come to this earth again until many years later, another distressing occurrence, one little mausoleum for all burials in effigy.
London Times, July 20, 1836: That, early in July, 1836, some boys were searching for rabbits' burrows in the rocky formation, near Edinburgh, known as Arthur's Seat. In the side of a cliff, they came upon some thin sheets of slate, which they pulled out. Little cave. Seventeen tiny coffins. Three or four inches long. In the coffins were miniature wooden figures. They were dressed differently both in style and material. There were two tiers of eight coffins each, and a third tier begun, with one coffin. The extraordinary datum, which has especially made mystery here: That the coffins had been deposited singly, in the little cave, and at intervals of many years. In the first tier, the coffins were quite decayed, and the wrappings had moldered away. In the second tier, the effects of age had not advanced so far. And the top coffin was quite recent-looking.
In the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquarians of Scotland,3-12-460, there is a full account of this find. Three of the coffins and three of the figures are pictured. So Elvera with its downy forests and its microscopic oyster shells, and if the Elvereans be not very far-advanced, they take baths with sponges the size of pin heads --

As an extreme novice disciple of Fort, I come upon my own theorem which intersects with a notion that the Peruvian aliens brought before the Mexican Congress might be made of paper mache. Of course, merely, nothing but a hoax.
But then I think, anthropologically, that there have been reports of giant aliens in Peru, terrorizing the locals. No time for a link, but just the thought that the little aliens were not aliens, but dolls for bigger aliens.

Lanz von Lebenfell's "sodomite ape-men."
Anthrozoology to explain the wayward eyes of bimbos - if the data comes "accidentally", I will consider it "from beyond".
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Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Actually, I find all of those somewhere between interesting and intriguing. I was just saying that it's wiser to withhold conclusions about the golden orb up there in Alaska till we get a few more details about it. The big shadow lumbering down the Chicago street might be Bigfoot come to town. Or it could just be a Bears' tackle on his way home after practice. Odds favor the latter.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
Reaction score
I was just saying that it's wiser to withhold conclusions about the golden orb up there in Alaska till we get a few more details about it.
I got what you were saying and I consider it fair from a reasonable, conventional point of view. My evolving interest is how the "reasonable" can actually become a part of the anomalous - it is the process of universal continuity playing out in mind and perception, an act of isolation in an ever flowing sea of Time and Space.
My feeling is that the details we get will be have to be packaged neatly with someone else's conclusions, and this is my understanding of the Fortean quip that states that the so long as the anomalous is "explained away", most people will simply accept the explanation as a given. That is, it will filed as a "thing in itself". I'm hoping to get at least a 5 minute spot on Strange Evidence or some other show.
The alien mummies are getting trashed by NASA and the serious UFO (I'm sorry, UAP) investigators - it's classic because you can hear the classical whinings of "reputation" come into play. It's a distraction from the real business of science - the normal attacking the abnormal, the machinery of criticism winding up jaw muscles to facial expressions of resentment or smugness.
I find it all very amusing when it doesn't irritate me. Or I am irritated by my amusement...
I don't believe in Bigfoot, not because I don't think it could exist, but because I think at least one redneck hunter would have taken one down by now and have its head on the wall. Or that there are Bigfoot armies that would have clashes with local police or the military.
But there is spiritual Bigfoot, which I can at least "accept" because I can assimilate it with my medievalisms.
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Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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That reminds me a bit of sharks' eggs.


Aug 17, 2023
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That reminds me a bit of sharks' eggs.
"Facts are kryptonite to wild speculation"---Nelson Mandela. (Maybe. Coulda been Albert Einstein said that. Or Maya Angelou. Greta Thunberg Whoever is the meme mine du jour in cyberspace)


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
Reaction score
That reminds me a bit of sharks' eggs.
Ah... that's the spirit. Expressions of potential continuity without full commitment, towards the Intermediatist position.
I seek comparisons myself:
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I heard of a rumor of potential correlation with jellyfish spawn:
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Throughout their lifecycle, jellyfish take on two different body forms: medusa and polyps. Polyps can reproduce asexually by budding, while medusae spawn eggs and sperm to reproduce sexually.

Assimilation will be completed, of course. Sleep returns. But then there might be back room attempts to fuse the notion of certain life cycles with the notion that water and life came to this planet from comets (green ones?). I think we as a modernized species are greedy for instant extraterrestiality, though the Universe takes its time - that is, as Musk said, 1% that is not "simulation".

Still, I can't help but wonder if the drone that found the "golden egg" (note, there is an underlying assumption of egginess) had panned just a little to the left, they may have found a trench filled with thousands of them.

