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[Opinion] Healing with Magick

Everyone's got one.


Jan 9, 2024
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So I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with healing things modern medicine cannot?
I've read alot about people curing things that doctors would hand wave away as a "miracle case" when working with/devoting their lives to certain entities.

For example the Arthur Moros (pseudonym) was apparently healed from debilitating nerve damage from a car accident after making a pact with Cronos to serve him for the rest of his days.
The entity exploded his scrying orb and visited him in his dreams.
..though that guy died mysteriously before his book was even finished so shrugs

So yeah I don't imagine it's easily achieved on a whim but I'm wondering if anyone here has any experience with healing through LHP they'd be willing to share?


Aug 17, 2023
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So I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with healing things modern medicine cannot?
I've read alot about people curing things that doctors would hand wave away as a "miracle case" when working with/devoting their lives to certain entities.

For example the Arthur Moros (pseudonym) was apparently healed from debilitating nerve damage from a car accident after making a pact with Cronos to serve him for the rest of his days.
The entity exploded his scrying orb and visited him in his dreams.
..though that guy died mysteriously before his book was even finished so shrugs

So yeah I don't imagine it's easily achieved on a whim but I'm wondering if anyone here has any experience with healing through LHP they'd be willing to share?
I've seen minor-league stuff (e.g., improvement in hypertension), but nothing major. In the Moros case, what did "serving" Cronos involve?


Jan 9, 2024
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I've seen minor-league stuff (e.g., improvement in hypertension), but nothing major. In the Moros case, what did "serving" Cronos involve?
Well, after self initiation he states he entity cured him over the course of about a month and it enthused him to finish his studies and become a Scholar.
Moros states in the book he had studied Saturn and his various Cults throughout the ages at an academic level for the remainder of his life and only at the behest of his patron and the publishers owner (David Beth) did the "Arthur Moros" write this manuscript before he died.

It's all very enigmatic and vague but the Cult of the Black Cube along with certain syncronicities have really sold me on learning to work with magick mirrors.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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The book is in the Library in case anyone is interested.

The problem of healing by magic is that it's not very reliable or yielding consistent results (even miracle workers have their off days). A pharmaceutical drug works (hopefully) whether the physician is hungover, in love, hungry, etc. but a healing magician needs to be in peak form in order to achieve results (and not even then success is guaranteed). Healings of psychosomatic illnesses by sorcerous means are pretty well documented but spectacular results such as healing cancer, for example, mostly are reported in anecdotes only. And I won't be able to collect the appropriate herbs in the woods, after all, when I'm struck with a burst appendix...

The LHP is not generally famous for its healing capabilities, or at least its practitioners don't seem to be much interested in them. However, there are definitely possibilities there, for example the Goetia demon Buer who is said to be able to "heal all human infirmities". The largest obstacle there is that widespread LHP 'cult of morbidity' various edgelord oafs seem to be so fond of which turns illnesses and suffering in general into some valiant struggle against a cruel fate (instead of simply taking an aspirin, for example).


Jul 5, 2024
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So I'm wondering if anyone here has experience with healing things modern medicine cannot?
I've read alot about people curing things that doctors would hand wave away as a "miracle case" when working with/devoting their lives to certain entities.

For example the Arthur Moros (pseudonym) was apparently healed from debilitating nerve damage from a car accident after making a pact with Cronos to serve him for the rest of his days.
The entity exploded his scrying orb and visited him in his dreams.
..though that guy died mysteriously before his book was even finished so shrugs

So yeah I don't imagine it's easily achieved on a whim but I'm wondering if anyone here has any experience with healing through LHP they'd be willing to share?
We have saying: Doctor cures, but nature heals.
it means that doctor gives pils, or does chirurgic cuts and then sewing, but that is just changing the conditions for the body, but it's for the body to rebuild, reconnect, regain it's balance. You could say that western medicine heals nothing, only helps the body so it can heal itself.


Apr 29, 2024
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It's not exactly LHP but The Divine Art of Healing by Manly P Hall covers the history of healing magic from witch doctors through Greece, native American cultures, and some modern Era stuff I believe. If the subject interests you, it may be worth a read 🦉


Jan 9, 2024
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The problem of healing by magic is that it's not very reliable or yielding consistent results (even miracle workers have their off days). A pharmaceutical drug works (hopefully) whether the physician is hungover, in love, hungry, etc. but a healing magician needs to be in peak form in order to achieve results (and not even then success is guaranteed). Healings of psychosomatic illnesses by sorcerous means are pretty well documented but spectacular results such as healing cancer, for example, mostly are reported in anecdotes only.

Yeah I know this is a Very high target I'm aiming for. It's called The Great Work for a reason though amirite?

I never expected to find the answers here but it's good to talk things through sometimes. Thanks for reminding me of Buer! The goetia has been buried in my wardrobe for quite some time.

There are more interesting things (I think) to the nightside than the edgelord shit the LHP is famous for.
Will defs be reading that Many P Hall book thanks for the tip🙏


Oct 18, 2024
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Alex Sanders claimed when young he could cure cancer and was working on with a university researching it. He claimedto be healing his wife's mother but said she stopped as she was fearful.

But he died from cancer. Personally I think he was a spoofer and loved media attention as did his wife. I know someone who called her when advertised her magic services and she was really snotty to him.

Her book shows how she loved the TV cameras and attentions.


Aug 14, 2024
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Alex Sanders claimed when young he could cure cancer and was working on with a university researching it. He claimedto be healing his wife's mother but said she stopped as she was fearful.

But he died from cancer. Personally I think he was a spoofer and loved media attention as did his wife. I know someone who called her when advertised her magic services and she was really snotty to him.

People who are into magick are known to lie/extrapolate things they do/have lived in order to make themselves appealing to eyes of the public and gain respect.

Same for dark magicians who understood how sounding bad was time saying to curse someone just by saying you are going to curse him ahaha.