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Gender Ideology megathread.


Apr 30, 2024
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I'm not very woke, but I am transgender, so I've always been curious about Gender and the Occult.

I know that Gender is a political topic, especially bending Gender. I know Transvestite prostitutes were viewed as Sacred in the temple of Ianna during the Sumerian era, and the Hindu Hijras performed fertility rituals at weddings and were known to bring good luck. I decided since the topic is going to probably devolve even though I'm bringing it up from an occult perspective, this is probably the appropriate place.

I guess I do identify more with being androgynous than male or female, but I can't really say anything because it's kind of associated with "those people", I know I'm not a biological female and would never claim to be, why is there such a reluctance among Western society in accepting the concept of a third gender for people who don't fit into the gender norms which would appease Gender Critical Feminist much like they do in Hindu societies?

In terms of my political views, I view it as exercising my freedom of speech, you don't need to view me as a female, it takes more than a single syllable word to break me down, just let me dress how I want and be whoever I want to be and that is kind of all I require. I don't fit into the transgender community since I think they are focusing on the wrong things. I want to be free from discrimination in employment, housing, access to health care and free from aggressive harassment for minding my own buisiness, that is pretty much it. It doesn't mean I don't experience snickers or people laughing because I live in the ghetto people have the right to their own views and speech, but I should be free from a homeless person threatening to shoot me when I'm standing at the bus stop just waiting for a bus for being a "fucking faggot".

Instead of these relatively reasonable things, the transgender community is focusing on Harry Potter and neo-pronouns.


Aug 17, 2023
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Didn't Bismarck say, "The Kulturkampf will not be won with pronouns!" Could be I'm misremembering my history...


Apr 30, 2024
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Didn't Bismarck say, "The Kulturkampf will not be won with pronouns!" Could be I'm misremembering my history...
Exactly, pronouns are a stupid thing to focus on, I've stepped out of the so-called "culture war".

I don't give a shit about pronouns. I hate to say it, but bending gender norms does takes some thick skin, you are going to be misgendered, likely worse.

It sounds cynical but if you can't even handle a one syllable word, and get triggered by them, then you aren't going to make it, get out of the way and leave things for those who can.

The best way to get acceptance isn't by screaming at people, it's by appearing rational and not like emotionally immature toddler.


Aug 17, 2023
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Actually, if there 100+ genders, it'd be easier to just scrap pronouns altogether and use names. I could do like Casey Stengel and call everyone the same nickname.
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"It sounds cynical but if you can't even handle a one syllable word, and get triggered by them, then you aren't going to make it, get out of the way and leave things for those who can."

Cynical? As you go on to say, it's more a matter of the simple mechanics of living. Lightning, floods, mad dogs, and marauding coteries of The Volk Whose Name We Dare Not Say don't seem to care much about my pronouns, my preferences, or my person. Neither do (alleged) pandemics, inclement weather, or landlords whom I have not paid on time.
Sep 9, 2021
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I'm not very woke, but I am transgender, so I've always been curious about Gender and the Occult.

I know that Gender is a political topic, especially bending Gender. I know Transvestite prostitutes were viewed as Sacred in the temple of Ianna during the Sumerian era, and the Hindu Hijras performed fertility rituals at weddings and were known to bring good luck. I decided since the topic is going to probably devolve even though I'm bringing it up from an occult perspective, this is probably the appropriate place.

I guess I do identify more with being androgynous than male or female, but I can't really say anything because it's kind of associated with "those people", I know I'm not a biological female and would never claim to be, why is there such a reluctance among Western society in accepting the concept of a third gender for people who don't fit into the gender norms which would appease Gender Critical Feminist much like they do in Hindu societies?

