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Halloween is coming, what are your favorite rituals for the night of Samhain?.


Sep 8, 2024
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I don't entirely identify with nature in the way that a Wiccan might: I hold consciousness to be separate from the body. However, I recognise that the body and its drives (which influence consciousness) are deeply linked with the natural world and its cycles. For that reason, I do celebrate the seasonal festivals.

There are still echoes of traditional Samhain here in Britain and I lean into those. Mostly this centres on trying to ensure that others, especially kids, have a fun time. I've noticed in recent years that Trick-or-Treaters have been thinner on the ground which is sad. I live in the village's "lonely old house on the hill" so I would sometimes get older teenagers come up here and try to mess around at Halloween (especially when I wasn't much older than them). Once, one tried to get in through a window at 2AM. I was cleaning up from an earlier party and, still in full demonic Vlad the Impaler costume, I quietly walked outside the house, got close to him and said, in the calmest, creepiest voice I could, "A handsome boy like you could have just knocked on the door". I discovered that one way of keeping that sort of thing to a minimum was to have a bit more of an open house at Halloween so I generally throw a party now and signal (with decorations, music, etc.) to any passersby that they can Trick or Treat or come in. I've tried to integrate as much Celtic tradition into those parties as possible so there's apple ducking, cider and a divination corner where either I or a friend will read guests' tarot.

That's the public duty side. Privately, I will usually take an hour after nightfall to remember my ancestors and those who are no longer with me by looking at photos. I'll visualise them standing around me and thank them and light a candle for them. Then I will work with a cauldron. Because life is retreating back into the Earth at Samhain, where it will gestate before coming back in the Spring, the cauldron is a powerful symbol of the same process. You can place into the cauldron symbols of those things which you want to Come Into Being at a later point. This doesn't work so well for short term change but if you want to make bigger, longer-term changes it's excellent. I'll fill the cauldron with liquid and incense and spices that are appropriate. Then put in symbols of those things that you want to come forth. You can speak intentions while you're doing it. It's especially appropriate for fertility, child-birth, marriage, etc. I did it with wedding rings once and was married within the year (she and I later divorced mind you so read into that what you want). In the cauldron, once everything is in, boil it over an extremely hot fire until it forms a gloop. Dig a hole in ground, pour it in, bury it, forget about it. You can do communal workings with this too, where others put in those things they want to Come Into Being.

This year Samhain falls on a New Moon, so I may begin new a new training curriculum on that night, but I'll do that in addition to the above.

Audiolog Edu

Aug 13, 2024
Reaction score
I don't entirely identify with nature in the way that a Wiccan might: I hold consciousness to be separate from the body. However, I recognise that the body and its drives (which influence consciousness) are deeply linked with the natural world and its cycles. For that reason, I do celebrate the seasonal festivals.

There are still echoes of traditional Samhain here in Britain and I lean into those. Mostly this centres on trying to ensure that others, especially kids, have a fun time. I've noticed in recent years that Trick-or-Treaters have been thinner on the ground which is sad. I live in the village's "lonely old house on the hill" so I would sometimes get older teenagers come up here and try to mess around at Halloween (especially when I wasn't much older than them). Once, one tried to get in through a window at 2AM. I was cleaning up from an earlier party and, still in full demonic Vlad the Impaler costume, I quietly walked outside the house, got close to him and said, in the calmest, creepiest voice I could, "A handsome boy like you could have just knocked on the door". I discovered that one way of keeping that sort of thing to a minimum was to have a bit more of an open house at Halloween so I generally throw a party now and signal (with decorations, music, etc.) to any passersby that they can Trick or Treat or come in. I've tried to integrate as much Celtic tradition into those parties as possible so there's apple ducking, cider and a divination corner where either I or a friend will read guests' tarot.

That's the public duty side. Privately, I will usually take an hour after nightfall to remember my ancestors and those who are no longer with me by looking at photos. I'll visualise them standing around me and thank them and light a candle for them. Then I will work with a cauldron. Because life is retreating back into the Earth at Samhain, where it will gestate before coming back in the Spring, the cauldron is a powerful symbol of the same process. You can place into the cauldron symbols of those things which you want to Come Into Being at a later point. This doesn't work so well for short term change but if you want to make bigger, longer-term changes it's excellent. I'll fill the cauldron with liquid and incense and spices that are appropriate. Then put in symbols of those things that you want to come forth. You can speak intentions while you're doing it. It's especially appropriate for fertility, child-birth, marriage, etc. I did it with wedding rings once and was married within the year (she and I later divorced mind you so read into that what you want). In the cauldron, once everything is in, boil it over an extremely hot fire until it forms a gloop. Dig a hole in ground, pour it in, bury it, forget about it. You can do communal workings with this too, where others put in those things they want to Come Into Being.

This year Samhain falls on a New Moon, so I may begin new a new training curriculum on that night, but I'll do that in addition to the above.
Very interesting, never actually heard of cauldron magick, if it wasnt for classic cartoons I might had never heard of, I see your signature is from The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, I suppose to read that one in the Ogdoadica curriculum.


Feb 8, 2022
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Interesting didn't even think that people were celebrating Halloween in mystical ways. I've about never celebrated halloween because it's not a big thing here in Finland. But neat to see that there is some activity there too.


Sep 8, 2024
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I see your signature is from The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, I suppose to read that one in the Ogdoadica curriculum.
You'll find depths in the Rubaiyat if you read a decent primer on Sufi poetry first. Reynold A. Nicholson's The Mystics of Islam is an old book (it's public domain and on the sacred texts site) but a good place to start for English speakers.

Audiolog Edu

Aug 13, 2024
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Interesting didn't even think that people were celebrating Halloween in mystical ways. I've about never celebrated halloween because it's not a big thing here in Finland. But neat to see that there is some activity there too.
This are my first non materialistic halloweens, so I try to get on the vibe of contacting the spirit realm, when I was a kid mexican parents did not wanted to celebrate halloween because it was too american but recently is all capitalism and parties for selling alcohol and drugs, is like a festival night with spooky thematic, so now I practice magick. Very nice to see people from Finland, I love Finland culture and music like metal.


Feb 8, 2022
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This are my first non materialistic halloweens, so I try to get on the vibe of contacting the spirit realm, when I was a kid mexican parents did not wanted to celebrate halloween because it was too american but recently is all capitalism and parties for selling alcohol and drugs, is like a festival night with spooky thematic, so now I practice magick. Very nice to see people from Finland, I love Finland culture and music like metal.

Yeah always thought it was a bit materialistic but it's cool if they have added a spiritual flavour to it nowadays.

Finland is cool and dark as usual 8)


Apr 16, 2024
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@Yazata has recently posted a Great "ancestral invocation", one of the best I've come across, and Perfect for Halloween / Samhain, especially if you use it during some form of "dumb supper" or "housel" an offering of bread and wine, the traditional "Red Meal"! :love:

It's over here:

Ancestral Invocation
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@Yazata has recently posted a Great "ancestral invocation", one of the best I've come across, and Perfect for Halloween / Samhain, especially if you use it during some form of "dumb supper" or "housel" an offering of bread and wine, the traditional "Red Meal"! :love:

It's over here:

Ancestral Invocation
Oh yeah, my clan and I, will honor our ancestors with a Housel, among other celebratory goings on! Enjoy Samhain! 🤘
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Best to perform the invocation "prior" to a "dumb supper", if that's the celebratory form you choose.
The "dumb" here of course refers to being Silent, so best to invoke them prior to the actual meal, duh!

The "Red Meal" too, should follow after the invocation.
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