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Healing by Color and Sound, and optionally Tarot Majors

Sep 9, 2021
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Hi all,

When I was in Fraternity of the Hidden Light, using Paul F Case as a subject matter expert, the use of color and sound were found to have healing properties.

Has anyone ever tested this?


Aug 31, 2021
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I used to work with a Radionics practitioner. She worked with a device with dials on which to set numbers. Colored transparencies were chosen and placed on the device and an intent was stated.

It worked pretty well. Some people just used the wiring diagram - not the device

Later I discovered even the wiring diagram was not required, just numbers, colors and intent

Here is a computer version

Sep 9, 2021
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I recall Tarot Majors were used in one example. Anxiety. Yellow paper and The Fool centered over the yellow paper. Then with The Master Key, a Harmonica or the like, you blow a particular note while gazing over the Tarot key, and it's supposed to reduce the anxiety.
Sep 9, 2021
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Still, Case pioneered in that idea. His child organizations, Builders of the Adytum and Fraternity of the Hidden Light are devoted to the Rosicrucian way of healing via color, sound, and tarot; even though ceremonial magic is practiced, it is practiced in a safe form i.e. not using Golden Dawn rituals. Definitely not Thelma rituals.

What appealed to me, as I am Christian, even though I may be a naughty child, my heart is devoted to the light of love.

So, back to the topic, love heals, but few know how to reach that agape love. Hence, sound and color may still heal.
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From dean wellness.com :

"One of the ways we treat the Emotional aspect is through Color & Sound Therapy. While this can be done on an individual basis to balance the patient, once they interact with another person they see often or live with, multiple imbalances can occur (Couple Re-Integration). Each individual has their own energy."
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From academyofsoundhealing.com :

"Why is sound healing so powerful?

Sound waves wash over us at every second of every minute, and hour of every day and continue to vibrate endlessly. The sound vibrations of the sound healing instruments penetrate deep into the tissue. This improves blood circulation and metabolism, regulates muscle tension and deeply stimulates the tissue."
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From random house book:

"About The Healing Power of Sound

Numerous studies have demonstrated the health benefits of music: it can lower blood pressure and heart and respiratory rates; reduce cardiac complications; increase the immune response; and boost our natural opiates."
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From apple.com :

"7 Chakras Solfeggio Frequencies
  • Root Chakra (396Hz Destroy Unconscious Blockages) ...
  • Sacral Chakra (417Hz Remove Negative Energy) ...
  • Solar Plexus Chakra (528Hz Bring Positive Transformation) ...
  • Heart Chakra (639Hz Harmonize Relationships) ...
  • Throat Chakra (741 Hz Remove Toxins) ...
  • Third Eye Chakra (852 Hz Love Frequency)"
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From verywellmind.com :

"What does sound healing do to the brain?

Research shows us that sound healing can slow down our brain waves and put our bodies in a very relaxed, dreamlike state. It may also be able to help with certain physical and mental health conditions."
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Here is a link, with a chart showing the necessary attributions to sound and color healing based on the work of Paul F Case:
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Signs & Sounds

Sep 23, 2023
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My wife is a sound therapy practitioner, so we have instruments in the house. I started playing the gongs some months back because they are hanging in our living room and well, I can’t resist the big shiny metal discs.
This has had a profound physical and metaphysical effect on my overall well-being.
Sep 9, 2021
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That's wonderful!! I've wanted to get singing bowls for quite some time, and loved an old wood drum I had as a child.
Now as an adult, I still would like to get a Master Key pipe or harmonica, and a singing bowl to use the chart in the past pino I posted before your reply :)
Sep 9, 2021
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Going to again. I was doing it when I was in Fraternity of the Hidden Light and BOTA. As I recall, it was helpful.
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Optionally, searching out songs of a particular key is alternative to a pitch pipe, singing bowl or harmonica.
I have tried gazing at The Fool major and blowing the correct key on the pitch pipe, which did help dealing with anxiety.
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The major roadblock was I lost all my mail correspondence from FLO ( FotHL, lvx.org ), and from BOTA.
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I had a list of anatomy and physiology, known illnesses and disorders with corresponding color and sound key.
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Hi all,

When I was in Fraternity of the Hidden Light, using Paul F Case as a subject matter expert, the use of color and sound were found to have healing properties.

Has anyone ever tested this?
I guess I've answered my own question, as I have tested this ... Though another subject would be nice for a scientific test on it.
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