Ia, Ia, Cthulu phtagn, etc.

"Facts are kryptonite to wild speculation"---Nelson Mandela. (Maybe. Coulda been Albert Einstein said that. Or Maya Angelou. Greta Thunberg Whoever is the meme mine du jour in cyberspace)
Could you stay on topic please?:ROFLMAO:

The Exorcism of St. Fort:
One of the advantages of Intermediatism is that, in the oneness of quasiness, there can be no mixed metaphors. Whatever is acceptable of anything, is, in some degree or aspect, acceptable of everything.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Ah... that's the spirit. Expressions of potential continuity without full commitment, towards the Intermediatist position.
I seek comparisons myself:
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I heard of a rumor of potential correlation with jellyfish spawn:
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Throughout their lifecycle, jellyfish take on two different body forms: medusa and polyps. Polyps can reproduce asexually by budding, while medusae spawn eggs and sperm to reproduce sexually.

Assimilation will be completed, of course. Sleep returns. But then there might be back room attempts to fuse the notion of certain life cycles with the notion that water and life came to this planet from comets (green ones?). I think we as a modernized species are greedy for instant extraterrestiality, though the Universe takes its time - that is, as Musk said, 1% that is not "simulation".

Still, I can't help but wonder if the drone that found the "golden egg" (note, there is an underlying assumption of egginess) had panned just a little to the left, they may have found a trench filled with thousands of them.

Ia, Ia, Cthulu phtagn, etc.

Could you stay on topic please?:ROFLMAO:

The Exorcism of St. Fort:
One of the advantages of Intermediatism is that, in the oneness of quasiness, there can be no mixed metaphors. Whatever is acceptable of anything, is, in some degree or aspect, acceptable of everything.
I can't help but imagine the drone had already done exactly that. This thread's working hypothesis seems to be that non-occult scientists are the Keystone Kops' slow cousins.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
Reaction score
There is no "working hypothesis" here. The title of the thread is "From Beyond". Beyond what? Maybe we could start with Kant's categories. I don't know. I am an extreme novice of Intermediatism, which is a pendulum swing between the Positive and Negative Absolutes. I calculate ten years as a neophyte will get me...somewhere...

My interest is in the process of "identification" and the inevitable confusion of the local with the universal. Sometimes that's called "science".

But, by all means, feel free to hypothesize.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
There is no "working hypothesis" here. The title of the thread is "From Beyond". Beyond what? Maybe we could start with Kant's categories. I don't know. I am an extreme novice of Intermediatism, which is a pendulum swing between the Positive and Negative Absolutes. I calculate ten years as a neophyte will get me...somewhere...

My interest is in the process of "identification" and the inevitable confusion of the local with the universal. Sometimes that's called "science".

But, by all means, feel free to hypothesize.
Hey, I am a licensed hypothecary.

Seriously, there is a working hypothesis at work here: scientists are materialist cretins. Too often, that is true. Its corrective, though, is not to throw open fantasy's gates. Every unknown bug I see is not "proof" of alien intervention. The title "From Beyond" itself begs the question (in the proper sense of that term, the logical fallacy of assuming the very point to be proven.) "Under the Ocean: WTF?" better characterizes the actual find.


Aug 31, 2021
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With all physical samples it is possible to do energy testing.

For example: visualize the object then visualize the words of a test concept. Push the words towards the object and watch what happens to the words


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
Reaction score
The title "From Beyond" itself begs the question (in the proper sense of that term, the logical fallacy of assuming the very point to be proven.
But here you are a making the assumption that there is a question to be begged. There is no proposition in the title other than what you are projecting into it. You are assuming that the data presented and the "compulsive need to theorize" based on unconscious forces and emulation of Charles Fort are all related to some wild "fantasy" that any of this is extraterrestrial. You are relating to the familiar, though you can't be blamed for it any more that a scientist can be blamed for being fantastic. Facts have prestige, fantasy has a fan base. I am somewhat interested in the merger between the two, which most people have historically called "science".

But I think you are forming a nice gestalt, which is half way towards Intemediatism. I'm proud of you!

So again, I ask, "From Beyond" what? "From Beyond" your perspective?

Drone operator upon seeing the "golden egg":
"I don't know what to make of it."

From Beyond his understanding, cause he's a fucking cretin.

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With all physical samples it is possible to do energy testing.

For example: visualize the object then visualize the words of a test concept. Push the words towards the object and watch what happens to the words
Now we're getting somewhere.
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Ash L.

