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How to break shit


Jul 18, 2021
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I am curious what methods people use to break either another witch's (or magi or warlock or whatever you call yourself) spells cast upon you as well as how you go about destroying someone's protection before you curse them. As far as breaking another's spell, I have not personally been up against anyone powerful enough that the most basic stuff like some spell breaking incense, cleaning my house, floor wash etc has not been enough. However I imagine that I would probably need something more advanced if they were more adept than what I have dealt with so far. As I mentioned in another thread I am in the midst of a witch fight and its starting to get old to say the least. Whole lot of general 'fuck you' curses, protection, and reversals but this person won't stop and I'm tired of it so its looking like about time to end it for good.

The method I have used to destroy someone's protection has been;

Get a substantially sized bone. Write name and birth info on the bone as well as a sigil I use for this specific purpose. Coat it either in spell breaking oil or alternatively protection oil. Light a black candle with certain key words carved into it like 'destruction', 'ruin' etc and then hold the bone over the flame rotating away from myself, covering the whole thing in soot. After it is completely black I keep the flame in the center, rotating away from me, obviously with visualization and witchy ritualistic shit talk until it is worn down enough for me to break with my hands. I then throw away the halves, usually out my car into a ditch a good distance away from eachother. I have also done a similar thing with 5 bones arranged into an inverted pentagram surrounding a fetish link while stating that I destroy their protection corresponding to each element.

So that's my approach anyhow. I wonder if Vine could help with this given His whole 'break down stone walls' thing? Anyone know about that? What do yall do for this sort of thing?


Jun 30, 2021
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It might sound silly, but sending blessings might help.
You had your fun warring, now gracefully thank the warlock from your heart and send blessings and healing. Im not very experienced in working with tools, but me thinks lighting a white candle and burning some sweet incense while radiating forgiveness might bring you far.

If the warlock decides to send it back, you got some nice things coming to you. If the warlock accepts you both gain. Win-win
Jun 29, 2021
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One I have tried, though far from being my usual method, is an appeal to whatever power or goddess the witch holds most dear. I reached out, in a show of humility, and told her that her little witch was acting recklessly, harming others with power the matron was giving her, and sought help creating a working that would strip the witch of agency if she continued this course of action.


Jul 18, 2021
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The matron in this particular issue told me that She fully supported my approach and no longer supported this witch. The impression I have gotten from this matron and others of my spirit/deity posse is that the working is up to me. Sorta feels like a test tbh.
Jun 29, 2021
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The matron in this particular issue told me that She fully supported my approach and no longer supported this witch. The impression I have gotten from this matron and others of my spirit/deity posse is that the working is up to me. Sorta feels like a test tbh.
Sounds like you have a more personal stake than I did. I had never met the spirit before this witch went around hexing my coworkers, and I barely knew the witch herself.


Jun 30, 2021
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Im reading you are a theistic hekatean, so indeed your work is a bit different then mine.
However i didnt mean to sound all fluffy white and shit. What i ment was that overall using rhp tools and healing can do a lot of damage if one is not inclined that way. Forced healing is not a fun ride for example. In the area of spiritual warfare these things are used to destroy enemies and bring them back to baby level.

You say it feels like a test. Ive had several and what made me graduate is getting into my deepest hidden self and act, dont react, from there. The last time i went there, i ate the essence of the attacker and also made sure that my being lives and breathes revenge, from the micro to the macro. I even linked my joy of life to his torture.

Just a few ideas which also can be linked to the tools you use for bane full magick.

For breaking down walls, i would be more inclined to use hacker skills and infiltrate. After that one can send any rotten idea or garbage and place the turmoil and destruction from the inside out. Which is the area of viruses: troyan horses, worms, etc.

I do it this way as it is simpler for me to keep out unwanted emotions and feelings. Pc language is cold hard truth. While i can be a softy. 😉


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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I'm not all that curse-happy myself, but I have broken some and then bounced em back. I find that rue is really good for this, though sadly I've developed an allergy now. So I have to handle it with gloves.
Sep 9, 2021
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Aint violence wonderful...magickal or not? As far as breaking shit, Im a retarded neophyte, so anyone battling me would be like a war at a special olympics outing.