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[Opinion] Fuel Capacity

Everyone's got one.


Mar 21, 2024
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-also alchemy, im severly lacking in that area but it seems likely it's connected to the sexual symbolism and a good place to figure
increasing one's capacity or harnessing of those energies, do we have anyone whos into alchemy to confirm or elaborate?

Alchemist here 😀.

I will tell you the following:

Sexual energy has a lot of ties in the alchemical perspective especially for its transformative and maleable properties.

You see, sexual energy is used to empower a lot of things, from sigils and talismans, to servitors and other alchemical beings.

In alchemy, a Homunculus, for example, is a being who relies a lot on sexual energy and, when successfully created, looks like a miniature human but with at least one more "special" (supernatural) trait such as elemental powers (pyrokinesis etc.).

Also speaking in alchemical context, the very fire element symbol and signification means raising one's energies through the spark of life (fire) which also means sexual force / virility.


Mar 21, 2024
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very good.

your opinion on cultivation, "training" and further details on the energy?
or is it not mentioned at all since it's all so intuitive?
I think cultivation and "training" is a very good practice since one can learn to better conserve energy and also the various alchemical purposes of energy, from such practice.

In some texts and books it may not be mentioned that much since some works totally want the reader to rely on his / her intuition. Nevertheless, I think both by intuition or by reading the text plainly explained, is debunkable and understandable.


Oct 29, 2023
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I think cultivation and "training" is a very good practice since one can learn to better conserve energy and also the various alchemical purposes of energy, from such practice.

In some texts and books it may not be mentioned that much since some works totally want the reader to rely on his / her intuition. Nevertheless, I think both by intuition or by reading the text plainly explained, is debunkable and understandable.
no i mean how does one go about doing that?
or the best way according to you


Mar 21, 2024
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no i mean how does one go about doing that?
or the best way according to you
The best way is first to begin training by cultivation. Then the "training" with the energy.

Energy is meant to choose the way of least resistance and thus, it is very important to what purpose you direct that energy to, or to whom you want to direct that energy (in case you work with a human being).

You see, Ancient Roman system of magical workings relies strongly on the phases of the Moon. Romans used the moon as its symbolism is related to psychic powers, intuition, empowering oneself through the powers of water, the occult, and, if mastered, can lead to emotional balance and calm.

There are documented practices and their relation to moon phases, and the list goes:

New Moon: Best for setting new intentions, planting metaphorical seeds and beginning new projects. Basically, a time for renewals and new starts in life.

Waxing Crescent: Best for taking initial steps towards the goals set during the New Moon. Focus on growth and laying down roots.

First Quarter: Taking action and overcoming obstacles. It's a time to make decisions and put in effort toward achieving goals.

Waxing Gibbous: Best for refinement and fine-tuning. Focus on adjustments, perseverance, and aligning closer to your intentions.

Fool Moon: Celebrating achievements, embracing gratitude, and engaging in self-reflection. It's a time to honor yourself and others and give thanks for the blessings in your life.

That is applicable for most energy related workings.

Now, depending on other specifications of your working you may conserve and work with planetary energies when they are most powerful in the specific planetary hours. You should be able to find a list of planetary hours for your area.

And as for entities, although you don't conserve entities, you can still do a pseudo-conservation called energy tuning. You should have multiple sessions of communicating with the said entity you want to summon and try to tune to its energies. If it works, you successfully accommodated with that entity if not, don't be upset, it's the fact that your spiritual code has other tunes and plans for you.

Like, for example, with Angels, one may be tuned to Archangel Michael's energy more than Archangel Gabriel.

Same goes to the flip-side (the Demonic current) where some people prefer the energy of Lucifer instead of the more heavy energy of Satan.

I can say that it also goes to the polytheist currents of the Pantheons.

One may feel more attuned to the Nordic Gods than the Greek or Roman ones, for example.