Jun 16, 2024
Reaction score
I don't believe in Bigfoot, not because I don't think it could exist, but because I think at least one redneck hunter would have taken one down by now and have its head on the wall.
I was just browsing the forums when I found this. Better judgement would have been to keep on cruising, but today is not a day of best judgement. I'm really not a missionary for any cause and I sleep quite well in a world where 1) almost nobody agrees with me wholeheartedly on any topic and 2) I have no control over what others believe (both of which I am positing are normal conditions for the human being).

HOWEVER... Do ya ever just have a moment where you can't or won't let a thing go? for whatever reason, you see or hear something in convo that you disagree with or that you know to be less than completely accurate, and for whatever damn reason you feel compelled to offer the unrequested clarification? Sure ya have! I'll wager it goes over fantastically every time; you are seen and heard, exposing others to priceless insight and you even make new friends while you're at it!

Or, maybe it doesn't go over quite that well. Whatev. Here we go...

It's interesting that i didn't believe in "bigfoot" for much of my adult life, until taking a close look at the available information, in particular the evidence collected by sincere and earnest investigators of the subject like Mark Zasky and Richard Krider. The main reason my initial disbelief was a point of interest is, quite simply, that I knew these creatures were real as a child because my family, along with many of the other people in the area where my father's people lived, had a history of dealing with them.

It really is incredible what group think, response-conditioning, hell brainwash if I can just be honest, is capable of achieving. I entertained the typical arguments against the possibility of a hominid species (or multiple species) still living alongside our species, to include why don't they get shot by hunters or hit by cars, etc.

Well, it turns out they do get shot and hit by cars and so forth. As it happens, however, the U.S. Department of Interior would rather such things neither be common knowledge nor legal to discuss by any persons known to have perpetrated such acts or been involved in such automobile mishaps. All this is really another tale, as I return to how bizarre it is that I should have had any quasi-skepticism at all on the issue.

I grew up hearing stories from my great grandparents about "wildmen" and what a nuisance they were on the farm, how terrified my great grandmother was of them as a child, and more than one tale of someone in the clan shooting one. Hell, there were wildmen shot by members of my family during my lifetime when I was visiting my dad and/or extended family on his side.

I want to be clear: I was not a participant nor did I even see a body. I was 7 or 8 years old so not really a thing my family would have encouraged me to get involved with. We aren't that damn redneck. Actually I prefer the term hillbilly as I live in one of the few areas the term historically applied to. Pretty sure rednecks were farther west but not entirely certain. Anyway I also reject the absurd idea that my uncles, cousins, grandfather, et al would stage these elaborate scenes and interactions, like the conversations overheard after the fact or even while relatives were communicating the whereabouts of the wildman prior to the shooting. The idea that it was all just a big ol prank for my benefit is an indescribably dubious proposition.

Anyway, it seemed and still seems clear that people in the know about these things also know better than to call the game warden after shooting one. You will be threatened, you will be harassed, and most likely you will be incarcerated if none of that keeps you quiet.

The aforementioned "in the know" types are rural communities in different parts of the country where nobody gives a damn about Finding Bigfoot or the Patty film yet a history of interaction and problems with these creatures definitely exists. Such communities may be found in eastern Kentucky, northeast Tennessee, throughout West Virginia, and isolated parts of Georgia, Oklahoma, and Indiana. In a big ol world hooked up to the Internet crazy secrets still live right under our noses.

Ok I guess that'll be all from me on this forum lol. Actually I assume this is a safe place for such talk. If I'm wrong and now branded Il be surprised. I do consider it likely this post is stricken by the stickler and overruled by the rule-loving admins in these parts as being off topic. I can only beg forgiveness in advance and carry on.

One more thing. Whatever bigfoot is it can be summoned by magical means so there ya are. Wanna have one or a few come near enough to at least here and smell them if not see them outright? Think in operational terms of elemental earth and the sphere of Saturn and slapping a n adequate calling together will be a trivial matter. Really try it on. I mean seriously have a go at it, I dare anyone to do so and report your experience to this board.

I'm sorry for the rambling I will contain myself henceforth. My intention was non-hostile and a simple desire to offer a perspective and some context.
Post automatically merged:

I was just browsing the forums when I found this. Better judgement would have been to keep on cruising, but today is not a day of best judgement. I'm really not a missionary for any cause and I sleep quite well in a world where 1) almost nobody agrees with me wholeheartedly on any topic and 2) I have no control over what others believe (both of which I am positing are normal conditions for the human being).

