This is only my perception of things and could be entirely wrong (I hope so).
There's still a very large chunk of Western society - very rough guess 30% - 40%, that have 3 categories - Christian, Atheist, and Satanic (overall label for all occult). The difference for them between Atheist and Satanic is something like - non-believer (which might be rescuable) versus enemy combatant. Most of these that have this simplistic set of categories are some kind of fundamentalist Christian denomination (sadly). Essentially a binary logic. Christian or Not. If not, then Atheist or Satanic.
Of course to one of these folks - Golden Dawn is hard core Satanic.
For most of these folks it would nearly take a miracle to open their mind other wise.
In fact, for some, invoking a miracle would prove you were basically a demon. So, I've learned to mostly keep my mouth shut and to tread very carefully, as many of these people can quickly become rabidly unstable, on the verge of violence if they are convinced you are beyond "saving".
Obviously this is a huge over-generalization, and yet, it seems to be how it is (unfortunately).
So, to be more obvious - when you realize you are talking to someone that is one of these fundamentalist Christian types - my suggestion is keep your mouth shut about occult stuff, and tread carefully. You will NOT be able to convince 99% of them of anything otherwise.