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[Tutorial] How to calm yourself with the Wayfarers Prayer and Lords Prayer

Informative post.
Often we are in such a state because we have not been breathing properly, and have mistaken an illusion for the real thing.
1. Begin rhythmic breathing to the count of 4 or 5 seconds - Breathe in 4, Hold 4, Out 4, Pause 4. Continue and repeat.
2. Begin Body Awareness. Notice where tension is and visualize a golden ball of light there resolving pain or tension, anywhere in the body until the entire body glows.
3. Sit comfortably, breathing rhythmically.

4. Perform the Qaballistic Cross Ritual
Qabalistic Cross Ritual (Or perform SC - Sacred Chamber Ritual)
- Face East, standing
- Close your eyes and visualize yourself growing taller and taller, until the galaxy is beneath your feet, and the twilight sky eye opens to the bright star.
- If you dont see it, visualize it and know it is there, draw that light to your forehead and vibrate ATOH (AH-TOE) (Thou Art)
- Visualize as you point to your feet another orb of brilliant white light at the feet, and a shaft of light down the body. Say MALKUTH (MALL-KOOTH) (the Kingdom)
- Tap your right shoulder and see a brilliant orb of light there, say VE-GEBURAH (VAY GEB-OOR-RAH) (and the power)
- Tap your left shoulder and say with the brilliant orb of light there, VE-GEDULAH (VAY GED-OO-LAH) (and the glory)
- Stretch arms open wide in the form of. cross and say LE-OLAM (LAY OH-LAHM) (forever and ever). AMEN.

5. Perform the LBRP
- Now that the QCR is done, continue standing facing East.
- Draw a large pentagram with the left index finger, starting at the left foot, going upwards at an angle, down to the right foot, up to the left shoulder, across to the right shoulder, and back down to the left foot. Say YHVH (YODE-HAY-VAWV-HAY).
- Turn right two steps facing South. Repeat the same thing, saying here, ADONAI (AH-DOUGH-NYE-EE)
- Turn right two steps, facing West. Repeat the same steps, saying here, EHIEH (EH-UH-HUH-AE)
- Turn right two steps, facing North. Repeat the same steps, saying here, AGLA (AH GUH LA AA)
Clasp left hand over breast, right arm and hand over the left, and say:
Before me, RAPHAEL
Behind me, GABRIEL
At my right hand MICHAEL
At my left hand AURIEL
For around me flames the Pentagram, and within me stands the Six Rayed Star. (Visualize a star of David, Fire triangle Red, Water triangle Blue) in chest.
Repeat the QCR or SC

6. Alteative to QCR - Sacred Chamber
Stand still and take few deep breaths.Visualize about 1ft wide orb of white light about 1 or 2 feet above your head.
Point at the orb with your index finger and say: "Crown above my head, Kether".
Visualize a ray of the white light descending through your body down to the core of Earth while guiding it with your index finger.
Say: "Kingdom under my feet, Malkuth".
Open your arms like you are welcoming someone and during opening your arms, visualize the ray of the light becoming thicker and thicker till it covers the whole room or space around you. During this say "Through the worlds".
When you are finished, standing with your hands wide open, say "Back to the Adam Kadmon".

7. The Wayfarer Prayer from the Siddur
Stand facing East, and say:
"May it be Your will, HASHEM, our God and the God of our forefathers that Youlead us toward peace, emplace our footsteps toward peace, guide us toward peace, and make us reach our desired destination for life, gladness, and peace. May You rescue us from the hand of every foe, ambush, bandits, and evil animals along the way, and from all manner of punishments that assemble to come to earth. May You send blessing in our every handiwork, and grant us grace, kindness, and mercy in Your eyes and in the eyes of all who see us. May You hear the sound of our supplication, because You are God Who hears prayer and supplication. Blessed are You, HASHEM, Who heard prayer.

Repeat below 3x
Jacob went on his way, and angels of God encountered him. Jacob said when he saw them, This is a Godly camp. So he named the place Machanayim.

Repeat below 3x
For Your salvationI do long, HASHEM. I do long, HASHEM, for Your salvation. HASHEM, for Your salvation I do long.

Repeat below 3x
Behold I send an angel before you to protect you on the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.

Repeat below 3x
HASHEM will give might to His nation, HASHEM will bless His nation with peace.

8. Pray the Lords Prayer:
Our Father, Who is in Heaven, Holy is Your name.
Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the Evil One.
For Yours is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory forever, Amen.

9. Ground yourself and meditate and journal.

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DISCLAIMER: None of these rituals are from my own creativity, if asked, I will give detail ops where I found the ritual.

I can thank in advance Akenu, Donald M Kraig, Chic and Tabitha Cicero, Israel Regardie, the Siddur, and the Bible.
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