HOWEVER... Do ya ever just have a moment where you can't or won't let a thing go? for whatever reason, you see or hear something in convo that you disagree with or that you know to be less than completely accurate, and for whatever damn reason you feel compelled to offer the unrequested clarification? Sure ya have! I'll wager it goes over fantastically every time; you are seen and heard, exposing others to priceless insight and you even make new friends while you're at it!

Or, maybe it doesn't go over quite that well. Whatev. Here we go...

It's interesting that i didn't believe in "bigfoot" for much of my adult life, until taking a close look at the available information, in particular the evidence collected by sincere and earnest investigators of the subject like Mark Zasky and Richard Krider. The main reason my initial disbelief was a point of interest is, quite simply, that I knew these creatures were real as a child because my family, along with many of the other people in the area where my father's people lived, had a history of dealing with them.

It really is incredible what group think, response-conditioning, hell brainwash if I can just be honest, is capable of achieving. I entertained the typical arguments against the possibility of a hominid species (or multiple species) still living alongside our species, to include why don't they get shot by hunters or hit by cars, etc.

Well, it turns out they do get shot and hit by cars and so forth. As it happens, however, the U.S. Department of Interior would rather such things neither be common knowledge nor legal to discuss by any persons known to have perpetrated such acts or been involved in such automobile mishaps. All this is really another tale, as I return to how bizarre it is that I should have had any quasi-skepticism at all on the issue.

I grew up hearing stories from my great grandparents about "wildmen" and what a nuisance they were on the farm, how terrified my great grandmother was of them as a child, and more than one tale of someone in the clan shooting one. Hell, there were wildmen shot by members of my family during my lifetime when I was visiting my dad and/or extended family on his side.

I want to be clear: I was not a participant nor did I even see a body. I was 7 or 8 years old so not really a thing my family would have encouraged me to get involved with. We aren't that damn redneck. Actually I prefer the term hillbilly as I live in one of the few areas the term historically applied to. Pretty sure rednecks were farther west but not entirely certain. Anyway I also reject the absurd idea that my uncles, cousins, grandfather, et al would stage these elaborate scenes and interactions, like the conversations overheard after the fact or even while relatives were communicating the whereabouts of the wildman prior to the shooting. The idea that it was all just a big ol prank for my benefit is an indescribably dubious proposition.

Anyway, it seemed and still seems clear that people in the know about these things also know better than to call the game warden after shooting one. You will be threatened, you will be harassed, and most likely you will be incarcerated if none of that keeps you quiet.

The aforementioned "in the know" types are rural communities in different parts of the country where nobody gives a damn about Finding Bigfoot or the Patty film yet a history of interaction and problems with these creatures definitely exists. Such communities may be found in eastern Kentucky, northeast Tennessee, throughout West Virginia, and isolated parts of Georgia, Oklahoma, and Indiana. In a big ol world hooked up to the Internet crazy secrets still live right under our noses.

Ok I guess that'll be all from me on this forum lol. Actually I assume this is a safe place for such talk. If I'm wrong and now branded Il be surprised. I do consider it likely this post is stricken by the stickler and overruled by the rule-loving admins in these parts as being off topic. I can only beg forgiveness in advance and carry on.

One more thing. Whatever bigfoot is it can be summoned by magical means so there ya are. Wanna have one or a few come near enough to at least here and smell them if not see them outright? Think in operational terms of elemental earth and the sphere of Saturn and slapping a n adequate calling together will be a trivial matter. Really try it on. I mean seriously have a go at it, I dare anyone to do so and report your experience to this board.

I'm sorry for the rambling I will contain myself henceforth. My intention was non-hostile and a simple desire to offer a perspective and some context.
Dang sorry about the typos and idiot-grammar. Tried to edit but ran out of time. Of course there is a time limit on that...
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Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
Reaction score
Bravo! First for actually finding this thread - I thought it lost forever. Second, your comments are very much in line with the spirit of this thread, such as I remember it.

If I'm wrong and now branded Il be surprised. I do consider it likely this post is stricken by the stickler and overruled by the rule-loving admins in these parts as being off topic.
I believe your concerns only actually apply to Xenophon. That is to say... well.. nevermind...

Whatever bigfoot is it can be summoned by magical means so there ya are.

I am intrigued. Yes. I did mention "spiritual bigfoot" in the post you quoted. I had never thought of conjuring one. I think that if I had space for such a project at this time, then a shadowy man-beast prowling my neighborhood would be a great addition. New neighbors just moved in. I think soon they should be impressed.