In terms of my political views, I view it as exercising my freedom of speech, you don't need to view me as a female, it takes more than a single syllable word to break me down, just let me dress how I want and be whoever I want to be and that is kind of all I require. I don't fit into the transgender community since I think they are focusing on the wrong things. I want to be free from discrimination in employment, housing, access to health care and free from aggressive harassment for minding my own buisiness, that is pretty much it. It doesn't mean I don't experience snickers or people laughing because I live in the ghetto people have the right to their own views and speech, but I should be free from a homeless person threatening to shoot me when I'm standing at the bus stop just waiting for a bus for being a "fucking faggot".

Instead of these relatively reasonable things, the transgender community is focusing on Harry Potter and neo-pronouns.
I'm bisexual, and know some trans and gay folks. Be who you desire to be. Your business not theirs. But safety first.

As for the law of gender per The Kybalion, I Believe in t was s tied to Qabalah. Each of the pillars and sephiroth have masculine and or feminine qualities.
And so is the human, a mix of both.


Aug 17, 2023
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I'm bisexual, and know some trans and gay folks. Be who you desire to be. Your business not theirs. But safety first.

As for the law of gender per The Kybalion, I Believe in t was s tied to Qabalah. Each of the pillars and sephiroth have masculine and or feminine qualities.
And so is the human, a mix of both.
Interestingly enough, the right-wing demon prince Julius Evola concurs. (But his take on magick seems to have been Qabalah-rooted.) Likewise, even the Ayatollah Kohmeni recognized the reality of gender diasphora, though his acceptance of it was rooted in medical/psychological cases and did not represent the proselytizing creed it has become in the West.


Apr 30, 2024
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Actually, if there 100+ genders, it'd be easier to just scrap pronouns altogether and use names. I could do like Casey Stengel and call everyone the same nickname.
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"It sounds cynical but if you can't even handle a one syllable word, and get triggered by them, then you aren't going to make it, get out of the way and leave things for those who can."

Cynical? As you go on to say, it's more a matter of the simple mechanics of living. Lightning, floods, mad dogs, and marauding coteries of The Volk Whose Name We Dare Not Say don't seem to care much about my pronouns, my preferences, or my person. Neither do (alleged) pandemics, inclement weather, or landlords whom I have not paid on time.
I don't believe in 100+ genders, I came out in 2013 before things got so called "culture war", things were a lot easier a decade ago before the whole culture war nonsense, I didn't pass at all but as long as you minded your own business, nobody cared.

Those people who use neo-pronouns and I don't view as transgender, because all they do is dye their hair, it's kind of like stolen valor, in cisgender people co-opted a medical condition and said that it's all sociological, says my perspective and experience is wrong and it's easier to be trans today.

I believe Gender Identity Disorder is a treatable medical condition, based on exposure to pre-natal hormones and the development on the brain. This is accepted by just about every major Health organization due to all the overwhelming evidence. I don't accept queer theory at all portraying it as a "social condition". I believe there needs to be a nuanced look on if things are going too far, but the issue is that there is a lack of nuance. Caution needs to be used with teens but some teens do need HRT, these cases are rare but they exist, no surgery. When someone is an adult, they can do what they want and I don't care.

There is a difference between someone with Gender Identity Disorder, and someone who dyes their hair and calls themselves by a neo-pronoun to "break down the gender normative binary".

Edit: Change "Children" to "Teens".
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Basically, call yourself what you want, identify how you want, dress however you want, you have the right to, but realize people have the right to view you as however, you can't demand someone to accept your identity by force, forcing your world view on someone.
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Aug 17, 2023
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I don't believe in 100+ genders, I came out in 2013 before things got so called "culture war", things were a lot easier a decade ago before the whole culture war nonsense, I didn't pass at all but as long as you minded your own business, nobody cared.

Those people who use neo-pronouns and I don't view as transgender, because all they do is dye their hair, it's kind of like stolen valor, in cisgender people co-opted a medical condition and said that it's all sociological, says my perspective and experience is wrong and it's easier to be trans today.

