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Fucked up dream cycles every month or so, alongside torturous feelings


May 2, 2023
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Around once a month, for the past 2 or 3 years, I'll go to bed without thinking twice about anything. It'll be "just one of those days", and I'll end up having the trippiest most torturous dream cycle that lasts nigh-indefinitely. I'll have excruciatingly long, dreadful dreams that feel like they've lasted a whole night, then I'll wake up, and go back to bed, only for this to repeat. The content of the dreams varies wildly, from neverending rides to exploring dark dungeons and caverns. My point of view in dreams is usually heavily restricted and I only really possess a vague feeling of awareness.
I'll do this like seven times before I finally get out of bed and look at the time. Usually only an hour would have passed. When I go back to bed after that, I sleep normally with no issue, occasionally I'll get sleep paralysis upon waking up after that.

Does anyone else experience something similar? Or at least, can someone provide an explanation?
One of the most important aspects of these dreams is a feeling of total crushing despair that encompasses my entire being. It's like a weight on my heart dragging me down to hell. Recently I've been having normal dreams with that feeling too.


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Face your fears. Write down everything you can remember about each dream in a diary every morning. Dream memory is developed by practice, and gradually you may develop the ability to dream lucidly. It is not something to fear. Indeed, by facing fear one does overcome it. The perception of time is experienced differently by the Astral body. There is no need to worry about that.

Bo Hanson

Apr 29, 2023
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I never experienced that kind of dreams.....maybe you can take a break with your training and do something else to see how is going with youe sleep.

As a book "hungrig" reader I read many OBE/AP/LD/ASC books.
For anyone interested in out-of-body experiences, astral projection, lucid dreaming and altered states of consciousness.
Here is a list of the best books in the subject:
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A personally value Robert Monroe's 3 books in the subject. They are clearly written, detailed in information and will show many good exercices learnig OBE/AP. Robert Bruce is another good author, and his book Astral Dynamics is highly valuable by many readers and higly recommended.

Attempting success with OBE/AP demands consistent training.. I would recommend starting with Lucid Dreaming research to come closer to succeeding with OBE/AP. Stephen LaBerge books about LD are valuable. Try several methods before you find your own suitable way to leave the body. And don't forget: keep a dream journal to advance in training. There is a good book by the author DonaldJ DeGracia, called "Do OBE Astral Projection, Obe, Lucid Dreaming (2000)". This book is easy to get on the Web, scribd etc. That book helped me a lot with my attempts to leave the body. More info below:

DO_OBE - Astral Projection/OOBE Class Notes, Conducted On The Compuserve New Age Forum
By: Donald J. Degracia, Ph.D.

PDF Book:
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Transcript of 1994 Class:
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Plane Talk Columns:
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Web Site:
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Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming
By: Stephen LaBerge and Howard Rheingold

Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:
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Web Site:
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Wake Up In Your Dreams - Conscious Dream Training Manual
By: Dr Rory Mac Sweeney

PDF Book:
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Web Site:
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Topic in Astral Pulse:
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The Phase - Shattering the Illusion of Reality
By: Michael Raduga

PDF Book:
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Buy / Read Preview (Look Inside) at Amazon:
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May 2, 2023
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Face your fears. Write down everything you can remember about each dream in a diary every morning. Dream memory is developed by practice, and gradually you may develop the ability to dream lucidly. It is not something to fear. Indeed, by facing fear one does overcome it. The perception of time is experienced differently by the Astral body. There is no need to worry about that.
I understand that there is nothing to fear, but it seems like there isn't much I can do to avoid these kinds of situations.
It's not like these dreams are born of my willpower, they just happen randomly.
I'll try to keep a more consistent dream journal, lately my dreams have been really forgettable and I haven't kept up.