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Goetia ritual step by step

I always prefer to make up my own rituals.
In his book,
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, Alan Chapman sets out a 'basic formula' for structuring magical practice.

For example, on page 38 Alan presents several examples of Six Steps for planning a magickal action for working with spirits. Don't take a single page and run with that, however, since a pdf is available at the link above as well as on archive dot org (and Kindle format on Amazon, but really no digital book should ever be "worth" more than US$10 if even that much). It's a short book, so why not read it?

Here's one example...


Sep 14, 2022
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Some step by step so I can write it down somewhere and not have to look in books during the ritual?
Try channeling the ritual from the spirit in meditation.
It works pretty well when you consistently invoke them day after day.
I’d recommend doing it in solitude with a clear mind, perhaps with dim to no lights.


Feb 10, 2022
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I always prefer to make up my own rituals. Yet, if you want to stick to something from a book, strip it down into small chunks and practice them without doing an actual evocation. If you fear you could evocate a demon just by practicing parts of the ritual, you can always focus your exercises in ritual on the evocation of your HGA. This way you might actually meet your HGA and be safe in trying things out until you know the complete ritual by heart.


Jul 2, 2022
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I always prefer to make up my own rituals. Yet, if you want to stick to something from a book, strip it down into small chunks and practice them without doing an actual evocation. If you fear you could evocate a demon just by practicing parts of the ritual, you can always focus your exercises in ritual on the evocation of your HGA. This way you might actually meet your HGA and be safe in trying things out until you know the complete ritual by heart.
This is excellent advice, and captures the spirit of 'magick'.

Sure a newbie may feel lost creating a ritual at first. Then I have two suggestions: learning about Chaos Magick, so newbie can understand you are the one putting the meaning into every move, shape, incantation and color; and Frater Barrabas' learning ritual magick trilogy.


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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I always prefer to make up my own rituals.
In his book,
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, Alan Chapman sets out a 'basic formula' for structuring magical practice.

For example, on page 38 Alan presents several examples of Six Steps for planning a magickal action for working with spirits. Don't take a single page and run with that, however, since a pdf is available at the link above as well as on archive dot org (and Kindle format on Amazon, but really no digital book should ever be "worth" more than US$10 if even that much). It's a short book, so why not read it?

Here's one example (this can be as complex as required for your needs, but the example is brief as it's simply a framework to structure your intent):

1. Decide what you want to occur.
"I will conjure X to visible manifestation."

2. Ensure that what you want to occur has a means of manifestation.
"The entity can manifest using the smoke from the copious amounts of incense I will burn."

3. Choose an experience.
"The calling of X to visibly appear."

4. Decide that the experience means the same thing as what you want to occur.
"By calling X to visibly appear, I will conjure X to visible manifestation."

5. Perform the act/undergo the experience.
"Call X to visibly appear."

6. Result.
"Result manifests at the end of step 5 (how this manifests depends on what the entity has available to work with)."

Alan even explains magickal 'failure' in Six Easy Steps on page 16, calling it "The magickal act of desiring."

1. "I hope my manager will resign."
2. "I do have a manager, and there is the possibility for him to resign."
3. "My immediate experience."
4. "What I am experiencing now means I hope my manager will resign."
5. "This was already happening at step 2; it is due to this that it is difficult to realize that being in a state of desire is an act of magick ... with an instantaneous result."
6. "The result has already manifested."

Alan makes the point again and again that magick is all about the experience. When you act on what you believe something means, you do magick, and something manifests in your life (and the lives of others), though not always in a powerful way nor in a way that you might consciously intend (cognitive dissonance is a bitch).


Site Staff
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Jr. Sentinel
Apr 9, 2022
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Just posting this to clarify that my previous post is for the general audience and OP since I'm certain that @Silsebyl is quite capable of creating rituals without a book, and I didn't intend to imply otherwise in any way. :)


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
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Apr 12, 2021
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In his book,
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!
, Alan Chapman sets out a 'basic formula' for structuring magical practice.

For example, on page 38 Alan presents several examples of Six Steps for planning a magickal action for working with spirits. Don't take a single page and run with that, however, since a pdf is available at the link above as well as on archive dot org (and Kindle format on Amazon, but really no digital book should ever be "worth" more than US$10 if even that much). It's a short book, so why not read it?

Here's one example (this can be as complex as required for your needs, but the example is brief as it's simply a framework to structure your intent):

1. Decide what you want to occur.
"I will conjure X to visible manifestation."

2. Ensure that what you want to occur has a means of manifestation.
"The entity can manifest using the smoke from the copious amounts of incense I will burn."

3. Choose an experience.
"The calling of X to visibly appear."

4. Decide that the experience means the same thing as what you want to occur.
"By calling X to visibly appear, I will conjure X to visible manifestation."

5. Perform the act/undergo the experience.
"Call X to visibly appear."

6. Result.
"Result manifests at the end of step 5 (how this manifests depends on what the entity has available to work with)."

Alan even explains magickal 'failure' in Six Easy Steps on page 16, calling it "The magickal act of desiring."

1. "I hope my manager will resign."
2. "I do have a manager, and there is the possibility for him to resign."
3. "My immediate experience."
4. "What I am experiencing now means I hope my manager will resign."
5. "This was already happening at step 2; it is due to this that it is difficult to realize that being in a state of desire is an act of magick ... with an instantaneous result."
6. "The result has already manifested."

Alan makes the point again and again that magick is all about the experience. When you act on what you believe something means, you do magick, and something manifests in your life (and the lives of others), though not always in a powerful way nor in a way that you might consciously intend (cognitive dissonance is a bitch).
Before reading this I was going to say it's obnoxiously lazy to try and dilute/condense years of practice and pages of books into a "few concise steps" like some sort of buzzfeed article.

However, what you have extracted here is actually a pretty good set of concise steps to follow, and I actually quite like it.

I would note, though, that OP and whoever reads this should not assume that something like this will produce the quality of result that days, months, years or sometimes a lifetime of dedication, study, practice will produce.

@OP: These books and practices, especially those of ceremonial magick, are not mere "how-to" guides that you rip a page out, stick it on your wall and get shit done. For many, the point is to read the book, practice by yourself, do it wrong, go back to the book, figure out where you went wrong, keep trying again, and develop a regular ritual through practice and dedication that tunes your body, mind and soul to be able to achieve the results.

If you want shortcuts and lack dedication, look into chaos magick. Goetia is probably not for you.


Feb 10, 2022
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Just posting this to clarify that my previous post is for the general audience and OP since I'm certain that @Silsebyl is quite capable of creating rituals without a book, and I didn't intend to imply otherwise in any way. :)

lol, I like what you wrote, you're always making good points! I for my part don't feel addressed in particular if I am not addressed in particular, but just quoted for context. so no problem at all. :geek::ROFLMAO:💛
Sep 9, 2021
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Some step by step so I can write it down somewhere and not have to look in books during the ritual?
What resource are you using to do evocation or invocation with the goetic spirits? I am vaguely familiar with evocation. Several here are adept with it.
The reason I ask is that some grimoires would require probably a month to memorize and work with it. One here may be an author on said subject of grimoires.
Sep 9, 2021
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Especially the cross of light, and ritual one. Petition ritual after a week of prepatory immersion, listening to enn and using correspondences.

Contact and communicate with someone adept at goetic evocation. They might even channel for you.
Don't welch on the pacts.