I believe Gender Identity Disorder is a treatable medical condition, based on exposure to pre-natal hormones and the development on the brain. This is accepted by just about every major Health organization due to all the overwhelming evidence. I don't accept queer theory at all portraying it as a "social condition". I believe there needs to be a nuanced look on if things are going too far, but the issue is that there is a lack of nuance. Caution needs to be used with teens but some teens do need HRT, these cases are rare but they exist, no surgery. When someone is an adult, they can do what they want and I don't care.

There is a difference between someone with Gender Identity Disorder, and someone who dyes their hair and calls themselves by a neo-pronoun to "break down the gender normative binary".

Edit: Change "Children" to "Teens".
I reckon people "break the binary" when they have run out of actual seas to sail, dragons to slay, and grizzlies to rassel. There's a document out there (and on several USB's I know of) that spends a lot of time talking about the social-psychological effect on a populace that no longer has "primary activities" to fill their time. It has been called the "most original piece of political thinking since Rousseau." (And don't forget, Marx came after Jean-Jacques.) I am talking about Ted Kaczynsky's "Manifesto." Read it.


Apr 30, 2024
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I reckon people "break the binary" when they have run out of actual seas to sail, dragons to slay, and grizzlies to rassel. There's a document out there (and on several USB's I know of) that spends a lot of time talking about the social-psychological effect on a populace that no longer has "primary activities" to fill their time. It has been called the "most original piece of political thinking since Rousseau." (And don't forget, Marx came after Jean-Jacques.) I am talking about Ted Kaczynsky's "Manifesto." Read it.
Basically, I'm really not sure if I'm transgender due to the effect of childhood trauma, or if I'm transgender due to just not fitting into the gender norms (I remember wanting to paint my nails when I was as young as 5, and being upset because I couldn't), but I don't really have distress over my gender or sex characteristics.

I just prefer wearing feminine clothes and being cute.

I think childhood trauma should be explored as having a potential impact on gender identity. It's a topic worthy of an examination.
Sep 9, 2021
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I tried wearing lingerie once or twice in my life, and either stuff fell out, or I looked horrid in women's wear.
I gave that kink up.


Aug 17, 2023
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I tried wearing lingerie once or twice in my life, and either stuff fell out, or I looked horrid in women's wear.
I gave that kink up.
I feel the same way about neckties, and I'm a straight guy.
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Basically, I'm really not sure if I'm transgender due to the effect of childhood trauma, or if I'm transgender due to just not fitting into the gender norms (I remember wanting to paint my nails when I was as young as 5, and being upset because I couldn't), but I don't really have distress over my gender or sex characteristics.

I just prefer wearing feminine clothes and being cute.

I think childhood trauma should be explored as having a potential impact on gender identity. It's a topic worthy of an examination.
Yukio Mishima traced a lot of his erotic peculiarities to having seen, as a boy, a print of Mantegna's St. Sebastian (enough arrows in him to pass for a porcupine). Naked man, weapons, blood: sounds like a premise for one of Mishima's novels. I can do a similar post mortem on my own tastes, though not in public. Not necessarily "trauma." Just arresting moments in both my case and Mishima's.
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Apr 30, 2024
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I feel the same way about neckties, and I'm a straight guy.
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Yukio Mishima traced a lot of his erotic peculiarities to having seen, as a boy, a print of Mantegna's St. Sebastian (enough arrows in him to pass for a porcupine). Naked man, weapons, blood: sounds like a premise for one of Mishima's novels. I can do a similar post mortem on my own tastes, though not in public. Not necessarily "trauma." Just arresting moments in both my case and Mishima's.
My experience although some spirits are more feminine and some are more masculine, they often take different forms, a masculine entity can take a feminine form and vice versa.

I think that the closer you get to the spiritual the more fluid human concepts such as gender can get.

Oddly enough, I don't get any erotic fixation from cross dressing. I just prefer being feminine, but I acknowledge that I'm more masculine in the way my mind is (logical, rational instead of emotional). Like I said, I'm just doing what I want without regard for the perception of others.

If you want to wear a dress, then wear a dress, they're quite frankly just clothes.