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"How do you know its not all just demons"


Feb 28, 2024
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"What's wrong with all being demons?", I would ask them.

Q: How do you know everything that happens isn't a virtual product of cosmic programming and that everything we feel is bullshit and that our actual selves are balls of some insectoid's shit floating in some remote point of an unknown parallel reality?
A: You don't.

So it's better to stick with your own beliefs rather than to disintegrate every concept to the ground to the point of nothingness, or to give way to the effortless questioning of others. Like "how do you know magick it's anything more than a product of your own imagination?". Fuck if I know, lol. I'm not against the total disintegration attitude, but it's not useful when you try to actually do something.


Dec 18, 2023
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As an agnostic Luciferian I hold the belief that demon/ spirits, whatever you call them are primal forces of nature as well as aspects of ones psyche, so yes, it is all demons but it's also all you.

Ash L.

Jun 16, 2024
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It's simple, silly, sad... yet still fascinating. The minds capacity for compartmentalization has always stunned me. I grew up in a protestant Christian family. I often say those years were my early experience with magic. I get the conceptual distinction between divine powers and little ol' magic (It ain't magic god dammit Jesus was a'doin miracles!) but IDK if it holds water hell we cant lift the hood and get a good look at the mechanisms now can we?
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And dammit I guess if I hit enter in here it's pulling the trigger fo real. I wasn't trying to post that yet but whatever. Was just gonna say I remember vividly being taught and even believing that any spiritual phenomenon whatsoever aside from a miracle of YHWH who of course we didn't call that because as Protestants we either didn't know or didn't care about "God's" name. That shit can do a number on ya, the religious training when you are very young. I am not, like so many people I meet in the magical community, all butthurt about the Christians. There is some power in what they do in terms of healing and exorcising parasites as one poster here called them so to each their own. I agree these people can't be reasoned with. I can't talk to most of my family about what I do because I could not convince them I wasn't possessed or at least being deceived.
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Sep 4, 2023
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Imagine some housebound lunatic saying "There's naught but murderers out there!"


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I see people bring up this point everywhere whenever someone brings up any kind of occult discussion
Well, according to biblical terms.. they demonized the old gods, killed pagans, heathens, heretics/gnostics. So to them they only know the Israelite deity yhwh and “devils and demons” they even confuse Lucifer as Satan when contextually in Isaiah it is most likely speaking of king Nebherkenezzer (sp?) which came from a mistranslation from the Greek transcripts of Phosphorus son of Eos (aka Morning Star/light bearer) translated to Hebrew was Lucifer and they just tossed it in from the Greek translation to Hebrew and Hebrew to English.
so why do they do that? They have no idea they are worshipping an aspect of EL which is a storm god ywhwh, for the Caananites a similar figure would be Ba’al although he is more known for ownership/husbandry/fertility, he like yhwh were said to bring rain until Ba’al, the Israelites demonized ba’al and the Bible follows more of a jewish aspect and chose yhwh and demonized every other deity,
(This is from a historical standpoint, not meant to be offensive to those who feel otherwise as even the historical aspect some is conjecture)
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Well, according to biblical terms.. they demonized the old gods, killed pagans, heathens, heretics/gnostics. So to them they only know the Israelite deity yhwh and “devils and demons” they even confuse Lucifer as Satan when contextually in Isaiah it is most likely speaking of king Nebherkenezzer (sp?) which came from a mistranslation from the Greek transcripts of Phosphorus son of Eos (aka Morning Star/light bearer) translated to Hebrew was Lucifer and they just tossed it in from the Greek translation to Hebrew and Hebrew to English.
so why do they do that? They have no idea they are worshipping an aspect of EL which is a storm god ywhwh, for the Caananites a similar figure would be Ba’al although he is more known for ownership/husbandry/fertility, he like yhwh were said to bring rain until Ba’al, the Israelites demonized ba’al and the Bible follows more of a jewish aspect and chose yhwh and demonized every other deity,
(This is from a historical standpoint, not meant to be offensive to those who feel otherwise as even the historical aspect some is conjecture)
So in short… to them it is all evil deities and demons, we use demons for a short version of daemon and recognize them for who they are, the old gods, deities and forces. Some good some not so good. They take a more zealot approach and stick with dogma and propaganda.
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